NightScripts February 2015 Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh, Editor I’m excited about our new accountability partner program we launched at our January meeting. Although we had certain business to conduct during the meeting, it was amazing at the end to see everyone talking to each other, exchanging information, and asking about the myriad of projects all of us are working on. There was so much excitement, I didn’t have time to close the meeting. It just took off on its own. It was so much better than watching people sit through a boring meeting, then walk out the door, unfulfilled, never speaking to anyone. There was an air of expectancy in the room. I can hardly wait for the February meeting to learn what good things have transpired. For those of you who were not at the meeting, the accountability program is very simple. You team up with another NightWriter for 30 days. You connect with each other at least once a week, whether in person or via media, and talk about the projects you are working on, help each other over roadblocks, and offer assistance in whatever area your partner is struggling with. We have a number of members that live out of state or some distance from Tulsa and can’t come to meetings. You’ll need to make contact with other members and partner up with them. Your media will be the telephone, e-mail, or whatever means you choose to communicate. If you’ll send an email to Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh, she can send out a notice to the membership that you are looking for a partner. This program will work if we don’t get hung up on genre. There aren’t enough fiction writers among us to concentrate strictly on partnering with other fiction writers or enough poets to concentrate strictly on poetry. We’ll have to step out of our comfort zones and experience something new. My partner and I have spent some wonderful time together. I helped him work on an outline for a fantasy novel he’s writing. He read some of my cowboy story and offered insights on cows. I had no idea how little I know about cows. I’m looking forward to teaming up with a poet or genealogist, maybe a western writer, a blogger, or some genre I know nothing about. For those of you who know me, you know that’s a very long list. 1 The purpose of the accountability program is help each of us become better at our craft: writing. As your new president, I give you my solemn pledge to do everything I can do to help our members become better writers and reach their goals, whether it is writing for selfgratification or for commercial publication. I believe I speak for the whole new officer board and affirm that each of us have the same purpose at heart. Our new vice-president, Charles Betzler, will book speakers with the instruction to stay focused on the craft of writing. Bill Wetterman will manage our funds and membership roster as only he can; and his lovely wife, Pam, will continue to be the cheerful face of the NightWriters. And if January’s newsletter is any indication, Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh will create exciting and informative newsletters, as well as keep the lines of communication open within the club. Yes, 2015 is going to be an exciting year! We’ve got good things in the works. But remember, this isn’t a one-pony show. It’s going to take everyone’s cooperation and participation to bring the Tulsa NightWriters back to the elite status we once held. Let’s get together and see what great heights we can scale together. ____________________________________________________ My name is Charles Betzler and I am your newly-elected vice president of Tulsa NightWriters. I own and operate an electronics and computer-repair service. I have been active in politics and served ten years as a council member of a nearby city. I also served as their emergency management director. In the last 25 years, I have served on many advisory boards and was responsible for public relations in several organizations. I am an amateur thespian, and I am involved in local community theater. I have written technical articles but want to broaden my horizons. I joined Tulsa NightWriters to hone my writing skills. As vice president, I will strive to bring you speakers who will present topics relevant to your needs and interests. I wish to thank you for electing me to be your VP. I will serve in any capacity needed to further the goals of TNW. The first speaker will be John Mark Young, Esq., a prominent local attorney and a former member of TNW. He currently has a column in the Sapulpa Daily Herald. ____________________________________________________ 2 Mark Your Calendars: February 17, 2015 John Mark Young, Attorney at Law Retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Marine Reserves Author and Sapulpa Daily Herald Columnist John Mark Young, Esq., is a familiar face to many in the Tulsa area. A 4th-generation attorney and member