CA#1 Lady Anne and the Blue Mole by Jerry Cocozello

Jerry Cocozello
Foundations of Writing
February 19th, 2013
Lady Anne and the Blue Mole
There once lived a woman by the name of Lady Anne. Lady Anne had been blessed with
extremely wealthy parents who bought her whatever her heart desired. She owned the biggest
most beautiful houses, wore the most elegant dresses, and was covered from head to toe with the
finest of jewels. Her horses were healthy and well equipped; her shoes were always shiny and
new. One might think that Anne was on top of the world; however, Anne had been given the
misfortune of bearing a blue mole on the top of her smaller upper lip. It was ginormous and most
guys would turn their heads as soon as they saw Anne's face. Although being extremely wealthy
and able to get the mole removed it would always come back leaving Anne to believe that she
had been cursed.
On the property directly across from Anne's family estate lived three young men, all very
handsome and strong, and wealthy as well. They had known Anne since they were little children
for their parents had all shared the same interest and had been friends. Now older they were
ready for marriage knowing that one of them would be left with the family estate. Anne having
already been married unsuccessfully three times was told by her father that an arrangement had
been made and that she would have to choose between the three sons of whom she would marry.
Filled with excitement knowing that she would be given another opportunity Anne was ready for
the occasion. The three young men at first however had been upset and disgusted with their
parents knowing that one of them would have to marry Anne and live with her and her ugly blue
mole. They each felt bad for one another knowing that one of them would be picked by Anne.
They tried their best to un-impress and set a bad example in front of her although Anne had been
too caught up in the news to notice.
Son 1: This is an outrage, besides money that girls hideous and that blue mole is disgusting!
Son 2: What are we to do for we must obey mother and father!
Son 3: Hasn't she married three times before?
Later in the week Anne's father had invited the men and their parents over for dinner. It
was said in the invitation that Anne would eventually make her decision. Upon entering the
house later that evening the three men were shocked at how nice and entertaining the party was.
Friends of the family had been invited as well to join in the feast and fun and excitement had
seemed to fill the air. The guests would stay awake enjoying music and dancing and other games
throughout the house; an idea thought by Anne's parents to draw the attention of someone and
finally get Anne a husband and her first successful marriage despite her hideous blue mole. The
three men had drawn up an idea that whomever Anne was to choose that night would marry
Anne and kill her, inheriting her wealth and assets and sharing in joy with the others that way
they wouldn't have to live with Anne's ugly blue mole. Unknowingly however Anne had kept a
secret that not even her parents had been aware about. She would make her decision and decide
that the she would choose the second of the three men. A tall, broad shouldered, handsome
fellow by the name of Lance and that they would move into her own personal home given to her
by her parents and one that she was quite familiar with on the opposite side of town. She had
shared this house with all of her previous husbands before their disappearance.
Entering the house Lance had been shocked, it was neat and well decorated something
that he had been used to but at a different level. As Anne’s new husband he would begin to be
somewhat drawn to Anne knowing that now this was his new life and it wasn’t as bad as he and
his brothers had expected. One thing he had noticed while on tour with Anne was that all
throughout the house had been empty tubes of lipstick specially made for Anne and that on top
of the fireplace lie a makeup box covered with jewels and expensive leather, a display of
excellent craftsmanship. The box however could only be open with a key, one which Anne wore
around her neck. Lance had asked Anne what was in the makeup box knowing that Anne might
say makeup and probably lipstick, but he had been curious as to why a note on the box said “Do
not touch, for the truth lies within”. Anne told him not to worry and to never try to open the box
for it would be ruined and her lifelong secret revealed. Lance although finding this very strange
left the thought in his mind but continued on a tour of the house. Anne gave Lance a set of keys
and showed him every room of the house. Lance was amazed by the artwork and furniture
throughout the house and all the wealth that they both now had. They looked through the
portraits that had been painted by famous artists of the time and explored the land that they now
After the end of the tour of their new house the couple had dinner and went to sleep.
Lance surprised yet skeptical had given his new wife a kiss, but not before Anne had reached in
her pocket and pulled out a shiny tube. Anne: This is special ointment that I put on my mole
every night so contagious I will remain. She had taken the key from around her neck and opened
the box reminding Lance that he must never open it or suffer the consequences of the truth in
which lies within. She placed the tube in the box, locked it back up and they both went to sleep.
