Name: ______________________________ Unit 5 – Stars and Galaxies STAR PROPERTY LAB PROCEDURE – 107 pts. Instructions: In order to complete all items in this lab, it will be useful for you to bring with you to your lab station classroom notes, diagrams, and any additional handouts provided to you by the instructor. Remember, you will not be turning in this procedure sheet, but rather a typed formal lab report document. See WS #9 – Lab Report Format – for all details. A total of 15 points comes from every lab report for the following pages: title page, introduction and objective, procedure and materials, and conclusion. All data related to the procedural steps and lab questions should be documented in the results portion of the submitted lab report. MATERIALS: Graph Paper Colored Pencils Ruler Figure 1 – Stars of Leo, attached Figure 2 – Stars of Leo, attached Table 1 PROCEDURE: Part I – Building Your Diagram (57 pts.) 1. Set up your graph paper landscape (long-ways) in the following fashion: a box with the bottom xaxis labeled “Temperature (Kelvin)”, the top x-axis labeled “Spectral Type”, the right y-axis labeled ‘Absolute Magnitude (Mv)” and the left y-axis labeled “Luminosity Ratio To Sun (L/L®)”. Label the top of your diagram, “[Last Name] H-R Diagram”. 2. In order to label your graph appropriately, you will need to plot the Sun first. See step 4 below to understand how you will be plotting the star’s on your H-R Diagram. The Sun’s luminosity ratio is obviously 1. Other marks on your “Luminosity Ratio To Sun” axis should go in increments of 10 2 across from the corresponding absolute magnitudes. Use examples from the PowerPoint H-R Diagrams provided in class as a basis for your labeling. 3. The “Absolute Magnitude” axis should go in increments of 5, beginning with +15 at the bottom of your graph and working your way up to -10 (increasing brightness with lower number values). The Sun’s absolute magnitude (Mv) is +4.8 and should be very close to 5 on your graph. 4. The “Spectral Type” axis, starting at the top left should go in order from hottest class to coolest class. The “Temperature” axis does not need to be labeled in specific increments just use the following information and align it accordingly with the “Spectral Type” axis: O 60,000 K – 30,000 K B 30,000 K – 10,000 K A 10,000 K – 7500 K F 7500 K – 6000 K G 6000 K – 5000 K K 5000 K – 3500 K M 3500 K and below #47 5. Plot all “Bright Stars” and “Near Stars” on your newly constructed H-R Diagram, with the data from below, using open circles. The diameter of the circles should be based upon the following: Ia/Ib 2 cm. II/III/IV 1.0 cm. V/VI 0.5 cm. VII 0.25 cm. 6. These need to be open circles because you will color them in based on their spectral type: O dark blue B medium-blue A light blue F light yellow G yellow K yellow-orange M red 7. Upon completion of the creation of your H-R Diagram you will include it in the results section for Part 1 of your submitted lab report. BRIGHT STARS DATA STAR NAME Sirius A Sirius B Canopus Alpha Centauri A Alpha Centauri B Arcturus Vega Capella A Capella B Rigel A Procyon A Procyon B Achernar Beta Centauri Betelgeuse SPECTRAL TYPE & LUMINOSITY CLASS A1V B8VII F0II ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE (Mv) STAR NAME SPECTRAL TYPE & LUMINOSITY CLASS A7V K5III B1V ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE (Mv) +1.4 +11.3 -5.5 Altair Aldebaran A Crucis A G2V +4.4 Crucis B B1IV -3.9 K1V +5.7 Antares A M2Ib -5.3 K2III A0V G8III K0III B8Ia F5V -0.3 +0.6 +0.4 +0.2 -6.8 +2.7 Spica Pollux Fomalhaut A Deneb Regulus A Adhara B2IV K0III A3V A2Ia B7V B2Ib -3.5 +1.1 +1.7 -7.0 -0.5 -4.1 F0VII B3V B1III M2Ia +13.0 -2.8 -4.6 -6.1 Castor A Castor B Shaula Bellatrix A1V A2V B2IV B2III +1.3 +2.3 -5.1 -2.7 +2.2 -0.6 -4.1 NEAR STARS DATA STAR NAME SPECTRAL TYPE & LUMINOSITY CLASS G2V ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE (Mv) STAR NAME +4.8 M6V +15.0 Lalande 21185 M2V +10.5 Ross 154 Ross 248 M4V M6V +13.1 +14.8 Groombridge 34 A Lacaille 9352 Tau Ceti Epsilon Eridani Luyten’s Star Ross 128 61 Cygni A 61 Cygni B Epsilon Indi K2V M3V M4V K5V K7V K5V +6.2 +12.0 +13.5 +7.5 +8.3 +6.9 Barnard’s Star Lacaille 8760 Kapteyn's Star Kruger 60 A Kruger 60 B Wolf 359 Sun Proxima