of the Oklahoma Bar Association, John has provided legal services from his 92-year-old family firm in Sapulpa for over 35 years. Readers of the Sapulpa Daily Herald have consistently selected him as the First-Place Readers-Choice Attorney. John is also admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; and the U.S. Court of Military Appeals. His long list of civic involvements include Sapulpa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, Sapulpa Trolley and Rail Museum, Creek County Literacy Program, Lions Club, Gospel Research Foundation, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marine Corps League, and service as a judge advocate for Disabled American Veterans. For the past 20 years, John has published a column in the Sapulpa Daily Herald. He has also written for other state publications on historical, military, and political issues. These are issues about which John is an authority. His book, When the Russians Blinked: The U.S. Maritime Response to the Cuban Missile Crisis, is part of the Occasional Papers series published by the History and Museums Division of the U.S. Marine Corps. A 1972 University of Oklahoma graduate in business administration, John earned his J.D. from the OU College of Law in 1974. After being admitted to the bar in 1975, he served as a judge advocate general with the U.S. Marines for four years of active duty. He continued to be active in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve until 2003, when he retired as a lieutenant colonel, with a foreign-duty service record in Kuwait, Iraq, Korea, Egypt, and Bahrain. John’s military honors include a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1998) and a Meritorious Service Medal (2003). During this timeframe, John also earned an A.A. from Tulsa Junior College and an M.A. from the University of Tulsa. In 2007, he was named Distinguished Graduate by Tulsa Community College. John is a much sought-after speaker and has taught military history at Oral Roberts University and the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College. A former Tulsa NightWriter, who credits the group with helping him polish his writing skills, John is a consummate researcher. At our next meeting, on Tuesday, February 17th, John will be sharing what he has gleaned over the years about research. Please join us from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at: Allee Beth Martin East Regional Library Auditorium 2601 S. Garnett, Tulsa, Oklahoma 3 Scott Aycock Poet, Singer-Songwriter, Radio-Show Host, and Licensed Marital & Family Therapist (Right click on the book cover to open the hyperlink.) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Scott Aycock grew up in northeast Arkansas in a town called Marked Tree, nestled between the St. Francis River and the Little River. He is an award-winning poet and singer-songwriter and has served as a poet with the Artists in the Schools program through the Tulsa Arts and Humanities Council. Scott is the host of the long-running radio show Folk Salad, which airs on several public radio networks throughout the nation. His passion to support the craft of songwriting and those who make their living as singer-songwriters led to his successful house concert music series, called House Concerts Unlimited. Scott lives and works in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he is also a licensed marital and family therapist in private practice. Scott’s recordings and more information can be found at: ABOUT THE BOOK With this collection of verse and lyrics, Scott Meredith Aycock spans the distance between the sandy loam of Arkansas and the red dirt of Oklahoma. The poems and song lyrics have a definite sense of time and place and celebrate childhood, family, faith, and the human condition. FROM THE AUTHOR These Stones seemed an appropriate title for this collection of poems and song lyrics. In my experience, the most interesting stones found me, and the poems and lyrics which I write are like that, as well. It’s as though I were catching them out of the corner of my eye. They start as a flicker of light and draw me in. My poems and songs, like the stones on my shelves, are rooted to place and, yet, their origins remain a mystery. Often, when I write a poem . . . a song, I feel a connection with the past and, yet, strangely grounded in the present. Many of my songs and some of my poems are character driven and feature regular people facing the everyday challenges of life with uncommon grace. I believe that God holds all of creation 4 in his eyes and sees the beauty in every living thing. I hope my poetry and songs reflect that belief. ____________________________________________________ THE CHALLENGE Issued by Donna Welch Jones When the new year began, award-winning author Donna Welch Jones issued a challenge, on Facebook, encouraging all NightWriters to support one another by writing book reviews. Here is