Part: 7 PART 7: LOCALLY REQUIRED PLAN TECHNOLOGY USE PLAN SOFTWARE USE SOFTWARE USE (Updated Aug. 2012) Name Site/ Individual Use Reading Math Science Social Studies Writing SPED L.A. CTAE Fine Arts Media Adobe Flash Player Adobe Indesign CS 5 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premeir Elements AppInventor Audacity Auralia AuotCAD Architecture AutoCAD Inventor Prof. AutoCAD Revit Autodesk VIZ Biology Interactive Classroom Boardmaker Camtasia Clarity Draft Builder Edmark 2 Edmark 1 Fathom Feed for All Finale Format Factory Froguts Functional Skills Management Geometrey Sketchpad Glencoe Puzzlemaker Gelncoe Science Chemisrty Gelncoe Science Physics Glencoe Teacher Works Google Earth Google Sketchup Inspiration Itunes Java FX jGrasp LEGO Mindstorms Logger Pro 3 Lumens Math Type 6.0 MECA Skills Management Microsoft Office Excel Microsoft Office One Note Microsoft Office Power Point Microsoft Office Publisher S S S S S S S S S S S As Needed Daily As Needed As Needed Daily As Needed Weekly As Needed As Needed Daily Daily X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S Weekly S S S S S S S S S S S Weekly As Needed Daily Daily As Needed As Needed Daily As Needed Weekly Weekly As Needed S Daily S S Daily As Needed S Weekly X S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Weekly Weekly As Needed As Needed As Needed Daily Daily Daily Daily Weekly Daily Daily As Needed Daily Daily X X S S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Daily X X X X X X X X Daily X X X X X X X X 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 1 Part: 7 Microsoft Office Word Microsoft Visual C+ Munis NeoScience Nero 8 NetSupport School Nystrom Maps 101 Nystrom Our History Atlas Nystrom-US Atlas Photostory Picasa 3 Principles of Physics Printkey Quickbooks POS Quizdom Interactive Read 180 Roxio Creator Scratch SMART Technologies Solo 6 Stop Mothion Animator Success Maker DRMS TI Connect TI Interactive TI Navigator TI Smartview Type to Learn United Video Streaming Virtual Physics Lab VTS Money Box Windows Movie Maker 2 Word Q Writing with Symbols S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S online S S I S S S S S I S Daily Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Daily As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed Daily Daily Daily Weekly Daily Daily Daily Daily As Needed Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily As Needed Daily Daily As Needed Weekly As Needed As Needed X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School X X X X X X X X X Page 2 X Part: 7 ATTENDANCE AND TRUANCY INTERVENTION PLAN Section I: Provide a brief description of the school-to-home correspondence utilized to relate important student attendance information (i.e., School Board Policy, School-site Programs, Improvements or Declines in School Attendance Rates, Improvements or Increases in Student Drop-Out Rates, the State’s Compulsory Attendance Law). We put all attendance-related information in the Student Agenda and on our website. We also mail home letters at the beginning of the school year explaining the county attendance policy, our credit recovery program for students who exceed their maximum number of allowed absences , and TAADRA policies so that students and parents understand how poor attendance will impact their ability to get their driver’s permit or license. We also have a newsletter that is mailed home four times a year, and we do an article on some attendance issue in each edition. Our emphasis this year is to get every parent and student to view the Parent and Student Portal every week. This county-wide information network allows both parents and students to check the student’s attendance daily. We urge both parents and students to contact us if they see any issues with the student’s attendance. We have mailed home correspondence on how to get on the program and through our attendance office and administrative offices, will encourage parents to become actively involved in monitoring their student’s attendance. Section II: Provide a brief description of school-based protocol utilized to insure accurate student attendance data. Every teacher is required to take roll on ASPEN each period. If there is a discrepancy in the student’s attendance (i.e. missing from class, but not marked absent the rest of the day), the teachers are required to notify the student’s administrator. One of our attendance clerks runs 4 day and 7 day reports, cumulative and consecutive day reports, and daily absence reports to determine student attendance problems. We also do a “Teachers Not Taking Attendance” report to determine if we have any circumstances where teachers are not taking attendance each period. We have developed NCR absentee reports so that when a substitute teacher is taking attendance, one copy is sent to the attendance office, and one copy is left with the teacher who is required to check their record for accuracy the next day. Section III: Provide a brief description of how student attendance patterns are tracked and underlying causes of truancy identified for purposes of implementing appropriate solutions. 