Part-Time Assessment of Classroom Effectiveness (ACE

Part-Time Assessment of Classroom Effectiveness (ACE) Videographers – Baltimore City
Teaching Residency
The Baltimore City Teaching Residency (BCTR) administers the Assessment of Classroom
Effectiveness (ACE), an innovative approach to certification that uses multiple streams of
evidence to assess, and ultimately recommend, new alternate route teachers for state professional
licensure. As one of the multiple measures for evaluation, BCTR teachers will be filmed
delivering two lessons during the 2013-14 school year. The Baltimore City Teaching Residency
is currently seeking experienced videographers to record a series of classroom lessons taught by
first and second-year teachers evaluated under ACE.
ACE Videographer Role and Responsibilities
ACE Videographers are responsible for video recording classroom lessons and submitting this
footage to an online video platform for first and second-year teachers through Baltimore City
Teaching Residency. Videographers will be required to attend 2-3 hours of initial training as well
as 1-2 follow-up meetings throughout the year. Training will be conducted virtually (through
phone and webinar conferencing) and check-in meetings will be conducted via phone with
central ACE management. These check-in meetings will discuss and address logistical issues
such as school access, scheduling, and technology troubleshooting.
ACE Videographers will be assigned a caseload of 15-20 participants and will video-record each
participant two (2) times between November 2013 and March 2014. The lessons recorded and
uploaded by ACE Videographers will then be reviewed and scored by trained ACE observation
specialists against the ACE instructional framework to inform certification decisions and/or
provide formative feedback for these teachers. An ACE Videographer is responsible for:
Traveling to local Baltimore City schools, using personal transportation
Scheduling visits to teachers’ classrooms in accordance with observation deadlines
Recording with fidelity and high quality two 45-60 minute lesson cycles for each
assigned participant between November 2013 and March 2014
Uploading lesson videos to a central server following standard protocol within 48 hours
of filming
Participating in all required trainings and check-in meetings
November 18th – 29th 2013
ACE Videographer training
Time Commitment
~2-3 hours of virtual training
(To be scheduled)
8-10 hours/week of observation time
Classroom observations of
(depending on number of teachers
December 2013 – March 2014
assigned participants
assigned to observer; generally 15-20)
December 2013 – March 2014
1-2 follow-up meetings for 30-60 minutes per meeting
ongoing logistical support (Exact schedule to be determined)
Successful ACE Videographers are self-motivated with strong organizational skills and a track
record of producing high-quality video recordings of dynamic environments. The ideal candidate
must also:
Pass a school district background check
Have reliable transportation
Be able to skillfully operate video equipment provided by TNTP
Be familiar with uploading to online video platforms
Have a basic understanding of lesson structure and classroom settings
Demonstrate ability to capture high-quality video of dynamic environments
Candidates must also successfully complete all requirements of the initial training in order to
continue as ACE videographers. In the event that a candidate withdraws or is removed from
training, he or she will be paid for the time invested in initial training but not for any of the
subsequent follow-up meetings.
ACE Videographers will be paid $20/hour for all training sessions, check-in meetings (including
independent study) and completed lesson videos.
ACE Observers will be employees of TNTP, a non-profit consulting organization that is
partnering with Baltimore City Public Schools to certify new alternate route candidates through
the Baltimore City Teaching Residency. For more information on TNTP, please visit
Application Process
If you are interested in becoming an ACE Videographer, please email a one-page cover letter,
résumé, and video sample to Given the importance of reliable internet
service for this position, please also visit, run the diagnostic, and take a
screen shot of your download/upload speeds; submit this screen shot along with your application
materials. In general, upload speeds slower than 5 Mbps are insufficient to efficiently upload
video to our online platform and will remove your application from consideration. Applications
will be considered on a rolling basis – so it is to your advantage to apply as soon as possible.
The cover letter must specifically address the following questions:
What skills make you a good fit for this position?
What do you anticipate being the greatest challenge in filming a classroom setting?
The video sample may portray any professionally appropriate content and should be 10-15
minutes in length. Please submit any questions or concerns electronically to the email address
provided above.
We will not consider applications without a cover letter tailored to this position, which can be
addressed to Jill Lay at the email address listed above. Please note that an offer of employment
will be subject to the successful completion of a background check. TNTP is committed to
fostering and capitalizing on the diversity of our organization. We are an equal opportunity
employer and seek individuals of all ethnic and racial backgrounds to apply to this position.
TNTP helps school districts and states fulfill the promise of public education by ensuring that all
students—especially those from high-need communities—get excellent teachers. A national
nonprofit organization founded by teachers, TNTP is driven by the knowledge that although
great teachers are the best solution to educational inequality, the nation’s education systems do
not sufficiently prioritize the goal of effective teachers for all. In response, TNTP develops
customized programs and policy interventions that enable education leaders to find, develop and
keep great teachers and achieve reforms that promote effective teaching in every classroom.
Since its inception in 1997, TNTP has recruited or trained approximately 37,000 teachers—
mainly through its highly selective Teaching Fellows™ programs—benefiting an estimated 5.9
million students. TNTP has also released a series of acclaimed studies of the policies and
practices that affect the quality of the nation’s teacher workforce, most recently including The
Irreplaceables: Understanding the Real Retention Crisis in America’s Urban Schools (2012).
Today TNTP is active in more than 30 cities, including Baltimore, Chicago, New Orleans, New
York, and Oakland, among others. For more information, please visit