Donna’s TNW Facebook post: I challenge each of you to write a minimum of one book review per month during 2015. Book reviews are the best gifts you can give to authors (my opinion). If you are willing to take on my challenge please comment so I will know who you are. Amazon is probably the best place to submit reviews. Goodreads is also good. You want to challenge for more book reviews? I might take it on. As of January 25th, a dozen writers had agreed to participate. This will generate 144 book reviews by the end of the year! Donna would like to go for twenty participants. Are there eight more willing writers out there? _____________________________________________ Comments on books by Donna Welch Jones are welcome. (Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) 5 HOW TO POST A BOOK REVIEW ON AMAZON and KINDLE by Nikki Hanna It’s easy. You can do it! You do not have to buy a book on Amazon to review one there. Go to Click on Books Search for the book title or author name. Click on the book you plan to review. Scroll to bottom for reviews. Scroll to the end of reviews. Click on Write a customer review. Click on the book you want to review. (Books you’ve ordered before on Amazon show up.) Click on a star to rate the book. Don’t be afraid to give a five-star rating. A book doesn’t have to be a literary marvel. If it was a good read, and you recommend it, use the stars to say so. Title the review with a few words that describe in your words how you interpret the book. Write your review. Tell what you liked and what you learned. Mention your favorite aspects (the writer’s style, the tone, the humor, the messages). Consider what others might get out of it. Share honest, candid opinions. Remind readers that they do not have to buy a book on Amazon in order to review one there. Click on Submit. You did it! Got Book Worms? Why should you review a book? Book reviews shine a light on a book and improve the author’s status on Amazon. Reviews can show appreciation, help a writer hone his craft, and give encouragement. Authors appreciate reviews. For other readers, your review facilitates the buy or no-buy decision. PICTURE CREDIT: Got Book Worms? (“Literary Roost Series”) by Camille Engel (American contemporary realist oil painter). Used by permission of 6 ________________________________________________________ Comments on books by Nikki Hanna are welcome at: (Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) ____________________________________________________ Thank you, Karen Marie Graham, for representing the Tulsa NightWriters on Good Day, Tulsa (Channel 8)! In case you missed the show: (Right click to open the Channel 8 hyperlink.) On Tuesday, January 20th, author, illustrator, and principal owner of Books-A-Daisy, LLC, Karen Marie Graham, spoke about our group on Good Day, Tulsa (Channel 8). Packing a wealth of information into an all-too-brief segment, Karen very professionally gave a big boost to Tulsa NightWriters. Special thanks to all those who supplied Karen with great subject matter and photos. Check out the pictures on Instagram, which can be linked through Karen’s new Web site: 7 (Right click on the signature to open the hyperlink.) ____________________________________________________ Basic Mistakes New Writers Make: New writers use too many adverbs and adjectives when a well-chosen verb works best. Example: Mary sat tentatively. Versus: Mary edged into her chair. New writers tend to use too many passive verbs. Active verbs enliven stories. Example: John’s face had been scarred by war. Versus: Battle scars etched John’s face. Show. Don’t tell. Mastering this is a must. Example: Mary felt self-conscience about her height, so she wore 4” heels. Versus: Mary slipped on her 4” heels and twirled in front of the mirror. “Tall girls have all the fun? Well I’ll show them.” Don’t try to impress readers with your vocabulary. You want them reading your book, not the dictionary. The average reader uses an 8th grade vocabulary. Example: “Injecting the serum now will have a deleterious effect.” Versus: “Injecting the serum now will be harmful.” Don’t echo words. New writers drive readers mad by repetitious word use. Example: As the traffic slowed, the buffalo herd rushed at us. Two of the buffalo slammed my car, while three buffalo blocked the road ahead. The stench of buffalo caused acid to 8 leap into my throat. Versus: As the traffic slowed, the buffalo herd rushed at us. Two of the beasts slammed my car, while several big bulls blocked the road ahead. The stench of these creatures caused acid to leap into my throat. Resist the urge to explain. If you have written good action, don’t spoil it by explaining what the reader already knows. Example: She pulled herself under a low hanging branch and held her breath. If he heard her, she feared he would kill her. Versus: She pulled herself under a low hanging branch and held her breath. Don’t bury dialogue