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 3 Part: 7 Our attendance office determines from the cumulative and consecutive days absence reports if there seems to be students who are having attendance problems. One of the secretaries calls home to speak with a parent about the cause for excessive absences. If the problem is not rectified at that level, the students who are under 16 are referred to the school system social worker. We also give names of students who are experiencing attendance issues to the appropriate administrator or counselor who makes contact with the student and parent to determine the reason for excessive absences and to develop an Attendance Contract if needed. Section IV: Provide a brief description of school-based incentive program/activities for students with good/ improved attendance rates. This should include formalized incentive programs organized by the school or through the school’s parent organizations/community-based partnerships. Students who have 2 or fewer days out of school are given a 10 point bonus on their final exams at the end of the year. Section V: Provide a brief description of school-based interventions or consequences for students in violation of the State’s compulsory attendance law, dropping out of school prior to graduation or exceeding the 15-day absence limit used for NCLB-related accountability. The school reports to the Georgia Department of Driver Safety students who have more than 10 unexcused absences, and they lose their license for a period of 1 year. The school does not issue Certificates of Attendance for students to get their licenses or permits for anyone with 10 or more unexcused absences. We withhold credit for classes for any students who violate the county attendance policy until they complete Zero Period, which is a program that allows students to make up time missed by coming in one hour early each school day until the time is made up. 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 4 Part: 7 CHARACTER EDUCATION PLAN and/or TEACHER AS ADVISOR PLAN System Plan Cherokee County Board of Education (CCBOE) policy IHE, Pupil Progression states that all school, kindergarten through grade twelve, shall provide instruction that addresses core values and provides instruction in character education as adopted by the Georgia Board of Education. The three strands, Citizenship, Respect for Others, and Respect for Self are located on under QCC Curriculum (helpful links). A district-wide calendar “words of the week” are provided to schools and listed in the Student Handbook. Each school is responsible for the development of an individual school plan utilizing the Words of the Week and the standards. With the approval of SB387, it is now a requirement to provide career counseling and advisement for students in grades 6-12. Teacher As Advisor for Grades 6 – 12, a period requiring 15 – 20 (30??) minutes per week to address four areas or domains: Character Education, Personal/Social, Academic (Educational and Occupation Exploration) and Career (Education and Career Planning) will be implemented beginning in the 2010-11 school year. Lessons have been provided for each grade, 6-12. Plans for implementation are developed at each school and are provided in this section. Teachers As Advisors TEACHERS AS ADVISORS ACTION PLAN School: Sequoyah High School School Committee Leader: Diane Butterworth School Committee Members: Cassie Hembree, Carrilynn Corbin, Ginny Garner, Alan Johnson, Kristy Clyburn, and Elease Franchini Faculty/Staff Training: Please describe your specific plan(s) for introducing the TAA program in your school. Committee members will present the TAA program to the SHS faculty through an e-mail. Presentation will include the following items: Overview and introduction to the Teachers As Advisors Program through Power Point Presentation 2012-2013 Theme: PACC-Personal/Academic/Career/Character Education “PACC to IMPACCT students’ lives” Present calendar of monthly TAA advisement homerooms with topics for academic school year. TAA Grade Level Coordinators 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 5 Part: 7 To promote the TAA Program homeroom meeting, teachers will be reminded to wear their TAA Spirit shirts to wear for advertisement, and any new teachers received a shirt. Advisement Schedule: Please describe the method with which the students will be assigned to each certified staff. Students will be assigned by grade level to a certified homeroom teacher. Please describe the day of the week and time of the day during which advisement would take place in your building. TAA meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of every month during homeroom. Concerns/Needs: Please describe any future concerns/needs that you may foresee in your school. We had both teachers and students evaluate the program at the end of the each year. We take all the feedback very seriously and make adjustments based on that feedback each year. We will continue to welcome feedback and suggestions from our faculty and staff to improve the program. HOMEWORK PLAN System Plan Cherokee County Board of Education (CCBOE) policy IHB, Homework, establishes system-wide parameters for the assignment of homework. The district homework policy also directs that homework standards and procedures shall be established by each school’s administration and faculty, with input from parents and the community in accordance with CCBOE policy IHB. School Plan Student achievement, independence of thought and action, and personal responsibility for learning serve as a vital link between school and home. Accordingly, homework standards and procedures shall be established by each school’s administration and faculty, with input from parents and the community. To ensure that this policy is fully and consistently implemented, such standards and procedures shall be incorporated into the school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP). Homework may be used for preparation, practice, extension of classroom time/concepts, and the fostering of creativity, and should routinely reflect efforts designed to achieve mastery of the School District’s Student Performance Standards. As students advance through school, it is reasonable to expect that the amount of homework they must complete will increase. The amount of homework assigned 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 6 Part: 7 should relate directly to the curriculum content for the appropriate grade level and to the individual needs of students. If the amount of homework assigned to students becomes unreasonable/excessive/inadequate, or if the relative grading weight assigned to homework is unreasonable, it is the Principal’s responsibility to correct the situation. MAJOR PURPOSES OF HOMEWORK a. Reinforce principles, skills, concepts, and information taught in the