APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Name of Application: PURPOSE OF APPLICATION PROCESS: The purpose of this application process is to: 1. Ensure alignment of project goals with those of the School of Medicine. 2. Foster a spirit of critical service and knowledge of social justice in our students as they pursue their education, developing their roles as citizens and professionals. 3. Ensure availability of service learning opportunities for our students. 4. Ensure adequate consistent oversight of activities to maximize benefit to those served by the project, our community partners, and our students. 5. Minimize harm to community members who are impacted by student projects. 6. Minimize risk of liability to students and the University of Washington. 7. Provide a mechanism for UW SOM to recognize student(s) for community involvement. When is approval required? Approval is required for any project where a UW medical student or group of students is participating in a community service activity in their “UW student capacity” (as opposed to their individual/personal capacity). Project examples requiring approval include participation in diagnosis and treatment of complaints, health education, health fairs, screening and referral services, preparing a meal at a shelter or advocacy/lobbying. When is approval not required? Personal volunteerism not affiliated with the UW SOM does not require this approval process. If a reasonable person would think that a student was “representing” the UW while participating in such an activity, the student would be considered to be acting in a UW student capacity (therefore requiring approval). If you have questions about this, please contact the Service Learning Manager. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION: 1. Contact the Service Learning Manager (Kelsen Caldwell – to consult about your application process, discuss a project development timeline, and schedule a visit to the Service Learning Advisory Committee. 2. Complete all of Section I-VI unless the instructions indicate that the information is not needed for your project. Where text is requested, the text fields will expand to accommodate your responses. 3. When you have completed Section I-VI, follow these steps: a. Send it to your Faculty Advisor and the Service Learning Manager for review. Integrate any feedback. b. Once approved by your Faculty Advisor, ask them to add their signature. Signatures can be digital or signed by hand. Email the completed form to the Service Learning Manager at c. Present the Application to the Service Learning Advisory Committee. If approved, you will proceed with your project. If changes are requested, you will need to implement changes and resubmit prior to starting your project. 4. Be sure to save a copy of the completed signed document for your records. 5. Upon request, the Service Learning Manager will provide you with a PDF of the fully-completed application after it has gone through the approval process. For more information, see School of Medicine Policy on Student Participation in Service Learning Activities. 1 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SECTION I: CONTACT INFO AND PROJECT COLLABORATORS A. Students(s) submitting proposal Primary Student Contact Name School Email Phone Other involved students Name School Email Phone Name School Email Phone Name School Email Phone Add others as needed: B. Involved student groups (if applicable) Student Group Name Group URL Primary Contact Name Email Is your group an officially Registered Student Organization (RSO) with the UW Student Activities Office? Yes 1. No/NA Is your group an approved student club with UW School of Medicine? Yes No/NA Add information about other student groups as needed: C. If students from other schools are participating, please indicate below. Note that participants from other schools are responsible for seeking any approvals required by their schools. School of Dentistry School of Nursing School of Pharmacy School of Public Health School of Social Work 2 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Other Programs MEDEX Medical Technology Rehab Medicine (includes OT, PT, etc) Health Administration Undergraduates Other D. Faculty Advisors Name / Title School Email Phone Add others as needed: E. Community partners Organization Name Address City ST Zip Primary Contact Title Email Phone Add others as needed. F. Will an affiliation agreement be needed? (i.e., does the project entail significant and/or ongoing involvement with an outside entity? Need for an agreement may be determined as part of the approval process.) Yes 1. No/NA Has this been discussed with the outside entity? Yes 2. No/NA Has a draft agreement been prepared? Yes No/NA Comments: SECTION II: PROJECT OVERVIEW G. What is the name of your project? 3 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT H. Abstract (Brief description of your project, including overarching mission and goals of each involved student group; please also include information about what students will be doing). I. How was the need for the project determined? Please include information about who you met with and whether a needs assessment was completed. J. What are the objectives of the project? K. Describe the target population. L. What is the proposed start date of your project? If your project is supposed to start within a month, please contact the Service Learning Manager as soon as possible to see if an expedited approval process is possible. Single Event Recurring How often will your project activities take place, e.g. monthly, weekly, etc.? M. Please describe your plan for implementing ongoing reflection activities with participating volunteers. Reflection activities should bridge the service with specific learning objectives that deepen and broaden insights that are drawn from service experiences. SECTION III: PROJECT RESOURCES N. What resources do you need and how will you obtain them? 1. Equipment Yes No/NA Equipment description: 2. Supplies Yes