Minutes for Pupil Voice Meeting held on Thursday 21st

Minutes for Pupil Voice Meeting held on Thursday 21st January
Present – Mrs Bendell, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Rozycki, Ms Palmer,Miss Steninger( note taking) Jodie
Bendell, Freya Pallett, Izabelle, Freya Downton, Jake Graziano, Jayden Biddiscombe, Theo, Charlie
Howe, Oliver Morland, Lauren Le Poidevin, Ruby Butterworth, Sasha Graziano, Sid Sleep and Caleb
Mrs Bendell opened by welcoming members to the new format of Pupil Voice meetings and gave a
brief overview of what Pupil Voice is for and what we hope to achieve.
Members were told that time will be allocated to report back from our meetings to the class.
Everybody has a right to know what we have spoken about.
What makes the pupil voice work well?
Going to meet every two weeks
What are the aims for this term?
Old toy / games sale
Cake sale
Make GoKarts/boats at home then race them (Hedgehog to create the course for the car
Sponsored run
Invite community members to come to our school hall for tea and coffee
Mother’s Day Sale (Special person)
Tube of Smarties, and 20p for each chore.
Mrs Bendell will look at go karts/ boat making to race/ float as a home science project .
Non school uniform day to be organised to get Mother’s day sale gifts in JB/FP/MR/PS/DP to help.
Playground Equipment
Ideas bought forward from the classes were:
Balance Boards
Tyre Swing
More skipping ropes
Toy dinosaurs
Bean bags
Hula Hoops
Bats and Balls
Buckets for targets
Pogo Stick
GAMES – More structure
Monkey Bars
More wet weather gear
Flexi Balls
Mrs Bendell will look into what money we have available and also organise sorting out the P.E
shed to maybe use some of that equipment for playtime and get new for P.E.
Collective worship pictures
Pictures on website of field and learning garden
Pictures of Pupil Voice Members on website
Main Objective
More time and get fundraising on the go.
New playground shed.
Any other business? To be discussed further at the next meeting.
More clubs but different- children to be asked what they would like.
Golden time – whole school and more structure.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 4th January in Butterfly Classroom.