Lesson Plan TEKS: E1.5, E1Fig19B ELPSC1, C4, E1.13 Turn in Narrativ e Essays Mon. Sponge: Write a summary paragraph (Beginnin g, Middle, End) of the novel you are reading for your IRL. Week of: September 29 - October 3, 2014 ELA I Period(s) 1,3,4,8 Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -- Reading and Writing for Understanding Method:MARS review, “Box” / short answer / OER writing review using a selection from “An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt.” RQ: “Do you think Roosevelt was influenced by his father? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from the selection.” Materials/Technology: ELMO, article selection, OER (11 line) “boxes,” writing utensils, MARS handout Assessment: Check for understanding by questions raised throughout the writing process AC ELA I Period(s) 5 & 6 Mrs. Pollard Practical Writing II Period 2 Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -- Reading and Writing for Understanding Method:MARS review, “Box” / short answer / OER writing review using a selection from “An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt.” RQ: “Do you think Roosevelt was influenced by his father? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from the selection.” Materials/Technology: Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -Reading and Writing for Understanding Method:MARS review, “Box” / short answer / OER writing review using a selection from “An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt.” RQ: “Do you think Roosevelt was influenced by his father? Explain your answer and “ELMO, article support it with selection, OER (11 evidence from the line) “boxes,” writing selection.” utensils, MARS Materials/Technolo handout gy: ELMO, article Assessment: Check for selection, OER (11 understanding by line) “boxes,” questions raised writing utensils, throughout the writing MARS handout process Assessment: Check for understanding by questions raised throughout the writing process student s Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -- Reading Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -- Reading Topic: Review for Six weeks’ test -- makeup missed quizzes Tues. 5 minute sponge = Complete Writing / Editing Question for IRL entry and Writing for Understanding THEN Library Method: MARS review, Cornell Notes on Latin and French vocabulary terms used on STAAR, Testing approach (key words) for answering multiple choice questions for “School Uniforms” non-fiction article Materials/Technology: ELMO, article selection, writing utensils, MARS handout Assessment: Check for understanding by questions raised throughout the writing process. Turn in IRLs and Writing for Understanding THEN Library Method: MARS review, Cornell Notes on Latin and French vocabulary terms used on STAAR, Testing approach (key words) for answering multiple choice questions for “School Uniforms” nonfiction article Materials/Technology: ELMO, article selection, writing utensils, MARS handout Assessment: Check for understanding by questions raised throughout the writing process Reading and Writing for Understanding THEN Library Method: MARS review, Cornell Notes on Latin and French vocabulary terms used on STAAR, Testing approach (key words) for answering multiple choice questions for “School Uniforms” nonfiction article Materials/Technolo gy: ELMO, article selection, writing utensils, MARS handout Assessment: Check for understanding by questions raised throughout the writing process.Turn in IRLS Wed. Sponge: no sponge -- testing student s make up test who were absent Thurs. sponge : prereadin g response Topic: Six Weeks’ Test Method: Students will take their first six weeks test reading and responding to fiction and non-fiction articles. The entire class period will be devoted to the test. ELA -- takes the test and will respond to one OER. Silent reading following. Materials/Technology: tests; TAG multiple choice paper, OER response Assessment: grade tests -- TAG multiple choice Topic: Six Weeks’ Test Method: Students will take their first six weeks test reading and responding to fiction and non-fiction articles. The entire class period will be devoted to the test. AC ELA -- takes the test and will respond to two OER. Silent reading following. Materials/Technology: tests; TAG multiple choice paper, OER response Assessment: grade tests -- TAG multiple choice Topic: Six Weeks’ Test Method: Students will take their first six weeks test reading and responding to fiction and nonfiction articles. The entire class period will be devoted to the test. PW -- takes the test and will respond to one OER. Silent reading following. Materials/Technolo gy: tests; TAG multiple choice paper, OER response Assessment: grade tests -- TAG multiple choice Topic: Comparative Literature (Linear and Non-linear) Method:Linear text -“The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singer Materials/Technology: 8 smiley faces in writing; Prior knowledge activity question for sponge: “Does the type of work a person does reveal his or her character?” or “Does working hard have its own reward?” Read text. Does your response change after reading? Prentice Hall Topic: Comparative Literature (Linear and Non-linear) Method:Linear text -“The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singery Materials/Technology: 8 smiley faces in writing; Prior knowledge activity question for sponge: “Does the type of work a person does reveal his or her character?” or “Does working hard have its own reward?” Read text. Does your response change after Topic: Begin House on Mango Street Method:Students will begin a novel study on the short novel by Sisneros - Short introductory video with the author; Chapters 1-4 study, read and respond, class discussion Materials/Technolo gy: novels downloaded from Tuesday with Mrs. Stuart -- trip to the student s make up test who were absent Fri. sponge : prereading response Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text reading? Prentice Hall Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text library, journals -brushstrokes writing -- 8 smiley faces. Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text Topic: Comparative Literature (Linear and Non-linear) Method: Prior knowledge activity question for sponge: “If you think too much about making a change, will you lose your nerve?” or “Does all it take to succeed in business = one good idea?” Read text. Does your response change after reading? Prentice Hall Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Materials/Technology: Prentice Hall Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text Topic: Comparative Literature (Linear and Non-linear) Method: Prior knowledge activity question for sponge: “If you think too much about making a change, will you lose your nerve?” or “Does all it take to succeed in business = one good idea?” Read text. Does your response change after reading? Prentice Hall Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Materials/Technology: Topic: House on Mango Street Method: Classes that meet before pep rally and early release will get extra class time to work on their papers under the direction and guidance of the teacher and peer tutoring / critiques Prentice Hall Literature books needed; journals, writing utensils Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text Materials/Technolo gy: novels downloaded to Ipads from Tuesday with Mrs. Stuart -- trip to the library, journals -brushstrokes writing -- 8 smiley faces. Assessment: verbal discussion within the reading and following the reading of the text