VITAL Grant Proposal Template - CPSLibraries

Vision to Integrate Technology And Libraries (VITAL) Grant Proposal
Submit to Lisa Perez –
Deadline to apply – Jan 27, 2012
School: (Only CPS schools with libraries that serve high school students may apply)
Grade levels served:
How many students in total attend the school?:
Describe the technology currently used in your library and how it is most frequently used.
Include information about your familiarity with using iPads and Nooks. (limit 250 words)
Describe additional technology, if any, that your school will plan to purchase to supplement
the awarded VITAL grant technology: (List only items you feel there is a strong likelihood that
you will be able to purchase by 11/12 - limit 150 words)
On an average, how many periods per week do you currently co-teach with teachers in your
school?: (Co-teaching is defined as the librarian actively engaged in co-planning, instruction of
students, and assessment with the classroom teacher together in the library or classroom)
Describe your physical library space. Specify areas for full-group instruction, small group
collaboration, individual seating, and lounge seating: (limit 150 words)
Describe your vision of a VITAL library program that builds 21st century research, information
literacy, and technology skills. Include how this vision will support Common Core State
Standard implementation in your school and your current level of integration with your
school’s ILT team: (limit 200 words)
Describe your interest in participating in the pilot launch of the CPS Research Model and in
providing feedback on its implementation: (limit 100 words)
Describe in narrative form one collaborative lesson that you plan to co-teach with an English
teacher using iPads and/or Nooks and other library technology/print resources. (Confirm with
the teacher that this lesson fits with upcoming plans from 3/12 – 10/12. Limit 150 words)
Describe in narrative form one collaborative lesson that you plan to co-teach with a Social
Studies teacher using iPads and/or Nooks and other library technology/print resources.
(Confirm with the teacher that this lesson fits with upcoming plans from 3/12 – 10/12. Limit 150
Describe in narrative form one collaborative lesson that you plan to co-teach with a Science
teacher using iPads and/or Nooks and other library technology/print resources. (Confirm with
the teacher that this lesson fits with upcoming plans from 3/12 – 10/12. Limit 150 words)
Describe in narrative form one collaborative lesson that you plan to co-teach with a Math
teacher using iPads and/or Nooks and other library technology/print resources. (Confirm with
the teacher that this lesson fits with upcoming plans from 3/12 – 10/12. Limit 150 words)
Describe in narrative form one collaborative lesson that you plan to co-teach with a teacher
from another subject area using iPads and/or Nooks and other library technology/print
resources. (Confirm with the teacher that this lesson fits with upcoming plans from 3/12 –
10/12. Limit 150 words)
Describe how you would implement a Nook eBook Club in your school. Provide a level of
detail that best describes your implementation plan. (limit 200 words)
Review other grant deliverables and share any concerns you have about not being able to
comply with the terms of the grant:
If awarded, are you able to attend the grant kick-off meeting at the Elizabeth Training Facility
on Wed, Feb 15 from 8:30 am – 11:30 am? (If the school has two librarians, both must
Do you plan to work in your current position during the 2012-13 school year?:
Do you agree to return all awarded technology to the Department of Libraries if you are
unable to comply with grant deliverable checkpoints?: (Checkpoints will be reasonable and
occur at several times during the grant period, but there is a strong expectation that awarded
schools will be actively using these technologies on an almost-daily basis and documenting the
experiences to be shared with other CPS librarians who want to implement a similar use of
technology to improve instruction in their libraries)
How to submit your grant proposal:
1. Complete this grant proposals template. Questions may arise during completion of the
proposal. Before contacting Lisa Perez with questions, thoroughly read the grant
application package. Extremely detailed directions are not provided to allow each
proposer to individualize his or her responses. In libraries with two librarians, both
librarians must develop and submit the proposal together. Check the grant webpage at for FAQs that may arise during the proposal
window. Contact Lisa Perez with questions not addressed in the package or at the FAQ
section of the webpage.
2. Share the completed proposal with your principal and secure his or her approval to
submit it via email on behalf of your school.
3. Email the completed proposal to Lisa Perez at Copy your principal
on the email and indicate in the body of the email that your principal has approved the
proposal. You and your principal will receive confirmation of receipt of the proposal
within 48 hours. Notify Lisa Perez if you do not receive a confirmation email in the
allotted time.
4. Do not include any other items in addition to the proposal template. Do not fax or
hand-deliver the proposal.
5. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 27th. All grant applicants will be notified of the
status of their proposal by Monday, February 6th.