They both had woken up very early the next day. Lady Anne had told her husband that she
would be leaving town for business and that she would be gone for a couple of days. She had
given Lance the keys to all the rooms in the house and had even given him the key around her
neck to hold on to. Lance had been shocked for he never thought that his wife would give him
the key to her precious box. She once again reminded him not to open the box, he assured her
that he wouldn't and she went on her way.
For the next few days Lance found himself wandering around the house exploring each
room to pass the time. Each day the thought would constantly fill his head to open the box and
take a peek at what was inside. However knowing that his wife would be furious and that there
would be some sort of consequences he would pull away. On the third day of his wife's absence
while exploring one of the rooms Lance had stumbled upon a portrait that he had not seen while
on the tour with his wife. The portrait had been extremely large and obscure. Lance had moved
the portrait to find that behind it had been a door. Some sort of secret door that he hadn’t seen
nor been told about. Lance searched and searched his set of keys to find the one that unlocked
the door showing what was inside. He tried every key until the one that Anne had given him was
the only one left. “Could this be the key”? He wondered in excitement. He had placed the key in
the hole and to his surprise the door opened; behind a staircase going down. Lance walked down
the steps suspiciously and to his surprise saw the bodies of three men, dead and covered with
blood on their faces. When he walked up to the men he had noticed that each of them was
missing their lips. Shocked and frightened Lance ran up the staircase and shut the door behind
him. He had decided that he was going to open the makeup box to see what was inside.
While approaching the box Lance had played different thoughts in his head as to what he
might find. Nervous and shaking he lifted the box. The leather that had covered it had been
ripped while he opened it, a trick that Anne had left without notice. For Lance this wouldn’t even
be the most shocking. When he opened his box he had found a set of tools with blood on them,
the tube that Anne had carried earlier in the week, and the most shocking of it all, three sets of
lips... Lance had dropped the box and paced back and forth throughout the house. What was he
to do, His new wife a psychotic murderer? Lance was frightened and what made it even worse
was he could hear his wife’s carriage approaching. In a flash Lance quickly shut the box and put
it back in its original position placing the pieces of leather that had torn off in the fire hoping that
his wife would not notice.
Anne had walked through the door with her co-worker Miranda seeing her husband
sitting in there room. She asked him how he had been for the past couple of days and introduced
her co-worker to him. She was very beautiful and carried no impurities like Anne had. Anne had
asked Lance why he had been sweating and carried a look of shock on his face. She quickly
glanced at her box on top of the fire place and then asked her cousin to go and explore the house.
She shut the door behind her. You’re a murderer Lance had spoken. So you have discovered my
secret Anne had replied. Why are there lips in that box and dead bodies in the basement? Lance
asked. Fine, Anne replied, all of these past men have discovered my secret before you and I’ve
known that all they have cared about is my money. How could they care for someone with an
impurity like mine? Each night this has occurred I have waited for them to fall asleep and killed
them with a shot to the chest instantly. I would then drag them down into the basement where I
would cut off their lips and see if they fit my beautiful face hiding my hideous blue mole. So far
I hadn’t found a perfect fit until last night when you kissed me and our lips almost perfectly,
yours only being a little bit larger. Anne had pulled out a gun and pointed it at Lance. Wait!
Lance replied I do not care about your blue mole, seeing Anne’s co-worker had overheard the
conversation and now with a knife in her hand was standing behind Anne. Just put the gun down
and we can pretend like this never happened. Anne stared at her husband not knowing whether or
not she should spare him or kill him and make him suffer like the rest before. Keeping the gun
fixed on him she lowered her arm. Not noticing Miranda standing behind her Lance had yelled
“now” and completely shocking Anne Miranda had stabbed her in the back with the knife.
Turning around Anne pointed the gun at Miranda. Shrieking in fear Miranda screamed and
dropped the knife. Anne had shot her in the arm knocking her to the ground. She quickly turned
around to Lance who had been fast enough to grab the knife and stab her in the face, puncturing
her blue mole and killing her.
After killing Anne Lance focused his attention on Miranda who had been losing a great
deal of blood after being shot in her arm. He ripped a piece of his shirt off and tied it around her
arm to apply pressure and stop the bleeding. “You saved my life”, he said as he wrapped the
piece of cloth around my arm. “Thank You”, he smiled and gave her a kiss. Lane and Miranda
would continue to live with each other long after the death of Lady Anne. Miranda would move
into the mansion and together they would dispose of any trace of Lady Anne, except for the
makeup box that would remain locked on top of the fireplace for generations to come and listen
to the stories of how good had triumphed over evil that day.