classroom. b. Be meaningful, appropriate to the ability and maturity level of students, well explained, and clearly understood by students. c. Stimulate creative, logical, and critical thought. d. Provide for open-ended assignments that encourage creativity and higher order thinking skills. e. Teach students self-discipline and self-motivation regarding their responsibilities and efforts required to complete assignments. f. Promote independent, in-depth study of the chosen topics. g. Provide opportunities for broad enrichment activities. h. Promote the use of time management and organizational skills. Teachers Are Expected To: a. Set clear and rigorous standards for the quality of work for all students. b. Create an effective system for communicating homework guidelines for parents in accordance with standards and procedures established by the school administration and faculty with input from parents and the community. c. Collect homework when due; assess and provide timely and appropriate feedback to students regarding the completion of assignments and the mastery of standards. 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 7 Part: 7 d. Coordinate projects so that all students have access to research and resource materials, including textbooks. e. Coordinate homework assignments with other teachers so that students do not receive excessive assignments. f. Assign homework in those areas which have been taught or are academically challenging and appropriate to the student’s level of competence and which promote the student’s intellectual growth. g. Design quality homework which is novel, varied, authentic, and tied to mastery of student performance standards. h. Allow for varied learning styles by including choices in types of assignments (e.g. flexible assignments which allow several days to complete). i. Provide students with a reasonable estimate of the amount of time necessary to complete each homework assignment. j. Provide specific written explanation of long-term homework assignments so that the requirements, expectations and timelines are clearly understood by the students. k. Provide students the opportunity to ask questions to clarify homework assignments. l. Evaluate group projects based upon individual student participation and group process and allow time in class for individuals and groups to work on projects. m. Be sensitive to cultural and societal differences and expectations vis-à-vis the assignment and assessment of homework (e.g., impact of religious holidays, field trips, family emergencies, State and Local Testing Dates). Students Are Expected To: a. Understand that homework is part of the course requirements. b. Make certain that homework assignments are understood before leaving class. c. Complete and submit homework assignments in a timely manner. d. Complete (and make up) homework assignments conscientiously and in accordance with the teacher’s directions. 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 8 Part: 7 Parents Are Expected To: a. Support teaching and learning by providing time and a suitable environment for completing homework. b. Remind students that homework is their responsibility. c. Guide or assist in homework when unusual difficulties arise; but never do the homework for the student. d. Communicate with the teacher(s) regarding homework expectations and assignments, as needed. CAREER, TECHNOLOGY, AND AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION (CTAE) PLAN High School It is the vision of the Sequoyah High School Career, Technical and Agriculture Education Department (CTAE) to prepare students for a 21st century workforce. This is accomplished by providing rigorous, internationally competitive, results-driven curriculum standards with a career focus; a technologically advanced learning environment; a sequenced career pathway leading to industry recognized national certification; advanced post secondary training; and the utilization of educationally significant technological skill-sets. It is a combination of these skill sets that will allow our students to succeed in obtaining high-demand, high-wage competitive careers. The Career, Technical and Agriculture Department’s mission is to prepare students to become successful participants in their chosen career field by embedding fundamental academic and employability skills into each course. The need to stay current with emerging workforce demands that will drive our instructional planning and program offerings so the students are prepared to experience success in today’s fast-paced competitive work environment. Through collaboration with faculty, parents, local educational institutions, community-based agencies and organizations and business and industry members, the Career, Technical and Agriculture Education Department will ensure a learning environment that equips its students with the necessary skills to become life-long learners and leaders in a chosen career field in a continually changing technological global economy. The sequenced pathway of courses that are offered at Sequoyah High School provide a connection between academic studies and real-world scenarios. These pathways encourage the students to develop critical thinking, apply analytical problem solving skills, and apply creative thought processes. The Sequoyah High School Career, Technical and Agriculture teachers, through the use of technologically advanced 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 9 Part: 7 equipment and materials, create a learning environment by which all the students can demonstrate mastery of educational goals and apply learning to real-life situations. The students develop problem solving and decision making skills as they utilize digital tools to further advance their knowledge base. A major system priority states that Cherokee County Schools should collaborate with technical colleges, other institutions of higher learning, and community businesses to insure that career and technical education programs