Name: __________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________ Energy and Work Project (will be used as assessment grade) Dessert: Save the Princess, Storm the Castle! Dessert can be shared (like lots of forks to share the chocolate volcano-friends can do this part together , but extra credit will be given to those working alone) The student(s) must bring the machine in on testing day. The parts of the machine must all be classroom-safety approved. The packets must be completed by each student. CATEGORY Function/fulfilled task 20 Structure functions extraordinarily well, holding up under atypical stresses. 17 Structure functions well, holding up under typical stresses. 14 Structure functions pretty well, but deteriorates under typical stresses. 10 Fatal flaws in function with complete failure under typical stresses. Diagrams/ packet fully done Diagram is neat with clear measurements and labeling for all components. All sections of packet completed Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better. Diagram is neat with clear measurements and labeling for most components. Most sections of packet completed Appropriate materials were selected and there was an attempt at creative modification to make them even better. Diagram provides clear measurements and labeling for most components. Some sections of packet completed Appropriate materials were selected. Construction - Care Taken Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately. Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Presentation Explanations indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Explanations indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Construction accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Explanations indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Diagram does not show measurements clearly or is otherwise inadequately labeled. Some sections of packet completed Inappropriate materials were selected and contributed to a product that performed poorly. Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. Construction Materials Explanations do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Original “Brain Pop” Video Create a short video (3-4 minutes) that you could use to teach 4th grade students about the six simple machines. The video should resemble the “Brain Pop” style videos, but MUST be original. You may look to the Internet for inspiration, but do not copy someone else’s work. Be creative and appropriate. You may have other students in your video, but each student must submit their own, original video. You can film the video, or you may use a program such as to create an animated video. Presentation – Student will play his/her video for the class. Written Paragraph – Describe the video. This includes a description of the 6 simple machines. This can be a script of the video. Story Board – Must include a labeled story board. CATEGORY 20 17 14 10 Originality Presentation shows Presentation shows some Presentation shows an Presentation is a considerable originality originality and attempt at originality rehash of other and inventiveness. The inventiveness. The content and inventiveness on people\'s ideas and/or content and ideas are and ideas are presented in 1-2 cards. graphics and shows presented in a unique an interesting way. very little attempt at and interesting way. original thought. Content All content throughout Most of the content is The content is Content is typically Accuracy the presentation is accurate but there is one generally accurate, confusing or contains accurate. There are no piece of information that but one piece of more than one factual factual errors. might be inaccurate. information is clearly error. flawed or inaccurate. Effectiveness Project includes all Project includes most Project is missing Project is lacking material needed to gain a material needed to gain a more than two key several key elements comfortable comfortable understanding elements. It is and has inaccuracies understanding of the of the material but is incomplete. that make it poor. topic. It is highly lacking one or two key effective. elements. It is adequate. Digital Picture is high quality. Picture is good quality. The The pictures are of No picture taken OR Camera Use The main subject is in main subject is not quite in marginal quality. The picture of poor focus, centered, and of focus, but is it is clear what subject is in focus but quality. an appropriate size the picture is about. it is not clear what the compared to other picture is about. objects in the picture. Use of All graphics are attractive A few graphics are not All graphics are Several graphics are Graphics (size and colors) and attractive but all support attractive but a few unattractive AND support the the theme/content of the do not seem to detract from the theme/content of the presentation. support the content of the presentation. theme/content of the presentation. presentation. Additional Notes This is an INDIVIDUAL project. In order to be successful on this project, you must work industriously. You must follow ALL of the instructions on the sheets! You will have little or no class time to work on this project; it will need to be completed at home. You must use materials found around the house to make the machine. You may not spend more than $1.00 on materials. I certify that my student spent less than $1.00 _____________________________. Parent Signature All projects must be complete by the time you walk into my classroom on Monday, December, 10. You will NOT have ANY time to work on your projects on that day because the presentations will be that day. Late projects will be penalized. Specifically, for every day that the project is turned in late, 10 points will be deducted. In order to earn the total amount of points for the project, students must turn it in on time and follow ALL instructions on this rubric.