No/NA Supplies description: 3. Volunteers (other than preceptors) Yes No/NA Volunteer description: 4. Preceptors Yes No/NA 4 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT 5. O. Other Is funding required? Yes (please indicate funding source): No/NA SECTION IV: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Section Recommendation: Turning subsections in Section IV into separate job descriptions for faculty advisors, student leaders, and student volunteers will help you transition project leadership and maintain institutional memory in the long run. P. Describe the faculty roles and job description for your project. Q. Student Leadership Roles and Responsibilities R. Student Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities This section should include what exactly students of different levels of training will be doing— e.g. MS3s/MS4s will be paired with MS1s/MS2s for blood glucose testing etc. There can be multiple roles and corresponding responsibilities—e.g. referral coordinator, clinic manager, volunteer coordinator, health educator. Please outline as many as are necessary for your project to be functional. If the project is interprofessional, please include information about how the division of labor will be broken down by school/program/level of student training. S. How will student leadership and volunteers be recruited and trained (including by whom, how often and with what materials)? Please be specific here. If your project will include blood glucose testing, make sure you outline how you know students will be proficient to administer blood glucose testing. T. For reoccurring projects, how will student leadership be transitioned and sustained? (Please include a timeline for leadership transitions.) SECTION V: SUPERVISION, OVERSIGHT, AND FOLLOW UP CARE U. Does your project involve any of the following activities? Providing medical care Health screening 5 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Health education If your project does NOT involve any of the above (providing medical care, health screening or health education), please skip to SECTION VI. If your project DOES involve any of the above, please fill out the rest of Section V. If you have questions regarding what constitutes the above activities or why more information is required for projects that involve them, please refer to the School of Medicine Policy on Student Participation in Service Learning Activities or contact the Service Learning Manager, Kelsen Caldwell, NOTE: Preceptors are required if your project involves any student activities that constitute the practice of medicine (see School of Medicine Policy on Student Participation in Service Learning Activities). If applicable, provide the following information about preceptors: a) How many preceptors are required for the scope of the project? (1) b) How did you determine this number? Do you have commitments from the required number of preceptors? Yes (explain below) No/NA Comments: c) Name Information about proposed preceptors: Specialty Faculty status (full-time faculty [0.5+ FTE], part-time faculty, or community volunteer 1. 2. 3. Add others as needed. V. If your project requires MD preceptors, please describe their specific roles and duties. W. If your project is interprofessional, please describe the specific roles and duties of non-MD preceptors or supervisors. X. How will preceptors/supervisors be recruited and trained (including by whom, how often and using what materials)? Y. Will your project require patient-related documentation? Yes No/NA If yes, please describe in detail your plan for managing patient documentation. 6 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT If applicable, please describe the project’s referral and patient navigation system to ensure patient access to necessary follow-up care. Z. AA. Does your project involve health education activities? Yes No/NA If yes, please generally describe your plan for developing and vetting health education materials and curriculum that are geared toward your target population. BB. Will your project involve interaction with people who have limited English proficiency? Yes No/NA If yes, please generally describe your plan for providing quality written and spoken translation services. SECTION VI: DOCUMENTATION AND EVALUATION CC. What is your plan for data collection? (At minimum, each project should be tracking number of students involved, number of people served, and number of hours of service). DD. What is your plan for program evaluation? (In other words, how will you know your project is doing what it is supposed to be doing? How do you plan to improve our program over time?) SECTION VII: TO BE COMPLETED BY FACULTY ADVISOR Signature from a willing and qualified faculty advisor is required to ensure that the faculty advisor is committed to this project. Faculty advisor agrees to the following responsibilities in overseeing this student project: Ensures that the skill sets (and licensure as applicable) of preceptors and (other) volunteers are commensurate with the tasks and roles of the project. Oversees the training and orientation processes for preceptors and (other) volunteers. Oversees the documentation and evaluation processes for the project. I AGREE TO THE ABOVE RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE FACULTY ADVISOR. Signature (Digital or Handwritten) 7 APPLICATION FOR STUDENT-INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Printed Name (for digital or handwritten signature): Date (for digital or handwritten signature) SECTION VIII: TO BE COMPLETED BY DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS I APPROVE THIS PROJECT. Date (for digital or handwritten signature): Signature (Digital or Handwritten) Anne Eacker, M.D. Associate Dean for Student Affairs SECTION IX: TO BE COMPLETED BY SERVICE LEARNING MANAGER Sites of Practice Required VRP Application Required Affiliation Agreement Required Student/s is/are in good standing Copy of proposal forwarded to Office of Risk Management 8