TestOut Linux Pro Lesson Plans

TestOut Linux Pro – English 3.1.x
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Table of Contents
Course Overview .................................................................................................. 4
Section 0.1: Introduction ....................................................................................... 6
Section 1.1: The Shell ........................................................................................... 8
Section 1.2: Help................................................................................................. 10
Section 1.3: Environment Variables .................................................................... 12
Section 1.4: Aliases ............................................................................................ 14
Section 1.5: Text Editors ..................................................................................... 15
Section 1.6: Redirection and Piping .................................................................... 17
Section 1.7: Directories ....................................................................................... 19
Section 1.8: Files ................................................................................................ 21
Section 1.9: Links................................................................................................ 23
Section 1.11: Locating and Searching Files ........................................................ 26
Section 2.1: Installation Design ........................................................................... 28
Section 2.2: Linux Installation ............................................................................. 30
Section 2.3: Localization ..................................................................................... 32
Section 3.1: Linux Boot Process ......................................................................... 34
Section 3.2: BootLoaders .................................................................................... 36
Section 3.3: Runlevels ........................................................................................ 38
Section 3.4: Init Scripts ....................................................................................... 40
Section 3.5: System Shutdown ........................................................................... 42
Section 4.1: X Window System ........................................................................... 44
Section 4.2: Display Managers ........................................................................... 46
Section 4.3: Accessibility .................................................................................... 48
Section 5.1: Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) ................................................. 50
Section 5.2: Debian Package Manager (DPKG) ................................................. 52
Section 5.3: Shared Libraries .............................................................................. 54
Section 6.1: User and Group Overview............................................................... 56
Section 6.2: User Management........................................................................... 58
Section 6.3: Group Management ........................................................................ 60
Section 7.1: Disk Partitions ................................................................................. 62
Section 7.2: File Systems ................................................................................... 64
Section 7.3: Mounting File Systems .................................................................... 66
Section 7.4: File System Maintenance ................................................................ 68
Section 7.5: Disk Quotas .................................................................................... 70
Section 7.6: Ownership ....................................................................................... 72
Section 7.7: Permissions .................................................................................... 74
Section 7.8: Archive and Backup ........................................................................ 77
Section 8.1: Device Drivers ................................................................................. 79
Section 8.2: Kernel Module Management ........................................................... 81
Section 8.3: Hotplug and Coldplug Devices ........................................................ 83
Section 9.1: Processes ....................................................................................... 85
Section 9.2: Process Management ..................................................................... 87
Section 9.3: Task Management .......................................................................... 89
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.4: Print Management ........................................................................... 91
Section 9.5: Time Management .......................................................................... 94
Section 9.6: Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) .............................................................. 97
Section 9.7: Structured Query Language (SQL) ................................................. 99
Section 10.1: System Log Files ........................................................................ 101
Section 10.2: Scripts ......................................................................................... 103
Section 10.3: Text Stream Processing .............................................................. 105
Section 11.1: Networking Overview .................................................................. 107
Section 11.2: Network Interface Configuration .................................................. 109
Section 11.3: Routing Configuration ................................................................. 111
Section 11.4: Hostname and DNS Configuration .............................................. 113
Section 11.5: Network Troubleshooting ............................................................ 115
Section 12.1: Root Usage ................................................................................. 117
Section 12.2: User Security and Restriction ...................................................... 119
Section 12.3: Network Security ......................................................................... 121
Section 12.4: File Auditing ................................................................................ 123
Section 12.5: Login Blocking ............................................................................. 125
Section 12.6: Xinetd and Inetd Super Daemons ............................................... 127
Section 12.7: OpenSSH .................................................................................... 129
Section 12.8: SSH Port Tunneling .................................................................... 131
Section 12.9: Public Key Authentication ........................................................... 133
Section 12.10: Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) .................................................... 135
Practice Exams ................................................................................................. 136
Appendix A: Approximate Time for the Course ................................................. 137
Appendix B: LabSim for CompTIA’s Linux+ Powered by LPI Changes ............ 142
Appendix B: Linux+ Powered BY LPI Exams: LX0-101 and LX0-102 ............... 143
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Course Overview
This course prepares students for CompTIA’s Linux+ Exams; LX0-101 and LX0102. It focuses on running GNU and Unix commands from the command line,
installing and configuring Linux, and maintaining and securing the Linux system.
Module 0 – Introduction
This module introduces the students to the Linux+ certification exams; LX0-101
and LX0-102.
Module 1 – Using Linux
This module introduces the students to using Linux. They will learn about the
Linux shell, help options, the role of environment variables, using aliases, text
editors, redirection and piping available on a Linux system. Students will also
learn about commands to manage files and directories, links, FHS, and how to
locate and search files for specific character patterns.
Module 2 – Installation and Localization
This module examines designing an effective installation, installing a Linux
operating system, and configuring country and language-specific settings.
Module 3 – Boot and Shutdown
In this module students will learn concepts about the Linux boot process,
installing bootloaders, managing runlevels, using init scripts, and shutting down
the system.
Module 4 – User Interfaces and Desktops
This module teaches the students about configuring an X Window system and
display managers, and providing accessibility to people with impairments.
Module 5 – Software Installation
This module discusses installing application packages using RPM and Debian,
and managing shared libraries.
Module 6 – Users and Groups
This module examines the fundamentals of managing user and group accounts.
Module 7 – Disk and File System Management
In this module students will learn concepts about managing disk partitions,
managing, monitoring and maintaining file systems, restricting disk space to
users, managing file and directory ownership and permissions, and archiving
data on a Linux system.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Module 8 – Hardware Installation
This module discusses hardware installation. Topics covered include; device
drivers, managing kernel modules, and managing Hotplug and Coldplug devices.
Module 9 – Processes and System Services
In this module students will learn the basics of managing and prioritizing
processes, managing tasks, printing, and time. This module also provides an
overview of using Structured Query Language (SQL).
Module 10 – System Monitoring
This module discusses concepts of system monitoring; system logging, using
scripts to execute commands and processing a text stream.
Module 11 – Networking
This module examines the basics of networking, configuring network interfaces,
configuring routing, configuring DNS settings, and troubleshooting network
communication problems.
Module 12 – Security
This module examines the fundamentals of security on the Linux system. This
includes the root user account, promoting user security and restrictions,
increasing network security, file auditing and login blocking. Students will also
become familiar with using the xinetd and inetd super daemons, OpenSSH and
SSH port tunneling, a public key to authenticate to a computer, and the GnuPG
encryption tool.
Practice Exams
In Practice Exams students will have the opportunity to test themselves and
verify that they understand the concepts and are ready to take the certification
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 0.1: Introduction
The Linux+ certification is a vendor neutral certification designed to certify
applicants can complete general Linux tasks across many different distributions.
In the latest version of the Linux+ certification CompTIA has partnered with the
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) to identify what knowledge is necessary to be
an effective Linux administrator, thus the CompTIA Linux+ certification is
essentially the same as the Linux Professional Institute Level 1 certification.
The Linux+ certification certifies that applicants have the skills and knowledge of
a junior level Linux administrator, one with about six months to a year’s worth of
experience on the job, including the following skills:
Managing the system using the command line interface.
Performing maintenance tasks such as adding users, backing up the
system, shutting down and rebooting the system.
Managing your display.
Connecting the system to a network.
The Linux+ certification has been updated. To obtain the certification, applicants
must pass two exams:
The LX0-101 exam covers the following:
o Basic system architecture
o Linux installation and software management
o Unix commands
o Devices
o Linux file systems
o Linux file system hierarchy
The LX0-102 exam covers details about:
o Linux shell
o Scripting and managing data
o User interfaces and desktops
o Administrative tasks
o Essential system services
o Basic networking fundamentals
o Linux security
This course covers content for the Linux+ exam. If possible, we recommend that
students study for both exams before taking either exam.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What exams are required for you to pass to certify for the CompTIA Linux+
Powered by LPI certification?
Why do many administrators choose to use a command line interface on a
Linux server?
What is a Linux distribution?
0.1.1 Instructor Introduction
0.1.2 Linux+ Certification Overview
0.1.3 Linux Operating System Introduction
Total Time
About 20 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.1: The Shell
This section introduces the student to the shell that administrators use to control
a Linux operating system. Students will become familiar with the:
Common shell types
Common shell characteristics
Tips for working in the shell
Common commands used from the shell
Shell configuration files used when the shell starts
Students will learn how to:
Navigate through shells and execute shell commands.
Use the command history.
Use tab completion while executing a shell command.
Locate and edit shell configuration files.
Use exec to execute a command.
Execute common commands such as pwd, whoami, uname, su, and
Linux+ Objectives:
103.1 Work on the command line
Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using the
command line. The objective assumes the bash shell.
o Use single shell commands and one line command sequences to
perform basic tasks on the command line.
o Use and edit command history.
o Invoke commands inside and outside the defined path.
105.1 Customize and use the shell environment
Candidates should be able to customize shell environments to meet users'
needs. Candidates should be able to modify global and user profiles.
o Set environment variables (e.g. PATH) at login or when spawning a
new shell.
o Write BASH functions for frequently used sequences of commands.
o Maintain skeleton directories for new user accounts.
o Set command search path with the proper directory.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is a shell?
What are the basic differences between common shells?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
What is the difference between how executable programs are run by a
Linux shell as compared to a DOS environment?
What is the difference between how a Linux shell recognizes the path to
executable programs compared to how a DOS environment recognizes
the path?
What common commands are used to navigate through shells?
What types of items can Tab complete be used to complete once you start
typing the entities' name?
What does the tilde symbol (~) in the prompt indicate?
1.1.1 Shell Overview
1.1.3 Shell Commands
1.1.4 Using Shell Commands
1.1.6 Shell Configuration Files
1.1.7 Viewing Shell Configuration Files
Number of Exam Questions
14 questions
Total Time
About 70 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.2: Help
This section provides information about sources that can be used to find syntax,
options available, and uses for the commands that are available on a Linux
computer. Students will become familiar with help options available for a Linux
Manual (man) pages
Info pages
On-screen help
Whatis database
Students will learn how to:
Access documentation about a specified command.
Search for information about a command.
Use on-screen help to display the syntax and available options of a
Linux+ Objectives:
103.1 Work on the command line
Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using the
command line. The objective assumes the bash shell.
o Use single shell commands and one-line command sequences to
perform basic tasks on the command line.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the differences between the man utility and info utility?
What types of files are stored in the /usr/share/doc directory?
How can you access on-screen help for each command?
1.2.1 Help
1.2.2 Accessing Help
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Get Help 1
Get Help 2
Get Help 3
Number of Exam Questions
2 questions
Total Time
About 40 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.3: Environment Variables
This section discusses the role of environment variables. Concepts discussed
User-defined variables
Common environment variables
Common environment variable commands
Students will learn how to:
Display the value of currently set environment variables.
Set the value of an environment variable.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.1 Work on the command line
Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using the
command line. The objective assumes the bash shell.
o Use and modify the shell environment including defining,
referencing and exporting environment variables.
105.1 Customize and use the shell environment
Candidates should be able to customize shell environments to meet users'
needs. Candidates should be able to modify global and user profiles.
o Set environment variables (e.g. PATH) at login or when spawning a
new shell.
o Write BASH functions for frequently used sequences of commands.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role of environment variables?
What is the standard syntax for environment variable identifiers?
How do you preserve the current values of the PATH environment variable
when adding a new value to it?
How do you make a new value assigned to an environment variable
persistent across all shell sessions?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
1.3.1 Environment Variables
1.3.2 Managing Environment Variables
View Environment Variables
Number of Exam Questions
13 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.4: Aliases
In this section students will learn how to use aliases to perform a specific action
invoked at startup or from the shell.
Students will learn how to:
Display a list of the currently defined aliases on the system.
Create a custom command using an alias.
Create a single alias that includes multiple commands.
Remove an alias.
Linux+ Objectives:
105.1 Customize and use the shell environment
Candidates should be able to customize shell environments to meet users'
needs. Candidates should be able to modify global and user profiles.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the purpose of an alias?
What happens if you create a new alias with an alias name that already
When would it be important to make an alias persistent?
1.4.1 Aliases
1.4.2 Using Aliases
Number of Exam Questions
1 question
Total Time
About 15 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.5: Text Editors
This section examines using text editors to create and modify text files.
Concepts covered include:
Vim (vi improved) modes:
o Command mode
o Command line mode
o Edit modes
Common vi commands
Students will learn how to:
Navigate a text file using vi.
Open and edit an existing text file using the vi editor.
