Statement of Purpose - Tilehurst Surgery Partnership

Tilehurst Surgery Partnership
Statement of Purpose
The name and address of the registered provider is:
Tilehurst Surgery Partnership
Tyler’s Place
Pottery Road
Berks RG30 6BW
Appointments: 0118 942 4484
Enquiries: 0118 942 7528
Emergency: 0118 942 7528
Fax: 0118 943 9448
Registered Manager:
Registered Practice Manager:
Dr Nikolas Markert
Mrs Desiree Warren
The surgery is an urban practice working from a purpose built building (built in the 1980s) in Tilehurst,
Reading just off the one of the main roads into Tilehurst. Additional space has been created over the
years by adding 3 portacabins to increase the number of consulting rooms available.
The Practice is an accredited Training practice.
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations
2009 Part 4), the registering body (Tilehurst Surgery Partnership) is required to provide to the Care
Quality Commission a statement of purpose.
Legal status:
Tilehurst Surgery Partnership is a Partnership.
Current partners
Dr George Boulos
(GMC: 2350817)
Qualified 1976 St Mary’s Hospital London
Hon Teaching Fellow, Imperial College, a
GP trainer and involved in undergraduate
medical teaching. Special interests include
minor surgery and computers
Dr Ian Barrow
(GMC: 2820031)
Qualified 1983 St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
Interested in all aspects of family medicine
Dr Nikolas Markert
(GMC: 4145756)
Qualified 1992 Hamburg
Special interests in minor surgery and family
Dr Richard Croft
(GMC: 2658577)
Qualified 1980 Oxford
Special interests include minor surgery, joint
injection and diabetes
Dr Judith Coleman
(GMC: 4034092)
Qualified 1993 Liverpool
Special interests in child health, family planning,
minor surgery, HRT and women’s health
Dr Doon Lovett
(GMC: 2924083)
Qualified 1984 St Thomas’s Hospital, London
Dr Lada Jamnicky
(GMC: 4443289)
Qualified 1997 Edinburgh
Special interests in child health, family planning, sexual health, minor
Associate Doctors and Interests
Dr Elena Griffin
(GMC: 4643278)
Qualified 1999 University College London
Interested in all aspects of family medicine
Dr Arek Hassy
(GMC: 6078641)
Qualified Guys, Kings and St Thomas
Special interest in Mental Health
Dr Charlotte Tyler
(GMC: 4667283)
Qualified Nottingham 1999
Special interests Family Planning and Acupuncture
Dr Jacqui Mayer
(GMC: 602902)
MA Cantab 1998, MB BS Imperial College School of
Medicine 2001, DCH 2004, DRCOG 2004, MRCGP
MRCGP 2005, MFSRH 2007.
Special interest in female health.
Management team
Partnership Manager:
Desiree Warren: Desiree is responsible for the overall management and development of the practice
Deputy Practice Manager:
Sue Whiteley: Sue oversees the day-to-day running of the practice
Practice Nursing Team
Jacqui Saunders (Senior Practice Nurse): RGN, SCM, Dip. Asthma Care, Dip. DFFP Secondary
Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, Intermediate Smoking Advisor, Special interest in diabetes and
Lynn Storey: RN, RM, DFFP, special interest in diabetes and family planning
Karen Crook: RGN, BSc Palliative Care Nursing, Dip H&SW, interest in family planning and women’s
The Practice Nurses are available by appointment for health registration checks, immunisations, ECGs,
ear syringing, wound care and other procedures in connection with general health care.
Julie Busby is a Senior Healthcare Assistant, providing support with general healthcare.
Katrina Wylie and Tracie Stollery are assistants to the Practice Nursing Team; they take blood from
patients and may contact you regarding test results or medications. Sally Smith also takes blood.
Attached Staff
Lee Talmage: SRN, SCM
Lee is involved in ante-natal care and runs a booking clinic and parent-craft classes.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors are no longer located at the surgery but can be contacted on 0118 9382132
District Nursing Team:
Sister Susan Johnstone: MA, RGN, NDNcert
Community Nursing Sister: Annette Jackson RGN
District Nurse Auxiliary Julie Busby: NVQ3
The District Nurses specialise in arranging and providing nursing care for patients who cannot attend
the surgery. The team is able to provide expert nursing care for acutely and terminally ill people.
