Dear Sir/Madam, Proposed Conservation Area Designation – Barrow Gurney North Somerset Council is seeking views on a proposal to designate a conservation area in Barrow Gurney. It is seeking the views of the local community on whether they wish a conservation area to be designated and their views on the draft report which would accompany the proposed designation. Following the consultation period a report will be prepared which will include a summary of the responses from the consultation. You may make a formal representation to the Council regarding the proposed conservation area by completing this questionnaire and returning it to: Conservation and Heritage Development and Environment North Somerset Council Post Point 15 Town Hall Weston-super-Mare BS23 1UJ The questionnaire can also be completed online at Council documents can be made available in large print, audio, easy read and other formats. Documents on our website can also be emailed to you as plain text files. Help is also available for people who require council information in languages other than English. For more information contact or on 01934 426 250. If you have any questions regarding the proposed designation you can contact the Conservation Built Environment team at or on 01934 426 250. Please note that representations must be made in writing and returned to the Council by Monday 29th April 2013 Proposed conservation area designation 1. Do you agree with the designation of a conservation area in Barrow Gurney? 2. Please use this space for any further comments you wish to make (continue on a separate sheet if necessary): Draft report for designation of conservation area 3. Is the document written in a way that is easy to understand? 4. Are there any factual errors or omissions? If so please outline them briefly. 5. Do you agree with the proposed conservation area boundary (if not please briefly outline why)? 6. Do you think the report accurately describes the character of the proposed conservation area? If not please outline briefly the changes you think should be made. We would particularly like to know what you consider to be special about Barrow Gurney and why. 7. What features are most important to you in making the special character of the village/area? Examples could include historic buildings, open spaces, trees, boundaries (e.g. walls, railings), street furniture, and street surfaces 8. Do you feel that any of the following works could harm the character of the area? (please tick) Replacement of original roofs, windows and doors with modern materials Loss of original architectural features from buildings Installation of new equipment into the public realm e.g. traffic signs, CCTV equipment and bins Other (please specify) 9. Is there anything you think would improve the character and appearance of the proposed conservation area and if so how would you like to see this achieved? 10. Do you agree that the factors we identified do spoil the character and appearance of the proposed conservation area? If not please let us know what changes you think should be made. 11. Do you have any other comments on the report? Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.