curriculum vitae - International Conference on Occupational Health

Dr. Seichi HORIE
Professor and Director
Department of Health Policy and Management,
Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences,
University of Occupational and Environmental Health,
Japan (UOEH)
1986 School of Medicine(MD)
MPH. in Environmental Health Sciences
Ph.D. in Medicine
University of Occupational and
Environmental Health (Japan)
School of Public Health,
University of California at Berkeley
University of Occupational and
Environmental Health (Japan)
2010Director, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences (IIES), UOEH
2003Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, IIES, UOEH
2001- 3
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management,
1997- 2001
1991- 3
1989- 91 and
1993- 2001
General Manager, Center for Occupational Health at Keihin, NKK
Corporation, Japan
Medical Resident in Occupational Medicine, School of Medicine,
University of California at San Francisco
Occupational Physician, Keihin Steel Works, NKK Corporation, Japan
Licenses and certificates:
1999 Senior Certified Occupational Health physician, Japan Society of Occupational
1994 Industrial Health Consultant, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Japan
1994 Certified Occupational Health physician, Japan Society of Occupational Health
1990 ECFMG Certificate valid indefinitely, Educational Commision for Foreign
Medical Graduate, U.S.A.
Professional Activities at present:
National Secretary of Japan, International Commission on Occupational
Board member of Japan Society of Occupational Health (JSOH)
Member of Committee of Occupational Health, Japan Medical Association
Member of American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Member of American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
List of Publications:
1. Nguyen U, Kawanami S, Kawai K, Kasai H, Li Y, Inoue J, Ngoan L, Horie S.
Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels among coke-oven
workers for 2 consecutive days. J Occup Health. (in press)
2. Kawanami S, Nguyen U, Inoue J, KawaiK, Horie S. Urinary 1-OHP among office
workers living in industrial areas. J UOEH. (in press)
3. Kurioka S, Horie S, Inoue A, Mafune K, Tsuda Y, Otsuji Y. Risk of progression to
hypertension in nonhypertensive Japanese workers aged 20-64 years. J Hypertens.
4. Horie S. Disorders caused by heat, cold, and abnormal pressure. Nihon Rinsho.
2014;72(2): 223-35. (in Japanese)
Horie S. Prevention of heat stress disorders in the workplace. JMAJ.
Horie S. History and future agenda of social system for occupational physicians. J
Pub Health Pract. 2013;77(9):763-67. (in Japanese)
Horie S. Overview of occupational health policy in Japan. JJAPO.
2013;29(1):57-61. (in Japanese)
Kawanami S, Horie S, Inoue J, Yamashita M. Urine temperature as an index for
the core temperature of industrial workers in hot or cold environments. Int J
Biometeorol. 2012;56(6):1025-31.
9. Takahashi K, Kawaniai S, Inoue J, Horie S. Improvements in sound attenuation
performance with earplugs following checklist-based self-practice. J UOEH.
2011;33(4):271-82. Erratum in: J UOEH. 2012;34(1):107.
10. Horie S. Harmonization of general health examination and specific health
examination. Health Eval Promot. 2012;39(5):47-52. (in Japanese)
11. Yokogawa T, Takahashi K, Nagata T, Mori K, Horie S. Suboptimal radiation
protection for municipal employees operating in the Fukushima designated zone.
Occup Environ Med. 2012;69(6):453-4.
12. Tsutsumi A, Kawanami S, Horie S. Effort-reward imbalance and depression
among private practice physicians. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
13. Park J, Kim Y, Cheng Y, Horie S. A comparison of the recognition of
overwork-related cardiovascular disease in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Ind Health.
14. Horie S, Kawaniai S, Sunada K. Prevention of health impairment from overwork.
Yobou Igaku. 2011;53(12):55-60. (in Japanese)
15. Horie S. Hot environment and human physiology. Rodo No Kagaku.
2011;66(6):10-15. (in Japanese)
16. Horie S. Expertise and ethics of occupational physician. Occup Health Review.
2011;24(2):119-41. (in Japanese)
17. Kawanami S, Inoue J, Takahashi K, Horie S. Assessment of telephone operators'
exposure to sound through headphones. J UOEH. 2011;33(3):237-45. (in
18. Horie S. Role of occupational physicians and school physicians and health
management of workers. Jpn J Pediatr 2011;64(7):1328-37. (in Japanese)
19. Eguchi Y, Kawanami S, Horie S, Yamato H. Assessments by HR and %HRR of
occupational work exertion for alternating periods of rest and manual labor. J
Occup Health. 2011;53(5):343-9.
20. Obata Y, Morimoto Y, Hirohashi M, Ogami A, Oyabu T, Myojo T, Kawanami S,
Horie S, Nagatomo H, Murakami M, Tanaka I. Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in
the lungs of rats exposed to potassium octatitanate whiskers. J Occup Health.
21. Noda H, Maruyama K, Iso H, Dohi S, Terai T, Fujioka S, Goto K, Horie S, Nakano
S, Hirobe K; 3M Study Project Committee of the Japan Association of
Occupational Physicians "San-yu-kai". Prediction of myocardial infarction using
coronary risk scores among Japanese male workers: 3M Study. J Atheroscler
Thromb. 2010;17(5):452-9.
22. Morimoto Y, Miki T, Higashi T, Horie S, Tanaka K, Mukai C. Effect of lunar dust
on humans: -lunar dust: regolith-. Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2010;65(4):479-85. (in
23. Horie S. Occupational health policies on risk assessment in Japan. Saf Health
Work. 2010;1(1):19-28.