prepare students for a diverse and technologically rich society. The Career, Technical and Agriculture Education Department implements this priority by responding to evolving workforce demands, collaborating with appropriate educational and community entities, and by graduating students with a strong academic base, technologically advanced skills and the ability to succeed as a global competitor in the 21st century workforce. SENIOR PROJECT PLAN Diane Butterworth is the administrator responsible for the implementation of the Senior Project along with a steering committee and an advisory committee. The program has been a widely successful capstone experience in the career development of Sequoyah’s students. We have made many adjustments over the years with requirements for the Senior Project. This year we have moved the Senior Boards to earlier in the year (April) so that there is less pressure on the seniors at the end of the semester. RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI)/STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM (SST) Tier I: For All Students Tier I includes the instructional setting and support provided for 100% of the student population not previously identified as students with disablities in need of a more restrictive setting. Tier II: Academic Improvement Plan Students presenting difficulties in the school setting are discussed at a team meeting as possible candidates for an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). Criteria for an AIP may include, but is not limited to, the following: - Level 1 on the CRCT in Reading, Language Arts or Math Retention (current year) More than 2 failing grades in a 9 week grading period Eligibility for EIP or an REP class Below level on an ESOL screening as recommended by the ESOL teacher Scoring below satisfactory academic performance in regular and/or gifted education classes (gifted served students only) 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 10 Part: 7 An invitation is sent to the parents and an information gathering meeting is convened. Data regarding the student’s past and present educational and/or behavioral performance are reviewed at this meeting. If it is decided that more information is needed, the team develops a course of action for obtaining that information. After adequate data has been reviewed, a plan is developed by the team to address the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Appropriate Response to Intervention (RTI) strategies (minimum of 2) are developed to meet pre-determined measurable goal(s), and timelines for follow-up are established. It is the responsibility of the staff member(s) implementing research based strategies to ensure all modifications are being implemented, and that results are documented through an AIP every 3 weeks. The administrator or designee will work with the teams to analyze the information and discuss the results with the student and teachers. When a student makes sufficient progress and/or modifications are no longer needed, the student will be placed back into Tier I status. Records regarding the use of RTI strategies are part of the student’s permanent record and should follow the student as he progresses through the educational system. Tier III: Student Support Team (SST) If documented modifications are ineffective in the Tier 2 phase, the team reconvenes to discuss possible changes in the plan or to refer the student to the Student Support Team (SST). Criteria for placement in SST may include, but is not limited to, the following: - Level 1 on CRCT in 2 or more areas (Reading, English/Language Arts, Social Studies) 4 or more data points at Tier II indicating no improvement or less than expected growth. In this phase the team teachers will consult with the school psychologist regarding the student’s past and current progress and defining areas of possible deficits in learning. Once the student has been placed in Tier III through an SST referral and approved by the SST chairperson, a formal meeting will be scheduled, and a parent will be invited to attend. This meeting will include a minimum of 3 school personnel and other professionals (SST chairperson, administrators, school psychologist, counselors, and speech teacher). A consent form for hearing and vision screening will be presented or mailed to the parent. The committee will review Tier II documentation and the SST referral form, as well as update pertinent information (assessments, medical information, etc.). The committee will create measurable goals for the student and collect weekly data 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 11 Part: 7 points obtained through research based interventions. Data collection will be documented on a Point Plan on a weekly basis. Teachers will evaluate progress after 2 to 4 weeks of implementation. If student is not making adequate progress, then the team will meet to change or modify the interventions. If the student makes acceptable progress, then the interventions will continue and will be documented. If the student continues to exhibit difficulties after a minimum of 4 RTI strategies have been implemented over 12 weeks, the team may refer the student to the SST Coordinator and school psychologist to begin consideration towards the evaluation process for additional services. Tier IV: Special Education Services At this tier, students have been referred for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if they are eligible for special education services. A multidisciplinary team has collaboratively assessed the student in academics and behavioral skills. Students found eligible participate in special education services as needed. Most of these students participate in the general education testing program with or without testing accommodations. A small percentage will take alternate tests in lieu of the general education testing program. SACS/CASI CHECKLIST STANDARD 1: VISION AND PURPOSE The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school. Quality