Create a new file using vim.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.8 Perform basic file editing operations using vi
Candidates should be able to edit text files using vi. This objective
includes vi navigation, basic vi modes, inserting, editing, deleting, copying
and finding text.
o Navigate a document using vi.
o Use basic vi modes.
o Insert, edit, delete, copy and find text.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is it important to know how to run a text editor on a Linux system?
What are the four different modes available in vim, and how can you tell
the current mode?
Which vi mode would you use to overwrite existing text?
1.5.1 Text Editors
1.5.2 Using vim
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Create a New File
Modify an Existing File
Number of Exam Questions
14 questions
About 55 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.6: Redirection and Piping
This section provides information about using redirection and piping to create,
send, or gather information on a Linux system. Concepts covered include:
The role of redirection
The role of piping
Redirection and piping commands
The xargs command
Students will learn how to:
Redirect the standard output from the screen to a file.
Redirect and append new content to an existing file.
Redirect a standard error from a command to a file.
Redirect the standard input to a command.
Pipe the output of a command to the input of another command.
Use the pipe command to search a file for specified text.
Use the pipe command to create a text stream.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.4 Use streams, pipes and redirects
Candidates should be able to redirect streams and connect them in order
to efficiently process textual data. Tasks include redirecting standard
input, standard output and standard error, piping the output of one
command to the input of another command, using the output of one
command as arguments to another command and sending output to both
stdout and a file.
o Redirecting standard input, standard output and standard error.
o Pipe the output of one command to the input of another command.
o Use the output of one command as arguments to another
o Send output to both stdout and a file.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the difference between redirection and piping?
When might you choose to redirect the input of a command?
What are the three default file descriptors that Linux uses to classify
information for a command?
How can you overcome the 128 KB shell command size restriction?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
1.6.1 Redirection
1.6.2 Piping
1.6.3 Using Redirection and Piping
1.6.5 Xargs
Number of Exam Questions
10 questions
Total Time
About 40 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.7: Directories
This section discusses basic commands used to manage directories:
cp –r
cp –R
Students will learn how to:
Navigate directories using the cd command.
Display the current working directory using the pwd command.
Display a list of the contents of a directory including hidden files.
Create a new directory using the mkdir command.
Delete an empty directory and also a directory with existing files.
Copy the entire directory including files and subdirectories to a new
Move directories to a new location using the mv command.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.3 Perform basic file management
Candidates should be able to use the basic Linux commands to manage
files and directories.
o Copy, move and remove files and directories individually.
o Copy multiple files and directories recursively.
o Remove files and directories recursively.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the shortcut to move directly to the home directory when using the
cd command?
What is the difference in function between the rm command and the rmdir
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
1.7.1 Directory Management
1.7.2 Manage Directories
Find the Working Directory
View Directory Information
Find a Hidden Directory
Create Directories
Delete Directories
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.8: Files
This section examines basic commands that are used to manage files on a Linux
Students will learn how to:
Create and view files from the command line.
Use cat, less, head, and tail to view the contents of a text file.
Delete and move files from one directory to another.
Delete an existing directory including all subdirectories and files.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.3 Perform basic file management
Candidates should be able to use the basic Linux commands to manage
files and directories.
o Copy, move and remove files and directories individually.
o Copy multiple files and directories recursively.
o Remove files and directories recursively.
Lecture Focus Questions:
How can you display only the first few lines of a file?
Why is it more common to use the tail command than the head
How can you use the tail command to monitor a specified file when
troubleshooting the system?
What is different about file extensions in Linux compared to file extensions
in a DOS environment?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
1.8.1 File Management
1.8.2 Managing Files
View the Contents of a File
View a List of Available Shells
Delete Files
Move Files
Delete Files and Directories
Number of Exam Questions
8 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.9: Links
This section discusses using links to point to another file. Concepts covered
Link types:
o Hard link
o Symbolic link
Commands for creating hard links and symbolic links:
o ln source link_name
o cp source link_name
Students will learn how to:
Determine where a link points to.
Create a hard link to share access to data.
Create a symbolic link to a specified directory.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.6 Create and change hard and symbolic links
Candidates should be able to create and manage hard and symbolic links
to a file.
o Create links.
o Identify hard and/or softlinks.
o Copying versus linking files.
o Use links to support system administration tasks.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is an inode?
What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?
How can you identify a symbolic link when using the ls -l command?
Which type of link is similar to shortcuts in Windows?
Which utilities can you use to create links?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
1.9.1 Links
1.9.2 Creating Links
Create a Hard Link
Create a Symbolic Link
Number of Exam Questions
5 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.10: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
In this section students will explore the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
which is a subset of the Linux Standards Base (LSB). Students will become
familiar with the standard set of directories defined by the FHS.
Students will learn how to:
Determine the correct location for files under the FHS.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.7 Find system files and place files in the correct location
Candidates should be thoroughly familiar with the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS), including typical file locations and directory
o Understand the correct locations of files under the FHS.
o Find files and commands on a Linux system.
o Know the location and purpose of important files and directories as
defined in the FHS.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the benefits to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)?
Why does a Linux system use a more structured file system than the
Windows OS?
What should you be aware of when saving files in the /temp directory?
Which directory is specified by Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) to
hold temporarily mounted filesystems?
1.10.1 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 25 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 1.11: Locating and Searching Files
This section discusses the details about locating and searching files. Concepts
covered include:
Commands to find file locations
o find
o locate
o which
o whereis
o type
Commands to search file text for specific words or character patterns:
o grep
o egrep
o fgrep
Students will learn how to:
Determine the location of a command and view detailed information about
Linux+ Objectives:
103.7 Search text files using regular expressions
Candidates should be able to manipulate files and text data using regular
expressions. This objective includes creating simple regular expressions
containing several notational elements. It also includes using regular
expression tools to perform searches through a filesystem or file content.
o Create simple regular expressions containing several notational
o Use regular expression tools to perform searches through a
filesystem or file content
104.7 Find system files and place files in the correct location
Candidates should be thoroughly familiar with the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS), including typical file locations and directory
o Understand the correct locations of files under the FHS.
o Find files and commands on a Linux system.
o Know the location and purpose of important files and directories as
defined in the FHS.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the advantage of using the locate utility over the find utility? What
are the disadvantages?
When would you use the which command to locate a file?
Which utilities can you use to locate a file?
Which utilities can you use to locate and get information about a
What does it mean when a command is hashed?
How can you discover the category of a command?
What commands can you use to search for text within files?
1.11.1 File Location Utilities
1.11.2 Finding Files
1.11.4 Content Search Utilities
1.11.5 Finding File Content
Number of Exam Questions
19 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 2.1: Installation Design
This section examines the general steps to design an effective installation:
Perform a needs assessment
Pick a distribution
Determine the hardware requirements
Plan the file system
Plan the partitions
Identify software
Identify the users
Gather network information
Select an installation source
Students will learn how to:
Design and gather information to plan a Linux installation.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.1 Design hard disk layout
Candidates should be able to design a disk partitioning scheme for a Linux
o Allocate filesystems and swap space to separate partitions or disks.
o Tailor the design to the intended use of the system.
o Ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware architecture
requirements for booting.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is it important to create a detailed plan prior to deploying a Linux
What elements should you consider when performing a needs
What factors should you consider when selecting a Linux distribution?
How can you ensure that specific hardware is compatible with the Linux
distribution you have selected?
Why must the /etc, /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /dev directories all be on the
same partition?
Which user account is automatically created when Linux is installed?
What types of installation sources are available for Linux?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
2.1.1 Installation Design
Number of Exam Questions
6 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 2.2: Linux Installation
In this section students will learn the general steps necessary to install a Linux
operating system:
Start the install
Select a language
Set the system time
Format partitions
Select applications and services
Set the root password
Specify a host name
Configure network connections
Configure services
Add new users and groups
Configure the hardware settings
Students will learn how to:
Install a Linux operating system.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.1 Design hard disk layout
Candidates should be able to design a disk partitioning scheme for a Linux
o Allocate filesystems and swap space to separate partitions or disks.
o Tailor the design to the intended use of the system.
o Ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware architecture
requirements for booting.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What might you have to do to ensure that the system will boot from the
correct installation media?
Under what conditions should you select the UTC for the system time?
How can you create more than four partitions on a Linux system?
What are the characteristics of a secure password?
What is the purpose of the bootloader?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
2.2.1 Linux Installation
2.2.2 Installing Linux
Number of Exam Questions
2 questions
Total Time
About 30 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 2.3: Localization
This section examines how to configure country and language-specific settings
for various applications. Concepts covered include:
Configurable environment variables
Commands to configure local settings:
o locate
o iconv
Students will learn how to:
Localize a system with the appropriate country, monetary and languagespecific settings.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.3 Localisation and internationalisation
Candidates should be able to localize a system in a different language
than English. As well, an understanding of why LANG=C is useful when
o Locale settings.
o Timezone settings.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is it important to configure locale settings?
What type of elements can be configured using the locale settings?
What is the syntax of the locale settings?
Which environment variable overrides all other locale settings?
2.3.1 Locale Settings
2.3.2 Configuring Locale Settings
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
5 questions
Total Time
About 25 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 3.1: Linux Boot Process
This section examines the general stages of the Linux boot process:
Boot loader
OS Kernel
Students will learn how to:
Direct the system through the boot process.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.2 Boot the system
Candidates should be able to guide the system through the booting
o Provide common commands to the boot loader and options to the
kernel at boot time
o Demonstrate knowledge of the boot sequence from BIOS to boot
o Check boot events in the log file
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the four general stages for the boot process?
When is the initrd image loaded into memory?
What is the default initial program?
Which component mounts the root partition?
What is the process ID of the initial program?
Where is the primary boot loader located?
3.1.1 Linux Boot Process
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
About 20 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 3.2: BootLoaders
This section discusses the following Bootloaders:
The Grand Unified Boot Loader (GRUB) utility
GRUB2 utility
Students will learn how to:
View the grub configuration file and gather pertinent information about the
Configure the GRUB configuration file to boot as required by your setup.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.2 Install a boot manager
Candidates should be able to select, install and configure a boot manager.
o Providing alternative boot locations and backup boot options.
o Install and configure a boot loader such as GRUB Legacy.
o Perform basic configuration changes for GRUB 2
o Interact with the boot loader.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the path to the GRUB configuration file?
How do you change the default operating system when using GRUB?
Which setting displays the available operating systems during system boot
What is the syntax used to identify the root file system for each operating
system in the GRUB menu?
How can you require authentication for the options in the GRUB menu?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
3.2.1 GRUB
3.2.2 Using GRUB
3.2.6 GRUB2
3.2.7 Using GRUB2
Read the Boot File
Configure the GRUB Boot File
Number of Exam Questions
14 questions
Total Time
About 80 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 3.3: Runlevels
In this section students will learn about managing runlevels. Concepts covered
Runlevels 0-6
The role of the /etc/inittab file
The contents of the /etc/inittab file
Commands to determine and change the current runlevel
Kernel options to customize Linux boot parameters.
Students will learn how to:
Identify the current runlevel and change it as required by your system
Change the default runlevel.
Supply kernel options at boot time to customize how the system boots.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.2 Boot the system
Candidates should be able to guide the system through the booting
o Provide common commands to the boot loader and options to the
kernel at boot time
101.3 Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system
Candidates should be able to manage the runlevel of the system. This
objective includes changing to single user mode, shutdown or rebooting
the system. Candidates should be able to alert users before switching
runlevel and properly terminate processes. This objective also includes
setting the default runlevel.
o Set the default runlevel.
o Change between run levels including single user mode.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which file affects the default runlevels?
Why would you set the runlevel to 1?
What is the difference in functionality between a runlevel 1 and runlevel 3?
Which runlevel reboots the system, and which runlevel shuts the system
What commands can be used to change the runlevel?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
How can you enter kernel options during the system boot up?
How can you identify the current and previous runlevels?
3.3.1 Runlevels
3.3.2 Managing Runlevels
3.3.7 Using Kernel Options
Find the Runlevel
Change the Runlevel
Change the Default Runlevel
Number of Exam Questions
5 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 3.4: Init Scripts
This section examines the basics of using init scripts. Concepts covered include:
The role of init scripts
Init script directories
o rc (BSD and System V)
o halt (BSD and System V)
o boot (BSDF) or rc.sysinit (System V)
o boot.local (BSD)
Commands to manage daemons and the init scripts
o service
o insserv
o chkconfig
Details about upstart
Details about systemd
Students will learn how to:
Use init scripts to start and stop services on the system.
Determine the default runlevels for init scripts.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.3 Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system
Candidates should be able to manage the runlevel of the system. This
objective includes changing to single user mode, shutdown or rebooting
the system. Candidates should be able to alert users before switching
runlevel and properly terminate processes.
o Knowledge of basic features of system and Upstart.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role and function of init scripts?
