Meeting of Council
Present: P. Angermeyer, M. Biehl, B. Crow (Dean), N. Couto, L. Erwin, J. Gilbert, R.D. Gobert, S. Henry, T.
Hwong (Chair), W. Jenkins, E. Jensen, S. Jensen, J. Kozinski, K. Krasny (Associate Dean), G. Lavoie, H. Moore
(Student Affairs Officer), A. Perry, F. Quadir (Associate Dean), M. Riddell, M.M. Schiff (Assistant Secretary of
Council), B. Stutchbury, A. Taves, S. Whitaker (Academic Affairs Officer), M. Zabrocki
Guests: R. Bashir, D. Palermo (Proposed Graduate Program in Civil Engineering)
Thursday, March 12, 2015
3:00 p.m.
280N York Lanes
Regrets: M.C. Aubin, A. D’Souza, M. Gurrisi, R. Halliday, S. Hirchberg, Z. Hirji, S. Horowitz, A. Martin, H.I.
Macdonald, M. Milo, R. Moore, S. Murphy, J. Podur, M. Reisenleitner, L. Sergio, G. Sran, C. Verheggen, S.
Whitworth, A. Zalik, J. Zemans
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
Chair Thaddeus Hwong welcomed members of Council to the meeting. He proposed, to general agreement, moving items concerning new programs and degrees to the top of the agenda.
2. New Graduate Program and Degree in Civil Engineering (MASc and PhD)
Approved by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 19, 2014, and by YUQAP
Guests Professors Rashid Bashir and Dan Palermo, representatives from the Lassonde School of Engineering, introduced this item to Council. Dean Barbara Crow remarked on this historic moment creating a new and innovative program. It was moved, seconded and CARRIED ,
“that the proposed new Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (MASc and PhD) (Faculty of Graduate
Studies) be APPROVED.”
3. New Graduate Degree in Leadership & Community Engagement
Approved by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on December 17, 2014, and by YUQAP
Director of the Graduate Program in Education, Jennifer Gilbert, introduced this item for action. The degree will be administered in the Graduate Program in Education. The proposal targets public sector professionals who will develop skills and knowledge to leverage community-based research and practice for social change. It was moved, seconded and CARRIED ,
“that the proposed new degree in Leadership & Community Engagement (Faculty of Graduate Studies) be
4. Chair’s Remarks
With Units I and III CUPE 3903 on strike, Councillor Lorna Erwin stated that it was inappropriate for Faculty
Council to meet on campus . Dean Barbara Crow stated the bargaining teams of the University and the union had met many times to try to reach agreement. This Council meeting is being held for academic reasons, Dean Crow noted. A motion to adjourn the meeting was defeated.
5. Minutes of Previous Meeting (January 8, 2014)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved .
6. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the minutes.
7. Dean’s Remarks i) Three-Minute Dissertation Competition
Dean Barbara Crow spoke about this year’s competition at Western University. Next year, the competition will be held at York.
ii) Admissions
Dean Crow reported that graduate applications had decreased by about 1000 this year, mostly at the Master’s level.
The strike has had an effect on graduate recruiting.
Graduate Program Director Mike Zabrocki thanked the Faculty for improvements in evaluating applications. iii) Bursaries
In reply to a question, Dean Crow stated that CUPE 3903 bursaries and the Research Costs Fund are suspended, as part of the collective agreement. Associate Dean Karen Krasny noted that FGS bursary results have been posted.
Emergency funds remain available from FGS, CUPE 3903 and the Graduate Students’ Association.
A consent agenda item is deemed to be approved unless, prior to the commencement of a meeting, a member of the
Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies advises the Chair of their request to debate it.
Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on January 21 and February 11, 2015
The following items were approved by consent . a) Graduate Program in Biology
Changes in Degree Requirements
Removal of core course designations b) Graduate Program in English
Deletion of Field
Deletion of Linguistic & Stylistic Studies c) Graduate Program in Law (Part-Time LLM)
Change in Name of Specialization
From Specialization in “Alternative Dispute Resolution” to “Dispute Resolution”
9. Curricular Changes
Approved by Assistant Secretary of Council M. Michael Schiff on February 4, 2015, and received for information by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee’s Academic Affairs Subcommittee on February 5, 2015, and by
FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on February 11, 2015
Members of Council may, if they wish, view these documents in the FGS Council office, 230 York Lanes, or electronically, by contacting M. Michael Schiff, Assistant Secretary of Council.
