{SAMPLE LETTER: Physician Education Letter w/tear-off pad and/or Clinical Study} Dear Dr. _________________ Hemorrhoids are the most frequent reason patients present with rectal bleeding. We are pleased to offer a new procedure that supplants surgery as the new standard for the definitive treatment of troublesome hemorrhoidal disease. We now perform a virtually painless non-surgical rubber band ligation technique that allows us to eliminate hemorrhoids with 99.1% efficacy. This outpatient procedure requires no anesthesia or bowel prep. Complication rates are less than 1%, and efficacy rivals that of traditional surgery without the associated discomfort and recovery time. Our typical treatment plan consists of a series of three bandings every two weeks, using the CRH O’Regan SystemTM, with each treatment taking less than a minute. Patient satisfaction is excellent since the procedure takes only minutes to perform and allows most to return to work the same day. We have enclosed an information sheet and a clinical study for your reference. Simply call our office at xxx-xxx-xxxx to arrange for a consultation or to request any patient education materials. We look forward to caring for your patients with symptomatic hemorrhoidal disease with this excellent treatment alternative. As always, we will continue to see and treat your patients with other gastrointestinal needs. Yours in good health, Dr./Group