Which distribution stores the init scripts in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory?
What does the /etc/init.d/rc5.d directory contain?
How would you view what init scripts are available in your distribution?
What command runs an init script?
What identifier kills or starts an init script?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
3.4.1 Init Scripts
3.4.2 Using Init Scripts
3.4.7 Upstart and systemd
3.4.8 Using upstart and systemd
Change a Service Runlevel
Determine Service Status
Restart a Service
Number of Exam Questions
10 questions
About 95 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 3.5: System Shutdown
This section discusses commands for shutting down the system.
Students will learn how to:
Use the shutdown, halt, and init commands at the shell prompt to
properly shutdown or reboot the system.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.3 Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system
Candidates should be able to manage the runlevel of the system. This
objective includes changing to single user mode, shutdown or rebooting
the system. Candidates should be able to alert users before switching
runlevel and properly terminate processes. This objective also includes
setting the default runlevel.
o Set the default runlevel.
o Change between run levels including single user mode.
o Shutdown and reboot from the command line.
o Alert users before switching runlevels or other major system event.
o Properly terminate processes.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What happens when you run init 0 at the shell?
How would you send a message to all users on the system without
shutting down the system?
Which commands shut the system down immediately?
What command will reboot the system after 15 minutes?
What is the purpose of the /etc/shutdown.allow?
How can you terminate the shutdown process after it is already running?
3.5.1 System Shutdown
3.5.2 Shutting Down the System
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Shut Down Immediately
Shut Down with Notification
Shut Down and Reboot
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 4.1: X Window System
This section discusses configuring an X Window system. Concepts covered
X Window components:
o X server
o Window manager
o Desktop environment
o X font server
Configuring the X server
o Required information
o Configuration files
o Sections in configuration files
o Utilities used with X server
Configuring a window manager or desktop environment on a System V
Commands to start a specific application if the system does not have a
graphical interface enabled
Students will learn how to:
Configure the X server settings.
Linux+ Objectives:
106.1 Install and configure X11
Candidates should be able to install and configure X11.
o Verify that the video card and monitor are supported by an X
o Awareness of the X font server.
o Basic understanding and knowledge of the X Window configuration
Lecture Focus Questions:
What three components make up the X Windows System? What is the
additional optional component?
Why does the xorg.conf file contain a warning about editing the file?
What is the function of the module section in the xorg.conf or
XF86Config file?
What types of information do you need to gather before configuring the X
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
What are the two popular desktop managers?
Which utilities can you use to configure XFree86 X server?
How can you launch a desktop manager if the system does not have a
graphical interface enabled?
4.1.1 X Window System
4.1.3 X Window System Configuration
4.1.4 Configuring X Window System
Number of Exam Questions
10 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 4.2: Display Managers
This section discusses details about configuring display managers. Concepts
covered include:
Main display manager types for Linux:
o X Display Manger (XDM)
o Gnome Display Manager (GDM)
o KDE Display Manager (KDM)
Tasks to complete when configuring the display manager
Paths to XDM configuration files:
o /etc/X11/xdm
o /usr/X11R6/lib/x11/xdm
XDM configuration files
o Xresources
o Xservers
o xdm-config
o Xaccess
KDM configuration files
o /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc
o /etc/x11/ksm/kdmrc
General sections of the kdmrc configuration file
o General
o Xgreeter
The GDM configuration file is /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf
Sections of the /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file
o Xserver definitions
o Servers
o Security options
o XDMCP support
o XDMCP chooser
o Greeter
Students will learn how to:
Enable or disable an XDM display manager.
Use the Xresources and Xserver files to configure the display manager.
Configure the display manager to use X terminals.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Linux+ Objectives:
106.2 Setup a display manager
Candidates should be able setup and customize a display manager. This
objective covers the display managers XDM (X Display Manger), GDM
(Gnome Display Manager) and KDM (KDE Display Manager).
o Turn the display manager on or off.
o Change the display manager greeting.
o Change default color depth for the display manager.
o Configure display managers for use by X-stations.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the function of a display manager?
What are the three main display manager types?
Which display manager uses the same configuration files as the XDM
display manager?
What two different commands can you use to start the display manager?
How can you change the color depth of the display manager?
4.2.1 Display Managers
4.2.2 Configuring Display Managers
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 4.3: Accessibility
This section explores providing accessibility to Linux systems to people with
tactile, audible, and visual impairments. Concepts covered include:
Keyboard accessibility options:
o Sticky keys
o Mouse keys
o Slow keys
o Toggle keys
o Repeat rate
o Bounce keys
Visual accessibility options:
o Onscreen keyboard
o Mouse gesture
o Screen reader
o Screen magnifier
o Braille devices
o Desktop themes
Students will learn how to:
Configure the Assistive Technologies options for people with impairments.
Use the GOK onscreen keyboard to send characters to an application.
Configure Orca for use by visually impaired users.
Configure High Contrast Large Desktop Themes for visually impaired
Linux+ Objectives:
106.3 Accessibility
Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of accessibility technologies.
o Keyboard Accessibility Settings (AccessX?)
o Visual Settings and Themes
o Assistive Technology (ATs)
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What types of disabilities does the accessibility option support?
Which accessibility option can be set to assist users who have trouble
pressing multiple keys at the same time?
What feature can you use to compensate for a user who has Parkinson's
disease and accidentally presses a single key multiple times?
What accessibility options are available for the visually impaired user?
Which types of alternative input methods are supported by GOK?
4.3.1 Accessibility
4.3.2 Configuring Accessibility Settings
Number of Exam Questions
11 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 5.1: Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
This section examines using the RPM utility to install application packages.
Concepts covered include:
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
o The role of RPM
o RPM naming conventions
o Commands for managing RPM packages
 rpm
 rpm2cpio
Yellowdog Updater Modified (YUM)
o The role of YUM
o Uses /etc/yum.conf as the configuration file
o Uses /etc/yum.repos.d to keep a .repo file
o Uses /var/usr.yum.log as a log file
o Commands for managing RPM packages:
 yum
 yumdownloader
 createrepo
Students will learn how to:
Use rpm to test dependencies before installing a package.
Install a package using the rpm -ihv options to install and view the
progress of the installation.
Uninstall a package using rpm.
Determine if a package has been installed.
Use yum install a package and all the required dependencies.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.5 Use RPM and YUM package management
Candidates should be able to perform package management using RPM
and YUM tools.
o Install, re-install, upgrade and remove packages using RPM and
o Obtain information on RPM packages such as version, status,
dependencies, integrity and signatures.
o Determine what files a package provides, as well as find which
package a specific file comes from.
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Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role of a package manager?
How does the RPM naming convention help you to quickly select a
package with a specific version?
How would you check the authenticity of a package?
What sources are available for obtaining packages?
What utility will extract files from an RPM package without installing the
What is the difference between how RPM handles dependencies and how
YUM handles dependencies?
How would you verify if a package has been installed?
What is the main configuration file for the YUM package?
5.1.1 RPM Part 1
5.1.2 RPM Part 2
5.1.3 Managing RPM Packages
5.1.5 Yellowdog Update Manager (YUM)
5.1.6 Installing RPM Packages with YUM
Number of Exam Questions
22 questions
Total Time
About 80 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 5.2: Debian Package Manager (DPKG)
This section explores using Debian packages to install packages. Details include:
Commands used to manage Debian packages:
o dpkg
o apt-cache
o apt-get
o aptitude
Students will learn how to:
Install and uninstall a new package using the dpkg command.
Use the apt-cache command to view information about installed
Download and install a package using the apt-get command.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.4 Use Debian package management
Candidates should be able to perform package management using the
Debian package tools.
o Install, upgrade and uninstall Debian binary packages.
o Find packages containing specific files or libraries which may or
may not be installed.
o Obtain package information like version, content, dependencies,
package integrity and installation status (whether or not the
package is installed).
Lecture Focus Questions:
When would you use Debian packages instead of RPM packages?
How can you identify a Debian package from an RPM package?
What dpkg option prevents a package from being installed if a newer
version of the package already exists on the computer?
What command would you use to display all of the package’s
What command for Debian is similar to the YUM tool for RPM packages?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
5.2.1 Debian Package Manager (DPKG)
5.2.2 Managing Debian Packages
Number of Exam Questions
16 questions
Total Time
About 40 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 5.3: Shared Libraries
This section provides information about managing shared libraries. Concepts
covered include:
The role of shared libraries
Types of shared libraries:
o Dynamic
o Static
Commands to manage libraries
o ldd
o ldconfig
Students will learn how to:
Identify a daemon's required shared libraries.
Recognize a broken library link.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.3 Manage shared libraries
Candidates should be able to determine the shared libraries that
executable programs depend on and install them when necessary.
o Identify shared libraries.
o Identify the typical locations of system libraries.
o Load shared libraries.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the purpose of a shared library?
What is the difference between a dynamic shared library and a static
shared library?
What does it mean if a library file name contains .so in the name?
What command would you use to identify library dependencies?
What are the management complications for shared libraries?
Which file contains a cached list of dynamic shared libraries?
What are the methods to configure additional dynamic libraries on a Linux
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
5.3.1 Shared Libraries
5.3.2 Managing Shared Libraries
Number of Exam Questions
10 questions
About 25 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 6.1: User and Group Overview
This section provides the following information about user and group accounts:
Types of users and groups:
o Standard user
o System user
o Primary group
o Secondary groups
Files the user and group databases are stored in:
o /etc/passwd
o /etc/shadow
o /etc/group
o /etc/gshadow
Students will learn how to:
View the user account information in the /etc/passwd file.
View the group membership information in the /etc/group file.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.1 Manage user and group accounts and related system files
Candidates should be able to add, remove, suspend and change user
o Add, modify and remove users and groups.
o Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
o Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which file stores user accounts?
Which file contains the passwords for each user account?
What are the differences between standard user accounts and system
user accounts?
What is default primary group for each user?
How can you determine if a user account is locked?
How is the GECOS field typically used?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
6.1.1 User and Group Overview
6.1.2 User and Group File Review
View User Account Information
View Group Membership Information
Number of Exam Questions
8 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 6.2: User Management
This section provides information about managing user accounts. Details include:
Configuration files used when managing user accounts:
o /etc/default/useradd
o /etc/login.defs
o /etc/skel
Commands to manage user accounts:
o useradd
o passwd
o usermod
o userdel
Students will learn how to:
Create, rename, lock and unlock a user account.
Change a user's password.
Rename or remove a user account.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.1 Manage user and group accounts and related system files
Candidates should be able to add, remove, suspend and change user
o Add, modify and remove users and groups.
o Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
o Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which directory contains configuration file templates that are copied into a
new user's home directory?
When using useradd to create a new user account, what types of default
values create the user account?
How can you view all the default values in the /etc/default/useradd file?
What is the purpose of the /etc/login.defs file?
How would you create a user using useradd without using the default
values in /etc/default/useradd file?
At the shell prompt, how do you create a password for a user?
What does it mean if a user account is locked?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Which command deletes a user and their home directory at the same
6.2.1 Useradd Command
6.2.2 Passwd Command
6.2.3 Usermod and Userdel Commands
6.2.4 Managing Users
Create a User Account
Rename a User Account
Delete a User
Change Your Password
Change a User's Password
Lock and Unlock User Accounts
Number of Exam Questions
14 questions
Total Time
About 75 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 6.3: Group Management
In this section students will learn about the following commands used to manage
group accounts and group membership:
Students will learn how to:
Create groups and define the group ID.
Change secondary group membership for specific user accounts.
Enable a group password.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.1 Manage user and group accounts and related system files
Candidates should be able to add, remove, suspend and change user
o Add, modify and remove users and groups.
o Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
o Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which usermod option changes the secondary group membership?
Which command removes all secondary group memberships for specific
user accounts?
How can you display the primary and secondary group membership for a
single user?
Which groupmod option changes the name of a group?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
6.3.1 Group Management Commands
6.3.2 Managing Groups
Rename and Create Groups
Add Users to a Group
Add a User to Additional Groups
Delete a Group and Users
Remove a User from a Group
Remove a User from All Groups
Number of Exam Questions
4 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.1: Disk Partitions
This section examines details about managing disk partitions. Concepts covered
Partition types:
o Primary
o Extended
Tools to create and manage partitions:
o fdisk
o partprobe
The role of device files
Common device files:
o /dev/sdxn
o /dev/cdrom
o /dev/fdn
o /dev/ttyn
o /dev/ttySn
o /dev/lpn
o /dev/usb/file_name
o /dev/psaux
o /dev/stn
The role of the Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
LVM commands:
o pvcreate
o pvscan
o vgcreate
o vgextend
o lvcreate
o lvscan
o lvextend
Students will learn how to:
Use fdisk to view the partition information on the system.
