Large Print Bulletins & Hymnals

Special Music
“Down to the River to Pray”
- Krauss
Motions of Grace Dance Troupe
Yvette Sparks, Director
Marilyn Beeman, Marcia Biederman, Celia Landen, Yvette Sparks
February 24, 2013
8:30am and 11:00am
Second Sunday in Lent
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can
be depended upon to meet any national crises.
~Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Affirmation of Faith
Hymn of Prayer
Silent Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
Hymn of Prayer Reprise
Giving Our Faith Wings
“Morning Hymn”
Judith Pearson, organist
*Call to Worship
- Beethoven
The splendor of divine glory shines upon Jerusalem,
and fire and wind alert the people to God’s presence.
All heaven and earth wait for the word of judgment,
and God, mighty Lord of the universe, speaks:
“I, the Lord your God, condemn your worship with its needless
What I require is the offering of lives shaped by justice and
Those who seek to honor and glorify God by living righteous lives
will worship with true thanksgiving and will know the salvation
of God.
(based on Psalm 50, verse 1-8, 22, 23)
*Hymn of Praise
“O Church of God, United”
No. 547
Creator God, Ruler of all nations, Hope of the hopeful and
Savior of all those who call on You: in our singing be the note of
joy; in our praying be the heartfelt word; in our searching be the
will to endure; in our need be the font of life giving water. Bless
us as we lift up Your name, we ask it through Christ Jesus Your
only begotten Son, he who is our Lord and our brother. Amen.
“Beautiful, Beautiful”
- Battistelli
Children of Grace 2 Dance Troupe
Alyssa Bjorquist, Kaitlyn Clark, Kayleigh Krafft, Brenna Martin,
Katie McVicker, Megan Murray, Jaidyn Ogle-Dimas
Rev. Lauren Miller
The Scripture Reading
Daniel 9:17-19, NIV
Lay Reader: The Word of God for the people of God.
Response: Thanks be to God.
“This Is My Song”
No. 437 (vs. 1-2)
You Never Let Go
God’s Holy Word
Rev. Brian Riecke
“Who Am I ?”
Motions of Grace Dance Troupe
- Casting Crowns
No. 95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here
below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication
Living God, with ‘good pleasure’ You give us gifts beyond our
imagining. We offer these gifts and our lives in response and
pray that they may be pleasing to You. May our hearts be
shaped by the concerns of Your heart and our lives be ever ready
to hear and respond to Jesus’ call to faithful discipleship. This
we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
*Closing Hymn
“God of the Ages”
No. 698
And now may the blessings of God be upon us, and upon this congregation.
May the memories we gather here give us hope for the future. May the love
that we share bring strength and joy to our hearts, and the peace of this
community be with us until we meet again. Amen.
Giving Our Faith WINGS
Who Am I?
- Casting Crowns
Motions of Grace Dance Troupe
Yvette Sparks, Director
Marilyn Beeman, Marcia Biederman, Celia Landen,
Yvette Sparks
Ministry Moment
This is my prayer, O Lord of all earth's kingdoms:
Thy kingdom come; on earth thy will be done.
Let Christ be lifted up till all shall serve him,
and hearts united learn to live as one.
O hear my prayer, thou God of all the nations;
myself I give thee; let thy will be done.
Special Music
Children's Sermon
No. 887
(8:30am) Roy Allen
(11:00am) Sue Mullins
February 24, 2013
“How Do We Pray? In Times of National Need”
Rev. Dr. Jane Youtz Riecke
*People standing, as able. Bold, response of the people
- Martin
Daniel 9:17-19, NIV
Josh Egle
Message "How Do We Pray? In Times of National Need"
Rev. Dr. Jane Youtz Riecke
Ministry Moment
Rev. Brian Riecke
Down to the River to Pray
Motions of Grace Dance Troupe
- Krauss
Your Love Never Fails
Offering Prayer
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Prayers of the People
Beautiful, Beautiful
- Battistelli
Children of Grace 2 Dance Troupe
Alyssa Bjorquist, Kaitlyn Clark, Kayleigh Krafft,
Brenna Martin, Katie McVicker, Megan Murray,
Jaidyn Ogle-Dimas
The Blessing
The King of Glory Comes
Prayers: Pat Eads at Good Samaritan Care Center, Kathy Scott at
Rehabilitation & Nursing Center of the Rockies, Marthellen Ramsay in
Hospice, Woody Woodward at Berthoud Care Center.