inside narrative. Example: Mary and Neil rushed toward the door. Mary yanked the knob. “It won’t budge.” She heard the pounding of the creature’s footsteps on the landing above them. Versus: Mary and Neil rushed toward the door. Mary yanked the knob. “It won’t budge.” She heard the pounding of the creature’s footsteps on the landing above them. Don’t be afraid of the word said. The word said is invisible in dialogue. To keep from being too repetitive, use movement or internal monologue. Asked is okay or a great verb like stammered, meticulously placed. Avoid uttered, barked, hissed and other similar words. Think about this. Have you ever heard someone hiss words? Try it. You’ll find it sounds silly. Avoid purple prose. The sweet perfume of love played upon his heart strings. Ugh! ____________________________________________________ Misconception of the Month: Write what you know! If we followed that premise, our books would be short and boring. Instead, write what you are passionate about and learn what you don’t know about the subject. You can learn new things until you die, so research your passions until you know them. Then write about them. ____________________________________________________ Notable Quotables Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn (1930 – 2009) Businessman ____________________________________________________ 9 February’s Featured NightWriter Tammy Lynn Acuff Editor: How long have you been a NightWriter? Tammy: I have been a TNW about a year. Editor: What do you write (or want to write)? Tammy: Mystery Editor: Have you had anything published? Tell us about it. Tammy: I have one novel that was publish this past August. Fall From Grace is a murder mystery set in southeast Oklahoma. A police officer that was working in OKC gets injured in the line of duty and decides to go back home to recuperate. On his arrival there, grisly murders start to occur. The murders have a theme to them; they are killed by way of stoning, cat-o-nine tails, and hanging on crosses. The reader will have a hard time deciding who the murderer is as they are led to a few different characters. I have had some wonderful feedback from readers and I have really enjoyed hearing the whole process they went through at deciding who the killer is. Editor: Have you won any awards? Tell us about them. Tammy: No, sadly. I am a teacher, and my hours don't end when the last bell of the day rings, so it is difficult for me to find time to write, much less enter contests. Editor: What do you love most about writing? Tammy: That is a difficult one to pin down. I love coming up with different scenarios and working out the details of how it will play out to the conclusion of the story. I have already come up with four more story plots to turn Fall From Grace into a series, as well as two other story lines for separate books. I love doing research to make my story seem realistic. It is amazing how much research a person can do for something that will take up a small amount of space in the book! I have also enjoyed working with my publisher and learning about the process of actually getting an idea to become a book. I have a wonderful publisher, Karen Marie Graham! Karen has really earned the stars in her crown. It was a little hectic in meeting the deadline we set to have it finished in time for the Author Fair at Woodland Hills Mall last August. I hope my second book will be easier to edit than the first one. Editor: What advice would you give to beginning writers? Tammy: I think the process is different for everyone, but the main thing is to just start writing. They need to think about the characters and decide what kind of person they are and 10 what they are capable of doing. The plot of the story is, of course, important. I don't think they should stray too far off course of the plot because then that could change the whole dynamic of the characters and their purpose for being in the story. ____________________________________________________ The Retail by Joshua Danker-Dake (Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) Joshua Danker-Dake’s debut novel, The Retail, was released in 2014 and has been garnering extremely positive reviews. The most recent is from Publishers Weekly: they give The Retail a very good review, saying, “Danker-Dake incorporates humor, emotion, and social commentary into his debut novel, which reads like the script for a smart comedy film.” The Retail has also been placed on Awesome Indies’ list of quality independent fiction. THE RETAIL The Retail is a comedic everyman satire of the depersonalizing big-box retail grind. Aspiring writer Penn Reynard has just joined the ranks of America’s fifteen million retail workers: fresh out of college with an English degree, he can’t find a job anywhere except at the local big-box hardware store. Working returns, Penn experiences firsthand the often comical absurdity, chaos, and shenanigans