Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th March 2012

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th March 2012,
2.00pm at Rassau Resource Centre
Ceri Waters
Pam Hales
Claire Smith
Paty Wysom
Sue White
Claire Thomas
Julie Sussex
Shelia Daycock
James Fleming
Danielle Clark
Claire Syder
Gary Foreman
Manager Bridges into Work
Community Education Manager Coleg Gwent
Blaenau Gwent Genesis Coordinator
Business Manager Adult Guidance Careers
Principle Librarian
Administration Officer Blaenau Gwent
Assistant Manager Adult Education Service
Manager Adult Education Service
Learning Manger WEA
Carol Madgewick
Tracey Jones
Sian Griffiths
Dyffryn Training
Blaenau Gwent Libraries
Welsh Regional Language Centre
Copies of minutes sent to: All of the above and a copy kept on file
Item Agenda and Action
By Whom
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Presentation Qwest
5. Getting Involved Initiative
6. Estyn & Self Assessment Reports
7. Five Counties Operational Group
8. Learners Forum
9. The Impact of ACL on Older Learners (Estyn)
10. Provider Initiatives/Developments
11. A.O.B
As Above
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes agreed as a true record
Matters Arising
A list of Engagement Gateway initiatives has been received, and will
be distributed to partners
The deadline for the Adult Learner Awards (BG) has been extended
until the 17th March 2012
Presentation Qwest
GF outlined the aims of the Qwest project, which has been extended
until August 2014. They will be providing progression pathways to the
six learning areas linking to UHOVI from Levels 1 – 4. Also they will
be working with volunteers providing a buddy system to Qwest
participants. GF stressed the need for partnership working.
Getting Involved Initiative
JF distributed information outlining the initiative which had proved
successful in Newport, working in partnership with the local
Community First Boards providing free non-accredited and accredited
learning in Community First wards. The initiative was funded through
the Community Chest Fund. The Group agreed that this type of
initiative would fulfil a need within Blaenau Gwent and if further
funding were to become available they would consider submitting a
ESTYN & Self Assessment Reports
SD outlined the requirement by DFES for learning providers to have a
Self Assessment Report based on the Estyn guidelines. The report
would be split between teaching, learning and management. SD will
make the Adult Education SAR available via Moodle and it was agreed
that each provider would follow suit. The favoured format for the SAR
is to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, provide evidence and action
points. The Action Points would then inform the Quality Development
Plan (QDP).
Five Counties Operational Group
PH updated the group on current development, including a forthcoming
meeting with the Chair of the Five Counties Strategic Group to discuss
the implementation of a Quality Development Plan.
Coleg Gwent are hoping to appoint literacy champions and will also be
developing essential skills training for tutors to support embedding
literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
The Operational Task Force are looking at developing a learner
involvement Action Plan.
Learners Forum
PH outline the details of this years’ annual learner forum, each member
was encouraged to invite learners to attend on the 26th April 4.00pm –
7.00pm at the Power Station Cwmbran . Liam Keely the link Estyn
Inspector will be attending. Agenda items will include learners’
responses to ACL marketing materials and responses to embedding
literacy in subject areas other than basic skills. Providers were asked
to supply PH with copies of marketing materials. The 5 Counties
Facebook page will be unveiled.
The Impact of ACL on Older Learners.
SD drew attention to the recent Estyn publication, outlining how we
need to meet the needs of an aging population. SD gave the age
breakdown of Community Education and CW outlined the role of the
Learners Champion who has attracted in excess of £35,000 to support
local clubs during 2011. CW informed group that the 50+ Network
Forum, in its Development Plan for 2012./2013, will include a mapping
exercise of the learning available in Blaenau Gwent to older learners
through the voluntary sector and social services. This information
should be available September 2012.
Provider Initiatives /Developments.
CS informed group that the Genesis project has revised eligibility
criteria, centring around lone parents who were not working or on
CS distributed information on the new heritage and archive courses for
PW informed group that the structural changes in Careers Wales were
currently being undertaken. PW informed the group of several Jobs
Fayres /Careers Events which were planned. It was noted that none of
these events were taking place in Blaenau Gwent, it was proposed that
CW follow this through to the Employment Liaison partnership with
the view that a joint learning and careers fare be organised for the area.
It was agreed that the next meeting of this group would be the annual
planning meeting. Each provider to invite learners and to share their
programme for 2012/2013
Date of next meeting 3rd May 2012, 2.00 pm – 4.00pm at the Rassau Resource