Hadgie Boegli, Bob Chappell, Bob Chenoweth, Annette Combs, Elaine
England, Cliff Ertelt, Mae Fox, Sue Gear, Gil Gilbert, Janet Gillette, Greg
Hecker, Clyde Hengl, DeLoma Hogue, Letha Markham, Patrick
McQueen, Bob Ramey, Clark Rikli, Regina Ryser, Diana Shearer, Marcia
Stancer, Andrew Stinson, Sandy Wild, Alice Wilken, Phyllis Will, Dale
Wood, Mildred Wood, James Zalesky.
Phil & Lois Ashcraft's son, Don; David Burnison's brother, Greg; Judy
Burnison's mother, Perie Iceman; Jeff Egle's mother; Norma Flaming's
father, Grover Cummings; Susan Harding's stepmother, Gail Shefferly;
Mark Kessler's grandfather, Herbert; Sue Lilly's mother, Dolores; Rev.
Lauren's dad, Ed; Cees Morgan's sisters, Micki VanWoesik & Carolyn
Krueger; Kay Neckel's sister, Jackie; Donna Quakenbush's family member,
Claire Myers; Sharon Sheet's nephew, Matt Meece; Debbie Tikka's
nephew, Jake Burdick; Carol Tomlin's son-in-law, Mark Albanese and her
daughter; Flo Unger's daughter, Polly Unger; Marcia Yoder's sister, Karen.
Joe Brockman, Branden Greenstreet, Jacob Miklea - serving our country in
the military.
Pray for all who are seeking employment.
Presence: Ash Wednesday: 2/13/13 - 95; 2/17/13 - 382
Gifts: Donations from the Mardi Gras Dinner totaled $300.
Service: Thank you to all who helped host our IHN Families last week.
Birth: Congratulations to Kaleigh Dunn & Erik Klaus on the birth of the
son, Preston Harper Klaus, born 2/18/13.
Welcome to Worship! If you are a newcomer, welcome! During the
service please use and pass the Friendship Folders. We encourage
everyone to record their visit and complete the information sheet,
including the city in which you live. If you are a first time guest, please fill
out the yellow sheet and bring it to the Ask Me Desk for a hospitality gift.
Also, if you have questions about FUMC, stop by the Ask Me Desk
located in Lobby Court. Church information may also be found in the
Friendship Folders and on our website:
Child Care: The nursery is located by the church office and is available
for children ages infant - 5 years. Child Care is always available during all
worship services.
Additional Parking is available in the Truscott Elementary School
parking lot, north of the church on Grant Street just west of the school.
The Children’s Worship Bags feature activities connected to today’s
message. Pick up your bag from the rack at the back of the sanctuary and
return it to an usher or place in the “Used Bags” bin near the rack after the
service so they can be re-stuffed with fun for next week!
Hearing Devices are available during the worship service. Please ask an
usher to assist you if you would like to use one.
Prayer Cards: Prayer Request cards are available in the Friendship
Folders; please use them to notify the Prayer Ministry Team of any prayer
requests and/or answered prayers. You may either drop the cards in the
offering plate, or put them in the Prayer Box at the back of the Sanctuary.
Prayers may also be submitted on our website,
Worship Service on Cable TV: The 8:30am worship service is televised
every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm on channel 83, Comcast.
Deaths: Pat Lutz's sister, Joyce Battershell - 2/13/13
Carol Gattis - 2/14/13
Forrest Knox - 2/14/13
Fellowship Hour: Coffee, pastries/breads/fruit are available in Coy Hall
between 9:30 & 11:00am. We invite you to stay and enjoy the fellowship.
Altar Flowers: Provided by Marcia & Jerry Yoder in celebration of their
granddaughter Cora Jane's 3rd birthday.
Next Week in Worship: Rev. Brian will continue the series, “How Do
We Pray? In Times of Doubt ” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19.
Acolytes: 8:30am - Bryn Morgan & Britta Wenman
11:00am - Graham & Harrison Bittner
Large Print Bulletins & Hymnals are available from
an usher.
Missionaries: Dr. Steve & Alene Burgert, Daniel Lush and
Emmanuel & Florence Mefor.
533 Grant Ave. Loveland, CO 80537
Office hours - M-Thur. 8:30am - 3:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm (970) 667-0876
Dr. Jane’s e-mail: - cell phone: 970-692-3620
Rev. Brian’s e-mail: - cell phone: 970-690-5154
E-mail:; website:
First United Methodist Church of Loveland
Changing Lives, Transforming the World