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Urban Earth Baby
Postpartum Care Services
Placenta Encapsulation
Basic Preparation-$225.00
Inspired by the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of preparation involves cleaning the placenta, gently heating
the placenta and then dehydrating the placenta before it is put into capsules. Using this preparation is thought to
bring out the placentas healing and tonifying properties.
RAW Placenta Encapsulation-$225.00
The RAW method of preparation skips the heating and herbal process altogether. The placenta is still sliced,
dehydrated and ground into a powder for the capsules. Raw food activists believe that steaming the placenta
destroys some of the essential nutrients. Using this option provides a burst of energy upfront and great hormone
Traditional Chinese Method-$285.00
Still utilizing the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of preparation, your placenta is encapsulated using
personalized, prescribed Chinese herbs. These herbs, either raw or powdered, would then be encapsulated with a
portion of your placenta. Choosing this package not only ensure that you reap the benefits of your placenta, but
also the healing and wellness provided by the Chinese herbs that are added.
*Herbs used will vary from client to client. Please allow an additional 24 hours for preparation.
*These services include a prenatal meet & greet, picking up your placenta, encapsulation, cord keepsake,
placenta prints, delivery of placenta capsules and a 6 week postpartum follow-up.
Placenta Smoothie -$35.00 ($150.00 a la carte)
Having a fruit smoothie with a bit of raw placenta added gives the mom a great energy boost, satisfies post-birth
thirst and hunger while providing the immediate benefits of the placenta. The smoothie tastes no different than a
regular, placenta-free smoothie. You have your choice of fruit and also dairy/vegan. A great starter while you are
waiting for your capsules to arrive.
Placenta Tincture -$35.00 (4 oz.), $45.00 (6 oz.), $55.00 (10 oz.)
Putting part of your placenta in tincture form is another way to stretch out its longevity. A small portion of
placenta is added to >100 proof alcohol and set to ferment for 6 weeks. Some of the benefits include hormone
stabilization in your postpartum cycles, less bleeding during those cycles, energy and for menopause years down
the road. The female child can also benefit from placental tincture once she begins her menstruation cycles.
Placental Salve - $40.00
A salve or balm made of your placenta and a variety of healing herbs and oils offers healing properties to C-section
scars once they are healed, hemorrhoids, perineal tearing, cracked or blistered nipples, eczema, sun burn, diaper
rash (can be made cloth diaper safe!), skin irritation and more. You have the option to choose which herbs are
added to your salve such as lavender, chamomile or vanilla.
Think of the salve as a super healing, natural triple antibiotic ointment!
Placenta Printmaking and Cord Keepsakes -$50.00
*These services are free with any encapsulation, tinctures or salve purchase.
Your beautiful placenta is painted with blood or with colored juices to make a forever lasting imprint of your
placenta. Your umbilical cord is then removed and dried into whatever shape you desire. You have the option of
paying $10.00 more and having your dried umbilical cord made into a dream catcher for your baby.
Belly Binding-$75.00
Bengkung belly binding is the Malay tradition of binding a new mother’s abdomen and hips while she recovers
from birth. Binding also encourages your stomach muscles which have separated during pregnancy, to strengthen
back together in a shorter period of time, helps to reshape your hips and helps to support posture while breast
feeding. It is performed by the specialist and done 2-3 days post vaginal birth and no sooner than 2 weeks for a Csection birth.
*prices may be subject to accommodate travel fees
Cord and Placenta Separation Methods
Delayed Cord Clamping
It is recommended to wait at least 3 minutes before clamping a newborns umbilical cord. Waiting up to 3 hours
has the most effective results for the newborn. The placenta is still functioning for the newborn and even passes
on cancer fighting T-Cells through the umbilical cord into the newborn post birth. Allowing time for the nutrient
and Stem cell rich blood to enter the newborns body ensures that the newborn with have the best possible start to
a healthy, long life.
Cord Burning
This ceremony is a very personal and gentle way to sever the bond between baby and placenta. When the cord
burning is taking place baby is often very quiet, alert and happy. Cord burning is also the most sterile way to
separate baby and placenta post birth. The burning cauterizes the end of the umbilical, protecting the baby from
bacteria and neonatal tetanus. This is a great time for breastfeeding and to reflect on your birth.
Lotus Birth
The act of lotus birthing is leaving baby, umbilical and placenta attached for days while the umbilical and placenta
dry out, naturally and gently detaching from baby. Lotus birth is the biological way to sever the bond. It is beautiful
and reflective. This is encouraged by rubbing salts and herbs into the raw placenta to preserve the tissue. It is
common misconception that you cannot choose both lotus birth and placenta encapsulation. As long as the
placenta is taken care of properly and diligently during the lotus birth, the salting preserves the tissue, similar to
salting fish or meat, and the placenta can be rinsed, steamed, dehydrated and put into capsules. Another benefit
of lotus birth is it truly encourages the mother to take a babymoon. The babymoon is the period after birth in
which the mother is laying with her newborn, bonding, nursing and cuddling skin to skin. The final welcoming and
merging of two souls.
Release of Photo & Video Footage
_____________________ (Mothers initials) on the _________ day of _________ in the year _______ hereby
any and all photographs and videotaping of the placenta (produced at the birth of Mother’s child or in the
case of multiples) and/or process to her hired placenta specialist for marketing, social media, educational
or instructional purposes.
Mother agrees to give rights to __________________________ to present and use photographs and
video footage of said placenta and/or process during any workshop, class, seminar or teaching curriculum.
Mother understands that all personal information including name, date of birth, address or child’s name will
remain confidential. There will be no distinguishing information about the placenta shared.
Mother understands that the placenta will be prepared in:
Mother’s own home
Specialists Home
and releases her hired placenta specialist of all liability during transfer and processing. Mother also
understands that her hired placenta specialist will watermark all pictures or videography of the placenta to
ensure safe usage.
_____________________________ will not use any photographs or video footage for anything other
than marketing, educational and instructional purposes and agrees to full protection of any information
regarding the mother and child.
Liability Form
I, ____________________________ (Client’s Initials/EDD) understand and acknowledge that in accordance to my
state laws and bylaws, choosing to encapsulate my placenta is not intended to prevent or treat any physical or
mental diseases, ailments or symptoms and that I am choosing to consume my placenta for my own personal
beliefs, whether it be spiritual or cultural. The basic risks of having your placenta encapsulated are:
*Unsanitary conditions. If the placenta is prepared in a kitchen that is dirty you run the risk of viral and bacterial
*Improper sanitizing techniques. This puts you and your client at risk for cross contamination, the spreading of
blood borne pathogens and rancid blood.
*Pathology. When the placenta is sent to pathology there are always risks associated. There is a chance that the
placenta has been contaminated with chemicals, that the equipment used for examination has not been properly
sterilized and even the placenta that was returned not belonging to your client.
*Too little dehydration. If the placenta is not dehydrated at a high enough temperature, or if it was ground and
encapsulated prematurely you run the risk of fungus, mold and bacterial contamination. This can make the mother
and breastfeeding baby very ill.
I acknowledge that my placenta specialist has provided me with concrete information about both the benefits and
risks of placenta encapsulation, and have read all included documents. I understand that my placenta has been
handled and encapsulated according to OSHA and State Food Safety and Handling standards, and has been
cleaned, cooked, dehydrated and put into pill form in a sanitary and sterile work space. Upon receiving my
placenta capsules from my placenta specialist, I waive any and all rights to hold the specialist responsible for any
undesired effect of consuming the capsules. This may include an oversupply in milk, hormonal shift, anxiety or
sleeplessness. These side effects are rare, but have been reported. I agree to contact my placenta specialist
immediately if and when I experience any of these side effects. My specialist agrees to a 6 week postpartum
checkup. I do not hold my placenta specialist responsible or liable for any transport mishap that is beyond their
control (ex. car accident or detainment), and understand that I am choosing to have the specialist encapsulate my
In my own home
In specialists home
If my placenta is not encapsulated in my own home, I put full trust and acknowledgement that it is being handled
in a sanitary and safe environment. I put trust and faith that my placenta specialist has been training correctly to
prepare placenta remedies. I have provided my placenta specialist with recent blood documentation stating that I
have been tested for STD’s and the results were negative. If my blood results indicate hepatitis, HIV/AIDS or
Herpes virus, I understand that I will allow my placenta specialist to prepare in my home, using some of my own
supplies. Universal precautions for sanitizing are the same with each client. I understand and trust that my
placenta specialist retains blood work records for each client and that I am protected. I understand that upon
receiving the pills, my placenta specialist is no longer liable, including but not limited to any other person(s)
ingesting my own placenta capsules.
Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation is the act of taking a fresh, raw placenta, washing the placenta, steaming or slicing the
placenta raw, dehydrating, grinding and putting the placenta powder into consumable capsules. The type of birth
you have (vaginal, C-section, or choosing to have an epidural) does not affect the ability to encapsulate. All
processes are done with respect and education of that placenta and in a sanitary environment. My business is
adhering to strict OSHA guidelines and I am following proper food safety standards. The placenta capsules that are
being prepared are for your (owner of the placenta) consumption only and are not designed to reverse medical
conditions or ailments from pregnancy, to treat postpartum depression, to ensure normal milk supply or to replace
medical attention. I am not a licensed medical professional such as a care provider or physician and I am not able
to diagnose, treat or prescribe for any health condition. Services and fees are for the service of encapsulating your
placenta, not for the sale of the capsules. Each woman will react to her placenta capsules in different ways. Some
of the ascribed benefits of placenta consumption are supported by ongoing research; however these benefits have
not been evaluated or approved by the United States government or the Food and Drug Administration. It is your
responsibility to determine whether using placenta capsules can be beneficial to your wellbeing postpartum.
