RQ CH 14 Part 1

RQ CH 14 Part 1
286 -301 “marvels”
1 p 287 opening quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson, transcendentalist writer…what does he associate with
2 288 Painting – the caption mentions the 1st American millionaire who? What business?
- what city is the gateway to the west in the 1830’s?
3 289 Painting – Artist?
What new aesthetic was needed to pain the Great Plains?
4 290 Chart – Title?
What two factors “whitened” the population beginning in 1820?
By 1860 what is the population of “non-whites”?
5 290 Map
- What trend is responsible for the different placement of green triangles over time?
-What trend occurs from 1890 to 1940?
6 291 Chart
- title?
- Between which two decades does German Immigration increase the most?
- Between what two decades does Irish Immigration increase the most?
- Both decrease in which decade? Why?
7 292 Both Brown Boxes – America Letters…What is the common theme of both?
8 296 PC and Brown Box - Subject of Both?
- What do they accuse the immigrants of doing in the PC?
- What is the new political party mentioned in the BBox?
- What is the first 4 words of the brown box?
9 300 two pictures (top) & 301 BBox
- Who built the 1st mill in America in 1791?
- In which state is it located?
-What powered its machines?
-how are the workers described?
- What hours do they work?
- What time do they start work?
10 301 drawing
- of what?
- who?
- What does it make possible and profitable for the 1st time?
-What spreads across the Southern Interior with this?
Reading Q’s
11 Where od New England Yankees, Pennsylvania Farmers, and Southern Yeoman all push to?
- in search of what? (2)
- Who soon joins them? From what two places?
- What else was in motion? And quickened what two things?
- Workers were laboring under what new expectation?
- What 4 transportation improvements all helped move people, raw materials, manufactured
- This momentum gave rise to a what?
The Westward Movement
12 What region is the most typically American part of America?
13 By 1850 ½ of Americans were under what age?
14 How is life described for most pioneer families, really?
15 Abraham Lincoln’s family lived in what for a year?
16 What haunted them above all?
17 What sport do men participate in? What two rules were popular?
18 What exceptions does the text claim to “Rugged Individualism?” (3)
Shaping the Western Landscape
19 What made ideal pasture for livestock?
20 What was the Fur trapping empire based on?
21 What three animals are described as being “victims” of Ecological Imperialism?
22 The attitude towards wilderness became in time a what? That inspired what 3 things?
23 What artist, known for painting Native American Life, becomes among the first to advocate for the
preservation of nature as a deliberate national policy….?
24 His ideas bore fruit in 1872 how?
The March of Millions
25 How often did the American population double by mid-19th century?
26 How many states by 1860?
27 How many American Cities are there with over 20,000 in population in 1790? 1860?
28 What city is called the Hog butcher for the world?
29 What problems come with massive urbanization? (7)
30 Name the two improvements made to city life by NYC and Boston, and when?
31 By what factor does immigration to the USA increase by in the 1840’s? 1850’s?
32 which two ethnic groups account for most of the immigration during the above two decades?
33 What was America the “land” of?
34 What did “America Letters” describe? Were they generally factual?
The Emerald Isle Moves West
35 What agricultural crop fails in Ireland, that causes so much Immigration to the USA in the 1840’s and
36 Where do most Irish settle? Why?
37 What rapidly becomes the largest Irish city in the world?
38 What were the nicknames for Women and Men of Irish decent?
39 What religion were almost all Irish Immigrants?
40 NINA ?
41 What two groups of irish were created to protect themselves… one founded in Ireland the othe in
Pennsylvanian Coal districts?
42 How did the Irish gain control of City politics? In NYC, which “machine “ came under their control?
43 What job do many Irish go into in most big Cities…driving Paddy Wagons?
44 Why did Politicians begin to “twist the Lions tail?”
The German 48ers
45 What kind of political refugees came from Germany due to the collapse of the democratic revolutions
in 1848?
46 How were the German’s different from the Irish Immigrants? (2)
47 How were the German’s similar to the Irish Immigrants? (1)
48 What three notable contributions do the German Imm. Make to American culture? (several)
49 Germans were outspoken champions of freedom and became relentless enemies of what?
50 Temperance Advocates were caused to redouble their efforts due what German contribution to
Flare ups of Antiforeignism
51 What are Americans who were inflamed to prejudice against immigrants? (1 work)
52 Beginning in the 1840’s Roman Catholics began to construct what separate system?
53 By 1850 Roman Catholics were in what place in the # of members in America?
54 In 1849, what organization is created by Nativists to oppose immigration? (3 names)
55 a more “pluralistic society,” America was one of the most what in the history of the World?
56 Why did not more violence occur?
57 What two body parts …helped fuel economic expansion?
The March of Mechanization
58 Gifted British inventors perfected a series of machines for the mass production of what?
59 What was enslaved?
60 This ushers in what two things?
61 What other 3 areas were also transformed at this time as well?
62 By when does the value of output of the factories in America exceed that of the Farms?
Whitney ends the Fiber Famine
63 who is acclaimed to be the “Father of the American Factory System?
64 How does he make it to America? What American brings him here?
65 What is he the 1st to do, by memory?
66 How long did it take a slave to handpick one pound of lint from three pounds of seed?
67 Which Yale graduate changes the above situation? By inventing what?
68 How many times more effective was his invention….and effected not just America, but the world?
69 The insatiable demand for what re-invigorated Slavery?
70 Who bought the “lions share” of this product?
71 The South’s capital was bound up in what?
72 What region boasted the most factories?
End Part 1