Linux+ Objectives:
102.1 Design hard disk layout
Candidates should be able to design a disk partitioning scheme for a Linux
o Allocate filesystems and swap space to separate partitions or disks.
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o Tailor the design to the intended use of the system.
o Ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware architecture
requirements for booting.
o Knowledge of basic features of LVM.
104.1 Create partitions and filesystems
Candidates should be able to configure disk partitions and then create
filesystems on media such as hard disks. This includes the handling of
swap partitions.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is it important to plan disk partitioning before installing Linux?
What is the difference between a primary and an extended partition?
What utility do you use to manage disk partitions?
Linux allows a maximum of only four primary partitions on a single hard
disk drive. What can you do to get around this limitation?
What does /dev/sda3 device file name identify?
In what directory are the device file names stored?
7.1.1 Disk Partitions
7.1.2 Managing Partitions
7.1.3 Viewing Partitions
7.1.7 Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
7.1.8 Using LVM
View the Partition Table
Number of Exam Questions
15 questions
Total Time
About 70 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.2: File Systems
This section discusses file systems supported by Linux and how to format a hard
Common file systems:
o ext2
o ext3
o ext4
o swap
o reiserfs
o ntfs
o vfat
o xfs
Command used to format a partition:
o mkfs
o mkreiserfs
o mkswap
o mke2fs
The role of the inode table
The role of a superblock
Students will learn how to:
Format a hard disk with a specified file system.
Create and activate a new swap partition.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.1 Create partitions and filesystems
Candidates should be able to configure disk partitions and then create
filesystems on media such as hard disks. This includes the handling of
swap partitions.
o Use various mkfs commands to set up partitions and create various
filesystems such as:
 ext2/ext3/ext4
 xfs
 reiserfs v3
 vfat
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
How would you make mkfs automatically calculate the size of the data
blocks for the file system?
What two different commands can you use to create the ReiserFS file
system type?
How would you create and activate a swap partition?
Which file systems provide journaling?
What is the difference between the ext3 and ext4 file system types?
7.2.1 File System Creation
7.2.2 Creating a File System
Format a Hard Disk with ext3
Format a Hard Disk with ext4
Format a Hard Disk with reiserfs
Create a Swap Area
Number of Exam Questions
9 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.3: Mounting File Systems
This section discusses mounting file systems. Concepts covered include:
Files that manage and monitor the mounting of file systems:
o /etc./fstab
o /etc/mtab
o /procs/mounts
Commands to manage the mounting of file systems:
o mount /dev/device/mountpoint
o mount
o df
o umount
Students will learn how to:
Mount a volume to a specified directory with a specified file system.
Unmount a volume.
Mount a DVD drive to a specified directory.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.3 Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems
Candidates should be able to configure the mounting of a filesystem.
o Manually mount and unmount filesystems.
o Configure filesystem mounting on bootup.
o Configure user mountable removable filesystems.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What directory contains mount points specifically for external storage
What do you need to do to make a USB drive accessible?
What happens if you mount a volume to a directory that already contains
How can you verify that a volume is mounted correctly?
What commands can you use to view the devices that are currently
How can you prevent users from mounting an optical media drive?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
7.3.1 File System Mounting
7.3.2 Mounting a File System
Mount a Volume
Unmount a Volume
Mount a DVD Drive
Number of Exam Questions
15 questions
Total Time
About 55 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.4: File System Maintenance
This section explores commands to maintain file system integrity:
Students will learn how to:
Use the df and du commands check disk usage.
Use the lsof and fuser commands to monitor the file system.
Use the fsck command to check and repair the file system
Linux+ Objectives:
104.2 Maintain the integrity of filesystems
Candidates should be able to maintain a standard filesystem, as well as
the extra data associated with a journaling filesystem.
o Verify the integrity of filesystems.
o Monitor free space and inodes.
o Repair simple filesystem problems.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What utility allows you to view the space available on all mounted file
What kinds of information can the lsof utility provide?
What action must you perform before using the fsck utility?
Which utility converts ext2 file systems to ext3 file systems?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
7.4.1 File System Maintenance
7.4.2 Maintaining File Systems
Determine the Amount of Free Disk Space
Determine the Directory Size
Number of Exam Questions
13 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.5: Disk Quotas
In this section students will learn about using disk quotas to limit the amount of
disk space a user or group can use. Concepts covered include:
Quota types:
o Soft limit
o Hard limit
Steps to implement quotas:
o Install quota package
o Edit mount option in /etc/fstab
o Create quota files
o Enable quotas and view a quota report
o Edit quotas
Commands for working with quotas:
o quotacheck –mavug
o quotaon
o quotaoff
o repquota
o edquota
o quota
Students will learn how to:
Scan the file system and create quota files.
Enable quotas on the file system.
Create a quota and set the block and inode quotas.
Generate a quota report.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.4 Manage disk quotas
Candidates should be able to manage disk quotas for users.
o Set up a disk quota for a filesystem.
o Edit, check and generate user quota reports.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the difference between a soft and hard block limit?
What is the difference between block quotas and inode quotas?
What tool do you use to create the aquota.user and aquota.group files in
the file system?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
How would you generate a quota report to display how much space is
used by users on the system?
7.5.1 Disk Quotas
7.5.2 Managing Quotas
Find the User Quota
Generate a Quota Report
Turn Quotas On
Turn Quotas Off
Edit Quotas 1
Edit Quotas 2
Number of Exam Questions
8 questions
Total Time
About 65 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.6: Ownership
This section discusses managing file and directory ownership. Concepts covered
Common commands for managing file ownership:
o ls –l
o chown
o chgrp
Students will learn how to:
Use the chown command to change file ownership.
Change the group ownership of a file.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.5 Manage file permissions and ownership
Candidates should be able to control file access through the proper use of
permissions and ownerships.
o Manage access permissions on regular and special files as well as
o Use access modes such as suid, sgid and the sticky bit to maintain
o Know how to change the file creation mask.
o Use the group field to grant file access to group members.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which user accounts can change file ownership?
Which utility will display ownership information for files and directories?
What are the two different methods you can use to change group
ownership of a file?
7.6.1 Ownership
7.6.2 Managing Ownership
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
View Ownership Information
Change File Ownership
Change Group Ownership for a File
Change Directory Ownership
Number of Exam Questions
2 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.7: Permissions
This section discusses managing file and directory permissions. Concepts
covered include:
The role of the file inode
Mode sections
Types of Permissions contained in the mode
o Read
o Write
o Execute
Identifying permissions:
o Letter Abbreviation
o Octal Number
Identifying a file vs. a directory in the mode
Common commands for managing permissions
o ls –l
o chmod
The role of the umask
Commands for managing umask
Special permissions
o Sticky bit
Commands to manage special permissions
o ls –l
o chmod
Students will learn how to:
Manage permissions by setting the needed file and directory permissions.
Change the umask settings to control access.
Set or remove special permissions.
Linux+ Objectives:
104.5 Manage file permissions and ownership
Candidates should be able to control file access through the proper use of
permissions and ownerships.
o Manage access permissions on regular and special files as well as
o Use access modes such as suid, sgid and the sticky bit to maintain
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o Know how to change the file creation mask.
o Use the group field to grant file access to group members.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the 'mode of a file'?
Which user accounts can change the mode of a file?
What permissions does 764 represent when identifying permissions
What does the first dash represent in -rwxrw-r--?
What are the default permissions for files and directories?
What is the function of umask? What does the umask value represent?
In which file should you set the umask value to make it persistent?
On which types of files should you configure the SUID and SGID bits?
What is the purpose for setting the sticky bit?
Which special permissions would be set using chmod 6421?
7.7.1 Permissions
7.7.2 Managing Permissions
7.7.8 Umask
7.7.9 Using Umask
7.7.12 Special Permissions
7.7.13 Assigning Special File Permissions
Set Directory Permissions
Add File Permissions
Set File Permissions
Enable Directory Browsing
Change the Umask
Set the SUID Bit
Remove SUID and SGID Permissions
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
17 questions
Total Time
About 120 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 7.8: Archive and Backup
This section discusses creating archives to backup data. Concepts covered
The tar (tape archive) utility
o tar
o gzip
o gunzip
o bzip2
The cpio utility
The dd utility
Students will learn how to:
Use tar to create a compressed tar file.
Use tar to extract files from a tar file.
Use cpio to create an archive file and extract files from the cpio file.
Use dd to copy information from records.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.3 Perform basic file management
Candidates should be able to use the basic Linux commands to manage
files and directories.
o Usage of tar, cpio and dd.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What type of file would the file marketing.tar.gz represent?
Which tar command option decompresses a file?
Which utilities can decompress a file with a .bz2 extension?
When would you use the dd command over the cp command to copy
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Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
7.8.1 Tar Utility
7.8.2 Using Tar
7.8.6 cpio and dd Utility
7.8.7 Using cpio and dd
Create a Compressed tar File
Extract from tar Files
Number of Exam Questions
9 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 8.1: Device Drivers
In this section students will learn the basics of device drivers. Concepts covered
Methods Linux uses to implement device drivers:
o Loaded as a kernel module
o Compiled into the kernel
Directories that contain hardware information:
o /proc
o /sys
Utilities that provide information about hardware configuration:
o lsusb
o hwinfo
o lspci
Students will learn how to:
View hardware information by viewing the contents of the /proc and /sys
View hardware information using the lsusb, hwinfo and lspci utilities.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings
Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental
system hardware.
o Enable and disable integrated peripherals
o Configure systems with or without external peripherals such as
o Differentiate between the various types of mass storage devices
o Set the correct hardware ID for different devices, especially the
boot device
o Determine hardware resources for devices
o Tools and utilities to list various hardware information (e.g., lsusb,
lspci, etc.)
o Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devices
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
How are device drivers implemented on a Linux system?
Why are some device drivers not compiled into the kernel?
Which directories contain information about the hardware that is installed
on the computer?
How would you use the hwinfo utility to display information about all the
hardware in the computer?
What extension identifies a kernel module?
What type of information is stored in /proc/cmdline?
Which utility will display information about the PCI devices on the system?
8.1.1 Device Drivers
8.1.2 Viewing Hardware Information
View /proc Information
Number of Exam Questions
9 questions
Total Time
About 40 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 8.2: Kernel Module Management
This section examines managing kernel modules. Concepts covered include:
Files to automatically load kernel modules when the system boots:
o /etc/modprobe.conf
o /etc/modprobe.d
Commands to manage kernel modules manually:
o lsmod
o modinfo
o depmod
o insmod
o modprobe
o rmmod
Students will learn how to:
View a list of currently loaded modules using lsmod.
Create a list of module dependencies using depmod.
Use modprobe to load a kernel module.
Remove a module using rmmod.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings
Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental
system hardware.
o Enable and disable integrated peripherals
o Configure systems with or without external peripherals such as
o Differentiate between the various types of mass storage devices
o Set the correct hardware ID for different devices, especially the
boot device
o Determine hardware resources for devices
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which commands can you use to view modules that are currently loaded?
How would you generate a list of module dependencies?
What is the advantage of using modprobe over insmod to load a module
into the kernel?
How do you unload a kernel module with its dependencies?
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
8.2.1 Kernel Module Management
8.2.2 Managing Kernel Modules
Insert a Module into the Kernel
Remove a Module from the Kernel
Number of Exam Questions
3 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 8.3: Hotplug and Coldplug Devices
This section provides information about managing Hotplug and Coldplug devices.
Concepts covered include:
Device categories:
o Coldplug
o Hotplug
Components to manage devices:
o sysfs
o Hardware Abstraction layer (HAL) daemon
o Desktop Bus (D-Bus) daemon
o /udev
Students will learn how to:
View the rules file in /udev/rules.
Modify and save a rule.
Linux+ Objectives:
101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings
Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental
system hardware.
o Know the differences between coldplug and hotplug devices
o Conceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, hald, dbus
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the difference between a hotplug and a coldplug device?
Which types of devices are usually coldplug devices?
What is the function of the sysfs virtual file? Where is sysfs located?
How does the system recognize when a device is added or removed?
Which utility dynamically creates device files as devices are added to the
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
8.3.1 Hotplug and Coldplug Devices
8.3.2 Managing udev Rules
Number of Exam Questions
4 questions
Total Time
About 15 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.1: Processes
This section discusses the basics of processes. Concepts covered include:
File types that create processes on a Linux system:
o Binary executable
o Internal shell commands
o Shell scripts
Types of processes:
o User
o Daemon
Process identifiers:
o Process ID (PID)
o Parent Process ID (PPID)
Commands to view processes:
o top
o ps
Students will learn how to:
Use top to monitor Linux processes.