Health promotion for disabled people and their carers is also provided.
We also have Counsellor who visits the Practice and a Smoking Cessation Counsellor who visits the
Administrative Staff:
A dedicated team of receptionists, clerks and secretaries supports the Surgery. They ensure the
smooth running of the Practice and are happy to help with any concerns or queries you may have.
Languages Spoken:
Dr R Croft
Lee Talmage (Midwife)
Dr N Markert
Lee Talmage (Midwife)
Dr J Coleman
Teaching and Training:
Our Practice is involved in training new medical staff. Medical students may sit in on some surgeries.
Each year a qualified doctor training in General Practice joins us as a Registrar. There may also be
Student Nurses working alongside the Health Visitors, District Nurses and Midwives.
Our Aims and Objectives:
To provide a high standard of health care accessible to all the registered population
To be committed to our patients’ healthcare needs, striving for a partnership between
patient and the health profession which ensures mutual respect, holistic care and a
commitment to evidenced based practice
To treat all patients and staff with dignity, respect and honesty
To act with integrity and ensure confidentiality is upheld
To strive to improve Clinical Governance standards
To ensure effective management processes for an efficient use of resources
To optimise achievement against key performance indicators, core standards and evidence
based practice
To ensure safe and effective services and environment
To improve as a patient centred service through consultation and communication,
committed to innovation and development
To recruit, maintain and develop a trained, motivated and skilled workforce, and ensure
effective communication between all staff and members of the primary healthcare team
To strive to improve the standards of healthcare provision through monitoring and audit,
review of significant event audits and review of complaints
To guide our employees in accordance with statutory guidance in diversity and equality
To ensure effective and robust information governance systems to support the business of
Tilehurst Surgery Partnership
The Regulated Activities under CQC
Tilehurst Surgery Partnership provides a comprehensive range of GP consultation and treatment
services. These include assessment and treatment of acute and chronic conditions, prescribing of
appropriate treatment as well as routine medical checks and advice on prevention of illness to the
whole population under a Personal Medical Services Contract with the West Berkshire Primary Care
Trust encompassing a holistic approach to patient care. We also provide many additional Local
Enhanced Services.
The location of services is the Registered Address, unless specified as provided to the registered
population at other sites, by other healthcare providers, not managed by Tilehurst Surgery Partnership
Management of Chronic Disease
This encompasses a wide range of conditions which require long term treatment and monitoring. Our
aim is to ensure care is on-going and appropriate and is often shared amongst the Primary Health Care
Team at the practice. Specialist Diabetic clinics are held throughout the year and stroke, CHD,
respiratory conditions, mental health, dementia and other long term conditions are reviewed annually
by GPs and practice nursing staff in line with the QOF performance indicator thresholds and targets.
We endeavour to review patients’ long term medication on an annual basis and when required for
managing the condition.
General Nursing Care
The nurses provide wound care, contraceptive services, advice about minor illness, well person checks,
lifestyle counselling, vascular risk assessment under the remit of NHS Health Checks, blood pressure
monitoring and hypertension reviews. They perform ECG, ear syringing, administration of ambulatory
BP machine use for patients and cervical smear tests. They administer childhood and adult
immunisation programmes. They conduct spirometry and reversibility assessment for chronic
respiratory condition monitoring and Doppler vascular assessment recording for wound management.
Maternity Services
Midwife run clinics are conducted regularly at the surgery and the doctors participate in shared
antenatal care with the midwives and Royal Berkshire hospital secondary care service where needed
Cervical Screening
Undertaken by specially trained practice nurses
Family Planning and Contraceptive services
This is provided by the doctors and nurses. Nurses are able to provide follow up contraceptive
monitoring for all methods initiated by the doctor. Well woman clinics are held at the surgery offering
access to LARC such as IUD and IUS fitting, removal or replacement, implanted contraceptives and
Child Health Surveillance
Neonatal checks are offered within 48 hours by the doctors in the patient’s home where a mother has
had a home birth and routine 8 week baby checks are performed by the GP before the 1st childhood
immunisations are administered. All other child health surveillance is in conjunction with the Health
Visitors who work closely with the GPs over childhood development, feeding difficulties and with
families who have additional needs where the children are less than 5 years old. They can be contacted
directly by telephone on 0118 938 2132.