of the retail world. At least he has a new romance with a coworker going for him—if he doesn’t screw it up. The constant pressures of dealing with hostile customers, oblivious coworkers, and overbearing management begin to take their toll on him, though, and as his desired career path threatens to fall out of reach, Penn struggles to break free of retail’s clutches. Joshua Danker-Dake Web: Facebook: Twitter: Amazon: _________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Donna Le a.k.a. Liz Kucera Donna Le has two devotionals published in Beads on a String: Peace, Joy, and Love, a compilation book from Wordwrights OKC Christian Writers. The book, edited by Barbara Shepherd, is now available on Amazon. (Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) ______________________________________________________________________________ The Apostle Murders, The Horicon Experience, and A Killer in Time by Jim Laughter My thriller, The Apostle Murders, shot to #16 on the kindle bestseller list and is being featured on Kindle Nation the first week of February. One of my sci-fi young-adult adventures, The Horicon Experience, is back on the kindle best-seller list at #43; and my new thriller, A Killer in Time ($3.99), was released January 2nd. Thank you, NightWriters, for your support and encouragement. Visit Jim at (Right click on Jim’s picture to visit his Amazon author page.) (Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) ____________________________________________________ 12 Thank You, God, For Everything: A Nursery Rhyme Picture Book by Karen Marie Graham BOOK REVIEWS 5.0 out of 5.0 stars Very good children's book! By Tammy Mullins (Owasso, OK) - See all my reviews January 19, 2015 Verified Purchase (What's this?) Love the message and rhythm of the story. The clear pictures fit perfectly with it as well. And a bonus song at the end - the author/publisher is very generous and offering this gem at a steal 5.0 out of 5.0 stars perfect December 29, 2014 By Beth A. Wilson "survivor" (Tulsa, OK) - See all my reviews Verified Purchase (What's this?) I enjoyed this little book. The book is a song that I get to sing with my grand babies. I recommend it. NEW WEB SITE My Web site, created by Mark Collier of Big Blue Designs, is up! ____________________________________________________ Notable Quotables In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. Ansel Adams (1902 – 1984) Photographer ____________________________________________________ 13 To the Everlasting by Sarah Renee Lonelodge (Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) BOOK REVIEW 5.0 out of 5.0 stars Another reader who loved this book! By muffiemae - See all my reviews January 17, 2015 Verified Purchase (What's this?) Many reviewers have said the book is thought provoking and I agree wholeheartedly! Others have written the gist of the book so I won't repeat. But I'll add that the grammar and editing in the book was excellent. ____________________________________________________ Fall From Grace by Tammy Lynn Acuff BOOK REVIEW 5.0 out of 5.0 stars I really enjoyed reading this book and I am not a big…, January 12, 2015 By Taylor - See all my reviews I really enjoyed reading this book and I am not a big reader! It kept my interest through the entire book. I look forward to reading more from her. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars Amazing read.., By Je'Anna Lindsy - See all my reviews January 17, 2015 Verified Purchase (What's this?) An amazing read for anyone who loves a good mystery! The ending was a huge surprise to me! 14 5.0 out of 5.0 stars This book is a major page-turner and will keep you guessing until the VERY END!!! By Alicia Walker - See all my reviews September 13, 2014 Verified Purchase (What's this?) I loved this book!!!! I consider myself an avid reader and I love a good mystery. This book had everything I look for to hold my attention. It was exceptionally descriptive and so familiar that I felt like a member of the town. wink emoticon I was very pleasantly surprised by the ending, as well. This book was worth every second spent reading it!! I will definitely be reading your books in the future!! ____________________________________________________ Sinking Suspicions by Sara Sue Hoklotubbe (Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) PANELIST AND MODERATOR Sara Sue Hoklotubbe has been invited to participate in the 2015 Tucson Festival of Books, March 14th – 15th, where she will discuss her latest book, Sinking Suspicions on two panels: “Other Cultures, Other Crimes” and “Unraveling the Native Mystery.” She will also serve as moderator for the “Religion and Mystery” panel with panelists Margaret Coel, William Kent Kruger, and Becky Masterman. Each year the festival, which is located on the University of Arizona campus, brings in over 100,000 people. AN INDIE-BOOKS-WE-LOVE PICK Foreword Reviews picked Sara Sue Hoklotubbe's Sinking