Unit 7 - Высшая школа экономики

1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text “Another cup
of tea” and translate them into Russian.
1 printed circuits scattered over…
2 the thin wires of railways
3 crammed into rush hour buses
4 all the noise and commotion
5 pebble-dashed semis
6 the immense complex of operations
7 the mining of coal
8 to carry the current
9 the welding of the metal into the kettle's shell
10 scores of other components
11 wholesale and retail outlets
12 the calculation of the price
13 the distribution of value added
2. In the text “Another cup of tea” find the English equivalents for the
following phrases.
1 не задумывающиеся о том, как они вписываются в общую картину
2 строительство и содержание электростанций
3 выкачивание нефти
4 прокладывание кабеля
5 резка металла
6 изоляция резиной
7 пластиковые детали
8 упаковка чайника
9 рекламирование чайника
10 добыча угля
11 сборка деталей
12 магазины оптовой и розничной торговли
13 склад
3 These words are from the texts of this unit. Complete the table below.
to intend
4. Complete the following passage using the, a/an or the zero article (-).
Issues for service providers
Service providers face 1 ____ obstacles selling services that goods-sellers rarely
face. 2 ___ services are not tangible, making it difficult for 3 ___ potential
customers to understand what they will receive and what value it will hold for
them. Indeed some, such as consulting and investment services, offer no
guarantees of 4 ___ value for price paid.
Since 5 ___ quality of most services depends largely on 6 ___ quality of the
individuals providing the services, it is true that “people costs” are 7 ___ high
component of service costs. Whereas 8 ___ manufacturer may use technology,
simplification, and other techniques to lower the cost of goods sold, the service
provider often faces 9 ___ unrelenting pattern of increasing costs.
10 ___ differentiation is often difficult. How does one choose one investment
adviser over another, since they (and hotel providers, leisure companies, and
consultants, as well as many others) often seem to provide identical services?
Charging 11 ___ premium for services is usually 12 ___ option only for 13 ___
most established firms, who charge 14 ___ extra based upon brand recognition.
5. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each
As well as being 1 ____ to each other on the periodic table, copper, nickel and zinc
share several traits. 2 _____ other commodities such as oil and gold, the prices of
all three are soaring again after a crisis-induced collapse. Metals prices 3 _____
over the past year.
Copper, used for electrical wiring and in construction, has had the most striking
ascent. It briefly 4 _____ above $8,000 a tonne on April 6th, its highest level since
August 2008. Nickel, mainly used to make stainless steel, 5 _____ 32% since the
start of 2010. Zinc, lead, tin and aluminium have also run up 6 _____ over the past
7 _____ optimism about the world economy helps explain why prices are surging.
News from developed economies 8 _____ sunnier. And metal-hungry China (it
consumes a third of the world’s base metals) is expected to grow 9 _____ that its
metal demand 10 _____ return to pre-crisis levels in a year or so.
A closely
A Like
A doubled
B close
B As
B had doubled
C the close
C Because
C have doubled
D closest
D Since
D double
A rose
A gained
A smart
A To grow
A has become
A very fast
A must
B raised
B had gained
B very smart
B Grown
B have become
B very fastly
B should
C have risen
C has gained
C smarter
C Growing
C had become
C so fast
C has to
D have raised
D gain
D smartly
D Grow
D became
D so fastly
D could
6. Fill in the missing prepositions in the following text. Use one of the
prepositions from the box where necessary.
Theory of progression
Economies tend to follow a developmental progression that takes them 1 ____ a
heavy reliance 2 ____ agriculture and mining, toward the development of
manufacturing (e.g. automobiles, textiles, shipbuilding, steel) and finally toward a
more service based structure. Whereas the first economy to follow this path in the
modern world was the United Kingdom, the speed 3 ___ which other economies
have later made the transition 4 ____ service-based, sometimes called postindustrial, has accelerated 5 ___ time.
Historically, manufacturing tended to be more open 6 ____ international trade and
competition than services. As a result, there has been a tendency 7 ___ the first
economies to industrialize to come 8 ___ competitive attack by those seeking to
industrialize later, e.g. because production, especially labour, costs are lower in
those industrializing later. The resultant shrinkage of manufacturing in the leading
economies might explain their growing reliance on the service sector.
However, currently and prospectively, with dramatic cost reduction and speed and
reliability improvements in the transportation 9 ___ people and the communication
10 ___ information, the service sector now includes some of the most intensive
international competition, despite residual protectionism.
7. Insert the suitable words into the gaps (two words are odd).
Is Manufacturing Still the Main Engine of Growth in Developing Countries?
Since the late 18th century, the manufacturing sector has been the main engine of
growth. Presently, however, service sector value added accounts for over 70 per
cent of GDP in advanced economies. In addition, ICT services have become
important sources of growth in developing countries. These 1 ____ the question
whether the manufacturing sector will continue to be the same for developing
countries in the 21st century.
We briefly examine some arguments for the importance of 2 ____ manufacturing
for growth. First, there are empirical correlations between the degree of
industrialisation and per capita income in developing countries. They are not
perfect, but the poorest countries are invariably the least industrialised ones and the
more successful developing countries are at the upper end of the scale.
Second, productivity is higher in the manufacturing sector than in the agricultural
sector. The transfer of resources from agriculture to manufacturing provides a
structural change bonus.
