08/10/15 - Ditton Priors Parish Council

Thursday 8th October 2015 Oak Farm Demountable STATION ROAD AT 7.30PM.
1. Public Session. No members of the public were present.
2. Acceptance of apologies: Apologies were accepted from Councillor Mathews. Present Councillors
Lowe, Mottershead, R Jones, Barker, Howells, Smith, Collingridge and A Jones.
3. Dispensations: None.
4. Shropshire Council Report: No Report.
5. Community Land Trust in Station Road. No update.
6. Minutes: Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th September 2015. It was
RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th September 2015.
7. Matters Arising a. None.
8. Shropshire Local Joint Committee: The planning meeting was held on 7th October where the lack of
progress on the promised mobile phone coverage improvements was discussed. Clerk to email
DCLG. Shropshire Council chief executive will be attending to deliver the big conversation
consultation. With the new government announcement regarding Business Rates the conversation
has slightly changed. There will be talks from Police and fire service.
9. Roads: a. any new problems. There is still a damaged manhole cover on the way to Cleobury North
out of the village, there is a damaged grid on the S bends Derrington Road, A pothole opposite shop
Station Road. Clerk to report.
b. update on previous reports. Most of the potholes have been filled in.
c. Road Closure Home Farm Barns Middleton Priors. Noted.
10. Planning: a. New Applications: a.
 15/03597/LBC Installation of new door to replace existing window on rear elevation and
associated internal alterations to facilitate incorporation of previous show room into extended utility
room affecting a Grade 2 listed building. Church Farm Derrington Road Ditton Priors. (seen
between meetings)
 15/02875/FUL Proposed first floor bedroom alteration and open porch to The Byre and
detached garage the Barn and the mill Ashfield Farm Ashfield Road Ditton Priors. No objection
however it is difficult to determine which barn is to amended.
b. Decisions: None.
c. Enforcement issues. A visit to the sites is promised for next week.
d. 15/02921/REM Oaklands Station Road. Response to comments. Comments made by the Parish
Council have been sent to applicant for comment by Shropshire Council.
f. Any other planning matters. None.
11. Finance: Invoices to pay: a It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices Willow
Environmental £183.33, Shropshire Council £96.77, Mrs J Madeley £1.14
b. War Memorial clock consider way forward. It was RESOLVED to continue with the application
after getting a further quote.
c. Change of bank signatory. It was RESOVLED to add Councillors Lowe and Mottershead to the
signatory list. The relevant form was handed to them to complete.
d. Financial Risk assessment. It was RESOLVED to approve the presented financial risk
e. phone line. It was RESOLVED to accept the new phone line.
12. Local Council Award Scheme. It was RESOLVED to apply for re accreditation for the Foundation
13. Christmas lights. The event will be on the 13th December 2015 at 5pm.
14. Allotments. a. sheds.
b. Lease. A lease was received.
c. condition of one plot. It was RESOLVED to give notice to the tenant of the poor condition plot and
offer it to the next person on the waiting list.
15. Correspondence: a. SALC AGM. Noted.
b. Big Conversation. Noted.
c. Keep Britain Tidy for the Queen. Noted.
16. Items at Chair’s discretion.
17. Date of next scheduled meeting Thursday 12th November 2015. The meeting was declared closed
at 8.50pm.