
Citation #7:
How to Become a Neonatal Nurse | Neonatal Nursing Schools and Careers. (2014, July 8).
Retrieved April 21, 2015, from
Abstract/Summary of the source in your own words (5-6 sentences):
Neonatal nursing consists of nurses that care for infants that have been born prematurely or
have health problems like birth defects or infections. The journey of becoming a neonatal nurse
is not just finding a job at a hospital; it is comprised of gaining knowledge needed to care for the
tiniest patients in the hospital, and most of who have major health challenges. During a shift,
neonatal nurses may be in charge of one to four different babies, and they will be responsible
for monitoring the newborns, changing diapers, giving medicine, and assisting families in their
understanding of their babies needs. To become a neonatal nurse you must first graduate from
an accredited school of nursing. After graduation you need to gain experience in pediatrics and
neonatal care, and then you have the choice to become certified.
Evaluation of the source in your own judgment as it relates to the topic (5-6 sentences) –
consider the scholarship, credibility, intended audience, and the overall contribution to your
This article is very credible, and it has great sources of information. I think that the intended
audience for the article includes anyone who is interested in becoming a registered nurse and
specializing in the field of neonatal nursing. This article is a tremendous contribution to my
topic. At the beginning of this semester my goal was to better understand what it takes to
become a NICU nurse, and I think that this article does a great job at breaking down what you
are responsible for as a neonatal nurse and also what it takes to become one. The salary that
neonatal nurses make is also broken down in this article, and it also provides the reader with a
list of schools that are accredited. I found this website extremely helpful, and it provided me
with the knowledge that I need to further my career after I graduate from nursing school.