enkel principles V0.03

Draft Enkel Principles
Vision: Can someone in the vision group please put in the latest version?
Enkel is a cluster of independent, viable, strong businesses that work together to co
create, aiding people to accelerate each other’s learning journeys.
These Principles guide the operations of enkel as it creates new ways of living,
working, learning, making, eating and drinking that bridges the enduring WA culture
with the new digital global economy.
Principle 1: enkel members strive to achieve the enkel vision.
Principle 2: enkel members strive to dream big and work smart with heart and
Principle 3: enkel provides an equal opportunity for all members to have their
ideas represented in decision making.
Principle 4: enkel will undertake a cost benefits analysis of all suggestions as part
of its decision making.
Principle 5: enkel governance arrangements are explicit.
Principle 6: enkel supports planet friendly projects.
Principle 7: enkel encourages sharing of intellectual property.
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