Suspicions as one of The Indie Books We Love in their Winter 2015 edition, saying, “Hoklotubbe does an excellent job of maintaining tension, as chapters alternate between Sadie in Hawai’i, Lance in Oklahoma, and Buck stuck somewhere in the wilderness, creating a race against time as the story lines interweave. A series of sharp plot twists keeps readers guessing as the story barrels toward its conclusion.” ____________________________________________________ 15 Carla Stewart GUEST SPEAKER On February 13th, Carla will be the guest speaker for the Woodward Public Library Valentine Luncheon in Woodward, OK. FEATURED AUTHOR Carla Stewart had a wonderful time at the 15th Annual Pulpwood Queens’ Girlfriend Weekend in Nacogdoches, TX, on January 15th – 17th. She spoke on a panel hosted by Kathy L. Murphy and Jamie Ford (yes, the author of The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet!) and got to meet many other authors and, best of all, connect with 300 book club readers during the 2 ½day event. COMING JUNE 2015! A Flying Affair (FaithWords) ABOVE: The author panel from Girlfriend Weekend. BOOKS BY CARLA STEWART The Hatmaker's Heart (FaithWords) Sweet Dreams (FaithWords) 2014 Oklahoma Book Award Finalist Stardust (FaithWords) 2013 Oklahoma Book Award Finalist; INSPY Short List Broken Wings (FaithWords) 2012 Finalist Oklahoma Book Award; 2012 Inspirational Reader's Choice Award (RWA) Chasing Lilacs (FaithWords) Finalist Oklahoma Book Award; 2011 Best Fiction Book, OWFI ____________________________________________________ 16 2015 OWFI CONFERENCE May 1st – May 2nd BELOW: 2014 OWFI Conference. Last year, there were 920 contest entries made by 332 writers. Of the 34 categories, members of Tulsa NightWriters took awards in 17. Our totals included 7 first place, 2 second place, 5 third place, and 11 honorable mentions. An Opportunity to Connect with Authors, Editors, and Publishers I hope you got your OWFI (Oklahoma Writer’s Federation, Inc.) Writing Contest entries submitted by the February 1st deadline and have marked your calendars for the conference in Oklahoma City, May 1st – May 2nd. This year’s conference is focused around the craft of writing. It’s a great opportunity to hone your skills while connecting with others in the business. Both days will be jam-packed with presentations and seminars by well-known authors, editors, and publishers. This year, the Tulsa NightWriters has reserved three tables, of ten people each, in front of the speaker platform. If you have registered to attend the conference and want to sit with the group, then please contact TNW Treasurer Bill Wetterman at: Conference Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are desperately needed to help in the Editor/Agent Pitch Room and to assist speakers during the conference. Here’s what these essential volunteer support-staff members do: Editor/Agent Appointments (Pitch Room): Volunteers sign people in and make sure appointments do not go over their allotted time limit. If interested, contact Erin Cochran via e-mail: Shepherds: Shepherds are assigned a speaker to “help” during the conference. Duties may include taking your speaker to lunch, making copies, seeing that your speaker makes it to his presentation, etc. If interested, contact Linda Apple via e-mail: Please visit OWFI for more information. (Right click to open the OWFI hyperlink.) 17 Bill Wetterman’s Speaking Engagements February 2015 February 21st: Oklahoma City Writers 10:00 a.m. Subject: Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing February 23rd: Tulsa Area Children Book Authors (Meet-up) Member of Publishing Panel Time and Place TBA Bill has been a guest speaker at the Lexicon Writers in Denton, Texas, for 3 years running. He has been a speaker and panelist at the Rose State Writers’ Conference for the last 2 years. He has spoken to several library book clubs in Oklahoma. If you have a group that loves the craft of writing, contact Bill at _______________________________________________________ Comments on books by Bill Wetterman are welcome. Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink. 18 Radine Trees Nehring 2011 Inductee: Arkansas Writers' Hall of Fame (Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) HOW ABOUT A “FREE TRIP”? Radine Trees Nehring invites you to a very easy tour of all 50 states. For those not familiar with Annette Snyder's blog, "50 Authors from Fifty States," there's an enjoyable surprise for you at: The last week in January, Annette hosted a visit to the Arkansas Ozarks with Radine and her novels as tour guides. After visiting Arkansas, keep scrolling and see how many fun places you can go in a very short time! (Who's doing Oklahoma?) AUTHOR PANEL AND BOOK SIGNING On February 7th, Radine will be setting up a book table at the Northwest Arkansas Author Book Sale and Luncheon at the Public Library in Bentonville, Arkansas. At this yearly event, guests pay $25.00 for the privilege of hearing selected authors speak about their writing and are, then, given the opportunity to buy as many books as they wish! Sharing the magic of the Arkansas Ozarks in "To Die For" novels Including A Fair to Die For from Oak Tree Press ______________________________________________________________________________ Notable Quotables To move freely you must be deeply rooted. Bella Lewitsky (1916 – 2004) Dancer ____________________________________________________ 19 There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way. Christopher Morley (1890 – 1957) Author ____________________________________________________ Charles W. Sasser WWII AIRBORNE DEMONSTRATION TEAM MEMBER Charles W. Sasser (Chuck) is back from parachute jump school. Having endured a rigorous 8-day recertification program, from January 17th – 24th, he is now a member of the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team (ADT) in Frederick, Oklahoma. Charles will be doing public relations for the team. “Best job on the team—go everywhere, take photos.” (Charles W. Sasser) ABOUT CHARLES GERONIMO! Charles W. Sasser Member of the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team Frederick, Oklahoma Sasser, 73, is a former Green Beret who served as a paratrooper for 13 years. He is a professional writer/journalist/photographer with nearly 60 published books and 3-4,000 magazine articles and short stories. BY CHARLES W. SASSER Inside the massive wooden hangar at what is now the Frederick Municipal Airport, it is always the 1940s and America is at war. The hangar is part of the original airfield built in 1942 to train fighter and bomber pilots. Regularly throughout the year, ADT paratroops preserve the WWII paratrooper legacy by performing in air shows, military functions, commemorations, and other events all over the U.S. and Europe. We utilize WWII aircraft and wear period uniforms and equipment. One of our two C-47 aircraft, "Boogie Baby," was actually used by paratroopers at D-Day. Two 'jump schools' are held each year. Students who successfully complete the course and make five military-style parachute jumps to win their gold wings become members of the demonstration team. The course is physically demanding and challenging. I am now a member of the team, assigned to do public relations. The ADT is the only organization of its kind in the world. It was organized in 1996 to honor those who fought to preserve America's freedom and to help pass along historical standards of honor and courage to future generations. 20 ABOVE: The C-47 aircraft, “Boogie Baby” (WWII Airborne Demonstration Team; Frederick, Oklahoma) __________________________ Books by Charles W. Sasser and more. . . . (Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) __________________________________________________________ 21 THANK YOU, NIGHTWRITERS! Mary Coley a.k.a. Mary McIntyre and Mary Lutz(!) for my longtime friends Author of the Family Secret Series Cobwebs: a suspense novel (Book 1) Ant Dens: a suspense novel (Book 2) Coming in 2015! Bee Hives (Book 3) Mary Coley would like to thank all of the NightWriters who took the time to participate in a new marketing program she was trying for her second mystery--Ant Dens: A Thunderclap-It Promo. Unfortunately, her campaign didn't receive enough support clicks to make it to the next level. The timing was difficult--over the Christmas break/holidays. She may try it again, later. Please remember to support each other in our publishing and marketing efforts! (Writing and selling books is challenging, isn't it?) (blog) (Right click on a book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ When it comes to authors, @neilhimself is a rock star. The Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers/OSU-Tulsa presents An Evening with Neil Gaiman. A Tulsa Reads event. March 10th, 7 p.m., at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $20, plus handling charges, and may be purchased online at or in person at the Tulsa PAC box office. For phone orders call 918-596-7111. Tickets for students, teachers, and Center members are $10. “As an author, I’ve never forgotten how to daydream." ~ Neil Gaiman 22 OKLAHOMA TOURING AUTHORS A Sharing Resource for Oklahoma Authors SEEKING MEMBERS Writer and editor Renee’ La Viness runs this group with the goal of getting all the Oklahoma authors listed in one place, if possible. If you’re an active Oklahoma author, consider joining the Oklahoma Touring Authors group on Facebook. Need help with Web site design? Marketer and Web Designer Mark Collier Mark Collier, self-proclaimed computer nerd and brilliant marketer and web designer, launched Big Blue Designs in 2011 to provide web and graphic design to those who want to communicate clearly to their audience. In October, Mark shared his plethora of branding information with our group and offered to make himself accessible to Tulsa NightWriters, as