Food for the Flock Gingrichs Mennonite Church 100 Forney Road Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 274-1521 “Inklings . . . About Gardens” “Now the Lord God had planted a garden . . . at the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden . . . on each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit . . .” -From Genesis 2:8, John 19:41, Revelation 22:2 Yes, many of us are feeling it right now. The piles of snow are just about gone. We’ve already turned the clocks ahead, so the daylight hours are stretching into the early evening. The earth is once again tipping so that the northern hemisphere is inching closer to the sun, so our part of the world is warming ever so slowly. The robins have returned. The snow geese and tundra swans have made their annual spring layover at Middle Creek. And if you look closely at some sunny corners of flower beds, the daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses are peeking their heads above the slowly warming soil. As of last Friday, spring 2015 officially arrived! Now many of us are feeling the need to get our hands back into the soil – planting flowers, cleaning out flower and seed beds, getting the onion sets in, and planning the rest of our spring plantings. With spring, come thoughts of warmth after winter’s cold and snow. Color, after winter’s bleak grays and whites. Life, after winter’s death. So what better place to celebrate life . . . than in a garden? One of my favorite biblical pictures is that of the garden. The garden, where God first created life itself. Where he breathed life into humanity. The garden, where everything was new, fresh, dynamic, and totally, fully alive! Sadly, it’s a picture that doesn’t last very long. Man and woman fell, and fell hard. Doubting God, they chose to go their own way, and soon, the beautiful garden that they were to cultivate and care for became a distant memory. Weeds grew. Thistles overwhelmed the garden. Death swallowed up life. Volume 2, Issue 4 April 2015 Page 1 Food for the Flock But even in that bleakness, God spoke hope: promising that One would come who would destroy evil once and for all. And hope would grow again. Jesus, God’s Son, the Chosen One does come. He preaches good news to the poor, recovery of sight to the blind, release for sin’s captives, and forgiveness for all who believe. He offers hints of the garden of joy once again. But just as quickly as those hopes are raised, those hopes are dashed. Jesus is crucified. Once again, death appears to swallow up life. The curtain rises on the next scene. A scene in a garden. The garden where Jesus’ body was laid to rest. On the third day, some women who were followers of Jesus, go to the garden expecting to find Jesus’ body in an undisturbed tomb. What they find is nothing short of a miracle. The stone to the tomb door is rolled away, Jesus’ body is gone, and they meet someone who they suppose is the gardener, who turns out to be Jesus, their resurrected Lord! Once, life began in a garden and ended in death. On this day, death entered a garden, and death ended in life! Fast forward to the end of days, when God’s Kingdom comes in its fullness to a new heaven and a new earth. Where do we find ourselves? In an orchard, by a river. The tree of life, the way to which was barred by angels with fiery swords, will now be completely accessible. It will bear fruit which will heal the nations. Once again, we find ourselves in a garden. It seems like God loves gardens more than we do. Is it any wonder why we can’t wait to start working in ours this spring? Celebrating the Resurrection with you, Pastor Jim Schwenk Volume 2, Issue 4 April 2015 Page 2 Food for the Flock Nursery Schedule The nursery will be staffed with 2 people every Sunday. A high school/young adult will be paired with an older member. The nursery is intended for children ages infant to kindergarten. All other children should remain in the auditorium with their parents/grandparents/guardian. After Sunday school we would like all children to be in the auditorium until it is time for the sermon. Children may be taken to the nursery at this time. This will give the nursery workers opportunity to attend worship. Operation Christmas Child 2015 We want to thank you for the generous outpouring of love for the children of the world you provided through our Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child collection for 2014. We were told as a first time Reception Center, to expect around 500 boxes. We nearly doubled that amount, falling just short of 1,000 boxes collected! Praise the Lord! For 2015, our plan has two parts. First, we want to encourage you to plan on packing one or more boxes for collection in November. We have empty boxes available. Just ask Lore if you would like one or more. Secondly, each month, from January through October, we will be collecting specified items. You can purchase them as you do your weekly or monthly shopping. Then just bring them along to church, and deposit them in the large, OCC collection box in the foyer. We will save the items until November. Then, in early November, we will have a church-wide packing party! April 5th Diane & Audrey Hoover April 12th Esther Kraybill & Brianna Bomgardner So what are we collecting? April 19th Ashlea Good & Tyler Schwenk April 26th Jean Weaver & Elaine Freed **If you are interested in helping in the nursery during worship service, please contact April Hershey in the church office (717) 2741521. If after hours, please feel free to contact her either at home (717) 865-3439 or on her cell (717) 269-4476. Volume 2, Issue 4 April 2015 April – Pencils, erasers, markers, activity books May – T-shirts June – Toy cars and dolls July – Toothbrushes, combs, hair brushes August – Small stuffed animals September – Small balls and stickers October – “Your choice” – appropriate things to add to the boxes Page 3 Food for the Flock Message From Maggi Freed Upcoming Events Thank you for the support given to my family and me after the loss of my father. It is truly a blessing to be a part of this congregational family. My family was touched by the caring shown by Gingrichs members. While I miss my father, it is a blessing to know that he has escaped the physical hardships he faced during the last years of his life and is now in Heaven. God Bless You All. Good Friday Service There will be a Good Frida worship service here at Gingrichs on Friday, April 3, 2015 at 7pm. Men’s Breakfasts After a month off, our monthly men’s breakfasts will resume in April. Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events Saturday April 25 at the church at 7:00 a.m. Saturday May 24 at 6:00 a.m. (We will be serving breakfast to those using the overnight shelter sponsored by Lebanon County Christian Ministries. Location and details to follow) Book Release Pastor Jim’s new book, George Whitefield: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought, is scheduled to be released by the publisher on May 1, 2015. It is already available for preorder on the publisher’s website, and at Life What is it A race? It’s not who finishes first It’s not who finishes last But it’s how you finish Communion and Spring Foot Washing How will you finish? ~Jerilyn Wyatt Volume 2, Issue 4 On Sunday April 12, we will remember the Lord’s Supper during morning worship. We will also observe our spring foot washing service. For those unable to April 2015 Page 4 Food for the Flock participate in foot washing, hand washing will be available. Gingrichs Night Out New Sermon Series Come join us in a church night out with a picnic followed by a baseball game. “Rebuilding Hope” Saturday, July 25, 2015 Did you ever feel like you were at the end of your rope? Have you ever been at the point of despair where all hope seemed gone? If you have, join the club! Life in this world has the habit of ripping the carpet of hope right out from under our feet. We’ve all faced times in our lives when hope faded – perhaps disappeared completely. Maybe you look back at past successes and wonder if they could ever happen again? If you’re a little short of hope, then this sermon series is for you! Beginning on April 26, Pastor Jim will begin a 3 month series titled, “Rebuilding Hope,” based on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. In the opening verses of the book, Nehemiah receives incredibly bad news – the kind of news that can steal hope! But throughout the rest of the book, Nehemiah shows us how to rebuild hope, even when things look the very worst. Gates open at 4:30pm and game begins at 6pm. Cost of the tickets is just $24 for adults and $14 for children (12 & under). Tickets include a picnic menu to include: hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, chips, popcorn, cookies, soda and water. Price includes both meal and game ticket. Sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board outside of the sanctuary. We need to provide them with a headcount as soon as possible. Please be sure to indicate how many adults and children. We need a minimum of 20 individuals to confirm this event. We hope to see everyone there to enjoy a fun filled evening among our church family. “Rebuilding Hope” – It’s much more than a political slogan! It’s the very business of God! Volume 2, Issue 4 April 2015 Page 5