Client Responsibility
It is your responsibility to notify me within 8 hours of the birth so that we can work together to make
arrangements for pickup or drop off. Failure to do so may result in delayed placenta preparation and encapsulation
and may cause decreased potency of nutrients, hormones, and other beneficial attributes of the placenta.
Improper storage of the placenta prior to pick up or drop off may result in spoilage. It is your responsibility to
discuss release of your placenta from the facility where you will give birth during the prenatal period and to ensure
proper storage of your placenta in a refrigerator or cooler. This can be done by placing the placenta on ice until it
can be retrieved for preparation and encapsulation. Freezing you placenta may take an additional 10-72 hours to
It is also your responsibility to inform me of any known blood borne illness (es) or other health issues (such as HIV,
hepatitis, etc.) that could place me or any others who may come in contact with your bodily fluids (specifically
maternal and fetal blood as well as amniotic fluid) at risk. Some specific sexually transmitted diseases such as
Hepatitis or herpes may preclude me from offering placenta encapsulation in my home.
My responsibilities include maintaining client confidentiality, committing to preparing and returning your capsules
within 72 hours of receiving your placenta (usually within 36-48 hours), and upholding the highest standards of
cleanliness, safety, and quality of professional placenta preparation services. In the event that I am unable to be
available for your placenta encapsulation, I will provide a backup placenta specialist who is capable of providing
It is important to understand that there may be circumstances in which your placenta cannot be used. Significant
abnormalities of the placenta may necessitate your doctor or midwife sending your placenta to Pathology for
further examination. Once the placenta has been released to Pathology, I will not be able to encapsulate without
an additional waiver. Other conditions, such as signs of infection in the mother during labor, may mean that
consuming your placenta could be harmful to your health. I will always consult with you prior to making a choice
on whether or not your placenta is viable for ingestion. It should be possible to claim your placenta after caesarean
surgery. It is important that you let me know if you have any health concerns or conditions which may affect the
health of your placenta or the health and safety of anyone who may come into contact with your placenta.
It is important that:
SIGHT. It is your responsibility to bring a cooler to your place of birth and
keep you placenta on ice until I pick up, which at that time I will provide my own
cooler for transport.
If in the case your placenta is requested for pathology, you may request that
they cut off a piece and take a sample from it IN YOUR ROOM, leaving
you with the bulk of your placenta.
Make sure you talk to your doctor ahead of time concerning your wishes to
keep you placenta. Having it written in your birth plan is great. Make sure to fill
out any paperwork your hospital requires of you ahead of time
In the event your placenta is unavailable to you (ex. sent to Pathology and not released) or if your placenta has
been contaminated with a bacterial infection, you will be entitled to a refund in the amount of $175.00 for our
consultation time. If you choose to terminate this contract due to change of mind within 7 days of your estimated
delivery date, then you are eligible for a refund in the amount of $175.00. If I have already taken possession of
your placenta and you choose to not go forward with services, I will return your placenta to you for disposal. There
will be no refund and payment will be due in full once preparation has begun, even if you choose not to take
delivery of the finished capsules.
I have read, understood, and agreed to the above information. I accept the responsibility of gaining possession of
my placenta, and notifying my placenta specialist within 8 hours of my birth. I understand the importance of
appropriate handling and storage of the placenta. By signing below I authorize the release of my healthy placenta
to ____________________________ for the purposes of placenta encapsulation and keepsake preparation for my
own personal use.”
I have read and understand pages 1-4 of our legal contract.
Clients Initials and Estimated Due Date
PE Specialists name
Date of Contract
Date Of contract
Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
* Preventing and lessening the risk of postpartum depression or ‘baby blues’
* Replenishing your iron from blood loss during birth and to prevent post birth
*Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends
* Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply
* To stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth
* To replenish your B vitamins and energy that were used during the labor and
birthing process
*Protection from infection and bleeding due to retained placenta tissue or
* Offer natural pain relief from the labor and birth of the baby
Prenatal Intake Form
Mothers Initials:
Mothers Estimated Due Date:
Placed of Planned Delivery:
List of Any Medications or known allergies:
Any known Placental Conditions or Abnormalities:
Special Notes/Requests:
Lists of Services requested:
Placenta encapsulation
Placenta prints
Placenta Tincture
Placenta salve/Lotion:
Belly Binding? Yes or no
Cord Keepsake/Dream catcher
6 oz.
10 oz.