well as to its members. You may visit Mark’s website, e-mail him at, or call him at 918-928-9516. ______________________________________________________________________________ 23 Need a book cover design? Todd Engel at Engel Creative will make your book look really, really good. SUBMISSION CALL A Middle-Grade Anthology to Entertain Ages 9-12 By popular demand, new characters have been added. Needed: 1500 - 2500 word short stories (Each story is a chapter.) Looking to fill a 40,000 word volume. Submission Deadline: Entries must be received before March 1, 2015 Publication will be August/September of 2015 For more information: 24 OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS We are the West and very proud. We pay full-page ads for stories and articles about the West, past and present. In March, we have a Western romance writer’s story coming out. We support all the Western organizations: WWA, Women of the West, Fictionaires. The 2nd edition of Saddlebag Dispatches is all you need for a free Western Quarterly magazine. Both issues are up for the continuing serials. Contact: Dusty Richards ____________________________________________________ ACCEPTING SHORT STORIES AND POEMS Heartland Fountain, LLC Oklahoma: The Fountain of the Heartland Submission Deadline: March 15, 2015 LEFT: Officers of Heartland Fountain, LLC Donna Le, Michael W. Hinkle, S. L. Winchester, vehoae) Donna Le, as chair of Heartland Fountain, LLC, reminds NightWriters that the group is currently accepting short stories and poems for a second volume with a theme of Oklahoma: The Fountain of the Heartland. Details on submissions can be found at: ____________________________________________________ 25 The Peggy Fielding Memorial Scholarship Fund by Bill Wetterman In honor of Peggy Fielding, whose hard work helped vault the Tulsa NightWriters to the pinnacle of success as a writer’s organization, we have established a scholarship fund in her name for teenage and young adult writers. Through individual NightWriter contributions, $260.00 has been collected, enough for three youth scholarships to this year’s conference. Additional contributions can be made to add to the fund. If not used this year, OWFI will hold the funds and distribute them next year. In her honor, our club sponsored the Crème de la Crème Award this year. We will have three front row tables by the speaker platform reserved for our club. The goal of your newly elected officers for 2015 is to hone the craft of writing. We will concentrate on improving our basic skills at all levels. Whether beginner or published author, you can never stop learning. If you’d like to make a contribution, please contact Bill Wetterman at The ideal book for that out-of-town friend or for anyone who loves Tulsa. . . . Shades of Tulsa An Anthology Right click on the book cover to open the Amazon hyperlink. by Edited by Pat Wade and Joan Rhine 26 Jim Laughter President Charles Betzler Vice-President Bill Wetterman Treasurer 2015 TNW MEETING SCHEDULE 2015 TNW Officers Contact Information February 17 John Mark Young, Esq. (Author and Sapulpa Daily Herald columnist) Research President………………..Jim Laughter Vice-President…………Charles Betzler March 17 Treasurer……………..Bill Wetterman Hospitality…………...Pam Wetterman Editor…….….Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh Pam Wetterman Hospitality Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh Editor April 21 Bill Wetterman The Most Common Mistakes Writers Make Getting the Most Out of the OWFI Conference May 19 OWFI-Conference Awards Celebration June 16 July 21 August 18 September 15 October 20 Right click on this image to connect with TNW on Facebook. Dusty Richards & Casey Cowan (Saddlebag Dispatches & Oghma Creative Media) November 17 This Web site is for the networking and news about members ONLY. OWFI-Contest Winners Panel PLEASE NOTE: We welcome any writers who want to join our Facebook group, but be aware that joining this group on Facebook does not mean you have joined the Tulsa NightWriters. Christmas Party Installation of New Officers TNW Flash Fiction Contest Results TNW-of-the-Year Award Presentation December 15 27 From Your Editor NIGHTSCRIPTS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Deadline: 1st of the month Specifications: Times New Roman, 12-point Single-space Attach graphics and/or photographs Send to: Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh at ____________________________________________________ Do you have an idea for strengthening Tulsa NightWriters? Send any ideas, suggestions, speaker recommendations, etc., by e-mail, to the officer of your choice. (Right click on this banner to visit the Tulsa NightWriters Web site.) ____________________________________________________ If you’d like to join please contact TNW Treasurer Bill Wetterman at We’d love to welcome you as a member! ____________________________________________________ The End 28