Third, manufacturing is assumed to be more dynamic than other sectors. A 3 ____
of productive resources to more dynamic sectors contributes to growth. As in the
advanced economies, productivity growth in agriculture in developing countries
tends to be higher than in manufacturing. In terms of output growth, manufacturing
continues to 4 ____ agriculture in both advanced and developing economies,
because the share of manufacturing in the total economy is 5 ____ everywhere.
Fourth, compared to agriculture, the manufacturing sector offers speci ea al
opportunities for capital accumulation. Capital accumulation can be more sily
realised in spatially concentrated manufacturing than in spatially dispersed
agriculture. This is one of the reasons why the emergence of manufacturing has
been so important in growth and development.
Fifth, the manufacturing sector offers special opportunities for economies of scale,
which are less 6 ____ in agriculture or services.
Next, the manufacturing sector offers special opportunities for both embodied and
disembodied technological progress. Technological advance is concentrated in the
manufacturing sector and diffuses from there to other economic sectors such as the
service sector. Though technological 7 ____ in service sectors continues to
accelerate, this aspect of manufacturing continues to be very important for
developing countries engaged in catch up.
Finally, as per capita incomes 8 ____ , the share of agricultural expenditure in total
expenditure 9 ____ and the share of expenditure on manufactured goods increases
(Engel’s law). Countries specialising in agricultural and primary production will
not profit from 10 ____ world markets for manufacturing goods.
8. Render the following text.
Уровень развития экономики характеризуется степенью ее зависимости от
природной среды. Исторически первым сложился так называемый
первичный сектор экономики, включающий сельское хозяйство и добычу
полезных ископаемых для собственных нужд. На этом секторе базировалась
экономика всех человеческих обществ вплоть до XVII века.
Возникновение вторичного сектора – перерабатывающей промышленности –
ознаменовало становление нового типа экономики, индустриальной.
Осознание этого далось человечеству с большим трудом. Еще в середине
XVIII века наиболее влиятельная экономическая школа – физиократы –
утверждала, что добавленная стоимость создается лишь в первичном секторе,
а вторичный сектор осуществляет лишь перераспределение богатств и по
сути паразитирует на первичном.
В XX веке наука стала непосредственной производительной силой. Над
производством товаров надстроился третичный сектор – производство услуг,
технологий, программного обеспечения и прочих нематериальных богатств,
оптимизация финансовых потоков, логистика. Некоторое время его не
признавали в качестве производителя добавленной стоимости, повторяя
ошибку физиократов двухвековой давности.
Последнее десятилетие XX века вывело на первые роли четвертичный сектор
– производство фундаментальных результатов и формирование уровня
квалификации работников. В первой трети XXI века на первый план выйдет
пятеричный сектор, связанный с формированием мотиваций.
accompany /v/
added value
advanced country
approximate /adj/
assemble /v/
bauxite /n/
call center
circuit /n/
coil /n/
commodity /n/
commotion /n/
convincing /adj/
cost /n/
cram /v/
crude /adj/
current /adj/
delocalize /v/
dip /v/
dramatic /adj/
сопровождать, следовать вместе
стоимость, добавленная обработкой
развитая страна
приблизительный, примерный
собирать, монтировать
боксит, алюминиевая руда
центр обработки вызовов, заказов
1) окружность, круг; схема; 2) район, участок
змеевик; виток, кольцо; электр. катушка
предмет потребления
беспокойство; суета, суматоха
цена, стоимость; (мн.ч) издержки
впихивать, втискивать ( into )
необработанный, неочищенный
зд. электр. ток; течение
уменьшаться; ухудшаться
зд. падать, понижаться
впечатляющий; значительный
добывание, извлечение
грузоподъемность; груз; стоимость перевозки
неизбежно, неминуемо
намереваться; планировать
реактивный самолет
производить, изготовлять
зд. дробить, измельчать (руду); обрабатывать
станке; фрезеровать
nut/ n/
зд. гайка
ore /n/
outlet /n/
зд. торговая точка; магазин
output /n/
продукция; выпуск; выработка
outsource /v/
извлекать из внешних источников (в отличие от
получения собственными силами); переводить
произ-во в регион с менее дорогой рабочей силой,
снижая себестоимость
pebble dash
каменная штукатурка ( наружная )
prominent /adj/
заметный, видный
property /n/
имущество; собственность
подача насосом; выкачивание
quaternary /adj/
четвертичный; четвертый
and научно-исследовательские
конструкторские работы
raw material
rivet /n/
scatter /v/
разбрасывать, раскидывать
scores /pl. n/
зд. множество
screw /n/
болт, винт, шуруп
semi-detached house
одноквартирный дом, имеющий общую стену с
соседним домом
shell /n/
зд. остов; каркас
shrink /v/
уменьшаться, сокращаться
slide (slid) /v/
скользить; двигаться плавно
smelt /v/
spout /n/
носик (сосуда)
spring /n/
зд. пружина, рессора
tertiary /adj/
третичный; третий
trimming /n/
1) аксессуары; арматура 2) орнамент, отделка
turnaround /n/
полное изменение
turnover /n/
warehouse /n/
товарный склад; большой магазин
washer /n/
зд. шайба
weld /v/
wholesale /adj/
freight /n/
immense /adj/
inevitably /adv/
insulation /n/
intend /v/
jet /n/
manufacture /v/
mill /v/