Dunlap Community Unit School District 323 School Improvement Plan Dunlap Valley Middle School 2010-11 District Strategic Plan MISSION The Dunlap School Community will empower all students to excel in a global society. VISION Dunlap students will continuously excel in a global society by being: Self-motivated learners Critical thinkers Effective communicators Skilled collaborators Responsible and culturally aware citizens Technologically capable creators GOALS GOAL 1: To Continuously Improve Student Growth and Achievement GOAL 2: To Obtain a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Learning Environment GOAL 3: To Achieve a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Teaching Environment GOAL 4: To Ensure a Satisfying and Productive Partnership with Families and the Community GOAL 5: To Obtain Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Use of Resources Section 1: School Improvement SMART Goals Goal 1: Students at Dunlap Valley Middle School will compile a writing portfolio containing a proficient writing sample from each class by May 1st. Proficiency will be determined by a content appropriate rubric. Goal 2: Using benchmark data, all Dunlap Valley Middle School students will receive goal-directed reading and math interventions during Spartan Learning Community (SLC) within the 2010-2011 school year. Goal 3: Technology *Copy this page and complete for each SIP goal SIP Goal Detail SIP Goal # 1 of 3 1.) State the SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Target date). Students at Dunlap Valley Middle School will compile a writing portfolio exhibiting improvement towards a proficient writing sample from each content area by May 1st. Proficiency will be determined by a content appropriate rubric. 2.) Describe data sources consulted and a summary analysis of the data that indicate the need for the goal. -ISAT scores that did not meet/exceed -Inconsistent teaching techniques - Alignment of Rubrics -Need for writing across the curriculum 3.) Identify the correlation of the stated school improvement goal to the District strategic plan. Check all that apply: GOAL 1: To Continuously Improve Student Growth and Achievement GOAL 2: To Obtain a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Learning Environment GOAL 3: To Achieve a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Teaching Environment GOAL 4: To Ensure a Satisfying and Productive Partnership with Families and the Community GOAL 5: To Obtain Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Use of Resources 4.) Summarize how this goal will be measured. What will be the evidence of goal attainment? -School wide rubric applicable to all contents -Each student will have a writing portfolio exhibiting improvement towards a proficient writing from each content area -Students will have an individual checklist; teachers will have a master checklist -School wide Data Center that will display goal attainment Action Plan SIP Goal # 1 of 3 (State Goal): Students at Dunlap Valley Middle School will compile a writing portfolio exhibiting improvement towards a proficient writing sample from each content area by May 1st. Proficiency will be determined by a content appropriate rubric. Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address this goal?) Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how best practices and research justify this activity) Results (What will be the evidence of completion of the activity?) Resources (Funding Source & Cost) Timeline (When will the activity occur?) Activity #1 of 2: Students will write in each content area Professional Development: -Rubric -Writing Processes -Goal Setting -Cross-Curriculum -Writing Portfolio -Purchase binders for 6th grade students -$500.00 -Throughout the school year -In school staff -As needed -Complete May 1st - LA Teachers researched and drafted a common rubric -Understanding rubric expectations and implementation -Understanding good writing skills -Teachers will use rubric to score writing samples from each content area Writing samples will be evaluated by a school wide rubric to check for progress towards proficiency -Peer Editing/Checklist -Common Rubrics -Cross-Curriculum -Writing Portfolio -Data Center -Proficient writing samples -Utilization of school wide WIKI -Possible PD Costs -Throughout the school year Professional Development: -How to evaluate writing using school wide rubric -Time to evaluate and discuss data collections with teachers -Efficient ways to teach and utilize peer editing -Teachers will understand how to use the rubric and what peer editing consists of -In school staff -As needed -6 + 1 Writing Traits -ISAT Rubrics Activity #2 of 2: -SIP/PLC SIP Goal Detail SIP Goal # 2 of 3 1.) State the SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Target date). Using benchmark data, all DVMS students will receive goal-directed reading / math interventions during