2 APRIL 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to inform you about the recent Ofsted inspection which took place earlier this month. The inspection was conducted by two of Her Majesties Inspectors and was part of the monitoring programme of inspections required as a result of the special measures judgment made last June.
I am delighted to inform you that the inspection team were very pleased with the progress we have made since last June and the strategies put in place to secure sustainable improvements. The team are confident that the academy is on track to achieve its targets and our improvement plan is successfully addressing the areas identified in the previous Ofsted inspection.
In particular inspectors commented on;
“There has been sustained improvement and the Academy’s own data indicate that students’ achievement in English is now close to the national average.
“The current achievement of disadvantaged students broadly matches the achievement of other students. This represents a large reduction in the achievement ga p between disadvantaged students and others seen in 2014.”
“Teaching is improving as a result of talented teachers new to the Academy being appointed, closer monitoring and training which are helping all teachers to develop their skills”.
“Marking has improved this term and that more effective practice is beginning to develop.”
“Behaviour in the academy is improving as expectations have been raised and a culture of learning re-established.
Inspectors saw students generally behaving well in their social time. Students who spoke to inspectors said that there was very little bullying and, if any should occur, they were confident about who to speak to. Students were polite and friendly in their conversations with inspectors. The Acade my’s structures for pastoral support mean that students are well cared for.”
“The academy is safe and secure. Students say they feel safe.”
“The Principal and other senior leaders have a good understanding of the challenges the Academy faces. They continue to demonstrate a deep commitment to the improvement of the Academy so that it can provide the best for its students.
Their actions are based on clear principles and they continue to have the support of staff and others involved with the acad emy.”
“Leaders have taken firm action to improve teaching. Teaching is improving. New teachers have been appointed, wellplanned training for teachers is offered with additional support where needed.”
“The Chair of the Academy Council has a clear vision for how the council should contribute to the leadership of the academy. The council represents the academy’s internal and external community well because members have been appointed who represent the breadth of people involved.”
Oasis Academy MediaCityUK is sponsored by Oasis Community Learning www.oasiscommunitylearning.org
– part of Oasis UK
Oasis Community Learning is a company Limited by Guarantee registered in
England & Wales (No. 5398529) and an Exempt Charity Registered Office: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS
We can expect two or three further Ofsted inspections over the course of the coming two terms which will serve to reassure parents and students and to remove the Academy from special measures.
We were also visited last week by the lead education advisor and senior officer from the Department for Education who were so impressed by our progress that they have said they do not need to conduct any further monitoring visits.
I am enormously proud of and grateful to our staff for their hard work and dedication in working with the leadership team to bring about these improvements, and to the students who demonstrate every day that they are capable of great things.
It is an enormous privilege and pleasure to be part of the transformation of this Academy which sees our students enthusiasm, commitment to learning and contribution to our wider community develop and enable them to achieve. I hope that you will enjoy reading about some of these achievements in our new newsletter.
Important dates
Tuesday, 7 April – Friday, 17 April
Thursday, 2 April – Friday, 17 April
Monday 4 May
Year 11 GCSE revision programme (see separate programme enclosed)
Easter Holidays
Tuesday, 5 May
Friday, 22 May
– Friday, 29 May
Thursday, 11 June
Thursday 18 June
May Day Bank Holiday
’ Forum Meeting 4.30-6.00PM
Half Term Holiday
New Intake Parents Evening 6:30-8PM
Open Evening 6.00PM-8.00PM
Wednesday, 24 June
Thursday, 25 June
Wednesday, 8 July
Thursday, 9 July
Friday, 17 July
Thursday, 3 September
Year 8 Options Evening 6.00PM-8.00PM
Year 11 Prom 7.00PM-11.00PM
Academy Awards Evening 6.00PM-8.00PM
Oasis Summer Carnival 4.00-6.00PM
Summer Holidays begin
New School Year begins (see separate programme enclosed)
New Staff
As part of our drive for continuous improvement our aim is to ensure that we have no staff vacancies by September 2015 and I am delighted that we will be joined by more new staff at the start of the summer term in April:
Sam Collins
Richa Singh
Assistant Curriculum Leader - Maths
Assistant Curriculum Leader - Maths
James Steel Teacher of ICT & Computing
Emily Williams Technician – Creative Curriculum
We would be grateful if you could update your contact details using the enclosed form to notify us of any changes. I look forward to meeting you over the coming term at our academy events. In the meantime please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
I hope you have a happy and enjoyable Easter holiday.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona O’Sullivan
Oasis Academy MediaCityUK is sponsored by Oasis Community Learning www.oasiscommunitylearning.org
– part of Oasis UK
Oasis Community Learning is a company Limited by Guarantee registered in
England & Wales (No. 5398529) and an Exempt Charity Registered Office: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS