A Populus Perspective TRUST & REPUTATION 2015 One Day


A Populus Perspective


One Day Conference, 2 July 2015, London

Businesses are operating in a climate of mistrust – trust in big business amongst consumers and increasingly amongst regulators is at an all-time low following high profile media coverage of issues as varied as corporate taxation, supply chain hygiene, data security, workforce exploitation and executive remuneration. Corporate reputations are vulnerable to sustained attack when a business is seen to be operating in a way that contravenes public opinion, even if it does not contravene the law – damaging profits, share price and operational effectiveness. Organisations which have a good reputation are demonstrably more able to weather a media storm – the need to (re)build a good reputation from the inside out, to prepare for and manage reputation crises, to project corporate reputation effectively and earn the trust of consumer and stakeholders is now at the top of most Boardroom agendas.

This Populus Perspective on Trust & Reputation is designed to provide a clearer understanding of the landscape of opinion in which British business is operating and to create an opportunity for those responsible for managing, defending and projecting reputation to share best practice. The one day agenda will provide ideas and tools for improving and delivering an effective, integrated approach to reputation management.

Chair: Rita Clifton CBE

Chair, Populus and BrandCap

08:30 Registration

09:00 Welcome

09:15 Keynote: Reputation and Leadership

A board room perspective on how reputation management should sit at the heart of the organisation. How can business leaders identify and integrate the values that will earn trust - what are the potential obstacles and how can they be overcome?

Graham Beale, CEO, Nationwide

09:45 The Trust & Reputation Landscape

New research produced by Populus in partnership with Reputation.com, providing a better understanding of the many faces of corporate reputation. From a consumer segmentation analysis based on attitudes to business practice and corporate reputation, learn more about the trigger factors or tipping points that could impact upon reputation.

Laurence Stellings, Associate Director, Populus Politics & Reputation

10:15 The Trust in Business Zeitgeist

Our morning panellists provide their perspective on changing attitudes to business practice and expectations of responsible capitalism.

Panel chair: Andrew Cooper, Lord Cooper of Windrush, Founder & Director, Populus


Simon Walker, Director General, Institute of Directors

Stephen Howard, CEO, Business in the Community

Ruth Sunderland, Associate City Editor, Daily Mail

Mark Pendlington, Anglian Water Group Director & Chair of New Anglia LEP

Lornia Tilbian, Executive PLC Director, Numis Securities

11:00 Refreshments

11:30 Rebuilding the Triangle of Trust

Focusing on the trust relationship between business and the media and business and government, Sir Nigel will share findings from two previous DLA Piper studies tracking a breakdown in trust and, from work with the SAID Business School, will propose solutions for rebuilding a more constructive relationship

Sir Nigel Knowles, Global Co-Chairman, DLA Piper

11:50 Identifying Triggers for Reputational Risk

A panel discussion including the legal, investor relations, public affairs and communications’ perspectives.

Oliver Parry, Senior Corporate Governance Adviser, Institute of Directors

Jonathan Refoy, Director of European Corporate Affairs, CH2M Hill

Lesley Smith, Director Public Policy, UK & Ireland, Amazon

Rebecca Reilly, Head of Corporate Communications, Sainsbury's

Anthony Browne, CEO, British Bankers’ Association

12:45 Lunch

14:00 Building Trust in the International Charity Sector

Sir Brendan will share the challenges of building trust with many different communities, governments and within the charitable world. He will focus on the landscape of trust for NGOs amongst government and the public, learning lessons from Rwanda and from the Disasters &

Emergencies Committee’s priorities and challenges and the role of strong leadership in the NGO sector.

Sir Brendan Gormley, KCMG, MBE, Chair, CDAC & Chair, INGO Accountability Charter

14:30 Understanding Trust: Rebuilding McDonald’s Reputation

Nick has been at the centre of McDonald’s trust strategy over the last decade and will share what he has learned about consumer and stakeholder trust, how you lose it and how regaining can have an immediate impact on the bottom line. His presentation will focus on the action-led recovery plan which focused on all areas of the business.


Nick Hindle, Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer, McDonald’s

15:00 Afternoon refreshments

15:30 Understanding the Role of Communication in Building Reputation

Results from a new international research study by MHP, powered by Populus

Understanding how consumers in the UK and across Europe view key industry sectors

How do consumers perceive business’s recognition of their responsibility to society, their role as employers and the requirement to behave ethically

Understanding attitudes to regulation and the relationship between government and big business

Which communication approaches build reputation and earn trust?

Gavin Devine, CEO, MHP Communications

15:55 Building Reputation from the Inside Out

David Wheldon, Chief Marketing Officer, RBS

16:20 Closing Keynote: The New Reputation Economy

Businesses know that they need to put in place an online reputation management strategy, but is

UK business ready for the future impact of changing online behaviour? What is there to learn from the new business models so successfully developed by the likes of Uber and Airbnb? How much should business leaders also focus on their personal reputation online? Our keynote speaker is an internet entrepreneur who has pioneered online reputation management and authored the New York Times’ bestseller list “The Reputation Economy” – his closing keynote will provide eye opening insights.

Michael Fertik, CEO, Reputation.com

16:45 Chair’s Summing Up

17:00 Close of Conference
