2015 Call for presentations - Tennessee Stormwater Association

2015 East Tennessee Development Symposium
Nov 18-19, 2015 ● Knoxville, TN
You are invited to submit a proposal to share your experience and expertise with colleagues in the development
profession at the 2015 TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium. Others will benefit from your experience while
you make a valuable contribution to the profession. Our goal is for attendees to experience educational and informative
professional development techniques/strategies from leaders around East Tennessee.
This is the third year of TNSA’s Development Symposium, which has grown over the years from the City of Knoxville’s
Development seminar to a more wide-reaching event. This year, TNSA continues to partner with other East Tennessee
municipalities to offer a 2-day conference that we expect to attract 500 attendees working in all aspects of the
development industry in East Tennessee including; planning, design, construction, financing, legal, BMP maintenance
and operations, and regulatory compliance.
In 2015, the TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium will offer seven (7) Topic Areas, each linked to a part of the
development process.
Topic Area 1:
Topic Area 2:
Topic Area 3:
Topic Area 4:
Topic Area 5:
Topic Area 6:
Topic Area 7:
Rules and Regulatory Requirements
Site Design Process for New 1” Runoff Reduction Requirements
Economics of Low Impact Development
Construction Site Management
Green Infrastructure
Best Management Practices: Design, Installation and Maintenance
Floodplain and Drainage Management
Proposals for the 2015 TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium should be consistent with the Track descriptions
included in the following pages. Attendees express a strong desire for presentations that are engaging, enjoyable, and
applicable in East Tennessee. Other desirable features:
 Leading-edge information and emerging trends in the field of land development;
 Practical strategies for improvement and innovative, non-traditional approaches;
 “How to” best practices and case studies, including tangible implementation tool(s) and
 Demonstration of measurable impact.
Proposal Submission Timeline
Submission process opens:
Submission process closes:
Notice of acceptance/rejection:
Conference presentation dates
June 1, 2015
August 31, 2015 deadline for submitting
October 1, 2015
November 18-19, 2015
Benefits of Speaking
The TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium is a powerful platform to network with hundreds of professionals
and to share knowledge, lessons learned, and best practices in the development field. As a not-for-profit entity, the
Tennessee Stormwater Association does not provide speaking fees. Instead, we ask that presenters share their expertise
in the spirit of furthering the professional development of their colleagues. In exchange, we offer presenters the
 Reduced conference registration including access to all events
 Valuable experience presenting at one the only regional development conference for the development community;
 Networking opportunities with and visibility with a variety of fields working in the development community;
 Assistance in shaping the presentation to meet attendee needs and presenter goals.
Each session will last 50 minutes, and we encourage you to leave time at the end for questions.
All sessions are in rooms set with the front half classroom style (long tables and chairs) and the back half theater style
(chairs only) for maximum occupancy as deemed by the facility and in accordance with local fire safety codes. Presenters
should anticipate an audience size of approximately 30 to 120 people per session (more in some cases), and should
design their presentation approaches with the facility logistics in mind. Please note that we are unable to modify or
alter seating arrangements/set-ups for individual sessions. Rooms are equipped with standardized audio-visual:
projection unit/screen and a microphone; any other A/V needs are arranged for by the presenter.
Description of Conference Tracks for the 2015 East Tennessee Development Symposium
Topic Area 1: Rules, Regulations and Site Design Processes (Agencies and MS4 Only Presentations)
This topic area is open only to presentations by state or local government staff, legal counselors or related others (e.g.
local government consultants). This topic area was set aside by TNSA to allow local MS4s and related agencies the
opportunity to address, educate and highlight stormwater-related topics or issues in your jurisdiction. Presentations in
this topic area may highlight:
o Upcoming or recent changes to zoning, subdivision and stormwater ordinances;
o Site design, construction inspection and BMP maintenance changes to support the new 1” Runoff Reduction
o Drainage and stormwater easements;
o Floodplain management issues;
o Construction site management issues;
o Post-construction BMP maintenance.
Topic Area 2: Site Design Process for New 1” Runoff Reduction Requirements
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o Effective Site Layouts (using trees and other vegetation to manage stormwater)
o Using soil and vegetation to manage the first 1”;
o The use of Intrinsic Runoff Reduction Practices (RRPs) (green space, natural areas, forested areas, water
features, stream buffers, cluster developments, and pavement reductions) to comply with the new 1”
reduction requirement;
o Methods for minimizing soil compaction and vegetation loss.
Topic Area 3: Economics of Low Impact Development
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o Financial lending for stormwater infrastructure, detention ponds, erosion control and low impact
development (green infrastructure);
o Construction assurances;
o Cost comparisons of traditional (grey) versus low-impact development approaches;
o Cost comparisons of Intrinsic vs. Structural BMPs / Runoff Reduction Practices;
o Stormwater costs after construction is completed;
o The use of multi-functional spaces (pervious pavers as a parking area and as a stormwater BMP) to attract
potential buyers (both in residential and commercial settings).
Topic Area 4: Construction Site Management
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o BMP technology (maintenance and effectiveness of construction site BMPs);
o BMP selection, design, installation and maintenance beyond silt fences and rock check dams;
o Construction site management for low impact developments (site phasing, protected areas, infiltration
areas, etc.);
o Performing meaningful site inspections (environmental and infrastructure).
Topic Area 5: Green Infrastructure
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o BMP selection, design and installation;
o Economic comparisons of traditional vs. green infrastructure;
o Low Impact Development
 BMP technology (green streets, green roofs, cisterns, pervious pavement, infiltration practices, etc.);
o Financial lending for stormwater infrastructure, detention ponds, erosion control and low impact
development (green infrastructure);
o Stormwater LEED certification.
Topic Area 6: Best Management Practices: Design, Installation and Maintenance
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o Structural BMP selection, design and installation;
o BMP ownership and maintenance (e.g., easements, covenants, required inspections and maintenance, etc.);
o Low Impact Development
 BMP technology (green streets, green roofs, cisterns, pervious pavement, infiltration practices, etc.);
o Stormwater LEED certification.
Topic Area 7: Floodplain and Drainageway Management
Presentations in this topic area may highlight:
o Floodplain development terminology, regulations and designs;
o Floodproofing practices;
o Drainageway regulations, designs and construction;
o Flood insurance, Community Rating System discounts;
o Drainage and stormwater easements.
How to Submit Your Presentation Proposal
Presentation proposals MUST be submitted by the deadline of August 31st, 2015.
There are two options for submitting your presentation proposal:
1. Email - Complete the attached sheet and email to Charlene DeSha at admin@tnstormwater.org
2. Mail – Complete the attached sheet and mail to Charlene DeSha, 1730 Scenic Dr. Maryville, TN 37803
If you have any questions regarding the 2015 TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium, please contact Charlene
DeSha by phone or email; (615) 926-7094 or Charlene@tnstormwater.org.
2015 TNSA East Tennessee Development Symposium
Nov 18-19, 2015 ● Knoxville, TN
Presentation Proposal – Due August 31 st
First Name:
Presenter’s Title:
Last Name:
Indicate if your organization is interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor:
Presenter Availability (Check those that apply)
Either Date
Wednesday Only
Presenter’s Bio (below, 100 words or less):
Title of Presentation (10 words or less):
Summary of Presentation ( 100 words or less):
List the top 3 learning objectives of your presentation:
Thursday Only