Centauri ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE (Mv) Struve 2398 A SPECTRAL TYPE & LUMINOSITY CLASS M3V Struve 2398 B M4V +12.0 M2V +10.3 M2V G8V +8.7 +5.7 M4V M2V MIV M3V M4V M7V +13.2 +8.7 +10.9 +11.8 +13.5 +16.7 +11.2 Part 2 – Spectroscopic Parallax (25 pts.) Finding the distances to stars based upon their spectral type and luminosity class is known as spectroscopic parallax (even though no parallax determination is involved). This method is neither easy nor exact; however, it has proved to be one of the best ways to learn about very distant stars. The first part of this method involves determining the star's spectral type and luminosity class. Astronomers can determine a star's spectral type based on the absorption lines in the spectrum of the star. The hottest stars show strong hydrogen lines and some helium lines. Spectral type A stars have predominately only hydrogen lines. As stars get cooler, more lines will appear as heavier elements [for example, calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe)] recapture their electrons. The singly ionized calcium atoms (Ca II) are especially strong in spectral type G stars. Spectral type K stars have very weak hydrogen lines but strong iron lines and similar heavy elements. The width of a line can be used to determine an approximate luminosity for a star. For a given element, supergiant stars will have narrow lines and dwarf stars will have broad lines. You will need to obtain Table 1, which lists the 14 stars in the constellation Leo in order of their apparent magnitude (mv). Seven of the stars have already been classified, with their absolute magnitudes (Mv) and distances also calculated. Your mission for this part of the lab is to fill in missing details on Table 1 for the other seven stars and include it in the results section for Part 2 of your submitted lab report. 1. Figures 1 and 2, attached to this lab procedure sheet, show a series of standard spectra used to classify stars (Fig. 1) and the seven stars in Leo that have already been classified as well as the seven that you need to classify (Fig. 2). First, take a look at the 7 stars in Leo that have already been classified, and compare each to the corresponding standard spectrum. Use the examples given to guide you in classifying the remaining seven stars in Fig. 2. Note: because of the need to keep the image sizes small, some image quality had to be sacrificed. Note, too, that there is a shift in some of the spectra. Let the line patterns and strengths guide you in your classification. Also, the standard spectra are for luminosity class V only. Do not worry about being extremely accurate -- this is not an exact science! 2. Enter your best guesses of the spectral types in column 3 of Table 1. Luminosity classes for the stars are already given. 3. Assign each star an absolute magnitude based on its spectral class and luminosity class. You must use an H-R Diagram from the PowerPoint examples to do this or find one having spectral types along with luminosity class groups plotted on the diagram. Fill in column 6 of Table 1. 4. Calculate the distance to each of the seven stars based upon the absolute magnitude from spectroscopic parallax using the Magnitude-Distance Formula. 5. For the seven unclassified stars, fill in Table 1 for the distances determined from the parallax values, using the Trigonometric (Stellar) Parallax Formula, d = 1/p LAB QUESTIONS (10 pts.) 1. Why can’t we use trigonometric (stellar) parallax to determine the distances to all stars? 2. Differentiate between apparent visual magnitude and absolute visual magnitude. 3. The H-R Diagram is sometimes called a color - magnitude diagram. Why is this (or why is this not) an appropriate name? 4. What is the diagonal band of stars, running from top left to bottom right of the H-R Diagram? 5. Which stage includes roughly 90% of all normal stars? 6. Does our Sun have a final resting place on the H-R Diagram? Explain your answer. 7. Explain the width for the Balmer lines of Hydrogen, when looking at a stars’ spectrum, for mainsequence stars, giant stars, and supergiant stars. 8. Identify the luminosity classes of stars. 9. Describe the 3 types of binary star systems and how we observe/study each one.