School Indicators _____ 1.1 Establishes a vision for the school in collaboration with its Stakeholders _____ 1.2 Communicates the vision and purpose to build stakeholder understanding and support _____ 1.3 Identifies goals to advance the vision _____ 1.4 Develops and continuously maintains a profile of the school, its students, and the community _____ 1.5 Ensures that the school’s vision and purpose guide the teaching and learning process _____ 1.6 Reviews its vision and purpose systematically and revises them when appropriate 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 12 Part: 7 Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it commits to a shared purpose and direction. The school establishes expectations for student learning aligned with the school’s vision that is supported by school personnel and external stakeholders. These expectations serve as the focus for assessing student performance and school effectiveness. The school’s vision guides allocations of time and human, material, and fiscal resources. 9 STANDARD 2: GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP The school provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school effectiveness. Quality School Indicators GOVERNANCE _____ 2.1 Establishes policies and procedures that provide for the effective operation of the school _____ 2.2 Recognizes and preserves the executive, administrative, and leadership prerogatives of the administrative head of the school _____ 2.3 Ensures compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, standards, and regulations LEADERSHIP _____ 2.4 Employs a system that provides for analysis and review of student performance and school effectiveness _____ 2.5 Fosters a learning community _____ 2.6 Provides teachers and students opportunities to lead _____ 2.7 Provides stakeholders meaningful roles in the decision-making process that promote a culture of participation, responsibility, and ownership _____ 2.8 Controls curricular and extracurricular activities that are sponsored by the school _____ 2.9 Responds to community expectations and stakeholder satisfaction 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 13 Part: 7 _____ 2.10 Implements an evaluation system that provides for the professional growth of all personnel Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it has leaders who are advocates for the school’s vision and improvement efforts. The leaders provide direction and allocate resources to implement curricular and co-curricular programs that enable students to achieve expectations for their learning. Leaders encourage collaboration and shared responsibility for school improvement among stakeholders. The school’s policies, procedures, and organizational conditions ensure equity of learning opportunities and support for innovation STANDARD 3: TEACHING AND LEARNING The school provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students. Quality School Indicators _____ 3.1 Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations for student learning _____ 3.2 Promotes active involvement of students in the learning process, including opportunities for them to explore application of higherorder thinking skills and investigate new approaches to applying their learning _____ 3.3 Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and research in making curricular and instructional choices _____ 3.4 Designs and uses instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that are research-based and reflective of best practice _____ 3.5 Offers a curriculum that challenges each student to excel, reflects a commitment to equity, and demonstrates an appreciation of diversity _____ 3.6 Allocates and protects instructional time to support student learning _____ 3.7 Provides for articulation and alignment between and among all levels of schools _____ 3.8 Implements interventions to help students meet expectations for student learning 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 14 Part: 7 _____ 3.9 Monitors school climate and takes appropriate steps to ensure that it is conducive to student learning _____ 3.10 Provides comprehensive information and media services that support the curricular and instructional programs _____ 3.11 Ensures that all students and staff members have regular and ready access to instructional technology and a comprehensive materials collection that supports the curricular and instructional program Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it implements a curriculum based on clear and measurable expectations for student learning that provides opportunities for all students to acquire requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Teachers use proven instructional practices that actively engage students in the learning process. Teachers provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills to real world situations. Teachers give students feedback to improve their performance. STANDARD 4: DOCUMENTING AND USING RESULTS The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness. Quality School Indicators _____ 4.1 Establishes performance measures for student learning that yield information that is reliable, valid, and bias free _____ 4.2 Develops and implements a comprehensive assessment system for assessing progress toward meeting the expectations for student learning _____ 4.3 Uses student assessment data for making decisions for continuous improvement of teaching and learning processes _____ 4.4 Conducts a systematic analysis of instructional and organizational effectiveness and uses the results to improve student performance _____ 4.5 Communicates the results of student performance and school effectiveness to all stakeholders 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 15 Part: 7 _____ 4.6 Uses comparison and trend data of student performance from comparable schools in evaluating its effectiveness _____ 4.7 Demonstrates verifiable growth in student performance _____ 4.8 Maintains a