
The USS Constitution Museum Celebrates the
Bicentennial of the War of 1812 with Two Book Releases
To help commemorate the Bicentennial of the War of 1812, the USS Constitution
Museum is releasing two books in August. One appeals to a general audience, while the
other is targeted towards children. Below are brief summaries of each book and more
information is readily available. In addition, on October 21, 2012, author Richard Platt
will read an excerpt and artist Stephen Biesty will exhibit his illustrations both from the
books at the USS Constitution Museum.
Old Ironsides Activity Book
A Sailor’s Life for Me
The Old Ironsides Activity Book is a brand-new resource that enables children and
families to explore an important national symbol, USS Constitution, in an engaging
way. The Activity Book draws on extensive research into both the lives of
Constitution’s ordinary crewmembers and how families learn and engage with
history together to bring to life this world afloat.With rich illustrations and a lively
text, the stories of Constitution’s 1812 crew come to life in this 128-page book
through hands-on activities, games, online challenges, and photos. 700 Activity
Books will be made available to public and school libraries across Massachusetts, in
time for the country's bicentennial celebration of the War of 1812.
Men of Iron: USS Constitution’s War of 1812 Crew
Matthew Brenckle, Lauren McCormack, Sarah Watkins
A project of the USS Constitution Museum
A symbol of national pride and patriotism then and now, Constitution and her crew
played an essential role in what Historian David McCullough calls the last battle of the
American Revolution and the first of the Civil War. In August 2012, the USS
Constitution Museum will launch a new book about life at sea on board USS
Constitution during the War of 1812. The book will examine a topic with wide appeal,
but one about which surprisingly little is known: the self-contained world on board
Constitution during the War of 1812. It tells the story from the perspective of the
ship’s officers and crew, those ordinary individuals who rose to meet the challenges of
an extraordinary time. Constitution’s crew hailed from nearly every state then in
existence, so the story has national significance reaching far beyond the shores of
Massachusetts. The book follows a sailor’s career from recruitment to returning
home, as readers learn why the sailors joined, who they left behind, how a
hierarchical community was established on board, what their daily routine consisted
of, and when they could come home. This is the first time the 10-years of
groundbreaking research has been made available, and fills a wide gap in scholarship
of this period. It will reinvigorate the interpretation of this national monument by
looking at the individuals who served and the ways their experiences affected them,
their families ashore, and their country.
More about the USS Constitution Museum:
The USS Constitution Museum serves as the memory and educational voice of USS
Constitution. Through collecting, preserving and interpreting the stories of “Old
Ironsides,” the Museum is able to share the history of the ship and her crew with the
public. Hands-on, interactive programs and exhibitions create a positive and
memorable experience for all ages by inspiring them with the freedom that Constitution
symbolizes. The Museum is a private, non - profit 501(c)(3) organization that receives no
appropriated federal funding. Open daily - admission by donation. USS Constitution
Museum , Building 22, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, MA. For more information visit