Use ps to troubleshoot a Linux system.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.5 Create, monitor and kill processes
Candidates should be able to perform basic process management.
o Monitor active processes.
o Select and sort processes for display.
o Send signals to processes.
103.6 Modify process execution priorities
Candidates should be able to manage process execution priorities.
o Know the default priority of a job that is created.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which types of files can create processes on a Linux system?
What is the difference between user process and daemon processes?
How are system processes usually identified?
Which process is always assigned the same process ID number?
What is the major difference between how top and ps display system
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
9.1.1 Processes
9.1.3 Process Display
9.1.4 Viewing Processes
View Process Information
Number of Exam Questions
8 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.2: Process Management
This section discusses managing and prioritizing processes. Concepts covered
Commands to move processes between the foreground and background,
and adjust process priorities:
o command &
o jobs
o bg
o fg
o Ctrl+z
o nice
o renice
o nohup &
Commands to terminate running processes:
o kill
o killall
o xkill
Students will learn how to:
Switch a process between the foreground and background.
Set and change the priority of a process.
Terminate a process using either kill or killall.
Scan and kill zombie processes on the system.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.5 Create, monitor and kill processes
Candidates should be able to perform basic process management.
o Run jobs in the foreground and background.
o Signal a program to continue running after logout.
o Monitor active processes.
o Select and sort processes for display.
o Send signals to processes.
103.6 Modify process execution priorities
Candidates should be able to manage process execution priorities.
o Know the default priority of a job that is created.
o Run a program with higher or lower priority than the default.
o Change the priority of a running process.
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the difference between a process running in the foreground and a
process running in the background?
Which commands can be used to move processes between the
foreground and the background?
How can you change the priority of a process?
What is the range for nice values?
What number would be the highest priority for a nice value?
Which termination signal is sent by the Ctrl+c key combination?
Which utility changes the cursor to an X to terminate GUI applications?
9.2.1 Process Management
9.2.2 Switching Foreground and Background Processes
9.2.3 Prioritizing Processes
9.2.5 Process Termination
9.2.2 Terminating Processes
Stop a Zombie Process
Number of Exam Questions
19 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.3: Task Management
This section discusses task management. Details include:
The role of the at daemon
o Steps to use the at utility
o Commands to manage tasks with the at command
 at time date
 at time_of_day
 at now
 at now + number time_period
 at –f filename time
 at -1
 atq
 at –d jobnumber
 atrm jobnumber
The role of the cron daemon
The configuration files that cron uses:
o /etc/crontab
o /etc/cron.timeparameter
o /var/spool/cron/username
o /etc/cron.allow
o /etc/cron.deny
Commands to manage cron task scheduling:
o crontab
o vi /etc/crontab
o crontab file
o which
Students will learn how to:
Verify that the atd daemon is running.
Schedule a job to run in the future using the at command.
View a list of pending jobs using the atq command.
Removing a pending job using the atrm command.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.2 Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs
Candidates should be able to use cron or anacron to run jobs at regular
intervals and to use at to run jobs at a specific time.
o Manage cron and at jobs.
o Configure user access to cron and at services.
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Which script controls the at daemon?
Which files control access to the at command?
What is the main difference between using at and cron to schedule a job?
Which files control access to the cron command?
Where is the system wide crontab file located?
How can you edit personal crontab files?
9.3.1 At Task Scheduling
9.3.2 Scheduling Tasks with at
9.3.4 Cron Task Scheduling
9.3.5 Scheduling Tasks with cron
Number of Exam Questions
16 questions
Total Time
About 55 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.4: Print Management
This section examines managing printers and printing on Linux systems.
Concepts covered include:
CUPS components:
o Client
o Server
o Scheduler
o Queue
o Filter
o Backend
o Postscript Printer Descriptions (PPD)
The steps CUPS uses to process print jobs
Common parameters in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf configuration file:
o ServerName
o ServerAdmin
o DocumentRoot
o LogLevel
o Listen
o MaxCopies
o MaxJobsPerUser
o User
o Group
o MaxClients
o Browsing
o BrowseAddress
o BrowseInterval
o BrowseOrder
o BrowseAllow
o BrowseDeny
Utilities used to configure CUPS:
o cupsctl
o lppasswd –g sys –a root
Commands associated with LPD and CUPS:
o lpr
o lpc
o lpq
o lprm
o lpstat
o cancel
o lpoptions
o accept
o reject
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o disable
o cupsdisable
o enable
o cupsenable
Parameters commonly found in the LPD configuration file, /etc/lpd.perms.
Students will learn how to:
Verify CUPS is installed and running.
Configure the CUPS daemon parameters to provide network printing on a
Linux system.
Enable the printer to allow printer sharing.
Use lp commands to manage print jobs at the shell prompt.
Linux+ Objectives:
108.4 Manage printers and printing
Candidates should be able to manage print queues and user print jobs
using CUPS and the LPD compatibility interface.
o Basic CUPS configuration (for local and remote printers).
o Manage user print queues.
o Troubleshoot general printing problems.
o Add and remove jobs from configured printer queues.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the function of the cupsd daemon on the server?
How can you access the Web-based administration tool for the CUPS
What is the file used to configure CUPS?
Which commands can you use to remove print jobs from the queue?
What command is necessary to activate a printer queue?
How can you display all the printer queues on the system?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
9.4.1 Common Unix Print System (CUPS) Operation
9.4.2 CUPS Installation and Configuration
9.4.3 Configuring a CUPS Printer
9.4.5 Print Management Commands
9.4.6 Managing Print Jobs
Print a File
Remove a Print Job
Number of Exam Questions
17 questions
Total Time
About 80 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.5: Time Management
This section discusses the basics of time management. Details include:
Time zones
Linux clocks:
o Hardware clock
o System time
Local time or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time
Calculating the UTC offset
Tools and files to determine and change time zone settings:
o /usr/share/zoneinfo
o /etc/localtime
o /etc/timezone
o /etc/sysconfig/clock
o date
o tzselect
o TZ=time-zone export TZ
Files and utilities to manage the hardware clock and system time:
o cat /proc/driver/rtc
o hwclock
o /etc/sysconfig/clock
o netdate
o date
The role of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Files and utilities to manage time using the NTP:
o /etc/ntp.conf
o ntpdate
o ntpd
o rcntp start or service ntpd start
o insserv ntp
o ntpq
o ntptrace
Students will learn how to:
Change time zone settings and make them permanent.
Setting the hardware clock.
Create a time synchronization solution using public NTP time providers.
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Linux+ Objectives:
107.3 Localization and internationalization
Candidates should be able to localize a system in a different language
than English. As well, an understanding of why LANG=C is useful when
o Locale settings.
o Timezone settings.
108.1 Maintain system time
Candidates should be able to properly maintain the system time and
synchronize the clock via NTP.
o Set the system date and time.
o Set the hardware clock to the correct time in UTC.
o Configure the correct timezone.
o Basic NTP configuration.
o Knowledge of using the pool.ntp.org service
Lecture Focus Questions:
How can you view the current hardware clock time?
What does it mean for 'time to drift'?
How do you synchronize time on a Linux network?
How does stratum help to provide accurate time?
What is the difference between stepping and slewing?
What happens when the time provider and the time consumer are more
than 17 minutes off from each other?
9.5.1 Time Zone Settings
9.5.2 Configuring Time Zone Settings
9.5.4 Time Maintenance
9.5.5 Setting the Hardware Clock
9.5.7 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
9.5.8 Synchronizing Time with NTP
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
21 questions
Total Time
About 85 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.6: Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
In this section students will explore using Mail Transfer Agents (MTA). Details
Common MTA types on a Linux system:
o Sendmail
o Postfix
o qmail
o Exim
To manage messages use:
o mail
o /etc/aliases.db
o ~/.forward
o /var/spool/mail
Students will learn how to:
Send mail to a local user from the command line.
Configure an alias for long term redirection of mail.
Configure forwarding to another user for a temporary redirection of mail.
Linux+ Objectives:
108.3 Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) basics
Candidates should be aware of the commonly available MTA programs
and be able to perform basic forward and alias configuration on a client
host. Other configuration files are not covered.
o Create e-mail aliases.
o Configure e-mail forwarding.
o Knowledge of commonly available MTA programs (postfix,
sendmail, qmail, exim) (no configuration)
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role and function of a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)?
What are the most common types of MTAs on a Linux system?
How do you read mail for local user accounts from the command line?
Why would you configure an alias for the MTA running on a local system?
What file do you use to configure forwarding of e-mail messages?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
9.6.1 MTA Overview
9.6.2 MTA Configuration
9.6.3 Configuring MTA Settings
Number of Exam Questions
13 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 9.7: Structured Query Language (SQL)
This section provides an overview of using Structured Query Language (SQL) in
database applications. Details include:
Commands used to access and control a MySQL server:
o mysql_install_db
o mysqladmin
o mysql
o service mysqld start rcmysql start
Database objects:
o Database
o Table
o Record
o Attributes
o Integers
o Primary key
Common SQL data types:
o Character
o Varchar
o Decimal
o Float
o Time
o Date
o Enum
Commands to create, modify and extract data from databases:
Students will learn how to:
Use SQL commands to create a new database and a table within the
Add data to the table using SQL commands.
Use the SELECT command to print data from the database.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Use the DELETE command to delete data from the table.
Linux+ Objectives:
105.3 SQL data management
Candidates should be able to query databases and manipulate data using
basic SQL commands. This objective includes performing queries
involving joining of 2 tables and/or subselects.
o Use of basic SQL commands.
o Perform basic data manipulation.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the components that make up a database?
What is the difference between a table record and an attribute?
What SQL command would you use to view the data in a database?
How can you ensure that you do not delete the wrong data from the
When would you combine the SELECT and SORT BY commands?
9.7.1 SQL Data Management
9.7.2 Manipulating SQL Data
Number of Exam Questions
9 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 10.1: System Log Files
This section examines system logging. Concepts covered include:
The role of log files
Entry options in the /etc/syslog.conf
Common log files
The role of the logrotate utility:
Commands found in the /etc/logrotate.conf or scripts in /etc/logrotate.d:
o compress
o maxage
o dateext
o rotate
o size
o notifyempty
o missingok
o create
o postrotate
Commands to view and manage text-based log files:
o cat
o grep
o tail
o head
o less
o more
o vi
o gedit
Commands to view and manage binary log files:
o dmesg
o dmesg –n #
o last
o faillog
o lastb
o lastlog
o logger
o logrotate
o sar
Students will learn how to:
Configure a syslog daemon to log to a remote host.
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names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Linux+ Objectives:
108.2 System logging
Candidates should be able to configure the syslog daemon. This objective
also includes configuring the logging daemon to send log output to a
central log server or accept log output as a central log server.
o syslog configuration files
o syslog
o standard facilities, priorities and actions
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role of the syslog daemon?
Why is it a good idea to send log message to a remote server?
What actions are necessary to configure a server to receive messages
from a client?
What is the syntax for the entries in the /etc/syslog.conf file?
How can you send messages to a virtual console?
What is the function of logrotate utility?
Where are the entries for the logrotate configuration file stored?
What commands can be used to view text-based log files?
What command will show all failed login attempts on the system?
10.1.1 Log Files
10.1.2 Configuring Remote Logging
10.1.5 Logrotate
10.1.7 Log File Display
10.1.8 Displaying Log Files
Number of Exam Questions
20 questions
Total Time
About 70 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 10.2: Scripts
In this section students will learn about using scripts to execute commands.
Details include:
The role of scripts
Methods to run scripts
Simple scripting functions:
o Specify the shell that runs the script
o Add comments
o Add commands
o Use variables
o Display information on the screen
o Get user input
o Declare integers or function in the text
Script control structures:
o Branching structures
o Looping structures
Commands and statements to create control structures:
o Sequences
o Testing conditions
o If, then, else statements
o Case statements
o While loops
o Until loops
o For loops
Students will learn how to:
Create a simple script to echo text on the screen and run a command.
Create a script that will read input from a user.
Create a script that will use declared variables as integers to allow math to
be performed by the script.
Create a script using control structures.
Linux+ Objectives:
105.2 Customize or write simple scripts
Candidates should be able to customize existing scripts, or write simple
new BASH scripts.
o Use standard sh syntax (loops, tests).
o Use command substitution.
o Test return values for success or failure or other information
provided by a command.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o Perform conditional mailing to the superuser.
o Correctly select the script interpreter through the shebang (#!) line.
o Manage the location, ownership, execution and suid-rights of
Lecture Focus Questions:
What lines are required within a shell script?