* * * For Information * * * a) Graduate Program in Business Administration
New Course Proposal
Mining 5100 1.5: “Introduction to the Global Mining Industry” b) Proposed Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
New Course Proposals
Civil Engineering 6110 3.0: “Physical Principles of Environmental Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6120 3.0: “Environmental Bioengineering Processes”
Civil Engineering 6111 3.0: “Advanced Laboratory Analytical Methods”
Civil Engineering 6121 3.0: “Air Pollution Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6100 3.0: “Special Topics in Environmental Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6210 3.0: “Advanced Soil Mechanics”
Civil Engineering 6211 3.0: “Geosynthetics”
Civil Engineering 6212 3.0: “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics”
Civil Engineering 6220 3.0: “Advanced Foundation Design”
Civil Engineering 6221 3.0: “Geotechnical Modelling”
Civil Engineering 6222 3.0: “Geohazards”
Civil Engineering 6213 3.0: “Geotechnical Laboratory and Field Testing”
Civil Engineering 6223 3.0: “Ground Improvement Techniques”
Civil Engineering 6200 3.0: “Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6310 3.0: “Advanced Hydrogeology”
Civil Engineering 6320 3.0: “Flow and Transport in the Vadose Zone”
Civil Engineering 6321 3.0: “Contaminant Hydrogeology”
Civil Engineering 6311 3.0: “Flow and Transport in the Vadose Zone”
Civil Engineering 6300 3.0: “Special Topics in Geoenvironmental Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6410 3.0: “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”
Civil Engineering 6411 3.0: “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6420 3.0: “Advanced Prestressed Concrete”
Civil Engineering 6421 3.0: “Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”
Civil Engineering 6413 3.0: “Advanced Structural Steel Design”
Civil Engineering 6414 3.0: “Bridge Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6422 3.0: “Advanced Topics in Structural Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6400 3.0: “Special Topics in Structural Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6510 3.0: “Advanced Transportation Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6520 3.0: “Pavement Materials, Analysis and Design”
Civil Engineering 6511 3.0: “Intelligent Transportation Systems”
Civil Engineering 6521 3.0: “Road Safety Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6500 3.0: “Special Topics in Transportation Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6600 3.0: “Special Topics in Water Resources Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6000 0.0: “Graduate Seminar Series in Civil Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6001 0.0: “PhD Thesis in Civil Engineering”
Civil Engineering 6002 0.0: “MASc Thesis in Civil Engineering” c) Graduate Program in Education
New Course Proposals
Education 5025 3.0: “Cosmopolitanisms: Re-imagining Multiculturalism and the Question of Belonging”
Education 5035 3.0: “Pedagogy and Commemoration: Theoretical Overview”
Education 5045 3.0: “Learning from Traumatic Histories: Curatorial Controversies”
Proposed New Degree in Leadership & Community Engagement
Education 7000 3.0: “Critical Issues in Leadership and Community Engagement”
Education 7005 3.0: “Initiatives in Program Design, Interpretation, and Evaluation”
Education 7010 3.0: “Enacting Leadership and Policy”
Education 7015 3.0: “Experience-Based Inquiry I”
Education 7020 3.0: “Engaging Research on Professional Practice”
Education 7025 3.0: “Experience-Based Inquiry II”
Education 7030 3.0: “Current Practices in Community Engagement and Innovation”
Education 7035 3.0: “Portfolio Capstone” d) Graduate Program in English
Course Deletions
English 6052 3.0: “Historical Perspectives on Women & Nature”
English 6081 6.0: “Children’s Literature: Approaches and Issues”
English 6111 6.0: “The Bible: “A Literary-Critical Study”
English 6150 3.0: “Medieval Romances”
English 6181 3.0: “Interpreting the Word”
English 6205 3.0: “Early Modern Prose Fiction in English”
English 6241 3.0: “Sir Walter Scott Invents the Nation”
English 6480 6.0: “Death and Representation: Victorian Commemorations”
English 6492 3.0: “Modern Times: Temporal Relativity and Temporal Rhetoricity at the Turn(s) of the Century”
English 6523 3.0: “Rhetoric of Science”
English 6563 3.0: “Irish Drama: Mythologies and Politics”
English 6563 6.0: “Contemporary English Drama”
English 6567 6.0: “The Short Story at Home and Abroad”
