Rock Post Test Study Guide

Rock Post Test Study Guide
Extrusive igneous rock found above the ground could also be classified as volcanic rock.
A rock that has cooled slowly and has large crystals is also categorized as an intrusive igneous rock.
Sediments that have been buried and subjected to pressure result in a new rock being formed.
Sediment materials that are pressed together form sedimentary rock.
Compressed sedimentary rock formed from sea organism shells transforms into a harder rock becomes
a metamorphic rock.
Erosion and deposition turns metamorphic rocks into sedimentary rocks.
Weathering and erosion begins the process of the formation of sediments.
Sediments deposited on the ocean floor forms sedimentary rock when those sediments are buried.
Horizontally layered rocks are formed through compaction and cementation.
Gravity, water, wind, and ice move sediments to lower elevations.
A rock provides materials to make other rocks, forms all other types of rock, and changes by matural
Weathering, erosion, deposition, and cementation is the order of events in the formation of a
sedimentary rocks.
Fossils are found in sedimentary rock.
Igneous rocks have holes because bubbles of air was trapped in the rock when it cooled quickly.
The process in which sediments is dropped and comes to rest is called deposition.
The concept of the rock cycle is rocks are continually changing and any type of rock may be transformed
into another type by appropriate processes.
Wind and water change the shape of rocks over time.
A huge, jagged rock sits atop a windy Cliffside. Over a period of many years, the rock MOST LIKELY
change will become smaller and smoother.
Pumice is a type of rock formed when gas bubbles are trapped inside of cooling lava. Pumice is most
often formed when volcanoes erupt violently which makes it an extrusive igneous.