How can you comment out lines in a shell script?
Why do you need to assign the execute permission to a script?
What methods can you use to run a script from the command line?
What command do you use to obtain user input during the execution of a
Why might you need to use the declare command in a script?
Under which conditions would you use an until loop in place of a while
How should you end the script containing the if, then, else control
10.2.1 Scripts Overview
10.2.2 Creating Simple Scripts
10.2.4 Script Control Structure
10.2.5 Creating Script Control Structures
Number of Exam Questions
13 questions
Total Time
About 65 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 10.3: Text Stream Processing
This section discusses the processing of a text stream. Details include:
Commands to intercept and process the text stream:
o cut
o expand
o fmt
o join
o nl
o od
o paste
o pr
o sed
o awk
o sort
o split
o tr
o unexpand
o uniq
o wc
Students will learn how to:
Use text stream processing to manipulate text using commands that filter
and modify the output.
Linux+ Objectives:
103.2 Process text streams using filters
Candidates should be able to apply filters to text streams.
o Send text files and output streams through text utility filters to
modify the output using standard UNIX commands found in the
GNU textutils package.
Lecture Focus Questions:
How can text stream processing be used to modify the output of text?
What command would you use to remove characters from lines of text in a
text stream?
How could you format files with long lines to display properly on the
What command would you use to format a text file for printing?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Which commands replace a tab character with a specified number of
spaces and vice versa?
How can you display a text stream with numbers preceding each line?
10.3.1 Text Stream Processing
10.3.2 Processing Text Streams
Number of Exam Questions
20 questions
Total Time
About 70 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 11.1: Networking Overview
This section provides students with an overview of networking. Details include:
The role of a protocol
Protocols in the IP protocol suite
IPv4 address details
o 32-bit binary number represented in four octets (four 8-bit numbers)
o Subnet mask
o Default class
o Address classes
 A
 B
 C
 D
 E
Network Address Translation (NAT) router
Network address
Broadcast address
IPv6 address details:
o 32 hexadecimal numbers, organized into 8 quartets
o 128-bit address contains two parts:
 Prefix
 Interface ID
The role of ports
ICANN specifies three categories for port:
o Well known
o Registered
o Dynamic
Ports that correspond to common Internet services
Linux+ Objectives:
109.1 Fundamentals of internet protocols
Candidates should demonstrate a proper understanding of TCP/IP
network fundamentals.
o Demonstrate an understanding network masks.
o Knowledge of the differences between private and public "dotted
quad" IP-Addresses.
o Setting a default route.
o Knowledge about common TCP and UDP ports (20, 21, 22, 23, 25,
53, 80, 110, 119, 139, 143, 161, 443, 465, 993, 995).
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o Knowledge about the differences and major features of UDP, TCP
and ICMP.
o Knowledge of the major differences between IPv4 and IPV6.
o Knowledge of the basic features of IPV6.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the function of the IP protocol?
What is the difference between a connectionless and a connectionoriented protocol?
What is the main role of the ICMP protocol?
What is the difference between a private and public IP address?
How does the subnet mask identify the network address and network
What are the differences between IP version 4 and IP version 6
Which file lists all network services and their ports on the Linux system?
11.1.1 IP Protocols
11.1.3 IP Addresses
11.1.4 Subnet Masks
11.1.6 Common Ports
Number of Exam Questions
24 questions
Total Time
About 60 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 11.2: Network Interface Configuration
This section discusses configuring network interfaces. Topics covered include:
Options for assigning IP addresses
o Static (manual assignment)
o Dynamic Host Configuration protocol (DHCP) assignment
Files used for network configuration:
o /etc/init.d/network
o /etc/rc.d/init.d/network
o /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
o /var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpclientn
o /var/lib/dhcpcd/dhclient.leases
Commands for configuring network settings
o service network
o ifconfig interface parameters
o ifup
o ifdown
o ifconfig
o ifconfig interface
Students will learn how to:
View information about the current network interfaces.
Use the interface configuration file to manually assign a static address for
the network interface.
Disable and enable a network interface.
Linux+ Objectives:
109.2 Basic network configuration
Candidates should be able to view, change and verify configuration
settings on client hosts.
o Manually and automatically configure network interfaces
o Basic TCP/IP host configuration.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the advantage of using dynamic addressing over static
Where is the interface configuration file located on the system?
What is the purpose of the lo network interface?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
How can you view the current status of the network interfaces from the
shell prompt?
What utilities can disable and enable the network interfaces?
11.2.1 Address Configuration
11.2.2 Viewing and Managing Addresses with ifconfig
11.2.3 Configuring DHCP and Static Addressing
Start a NIC
Stop a NIC
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 11.3: Routing Configuration
In this section students will learn about configuring routing. Details include:
The role of a router
The role of a routing table
The role of a default router
Commands for configuring routing
o route add
o route del
o route
Students will learn how to:
Configure a persistent default gateway route in the proper configuration
file (dependent upon your Linux distribution).
Set the default gateway address.
Manually add a route to another network.
Delete a route.
Linux+ Objectives:
109.1 Fundamentals of internet protocols
Candidates should demonstrate a proper understanding of TCP/IP
network fundamentals.
o Setting a default route.
109.2 Basic network configuration
Candidates should be able to view, change and verify configuration
settings on client hosts.
o Manually and automatically configure network interfaces
o Basic TCP/IP host configuration.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the role of a router?
What file contains the complete routing table on the system?
How would you make the default gateway persistent?
Which command sets the default route on the system?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
11.3.1 Routing Configuration
11.3.2 Configuring the Default Route
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 20 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 11.4: Hostname and DNS Configuration
This section discusses the files that administrators use to configure DNS settings
on Linux:
Students will learn how to:
Configure the settings in the hosts file to resolve name resolution on a
Configure name resolution using the settings in the /etc/resolv.conf file to
access a DNS server.
Configure the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to define the order in which the
name resolution should be completed.
Linux+ Objectives:
109.4 Configure client side DNS
Candidates should be able to configure DNS on a client host.
o Demonstrate the use of DNS on the local system.
o Modify the order in which name resolution is done.
Lecture Focus Questions:
When configuring the DNS, what is the purpose for having multiple
Which file provides the system with domain names mapped to IP
What function does the /etc/nsswitch.conf file provide?
What are the advantages of using a DNS server for name resolution?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
11.4.1 Hostname and DNS Configuration
11.4.2 Configuring DNS Settings
Number of Exam Questions
12 questions
Total Time
About 30 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 11.5: Network Troubleshooting
This section provides the guidelines for troubleshooting network communication
problems. Details include:
Troubleshooting methodology
1. Identify the symptoms and potential causes.
2. Establish what has changed.
3. Create a hypothesis.
4. Create an action plan and account for side effects of the proposed
5. Implement the fix to the problem, verifying the solution has fixed the
problem and not caused any other problems.
6. Ensure user satisfaction.
7. Document the solution and process.
Considerations when troubleshooting communications:
o Physical issues
o Interference
o Network issues
Tools for troubleshooting network communication problems:
o ping
o netstat
o traceroute
o tracepath
o nslookup
o dig
Students will learn how to:
Troubleshoot the network by verifying connectivity between hosts within
the network.
Test the connectivity and show the path between the two devices.
Test for name resolution and obtain in-depth information about a domain
Linux+ Objectives:
109.3 Basic network troubleshooting
Candidates should be able to troubleshoot networking issues on client
o Manually and automatically configure network interfaces and
routing tables to include adding, starting, stopping, restarting,
deleting or reconfiguring network interfaces.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
o Change, view, or configure the routing table and correct an
improperly set default route manually.
o Debug problems associated with the network configuration.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is it important to completely identify the source of a problem before
starting to fix it?
What are good sources to research when creating a hypothesis and
determining a resolution?
After you fix the problem what actions should you still complete?
How can you verify the connectivity of hosts within a network?
Which utility can display the round trip time of an ICMP echo request?
Which utilities send name resolution requests? Which utility will provide
the most information about the hostname or IP address?
11.5.1 Troubleshooting Methodology
11.5.3 Network Troubleshooting Tools
11.5.4 Using Network Troubleshooting Tools
Number of Exam Questions
16 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.1: Root Usage
This section discusses using the root user account to perform tasks. Details
The role of the root user account
Guidelines to protect the root user account
The sudo command and /etc/sudoers file
Sections used to configure the /etc/sudoers file:
o User_Alias
o Cmnd_Alias
o Host_Alias
o Runas_Alias
Commands for using the superuser account and switching user:
o su
o exit
o gnomesu
o logout
o sudo
o visudo
Students will learn how to:
Use su to switch to another user.
Start a graphical application from the desktop as a standard user, but gain
privileged access.
Configure sudo to allow a specific user to complete specific commands
with privileged access.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.1 Perform security administration tasks
Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure
host security in accordance with local security policies.
o Basic sudo configuration and usage.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why should you protect the root user password?
What utility should you use to the launch the /etc/sudoers file?
What is the syntax for the /etc/sudoers file?
How can you use su to execute a command without switching into another
login console?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
What su option will switch to another user and include the user's
environment variables?
How does the command prompt appear for a standard user account
versus the root user account?
12.1.1 Appropriate Root Usage
12.1.2 Using su
12.1.3 Configuring sudo
Switch Users for a Command
Log Out of the System
Number of Exam Questions
7 questions
Total Time
About 50 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.2: User Security and Restriction
This section discusses commands used to promote user security and restrictions:
Students will learn how to:
Configure user password aging limits.
Configure the user login restrictions in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
Set limits for programs launched from the shell prompt.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.1 Perform security administration tasks
Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure
host security in accordance with local security policies.
o Set or change user passwords and password aging information.
o Set up limits on user logins, processes and memory usage.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the characteristics of a secure or strong password?
Which chage option sets the minimum number of days a user must keep
a password?
What types of resources are affected by the ulimit utility?
When would you need to configure the /etc/security/limits.conf file?
What is the syntax of the /etc/security/limits.conf file?
12.2.1 User Security and Restriction
12.2.2 Configuring User Security and Restrictions
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
8 questions
Total Time
About 30 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.3: Network Security
This section explores general procedures for increasing network security on a
Linux system:
Remove unneeded software
Check for unneeded network services
Locate open ports
Check network connections
Students will learn how to:
Scan for open ports on Linux.
Identify open network connections on Linux.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.1 Perform security administration tasks
Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure
host security in accordance with local security policies.
o Being able to use nmap and netstat to discover open ports on a
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is a socket?
Which utility will scan for all listening and non-listening sockets?
Which utility will identify open ports on the Linux system?
Which commands should you use to disable unneeded daemons?
12.3.1 Network Security
12.3.2 Removing Unneeded Services and Scanning Ports
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
4 questions
Total Time
About 20 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.4: File Auditing
This section examines using file auditing to secure the computer by looking for
files that pose a security risk. Details include:
Types of files that file auditing identifies:
o Files that have the SUID (Set User ID) permission.
o Files that have the write and execute permissions for others.
File auditing commands:
o find / type f –perm
o crontab
Students will learn how to:
Audit a system to identify files that are owned by root and have the SUID
permission set.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.1 Perform security administration tasks
Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure
host security in accordance with local security policies.
o Audit a system to find files with the suid/sgid bit set.
Lecture Focus Questions:
How do files with the SUID bit pose a security risk?
Which command should you use to audit for files with the SUID bit set?
How can you schedule file auditing?
12.4.1 File Auditing
12.4.2 Auditing Files
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Number of Exam Questions
2 questions
Total Time
About 10 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.5: Login Blocking
This section provides information about blocking users from logging in while
resolving serious issues. Concepts covered include:
Login blocking is enabled using the Pluggable Authentication Modules
Steps to configure login blocking:
o Force all user to log out of the system
o Disable the ability to login to the system
o Configure the PAM module to verify whether the file /etc/nologin
Students will learn how to:
Disable logins and optionally display a message if a user tries to login.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.2 Setup host security
Candidates should know how to set up a basic level of host security.
o Awareness of shadow passwords and how they work.
o Turn off network services not in use.
o Understand the role of TCP wrappers.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What command displays all active users on the Linux system/?
What utility should you use to remove active users?
Which file configures login blocking?
How can you display a message to users when logins are blocked?
Which PAM module file configures login blocking?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
12.5.1 Login Blocking
12.5.2 Disabling Login
Number of Exam Questions
3 questions
Total Time
About 15 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.6: Xinetd and Inetd Super Daemons
This section provides an overview of the Xinetd and Inetd super daemons.