English 6569 3.0: “Ancient Dramas”
English 6581 3.0: “Transnational Contemporary African Literature”
English 6593 3.0: “Special Topics: Disjunctive & Procedural Poetics”
English 6594 6.0: “Cinema of Sayajit Ray & Bengali Fiction”
English 6596 6.0: “Special Topics: Facing the West”
English 6614 6.0: “The Gilded Age and After: American Literature 1865-1915”
English 6663 3.0: “British Drama: The New Wave of Nineties”
English 6682 3.0: “Revisioning America: “Voicing the Self and the other in American Literature”
English 6730 6.0: “Comparative Studies in Canadian Literature: Roy and Laurence”
English 6790 3.0: “Contemporary Canadian Women’s Drama”
English 6791 3.0: “Special Topics: Frog Lake Massacre 1885”
English 6840 6.0: “Linguistic Theory”
English 6850 6.0: “Stylistics”
English 6852 6.0: “Systemic Functional Linguistics”
English 6870 3.0: “Canadian English”
English 6881 6.0: “Language, Gender & Power”
English 6901 6.0: “Research in Life Writing Texts”
English 6970A 3.0: “Feminist Literary Theory”
English 6970B 3.0: “French Feminist Literary Theory”
English 6994 6.0: “Ambiguous Bodies: Contemporary Sexuality”
English 6995 6.0: “Special Topics: “Reading Creations” e) Graduate Program in Études françaises
New Course Proposal
Études françaises 6208 3.0 : Représentations de la mort et finitude dans la littérature f) Graduate Program in Executive Master’s in Business Administration
New Course Proposal
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6780 4.0: “Global Strategy Project”/ Required course.
g) Graduate Program in Film
Change in Course Title
Film 5600 3.0: from “Internship” to “Field Placement” h) Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies
New Course Proposal
Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies 6905 3.0: “Race, Transnationalism and Diaspora” i) Graduate Program in Humanities
New Course Proposals
Humanities 6162 3.0: “Introduction to Book and Print Culture”
Humanities 6330 3.0: “Contemporary Perspectives on Sound” j) Graduate Program in Law
New Course Proposals
Law 6853P 6.0: “Canadian Law of Property”
Law 6854 3.0: “Principles of Legal Drafting”
Law 6855 6.0: “Family Law”
Law 6991 6.0: “Comparative Value Added Tax” k) Graduate Program in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
New Course Proposal
Linguistics & Applied Linguistics 6275 3.0: “Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching”
Change in Description
Linguistics & Applied Linguistics 5140 3.0: “Advanced Syntax”
Change in Course Number
Linguistics & Applied Linguistics from 6340 to 5695 3.0: “English as a World Language”/ Prerequisite: an introductory course in linguistics/Integrated with the undergraduate course Glendon English 4695 3.0
l) Proposed Graduate Program in Real Estate & Infrastructure
New Course Proposals
Property 6001 0.0: “Leadership in Real Estate & Infrastructure I”
Property 6002 0.0: “Leadership in Real Estate & Infrastructure II”/ Prerequisite: Property 6001 0.0
Property 6003 0.0: “Leadership in Real Estate & Infrastructure III”/ Prerequisite: Property 6002 0.0
Property 6050 3.0: “Changing Landscapes: Historical Perspectives on the Industry”
Property 6080 3.0: “Creative Workshop”
Property 6150 3.0: “Markets and their Behaviour”
Property 6250 3.0: “Site Planning & Design”
Property 6350 3.0: “Infrastructure as an Asset Class”
Property 6450 3.0: “The Life of a Project”
Property 6650 3.0: “Commercial Real Estate Asset Management”/ Prerequisite: Property 6100 0.0
Property 6780 3.0: “Case Studies in Infrastructure”/
Prerequisite: Property 6300 0.0
Property 6850 3.0: “Structuring Development Transactions” m) Graduate Program in Social Work
Change in Course Description, Prerequisites and Co-Requisites
Social Work 5310 6.0: “Practicum”/Prerequisites: Social Work 5010 3.0, 5020 3.0, 5040 30 and 5050 3.0, and corequisites: Social Work 5011 3.0 and 5030 3.0 n) Graduate Program in Translation Studies
New Course Proposals
Translation Studies 5000 3.0: “Research Methods in Translation Studies”
Translation Studies 5230 3.0: “Fictional Approaches to Translation”
Translation Studies 5240 3.0: “Desire in Translation: Explorations in Contemporary Theories and Practices”
10. Senate Synopses
Senate synopses were received by Council for information .
Summaries of Senate meetings of June 26, 2014 / September 25, 2014 / October 23, 2014 / November 27, 2014 /
December 11, 2014 / January 22, 2015
11. Other Business
There was no other business.
12. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.