Spartan Learning Community (SLC) within the 2010-2011 school year. 2.) Describe data sources consulted and a summary analysis of the data that indicate the need for the goal. Reading ISAT Reading Scores PDSA Data AR Data Identify deficient gaps Fall Textbook Inventory Fall, Winter, Spring Benchmarks in AIMS Web and STAR Reading Math ISAT Math Scores PDSA Data AM Data Identify deficient gaps Fall Textbook Inventory Fall, Winter, Spring Benchmarks in AIMS Math and STAR Math 3.) Identify the correlation of the stated school improvement goal to the District strategic plan. Check all that apply: GOAL 1: To Continuously Improve Student Growth and Achievement GOAL 2: To Obtain a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Learning Environment GOAL 3: To Achieve a Satisfying and Productive Classroom and School Teaching Environment GOAL 4: To Ensure a Satisfying and Productive Partnership with Families and the Community GOAL 5: To Obtain Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Use of Resources 4.) Summarize how this goal will be measured. What will be the evidence of goal attainment? Fall, winter, and spring benchmarks will show evidence of progress. Each student will have a reading / math folders with goal-directed logs which are updated during (SLC). Individualized progress monitoring will be conducted monthly for Tier 2 students, and bimonthly for Tier 3 students. Adjusting PDSAs based on progress monitoring. Action Plan SIP Goal #2 of 3 (State Goal): Using benchmark data, all DVMS students will receive goal-directed reading / math interventions during Spartan Learning Community (SLC) within the 2010-2011 school year. Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address this goal?) Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how best practices and research justify this activity) Results (What will be the evidence of completion of the activity?) Resources (Funding Source & Cost) Timeline (When will the activity occur?) Activity #1 of 3: Universally benchmark all students Fall, Winter, and Spring Make data driven decisions based on RtI mandates Individualized goals for all students Need professional development materials and time for Star Reading/ Star Math & Aimsweb/AimsMa th Software updates & renewals for Rennaissance Learning Products and AIMS All staff & Reading /Math interventionists Professional Development: Winter SIP Day Spring/Summer Summer/Fall Chuck Ames, Renaissance Learning Training for analyzing data and goal setting AR training for new teachers Fall, Winter, Spring Benchmarki ng window SIP Goal #2 of 3 (State Goal): Using benchmark data, all DVMS students will receive goal-directed reading / math interventions during Spartan Learning Community (SLC) within the 2010-2011 school year. Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address this goal?) Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how best practices and research justify this activity) Results (What will be the evidence of completion of the activity?) Resources (Funding Source & Cost) Timeline (When will the activity occur?) Activity #2 of 3: Reading /Math interventions for all students during SLC AIMSweb/AIM Math Fall benchmark Interventions provide differentiated instruction for all students- goal of RtI ISAT scores show need for interventions in reading / math Professional Development: Inform identification of Tier 2 and Tier 3 students Scanners Individualized Reading Logs & student journals Explore use of Neo’s Progress monitoring of AR /AM goals Tier 1 monitored Printers Reading/Math Interventionists on staff Textbook Inventories show deficiencies in math and reading comprehension PDSA plans for students Winter SIP Day Spring/Summer Summer/Fall Chuck Ames, Renaissance Learning Training for analyzing data and goal setting AR/AM training for all teachers Tier 2 monitored monthly Tier 3 monitored weekly May Final assessments SIP Goal #2 of 3 (State Goal): Using benchmark data, all DVMS students will receive goal-directed reading / math interventions during Spartan Learning Community (SLC) within the 2010-2011 school year. Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address this goal?) Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how best practices and research justify this activity) Results (What will be the evidence of completion of the activity?) Interventions provide differentiated instruction Progress monitoring of AR /AM goals Resources (Funding Source & Cost) Timeline (When will the activity occur?) Activity #3 of 3: Progress monitoring PDSA plans for students Read Naturally Tier 1 monitored AR / AM Math Facts in a Flash Take Aim Tier 2 monitored monthly Tier 3 monitored weekly May Final assessments Professional Development: Winter SIP Day Spring/Summer Summer/Fall Chuck Ames, Renaissance Learning Training for analyzing data and goal setting training for all teachers for the interventions used