Mr. Fulghams’ C&P 8:00-8:50 Monday Assignment: Objective: Tuesday Assignment: Objective: Wednesday Assignment: Objective: Thursday Assignment: LESSON PLANS Agriculture 1&2 8:54 – 9:44 Welding 1 9:48-10:38 Welding 2-3 10:42-11:32 Assignment: Flower Planter{ Repairs and Finishing Plants and Activities prep Objective: Students will Demonstrate the Following Skill Measure Sanding Construction Assignment: SMAW Shop Projects: Basic Welding Joint Lapp T Corner Objective: Student develop a skill to produce a top quality weld by Manipulating an electrode Assignment: Project completion Time in shop Assignment: Flower Planter{ Repairs and Finishing Plants and Activities prep Objective: Students will develop an understanding of what they need to know to get started in Cut flower production Assignment: SMAW Shop Projects: Basic Welding Joint Lapp T Corner Objective: Students will demonstrate Basic welding and complete a butt Joint Assignment: Flower Planter{ Repairs and Finishing Plants and Activities prep Objective: Students will understand the both the fresh and dried flower markets? Assignment: SMAW Shop Projects Assignment: Project completion Time in shop Objective: Student develop a skill to produce a top quality weld by Manipulating an electrode Objective: Student develop a understanding of the process and its histrory Assignment: Assignment: Flower Planter{ Shop Time Repairs and Finishing Plants and Activities prep for WEEK OF April 13-17 Agriculture Eng. Systems 12:38-1:38 Assignment: Project completion Time in shop Objective: Students will understand the differences in this welding process and the higher deposit rate for it than SMAW Small Engines 1:43-1:25 Equine Science 2:26-3:15 Assignment: Assignment: Project Equine Genetic completion Time ExerciseEQ 120 in shop Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Students will also Develop Engine Tear Down Skills Assignment: Assignment: Project Correct Chapter completion Time 13 and 14 and in shop Review Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Objective: Students will develop a understand of time scheduling by setting a time schedule for project Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Students will also Develop Engine Tear Down Skills Assignment: Shop Time Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Objective: Students will develop a understanding of how genetics affect the development of the horse Assignment: Shop time Assignment: Probability Of inheritance Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Students will also Develop Engine Tear Down Skills Assignment: Shop Time Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Objective: Students will develop a understanding of how genetics affect the development of the horse Assignment: Shop time Assignment: Classroom Activity Equine Assignment: Project completion Time in shop Objective: Students will develop a understanding of how genetics affect the development of the horse Assignment: Assignment: Project Punnnett Square completion Time activity in shop Friday Objective: Objective: Students will develop knowledge of what do I need to know to produce fieldgrown cut flowers? Objective: Students will demonstrate a skill to produce a top quality weld by Manipulating an electrode Assignment: Assignment Flower Planter{ Repairs and Finishing Plants and Activities prep Objective: Students will develop knowledge of what do I need to know to produce fieldgrown cut flowers? Assignment: Assignment: Shop Time: Clean Shop Clean Objective: Objective: Students will demonstrate Basic welding and complete a butt Join Objective: Students will understand the differences in this welding process and the higher deposit rate for it than SMAW Objective: Students will understand GMAW equipment and Process Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Students will also Develop Engine Tear Down Skills Assignment: Shop work and Worksheet Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Objective: Students will develop a understanding of how genetics affect the development of the horse Assignment: Shop Time Assignment: Quiz over Eq 120 Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Students will also Develop Engine Tear Down Skills Objective: Students will demonstrate Trouble shooting Skills for engines that will not start Objective: Students will develop a understanding of how genetics affect the development of the horse