The GPs and Health visitors meet and discuss all families with children under 5 where there are
childhood safeguarding concerns
Vaccinations and Immunisations
Tilehurst Surgery Partnership doctors and nurses strongly endorse the NHS childhood immunisation
programme and all childhood immunisations are administered by the nurse at the surgery. Other
school age vaccination campaigns e.g. HPV are covered by the School Health service. All at risk patients
are offered seasonal influenza and pneumonia vaccinations.
We have trained NHS counsellors attending the practice from the NHS Berkshire ‘Talking Therapies’
service and all referrals are through this service. Patients can refer themselves though their website at
Substance Misuse and Drug Addiction Services
Specialist substance misuse counsellor attends the surgery regularly to monitor patients stable on
heroin replacement medication that have a shared care agreement with the substance misuse service,
GP and pharmacist. All new patients must be assessed first by the team at KCA before entering this
programme. Patients can self-refer on 0118 955 7333 and seek advice on their website
and via CRI DAIS-Reading: 38 Queens Road, Reading RG1 4AU 0118 956 7441 for advice about alcohol
dependency and detoxification
Our dedicated Health Care assistants are available daily for routine phlebotomy but more urgent tests
can be done by attending the Royal Berkshire Hospital Blood test department on the day which runs a
drop in service between the hours of 7.30am-4.15pm Monday-Friday. The Royal Berkshire Hospital
also runs a paediatric phlebotomy clinic with an appointment and drop in service. The patient must
attend with the pathology request form from their GP or Specialist if attending an Outpatient clinic
Smoking Cessation
We have a smoking cessation clinic on a Thursday evenings run by a counsellor from Solutions4Health
NHS Health Checks and CVD risk assessment
Carried out by appointment, the surgery invites eligible patients to attend. Healthy lifestyle advice is
available at other appointments by the practice nurses.
General Information
For information on the following please see the practice website:
 Patient Participation Group
 Patient Survey results
 Advice on clinic times, access, home visits and repeat prescribing
 Confidentiality and consent policies
 Complaint handling and comments
 NHS constitution
Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
Patients have the right to expect a high standard of care from our practice and we will try at
all times to provide the best possible care within the resources available
In order to assist us in this, patients are required to take full responsibility for ensuring that
they do not abuse the service. For example it is the patients responsibility to ensure that
they keep medical appointments and when rescheduling or cancelling an appointment, to
give adequate notice e.g. >24 hours
Routine appointments are for only 10 minutes so if a patient thinks their problem is more
complex or they want to discuss more than one issue, they will be asked to consider
whether they need to book a longer or additional appointment
Each appointment is for the patient alone and the doctor or nurse is not obliged to give
medical advice to anyone accompanying the patient, and they will be asked to book their
own appointment
Very occasionally a practice/patient relationship breaks down completely. In this situation
the patient may choose to register with a different practice.
The practice also has the right to remove a patient from their list. This would generally
follow a warning after persistent behaviour falling short of that expected under the patients’
responsibilities. It could be episodes such as repeatedly failing to attend scheduled
appointments or unacceptable behaviour affecting staff or other patients. The patient would
receive written reason for the warning to remove from the list and notification if it was
unable to be resolved and subsequently going ahead.
Patients have a right to express a preference of practitioner when requesting an
Violent Patients – Zero Tolerance
In line with the rest of the NHS, Tilehurst Surgery partnership operates a Zero Tolerance
Policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent
patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and
others in attendance at the surgery premises.
Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse
which creates fear of a person’s ongoing personal safety
Applicable to Tilehurst Surgery Partnership
Outcome 1:
Outcome 2:
Outcome 4:
Outcome 6:
Outcome 7:
Outcome 8:
Outcome 9:
Outcome 10:
Outcome 11:
Outcome 12:
Outcome 13:
Outcome 14:
Outcome 16:
Outcome 17:
Outcome 21:
We respect and involve people
We gain consent from people
We look after people’s care and welfare
We cooperate with other providers
We protect people from abuse
We comply with Infection Control
We manage people’s medicines safely
We operate from safe premises
We use equipment safely and properly
We have trained or qualified staff to do the job
We have enough staff to do the job
We support staff in gaining skills
We assess and monitor the quality of service we offer
We deal properly with complaints
We keep records secure, confidential and accurate
See CQC folder and protocols on Intranet