Vita - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Daniel R. Krenn
Department of Psychology
Wayne State University
5057 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
Wayne State University- Detroit, Michigan
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Statistics minor), 2017
Wayne State University – Detroit, Michigan
Master of the Arts in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Statistics minor), 2015
Wayne State University- Detroit, Michigan
Certificate of Teaching Development (obtained through the Office for Teaching and Learning),
2015 (anticipated)
Auburn University– Auburn, Alabama
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Music and Political Science minors), May 2012
Professional Positions
Lecturer/Adjunct Instructor
Wayne State University, August 2014- present
Taught Elements of Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Wayne State University, August 2012- present
Taught Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Elements of Psychology
Undergraduate Research Assistant and Laboratory Manager
Auburn University Organizational Research Lab, Dr. Malissa Clark, December 2011 – May
Manage lab schedule. Run lab experiments and document results. Prepare research papers.
Assist other lab URAs submission applications for lab access. Participate in experiment design
and planning. Participate in meta-analysis.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Industrial and Organizational Lab, Dr. Daniel Svyantek, August 2011 – May 2012
Participate in experiment design and planning. Conduct meta-research as directed.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Learning and Cognition Lab, Dr. Martha Escobar, January 2010 – May 2011
Run lab experiments (both human and animal research) and document results. Prepare
research papers. Participate in experiment design and planning.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Courses
 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
 Training and Development
 Selection and Placement: Theory and Research
 Diversity in the Workplace
 Leadership and Executive Development
 Occupational Health Psychology
 Criterion Development and Performance Evaluation
 Motivation and Morale
Statistics and Research Methods Courses
 Quantitative Methods I
 Quantitative Methods II
 Research Methods
 Multivariate Analysis
 Structural Equation Modeling
 Meta-analysis
Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) Courses
 Advanced SEM I: Measurement Invariance, Latent Growth Modeling & Nonrecursive
Modeling with Bob Vandenberg
 Polynomial Regression & Response Surface Methods with Jeff Edwards
 Multilevel Analysis with Paul Bliese
 Data Mining in R with Jeff Stanton
 Social Network Analysis with Rich DeJordy
Other Psychology Courses
 Social Psychology
 Human Cognition
Undergraduate Major and Minor Courses
o Introduction to Psychology
o Statistics
o Research Methods
o Industrial/Organizational Psychology
o Social Psychology
o Theories of Personality
o History of Psychology
o Psychology of Learning
o Sensation and Perception
o Cognitive Psychology
o Abnormal Psychology
o Supervised Research Experience
o Experiential Learning
Political Science
o American Government in a Multicultural World
o State and Local Government
o Political Parties and Politics
o Introduction to International Relations
o Justice in Society
o Administration of Justice
o Music Theory
o Music Skills
o Piano Skills
o Music History
o Conducting
o Applied Percussion Lessons
Research Interests
Primary research interests fall into 4 categories:
 Workplace aggression and mistreatment (including interpersonal discrimination)
 Work-life issues
 Accuracy and bias in selection and appraisal (including disparate group treatment)
 Effective teaching in the psychology classroom
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Baltes, B.B., Wynne, K., Sirabian, M., Krenn, D.R., & De Lange, A (2014). Future time
perspective, regulatory focus, and Selection, optimization and compensation: Testing a
longitudinal model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 1120-1133.
Book Chapters
Baltes, B. B., & Krenn, D. R., (in press). Flexible work schedules, In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), The
SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. Sage
Manuscripts in Progress or Under Review
Clark, M.A., Early, B.J., Krenn, D.R., & Baltes, B.B. A behavioral assessment of work-family
conflict: Scale development and validation
Krenn, D.R. Are values being measured adequately?: Creation of a more comprehensive work
values scale.
Krenn, D.R., Baltes, B.B., & Sirabian, M. Family to Work Conflict Bias: Exploring the Effects of
Role Conflict in Performance Evaluation.
Krenn, D.R. & Clark, M.A. Expressive suppression: Social outcomes and the mediating role of
Thrasher, G., Krenn, D.R., Stanciu, S., Keehn, F.Z, & Marchiondo, L.A. Actors and victims of
workplace aggression: A comparative meta-analysis.
Marchiondo, L.A., Biermeier-Hanson, B., Krenn, D. & Kabat-Farr, D. Social Identity Comparison
and Target Meaning-Making of Workplace Incivility.
Sirabian, M., Baltes, B.B., & Krenn, D.R. A problem focused training intervention to reduce workfamily conflict.
Ran, S. & Krenn. D.R. Discrimination and motivation: A social determination theory perspective.
Krenn, D.R., Wittmer, J., & Baltes, B.B. Spousal similarity and work-family conflict: A question
of congruence.