Concepts covered include:
The role of Xinetd
Files to configure the xinetd super daemon:
o /etc/xinetd.conf
o /etc/xinetd.d
The role of TCP wrappers
To use TCP wrapper with xinetd:
o Install/Verify the TCP wrappers package is installed
o Edit the daemon files in /etc/xinet.d
o Restart xinetd
o Modify tcpd control files
o Confirm TCP wrapper configuration
The role of inetd
Configuration parameters in the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file:
o Daemon
o Socket
o Protocol
o Flag
o User
o Executable
o Arguments
Students will learn how to:
Configure the superdaemon, xinetd, to manage network and Internet
Configure access control to daemons using TCP wrappers.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.2 Setup host security
Candidates should know how to set up a basic level of host security.
o Awareness of shadow passwords and how they work.
o Turn off network services not in use.
o Understand the role of TCP wrappers.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Lecture Focus Questions:
Why is xinetd called a super daemon?
When should you use TCP wrappers?
Which types of files are stored in the /etc/xinetd.d directory?
Which file configures the xinetd daemon?
When should you use the /etc/host.allow or /etc/host.deny files?
Which utility confirms the TCP wrapper configuration?
Why is inetd no longer a commonly-used super daemon?
How do you configure the inetd daemon?
What is the syntax of the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file?
12.6.1 Xinetd and Inetd Super Daemons
12.6.2 Configuring xinetd and TCP Wrappers
12.6.4 Inetd
Number of Exam Questions
14 questions
Total Time
About 45 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.7: OpenSSH
This section discusses configuring OpenSSH to encrypt network traffic over a
subnet or Internet. Details include:
Encryption types:
o Symmetric
o Asymmetric
Standards for symmetric encryption:
o Data Encryption Standard (DES)
o Triple DES (3DES)
o Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
o Blowfish
Standards for asymmetric encryption:
o Rivest, Shamir Adleman (RSA)
o Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
o Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
The role of OpenSSH
Types of SSH
o SSH1 is an older, less secure version of SSH.
o SSH2 is the current standard SSH implementation.
Steps to establish a session using SSH
Using OpenSSH configuration files to configure
o SSH server
o SSH clients
o Firewall
Configuration files that OpenSSH uses:
o /etc/ssh/sshd_config
o /etc/ssh/ssh_config
o ~/.ssh/config
Commands used in conjunction with SSH:
o which
o service sshd
o ssh
o scp
o sftp
o slogin
Students will learn how to:
Create an encrypted connection between two Linux systems.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.3 Securing data with encryption
The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data
and communication.
o Perform basic OpenSSH 2 client configuration and usage.
o Understand the role of OpenSSH 2 server host keys
o Perform basic GnuPG configuration and usage.
o Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels).
Lecture Focus Questions:
What are the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
When would you use the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange encryption
Which encryption standards are supported by SSH1 versus SSH2?
Where does a client store public keys it has received from SSH servers?
Which keys are sent to the client when establishing an SSH session?
Which file should you edit to configure the SSH daemon on the server?
Which file overrides the client's SSH configuration on a per-user basis?
What ssh command would you use to log in to a server, execute a
command, and return to the local system's shell prompt?
Which utility secure copies files and encryption keys?
12.7.1 OpenSSH
12.7.2 OpenSSH Configuration
12.7.5 Configuring OpenSSH
Number of Exam Questions
10 questions
Total Time
About 55 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.8: SSH Port Tunneling
This section provides an overview of using SSH port tunneling to encrypt data
from non-secure protocols before sending the data over a network. Details
The role of Secure Shell (SSH) port tunneling
Commonly-needed options in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file used for
configuring an SSH server:
o AllowTcpForwarding
o ForwardX11
o ForwardX11Trusted
o X11Forwarding
Commands to create an SSH port tunnel:
o ssh
o ss –X
Commands to send unencrypted X server traffic between a client and
o xhost +servername
o DISPLAY=hotst_name:0.0
o Export DISPLAY
Students will learn how to:
Configure SSH port tunneling to send unencrypted network traffic through
an encrypted SSH connection.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.3 Securing data with encryption
The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data
and communication.
o Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels).
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the benefit to tunneling traffic through an SSH connection?
Which file on the server configures SSH port tunneling?
Which ssh command should you use to tunnel X server traffic?
How can you send unencrypted X server traffic between a client and
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
12.8.1 SSH Port Tunneling
12.8.2 Configuring SSH Port Tunneling
Number of Exam Questions
2 questions
Total Time
About 20 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.9: Public Key Authentication
In this section students will learn about using a public key to authenticate to a
computer. Concepts covered include:
The public key authentication process
Commands and files for public key management:
o /etc/ssh/sshd_config
o ssh-keygen
o scp
o ssh
o cat
o ssh-agent bash
o ssh-add
Students will learn how to:
Configure public key authentication between two systems.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.3 Securing data with encryption
The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data
and communication.
o Perform basic OpenSSH 2 client configuration and usage.
o Understand the role of OpenSSH 2 server host keys
o Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels).
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is an MD5 checksum, and how is it used in public key
Which file configures the server to accept public key authentication?
Which keys are generated by the ssh-keygen command when no options
are specified?
Which utility should you use to copy encryption keys between Linux
When is the ~/authorized_keys file used?
How can you configure a client to automatically provide the private key
passphrase when establishing an SSH session?
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
12.9.1 Public Key Authentication
12.9.2 Configuring Public Key Authentication
Number of Exam Questions
3 questions
Total Time
About 25 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Section 12.10: Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
This section examines information about using the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG)
encryption tool. Details include:
Commands and files to be aware of when using GPG:
o which gpg
o gpg
Students will learn how to:
Use gpg to create a key pair and use the public key to encrypt and
decrypt a file.
Linux+ Objectives:
110.3 Securing data with encryption
The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data
and communication.
o Perform basic GnuPG configuration, usage, and revocation.
Lecture Focus Questions:
What is the benefit of using Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG)?
What command should you use to determine if GPG is installed on the
Linux system?
What gpg option will digitally sign a file?
How can you display all the GPG keys on the key ring?
12.10.1 GnuPG
12.10.2 Configuring GnuPG
Number of Exam Questions
4 questions
Total Time
About 35 minutes
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Practice Exams
This section provides information to help prepare students to take the following
exams and to register for the exams.
Students will also have the opportunity of testing their mastery of the concepts
presented in this course to reaffirm that they are ready for the certification exams.
For example, all questions that apply to Objective 101: System Architecture
are grouped together and presented in practice exam Domain 1: System
Architecture, All Questions. Students will typically take about 60-90 minutes to
complete each of the following practice exams.
The domains included in the LX0-101exam are:
Domain 1: System Architecture, All Questions (56 questions)
Domain 2: Linux Installation and Package Management, All Questions (80
Domain 3: GNU and Unix Commands, All Questions (129 questions)
Domain 4: Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, All
Questions (90 questions)
The domains included in the LX0-102 exam are:
Domain 5: Shells, Scripting and Data Management, All Questions (36 questions)
Domain 6: User Interfaces and Desktops, All Questions (28 questions)
Domain 7: Administrative Tasks, All Questions (52 questions)
Domain 8: Essential System Services, All Questions (62 questions)
Domain 9: Networking Fundamentals, All Questions (83 questions)
Domain 10: Security, All Questions (62 questions)
The LX0-101 Certification Practice Exam and LX0-102 Certification Practice
Exam each consist of 60 questions that are randomly selected from the above
practice exams. Each time a Certification Practice Exam is accessed different
questions may be presented. Each Certification Practice Exam has a time limit
of 90 minutes -- just like the real certification exam. A passing score of 95%
should verify that the student has mastered the concepts and is ready to take the
real certification exams.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Appendix A: Approximate Time for the Course
The total time for the LabSim for CompTIA’s Linux+ Powered by LPI course is
approximately 64 hours and 48 minutes. The time is calculated by adding the
approximate time for each section which is calculated using the following
Video/demo times
Approximate time to read the text lesson (the length of each text lesson is
taken into consideration)
Simulations (5 minutes assigned per simulation)
Questions (1 minute per question)
The breakdown for this course is as follows:
0.0 Introduction
0.1 Introduction
1.0 Using Linux
1.1 The Shell
1.2 Help
1.3 Environment Variables
1.4 Aliases
1.5 Text Editors
1.6 Redirection and Piping
1.7 Directories
1.8 Files
1.9 Links
1.10 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
1.11 Locating and Searching Files
2.0 Installation and Localization
2.1 Installation Design
2.2 Linux Installation
2.3 Localization
3.0 Boot and Shutdown
3.1 Linux Boot Process
3.2 BootLoaders
3.3 Runlevels
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
3.4 Init Scripts
3.5 System Shutdown
4.0 User Interfaces and Desktops
4.1 X Window System
4.2 Display Managers
4.3 Accessibility
5.0 Software Installation
5.1 Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
5.2 Debian Package Manager (DPKG)
5.3 Shared Libraries
6.0 Users and Groups
6.1 User and Group Overview
6.2 User Management
6.3 Group Management
7.0 Disk and File System Management
7.1 Disk Partitions
7.2 File Systems
7.3 Mounting File System
7.4 File System Maintenance
7.5 Disk Quotas
7.6 Ownership
7.7 Permissions
7.8 Archive and Backup
8.0 Hardware Installation
8.1 Device Drivers
8.2 Kernel Module Management
8.3 Hotplug and Coldplug Devices
9.0 Processes and system Services
9.1 Processes
9.2 Process Management
9.3 Task Management
9.4 Print Management
9.5 Time Management
9.6 Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
9.7 Structured Query Language (SQL)
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
10.0 System Monitoring
10.1 System Log Files
10.2 Scripts
10.3 Text Stream Processing
11.0 Networking
11.1 Networking Overview
11.2 Network Interface Configuration
11.3 Routing Configuration
11.4 Hostname and DNS Configuration
11.5 Network Troubleshooting
12.0 Security
12.1 Root Usage
12.2 User Security and Restriction
12.3 Network Security
12.4 File Auditing
12.5 Login Blocking
12.6 Xinetd and Inetd Super Daemons
12.7 OpenSSH
12.8 SSH Port Tunneling
12.9 Public Key Authentication
12.10 Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
Practice Exams
Domain 1: System Architecture (56 questions)
Domain 2: Linux Installation and Package
Management (80 questions)
Domain 3: GNU and Unix Commands (129
Domain 4: Devices, Linux Filesystem, Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard (90 questions)
LX0-101 Certification Practice Exam
Domain 5: Shells, Scripting and Data Management
(36 questions)
Domain 6: User Interfaces and Desktops (28
Domain 7: Administrative Tasks (52 questions)
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Domain 8: Essential System Services (62
Domain 9: Networking Fundamentals (83
Domain 10: Security (60 questions)
LX0-102 Certification Practice Exam
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Appendix B: LabSim for CompTIA’s Linux+ Powered by
LPI Changes
Instructors who have taught the previous Linux+ version of this course may find
the following information valuable.
This report details all the changes that were made from the previous course such
A new video, demo, simulation or text that has been created
A video, demo or text that has been updated
New questions that have been added to a section
A new section that has been added to a module
Section and Topic
3.2 GRUB2
3.4 Upstart and
7.1 LVM
7.2 File Systems
12.10 GnuPG
LX0-101 Practice
LX0-102 Practice
Resource and Change
Video (New)
Demo (New)
Text Lesson (New)
Section Quiz (Updated)
Video (New)
Demo (New)
Text Lesson (New)
Section Quiz (Updated)
Video (New)
Demo (New)
Text Lesson (New)
Section Quiz (Updated)
Video (Updated)
Demo (Updated)
Text Lesson (Updated)
Simulation (New)
Section Quiz (Updated)
Demo (Updated)
Text Lesson (Updated)
Section Quiz (Updated)
Domain pools and Practice Exam (Updated)
Domain pools and Practice Exam (Updated)
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Appendix B: Linux+ Powered BY LPI Exams: LX0-101
and LX0-102
Exam Objectives
The Linux+ Powered by LPI Exam: LX0-101 and LX0-102 exams cover the
following topics (version 3.5.0).
LX0-101 Exam Objectives
101 System Architecture
101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings
Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental
system hardware.
Enable and disable integrated peripherals
Configure systems with or without external peripherals such as
Differentiate between the various types of mass storage
Set the correct hardware ID for different devices, especially the
boot device
Know the differences between coldplug and hotplug devices
Determine hardware resources for devices
Tools and utilities to list various hardware information (e.g.
lsusb, lspci, etc.)
Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devices
Conceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, hald, dbus
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
101.2 Boot the system
Candidates should be able to guide the system through the booting
Provide common commands to the boot loader and options to
the kernel at boot time
Demonstrate knowledge of the boot sequence from BIOS to
boot completion
Check boot events in the log file
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
101.3 Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system
Candidates should be able to manage the runlevel of the system. This
objective includes changing to single user mode, shutdown or rebooting
the system. Candidates should be able to alert users before switching
runlevel and properly terminate processes. This objective also includes
setting the default runlevel.
Set the default runlevel.
Change between run levels including single user mode.
Shutdown and reboot from the command line.
Alert users before switching runlevels or other major system
Properly terminate processes.
Knowledge of basic features of systemd and Upstart.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
102 Linux Installation and Package Management
102.1 Design hard disk layout
Candidates should be able to design a disk partitioning scheme for a
Linux system.
Allocate filesystems and swap space to separate partitions or
Tailor the design to the intended use of the system.
Ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware
architecture requirements for booting.
Knowledge of basic features of LVM.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
/ (root) filesystem
/var filesystem
/home filesystem
swap space
mount points
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
102.2 Install a boot manager
Candidates should be able to select, install and configure a boot
Providing alternative boot locations and backup boot options.
Install and configure a boot loader such as GRUB Legacy.
Perform basic configuration changes for GRUB 2.
Interact with the boot loader.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
/boot/grub/menu.lst, grub.cfg and other variations.
102.3 Manage shared libraries
Candidates should be able to determine the shared libraries that
executable programs depend on and install them when necessary.
Identify shared libraries.
Identify the typical locations of system libraries.
Load shared libraries.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
102.4 Use Debian package management
Candidates should be able to perform package management using the
Debian package tools.
Install, upgrade and uninstall Debian binary packages.
Find packages containing specific files or libraries which may or
may not be installed.
Obtain package information like version, content,
dependencies, package integrity and installation status
(whether or not the package is installed).
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
102.5 Use RPM and YUM package management
Candidates should be able to perform package management using
RPM and YUM tools.
Install, re-install, upgrade and remove packages using RPM
and YUM.
Obtain information on RPM packages such as version, status,
dependencies, integrity and signatures.
Determine what files a package provides, as well as find which
package a specific file comes from.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
103 GNU and Unix Commands
103.1 Work on the command line
Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using
the command line. The objective assumes the bash shell.
Use single shell commands and one line command sequences
to perform basic tasks on the command line.
Use and modify the shell environment including defining,
referencing and exporting environment variables.
Use and edit command history.
Invoke commands inside and outside the defined path.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
103.2 Process text streams using filters
Candidates should be able to apply filters to text streams.
Send text files and output streams through text utility filters to
modify the output using standard UNIX commands found in the
GNU textutils package.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
103.3 Perform basic file management
Candidates should be able to use the basic Linux commands to
manage files and directories.
Copy, move and remove files and directories individually.
Copy multiple files and directories recursively.
Remove files and directories recursively.
Use simple and advanced wildcard specifications in
Using find to locate and act on files based on type, size, or
Usage of tar, cpio and dd.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
file globbing
103.4 Use streams, pipes and redirects
Candidates should be able to redirect streams and connect them in
order to efficiently process textual data. Tasks include redirecting
standard input, standard output and standard error, piping the output of
one command to the input of another command, using the output of
one command as arguments to another command and sending output
to both stdout and a file.
Redirecting standard input, standard output and standard error.
Pipe the output of one command to the input of another
Use the output of one command as arguments to another
Send output to both stdout and a file.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
103.5 Create, monitor and kill processes
Candidates should be able to perform basic process management.
Run jobs in the foreground and background.
Signal a program to continue running after logout.
Monitor active processes.
Select and sort processes for display.
Send signals to processes.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
103.6 Modify process execution priorities
Candidates should be able to manage process execution priorities.
Know the default priority of a job that is created.
Run a program with higher or lower priority than the default.
Change the priority of a running process.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
103.7 Search text files using regular expressions
Candidates should be able to manipulate files and text data using
regular expressions. This objective includes creating simple regular
expressions containing several notational elements. It also includes
using regular expression tools to perform searches through a filesystem
or file content.
Create simple regular expressions containing several
notational elements.
Use regular expression tools to perform searches through a
filesystem or file content.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
103.8 Perform basic file editing operations using vi
Candidates should be able to edit text files using vi. This objective
includes vi navigation, basic vi modes, inserting, editing, deleting,
copying and finding text.
Navigate a document using vi.
Use basic vi modes.
Insert, edit, delete, copy and find text.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
/, ?
i, o, a
c, d, p, y, dd, yy
ZZ, :w!, :q!, :e!
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
104.1 Create partitions and filesystems
Candidates should be able to configure disk partitions and then create filesystems on 7.2
media such as hard disks. This includes the handling of swap partitions.
Use various mkfs commands to set up partitions and create various
filesystems such as:
o ext2/ext3/ext4
o xfs
o reiserfs v3
o vfat
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
104.2 Maintain the integrity of filesystems
Candidates should be able to maintain a standard filesystem, as well as the extra
data associated with a journaling filesystem.
Verify the integrity of filesystems.
Monitor free space and inodes.
Repair simple filesystem problems.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
xfs tools (such as xfs_metadump and xfs_info)
104.3 Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems
Candidates should be able to configure the mounting of a filesystem.
Manually mount and unmount filesystems.
Configure filesystem mounting on bootup.
Configure user mountable removable filesystems.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
104.4 Manage disk quotas
Candidates should be able to manage disk quotas for users.
Set up a disk quota for a filesystem.
Edit, check and generate user quota reports.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
104.5 Manage file permissions and ownership
Candidates should be able to control file access through the proper use of
permissions and ownerships.
Manage access permissions on regular and special files as well as
Use access modes such as suid, sgid and the sticky bit to maintain security.
Know how to change the file creation mask.
Use the group field to grant file access to group members.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
104.6 Create and change hard and symbolic links
Candidates should be able to create and manage hard and symbolic links to a file.
Create links.
Identify hard and/or softlinks.
Copying versus linking files.
Use links to support system administration tasks.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
104.7 Find system files and place files in the correct location
Candidates should be thoroughly familiar with the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS), including typical file locations and directory
Understand the correct locations of files under the FHS.
Find files and commands on a Linux system.
Know the location and purpose of important files and
directories as defined in the FHS.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
LX0-102 Exam Objectives
105 Shells, Scripting, and Data Management
105.1 Customize and use the shell environment
Candidates should be able to customize shell environments to meet
users' needs. Candidates should be able to modify global and user
Set environment variables (e.g. PATH) at login or when
spawning a new shell.
Write BASH functions for frequently used sequences of
Maintain skeleton directories for new user accounts.
Set command search path with the proper directory.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
105.2 Customize or write simple scripts
Candidates should be able to customize existing scripts, or write simple
new BASH scripts.
Use standard sh syntax (loops, tests).
Use command substitution.
Test return values for success or failure or other information
provided by a command.
Perform conditional mailing to the superuser.
Correctly select the script interpreter through the shebang (#!)
Manage the location, ownership, execution and suid-rights of
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
105.3 SQL data management
Candidates should be able to query databases and manipulate data
using basic SQL commands. This objective includes performing queries
involving joining of 2 tables and/or subselects.
Use of basic SQL commands.
Perform basic data manipulation.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
group by
order by
106 User Interfaces and Desktops
106.1 Install and configure X11
Candidates should be able to install and configure X11.
Verify that the video card and monitor are supported by an X
Awareness of the X font server.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Basic understanding and knowledge of the X Window
configuration file.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
106.2 Setup a display manager
Candidates should be able setup and customize a display manager.
This objective covers the display managers XDM (X Display Manger),
GDM (Gnome Display Manager) and KDM (KDE Display Manager).
Turn the display manager on or off.
Change the display manager greeting.
Change default color depth for the display manager.
Configure display managers for use by X-stations.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
xdm configuration files
kdm configuration files
gdm configuration files
106.3 Accessibility
Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of accessibility technologies.
Keyboard Accessibility Settings (AccessX)
Visual Settings and Themes
Assistive Technology (ATs)
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Sticky/Repeat Keys
Slow/Bounce/Toggle Keys
Mouse Keys
High Contrast/Large Print Desktop Themes
Screen Reader
Braille Display
Screen Magnifier
On-Screen Keyboard
Gestures (used at login, for example gdm)
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
107 Administrative Tasks
107.1 Manage user and group accounts and related system files
Candidates should be able to add, remove, suspend and change user
Add, modify and remove users and groups.
Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
107.2 Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs
Candidates should be able to use cron or anacron to run jobs at regular
intervals and to use at to run jobs at a specific time.
Manage cron and at jobs.
Configure user access to cron and at services.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
107.3 Localization and internationalization
Candidates should be able to localize a system in a different language than English.
As well, an understanding of why LANG=C is useful when scripting.
Locale settings.
Timezone settings.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Environment variables:
o LC_*
108 Essential System Services
108.1 Maintain system time
Candidates should be able to properly maintain the system time and synchronize the
clock via NTP.
Set the system date and time.
Set the hardware clock to the correct time in UTC.
Configure the correct timezone.
Basic NTP configuration.
Knowledge of using the pool.ntp.org service
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
108.2 System logging
Candidates should be able to configure the syslog daemon. This objective also
includes configuring the logging daemon to send log output to a central log server
or accept log output as a central log server.
syslog configuration files
standard facilities, priorities and actions
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
108.3 Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) basics
Candidates should be aware of the commonly available MTA programs and be able
to perform basic forward and alias configuration on a client host. Other configuration
files are not covered.
Create e-mail aliases.
Configure e-mail forwarding.
Knowledge of commonly available MTA programs (postfix, sendmail, qmail,
exim) (no configuration)
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
sendmail emulation layer commands
108.4 Manage printers and printing
Candidates should be able to manage print queues and user print jobs using CUPS
and the LPD compatibility interface.
Basic CUPS configuration (for local and remote printers).
Manage user print queues.
Troubleshoot general printing problems.
Add and remove jobs from configured printer queues.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
CUPS configuration files, tools and utilities
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
lpd legacy interface (lpr, lprm, lpq)
109 Networking Fundamentals
109.1 Fundamentals of internet protocols
Candidates should demonstrate a proper understanding of TCP/IP network
Demonstrate an understanding network masks.
Knowledge of the differences between private and public "dotted quad" IPAddresses.
Setting a default route.
Knowledge about common TCP and UDP ports (20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80,
110, 119, 139, 143, 161, 443, 465, 993, 995).
Knowledge about the differences and major features of UDP, TCP and
Knowledge of the major differences between IPv4 and IPV6.
Knowledge of the basic features of IPv6.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
109.2 Basic network configuration
Candidates should be able to view, change and verify configuration settings on
client hosts.
Manually and automatically configure network interfaces
Basic TCP/IP host configuration.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
109.3 Basic network troubleshooting
Candidates should be able to troubleshoot networking issues on client hosts.
Manually and automatically configure network interfaces and routing
tables to include adding, starting, stopping, restarting, deleting or
reconfiguring network interfaces.
Change, view, or configure the routing table and correct an improperly set
default route manually.
Debug problems associated with the network configuration.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
109.4 Configure client side DNS
Candidates should be able to configure DNS on a client host.
Demonstrate the use of DNS on the local system.
Modify the order in which name resolution is done.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
110 Security
110.1 Perform security administration tasks
Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure host
security in accordance with local security policies.
Audit a system to find files with the suid/sgid bit set.
Set or change user passwords and password aging information.
Being able to use nmap and netstat to discover open ports on a system.
Set up limits on user logins, processes and memory usage.
Basic sudo configuration and usage.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
110.2 Setup host security
Candidates should know how to set up a basic level of host security.
Awareness of shadow passwords and how they work.
Turn off network services not in use.
Understand the role of TCP wrappers.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
110.3 Securing data with encryption
The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data and
Perform basic OpenSSH 2 client configuration and usage.
Understand the role of OpenSSH 2 server host keys
Perform basic GnuPG configuration, usage and revocation.
Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels).
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_rsa.pub
~/.ssh/id_dsa and id_dsa.pub
/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.
/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key and ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
Copyright © 2015 TestOut Corporation. CompTIA, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+ and related trademarks and trade
names are the trademarks of CompTIA. Microsoft, MCITP, MSCA, MCTS, and Windows are the trademarks of Microsoft.
Cisco and CCNA are the trademarks of Cisco. (ISC)2 and SSCP are the trademarks of (ISC)2. TestOut has no affiliation
with any of these companies and the products and services advertised herein are not endorsed by any of them.