secure, accurate, and complete student record system in accordance with state and federal regulations Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it uses a comprehensive assessment system based on clearly defined performance measures. The system is used to assess student performance on expectations for student learning, evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction, and determine interventions to improve student performance. The assessment system yields timely and accurate information that is meaningful and useful to school leaders, teachers, and other stakeholders in understanding student performance, school effectiveness, and the results of improvement efforts. STANDARD 5: RESOURCES AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS The school has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students. Quality School Indicators _____ 5.1 Recruits, employs, and mentors qualified professional staff that are capable of fulfilling assigned roles and responsibilities _____ 5.2 Assigns professional staff responsibilities based on their qualifications (i.e., professional preparation, ability, knowledge, and experience) _____ 5.3 Ensures that all staff participate in a continuous program of professional Development _____ 5.4 Provides and assigns staff that are sufficient in number to meet the vision and purpose of the school _____ 5.5 Budgets sufficient resources to support its educational programs and to implement its plans for improvement _____ 5.6 Monitors all financial transactions through a recognized, regularly audited accounting system 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 16 Part: 7 _____ 5.7 Maintains the site, facilities, services, and equipment to provide an environment that is safe and orderly for all occupants _____ 5.8 Possesses a written security and crisis management plan with appropriate training for stakeholders _____ 5.9 Ensures that each student has access to guidance services that include, but are not limited to, counseling, appraisal, mentoring, staff consulting, referral, and educational and career planning _____ 5.10 Provides appropriate support for students with special needs Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it has sufficient human, material, and fiscal resources to implement a curriculum that enables students to achieve expectations for student learning, to meet special needs, and to comply with applicable regulations. The school employs and allocates staff that are well qualified for their assignments. The school provides ongoing learning opportunities for all staff to improve their effectiveness. The school ensures compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. STANDARD 6: STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION AND RELATIONSHIPS The school fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders. Quality School Indicators _____ 6.1 Fosters collaboration with community stakeholders to support student learning _____ 6.2 Has formal channels to listen to and communicate with stakeholders _____ 6.3 Solicits the knowledge and skills of stakeholders to enhance the work of the school _____ 6.4 Communicates the expectations for student learning and goals for improvement to all stakeholders _____ 6.5 Provides information about students, their performance, and school effectiveness that is meaningful and useful to stakeholders 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 17 Part: 7 Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it has the understanding, commitment, and support of stakeholders. School personnel seek opportunities for collaboration and shared leadership among stakeholders to help students learn and advance improvement efforts. STANDARD 7: COMMITMENT TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT The school establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student performance. Quality School Indicators _____ 7.1 Engages in a continuous process of improvement that articulates the vision and purpose the school is pursuing (Vision); maintains a rich and current description of students, their performance, school effectiveness, and the school community (Profile); employs goals and interventions to improve student performance (Plan); and documents and uses the results to inform what happens next (Results) _____ 7.2 Engages stakeholders in the processes of continuous improvement _____ 7.3 Ensures that plans for continuous improvement are aligned with the vision and purpose of the school and expectations for student learning _____ 7.4 Provides professional development for school personnel to help them implement improvement interventions to achieve improvement goals _____ 7.5 Monitors and communicates the results of improvement efforts to stakeholders _____ 7.6 Evaluates and documents the effectiveness and impact of its continuous process of improvement Impact Statement A school is successful in meeting this standard when it implements a collaborative and ongoing process for improvement that aligns the functions of the school with the expectations for student learning. Improvement efforts are sustained and the school demonstrates progress in improving student performance and school effectiveness. 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 18 Part: 7 New improvement efforts are informed by the results of earlier efforts through reflection and assessment of the improvement process. SACS/CASI ASSURANCE Standard 1 Vision and Purpose 2 Governance and Leadership x x x x x x x x x x 3 Teaching and Learning x x x x x x x x x x 4 Documenting and Using Results Resources and Support Systems x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 6 Stakeholder Communication x and Relationships x x x x 7 Commitment to Continuous x Improvement x x x x x 5 2 x Indicators (check if met) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x x x x 1 x x Principal’s Signature ____________________________________ 2012- 2013 School Improvement Plan Sequoyah High School Page 19