Conference Presentations
Sirabian, M.A., Baltes, B.B., Krenn, D.R., Early, R.J., & Cerard, M.C. (2015, April). A problem
focused training intervention to reduce work-family conflict. In M.A. Clark (chair), We’re
all in this together: Individual and organizational work-family interventions. Symposium
accepted to the meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
Philadelphia, PA.
Thrasher, G., Krenn, D.R., Keehn, F.Z, & Marchiondo, L.A. (2015, April).Actors and victims of
workplace aggression: A comparative meta-analysis In R.L. Wooderson (chair), Within
and beyond: Workplace aggression and multiple constructs. Symposium accepted to the
meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Marchiondo, L.A., Krenn, D. & Kabat-Farr, D. (2014, August). Social Identity Comparison and
Target Meaning-Making of Workplace Incivility. In P.N. Sharma & D.J. Yoon (chair),
Putting a Face to Aggressive Words and Actions: Target and Offender Characteristics in
Workplace Mistreatment Processes. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Academy
of management, Philadelphia, PA.
Thrasher, G., Krenn, D.R., & Keehn, F.Z. (2014, May) A Meta-analytic Examination of the
Outcomes of Incivility. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Wynne, K.T., Baltes, B.B., Krenn, D.R., Sirabian, M., De Lange, A. (2014, May). Older Worker
Performance: Future Time Perspective, Regulatory Focus, and SOC. Poster presented at
the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu,
Early, B.J., Wynne, K.T., Keehn, F.Z., Krenn, D.R., & Baltes, B.B. (2013, April). Developing a
knowledge based measure of SOC coping strategies. Poster presented at the annual meeting
of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, TX.
Frazier, G.D., Krenn, D.R., Childers, O.K., Montgomery, P.F., Collier, B.A., & Clark, M.A. (2012,
April). Expressive suppression: Social outcomes and the mediating role of emotion. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Clark, M.A., Patel, T.G., Childers, O.K., & Krenn, D.R. (2011, October). All Work and No Play:
A Meta-Analytic Examination of Workaholism. Poster presented at River Cities I/O
Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Applied Interests
Applied interests are primarily in the areas of selection and appraisal. More specifically, I am
interested in creation, validation, and use of selection and performance appraisal measures as
well as conducting of job analyses in support of these tasks.
Applied Experience
Independent Consultant
 American Axle and Manufacturing, January 2015-present
o Working with Human Resource and Organizational Development departments to
conduct job analyses for the Information Technology department
o Tasks include: Conducting focus group sessions, Creating and administering
surveys to subject matter experts, Compiling survey and focus group results,
Assisting in the creation of job profiles
Class Applied Projects
Selection and Placement: Theory and Research
 Worked in a team to create a selection system for selection of undergraduate research
Training and Development
 Worked in a team to create program for conflict resolution in first line supervisors of retails
Teaching Experience
Introduction to Psychology, Laboratory (3 semesters, 8 classes)
Elements of Psychology (5 semesters, 7 classes)
Introduction to Psychology, Lecturer (1 semester, 1 class)
Invited Talks and Guest Lectures
Guest Lecture- Introduction to Psychology Course, Course instructor: A.M. Wright, Topic:
Social Psychology (July 10, 2013)
Guest Lecture- Introduction to Psychology Course, Course instructor: A.M. Wright, Topic:
Memory (June 17 & 19, 2013)
Guest Lecture- Introduction to Psychology Course, Course instructor: L. Marchiondo,
Topic: Affect, Mood, & Emotions (March 13, 2013)
Departmental Service
Course Developer (January-July, 2013)
o Revised Psychology 1010 Laboratory Manual for Wayne State University
Co-Chair of the I/O Brown Bag Lecture committee (July 2014-May 2015)
Member of the WSU Psychology Diversity Leadership Committee (January 2015-present)
o Helped to design mentoring program for first generation and minority college
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association Division Memberships:
o Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues- December 2014-Present
o Society for the Teaching of Psychology- May 2013-Present
o Educational Psychology- May 2013- Present
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology- January 2011-Present
Psi Chi, April 2009 – Present
Professional Honors & Awards
OURCLA Research Scholar, Awarded September 2011
University Graduate Teaching Assistantship (2012-present)
o Department of Psychology, Wayne State University
Non-Academic Awards and Honors
Eagle Scout (August 2007)
Knowledge and Skills
o Proficient in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
o Proficient in General Psychology
o Proficient in Statistics
o Proficient in Experimental Design
o Proficient in Survey Design
o Experience in Social Psychology
o Experience in Learning, Conditioning, and Memory
o Experience in Qualitative Research
o Proficient with SPSS statistical software
o Proficient with Mplus statistical software
o Proficient with LISREL statistical software
o Proficient with Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey surveying tools
o Proficient with Microsoft Office
o Experience with R statistical software
Foreign Language
o Limited Working Proficiency in German