24. Idota N, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Inoue J. Temporary threshold shifts at 1500 and 2000
Hz induced by loud voice signals communicated through earphones in the pinball
industry. Ann Occup Hyg. 2010;54(7):842-9.
25. Nagano C, Tsutsui T, Monji K, Sogabe Y, Idota N, Horie S. Technique for
continuously monitoring core body temperatures to prevent heat stress disorders in
workers engaged in physical labor. J Occup Health. 2010;52(3):167-75.
26. Horie S, Kawanami S, Yamashita M, Idota N, Tsutsui T, Sogabe Y, Monji K.
Variations in esophageal temperature with distance from nostrils. Ergonomic
Trends from the East (ed. By Kumashiro M). Taylor & Francis Group, London,
27. Maruyama K, Hirobe K, Noda H, Iso H, Dohi S, Terai T, Fujioka S, Goto K, Horie
S, Nakano S. Associations between blood lipid profiles and risk of myocardial
infarction among Japanese male workers: 3M Study. J Atheroscler Thromb.
28. Nakao T, Kawase Y, Shinmi R, Yamashita M, Mitsuhashi A, Fukuda H, Kawanam
S, Hiro H, Horie S. Use and evaluation of Action Checklist for health risk
management of employees working long hours. J UOEH. 2008;30(4):443-54. (in
29. Fujii RK, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Nagano C. Effectiveness of a head wash cooling
protocol using non-refrigerated water in reducing heat stress. J Occup Health.
30. Nakao T, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Kawanami S, Sasaki N, Inoue J. Earplug-type
earphone with built-in microphone improves monosyllable intelligibility in noisy
environments. J Occup Health. 2008;50(2):194-6.
31. Narai R, Oyama T, Isse T, Moriguchi J, Yashima Y, Fujino A, Horie S, Kawamoto
T. Methods and rationale for keeping records of hepatitis virus testing in Japanese
workplaces. Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2008;50(1):11-9.
32. Cohen R, Horie S. Injuries caused by physical hazards. In Current Occupational &
Environmental Medicine 4th ed. (ed. By LaDou J). 2007; McGraw-Hill, New York,
33. Suemitsu T, Okufuji T, Miyazaki S, Horie S. Study of U.S. regulations on
determination of work-relatedness of mental health disturbance and
cerebrovascular and cardiac diseases. Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2007;49(1):27-34.
(in Japanese)
34. Fujii RK, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Nagano C. Heat exposure control using
non-refrigerated water in Brazilian steel factory workers. Ind Health.
35. Fujino Y, Horie S, Hoshuyama T, Tsutsui T, Tanaka Y. A systematic of working
hours and mental health burden. Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2006;48(4):87-97. (in
36. Tsutsui T, Idota N, Nagano C, Horie S, Sogabe Y, Monji K. Body cooling capacity
of water circulated cooling pants during lower body exercise in a hot environment.
J UOEH. 2005;27(1):63-71. (in Japanese).
Hoshuyama T, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Fujino Y, Tanaka Y, Nagano C, Takahashi K.
Long working hours and cardiovascular diseases: a systematic . J UOEH.
2005;27(4):367-76. (in Japanese)
Tanigawa T, Horie S, Sakurai S, Iso H. Screening for sleep-disordered breathing at
workplaces. Ind Health. 2005;43(1):53-7.
Horie S. Privacy of workers and handling of personal information in occupational
health. J UOEH. 2004;26(4):481-505. (in Japanese)
Sato K, Kawakami N, Ohtsu T, Tsutsumi A, Miyazaki S, Masumoto T, Horie S,
Haratani T, Kobayashi F, Araki S. Broccoli consumption and chronic atrophic
gastritis among Japanese males: an epidemiological investigation. Acta Med
Okayama. 2004;58(3):127-33.
41. Shimizu T, Horie S, Nagata S, Marui E. Relationship between self-reported low
productivity and overtime working. Occup Med (Lond). 2004;54(1):52-4.
42. Horie S, Tsutsui T, Miyazaki S. Effect of dilution of sports drink on water balance
and beverage preference of heat-exposed steel workers. J UOEH. 2003;25(1):1-11.
43. Inoue J, Idota N, Tsutsui T, Horie S. Development of a computerized sound
attenuation measurement system of hearing protectors based on Japanese
Industrial Standard (JIS). J UOEH. 2003;25(3):271-81. (in Japanese)
44. Tsutsui T, Horie S, Kaji H. Occupational physician's role regarding return to work
of workers with acquired disability. J UOEH. 2002;24(3):327-36. (in Japanese)
45. Idota N, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Inoue J. Noise attenuation characteristics of a foam
type earplug measured using a dummy head. J UOEH. 2002;24(1):11-8.
46. Taguchi Y, Horie S, Tsutsui T, Igisu H. Occupational safety and health at small
scale enterprises co-operating with a medical university. J UOEH.
2002;24(2):197-210. (in Japanese)
47. Horie S. Improvement of occupational noise-induced temporary threshold shift by
active noise control earmuff and bone conduction microphone. J Occup Health.
48. Horie S, Ito I, Araki Y, Ohgami A, Hatanaka J, Fujita Y, Shiino K and Kikuchi S.
Survey on occupational health management of VDT workers amnog 84 Japanese
companies, J UOEH. 2001;23(4):345-62.
49. Koradecka D, Money C, M. Aubrun J, Greco L, Knowles A, Horie S, et al:
Ambient Factors in the Workplace, Code of Practice, ILO. 2001; ILO, Geneva,
50. Horie S: Ethical considerations at health examinations of fitness for work, J
UOEH. 2000;22 (Suppl.) :147-154.