The constitution of the Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Limited is set out in the
Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Memorandum and Articles of Association are
available for inspection from the Secretary.
The following Bye-Laws may be altered other than by the Directors only by a two-thirds majority of members voting at a general or an extraordinary meeting of the Club, in respect
of which all members of the Club have received notice that the resolution for alteration will be put to the meeting.
Any member wishing to bring any matter to the attention of the Board of Directors shall make application to any Director. Any Director shall have the right to have a meeting of the
Directors called by giving a request in writing to the Chairman or Secretary of the Club.
Members of the Club, visitors (i.e. as defined in Bye-Law 35) and guests (i.e. as defined under Bye-Laws 30 - 32 inclusive) using the facilities of the Club shall not cause annoyance or a nuisance to other members. Any members of the Board of Directors of the Club, or
Committee members, or the groundsman (if any), may require a member or such visitors or guests to cease using all or any of the facilities if he or she is of the opinion that annoyance or a nuisance is being caused to other members. Any serious breach by a Junior member of this Bye-Law may result in his/her suspension and/or that of his parents from the Club for such a period as the Board of Directors may decide.
Players shall be bound by the rules of Lawn Tennis and Squash Racquets as adopted
respectively by the Lawn Tennis Association and the Squash Racquets Association. Players shall also display the standards of etiquette of Lawn Tennis and Squash Racquets.
The Match Secretary for tennis and squash respectively shall, subject to the approval of the
Directors, arrange matches against other clubs.
Club tournaments shall be arranged from time to time by the Tennis and Squash committees, subject to the approval of the Directors. Particulars shall be exhibited on the notice boards.
All monies received from members and guests are paid to the Dorking Lawn Tennis and
Squash Club Limited, and are applied by that company for the benefit of the Club. No member or guest of the Club shall obtain, nor shall any member of that company obtain, any personal benefit or advantage from such sums received.
Any professional coach employed by a member must first receive the sanction of the Tennis or Squash committee before using the Club.
All gates leading on to the tennis courts must be kept shut at all times; members must ensure that they are so kept shut.
The access from Roman Road must only be used as a pedestrian way; it must not be used by vehicles except for purposes of special delivery.
Cycling and the use of Skateboards, Roller Skates, Roller Blades and Scooters are not permitted on the Club premises. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
Chewing gum is not permitted on the tennis or squash courts.
The Club car park must be used on all occasions for parking by members. Members are prohibited from parking in Roman Road and Ridgeway Road except when the car park is full, when parking is permitted alongside the paddock in Ridgeway Road.
In accordance with the Club Premises Certificate issued under the Licensing Act 2003 and any successor legislation, nothing in any of the Articles of Association, or the Bye-Laws, shall permit admission of any person to any forms of membership of the Club until at least a period of two days has elapsed between their application for membership and their admission.
For the purposes of these Bye-Laws the following definitions shall apply:- i) Junior members are playing members up to 17 years inclusive on the date their subscription falls due. ii) Intermediate members are playing members aged 18 - 22 years inclusive on the date their subscription falls due. iii) Student members are playing members aged 18 - 22 years inclusive on the date their subscription falls due and are registered as full-time students at an institution of higher education and holding a National Union of Students union card. iv) Senior members are playing members aged 23 years or over. v) Non-playing members are aged 18 years and over and are restricted in accordance with Bye-
Laws 28 - 30. vi) All members other than Junior members are adult members.
Membership identification must be shown by Junior members at all times whilst on the Club premises.
Subscriptions are due on 20 th March each year. Any member whose subscription has not been received by the Treasurer of the Club by 12th April in any year will cease to be a member and, if he wishes to continue playing, will be required to reapply for membership, provided that nevertheless any such member may be reinstated at the discretion of the
Directors on payment of all arrears.
The Club Administrator shall keep lists of the names and addresses, email address and telephone numbers, if available, of each member of the Club. This information shall be made available to any member on request, unless it has been specifically requested that such information be withheld.
If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of the
Memorandum and Articles or Bye-Laws of the Club, or shall be guilty of any conduct unworthy of a gentleman or lady, as the case may be, such member shall be liable to expulsion by a resolution of the Board of Directors, provided that at least one week before the meeting at which such resolution is passed, he or she shall have had notice thereof, and of the intended resolution for his or her expulsion, and that he or she shall at such meeting and before the passing of such resolution have had an opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation or defence he or she thinks fit. The decision of the Board of
Directors shall be final. A member expelled under this Bye-Law shall forfeit all right to claim upon the Club and its property. No member whose membership has been terminated under this Bye-Law, or who owes money to the Club, shall be introduced by any other member as a guest.
Intermediate / Student
Intermediate and Student members have the same rights including voting rights as Senior playing members.
Juniors under the age of seven years (Mini Juniors) must be accompanied by a coach or adult member.
Junior applicants shall not be elected as non-playing members of the Club.
Junior members under 14 years of age shall not use the facilities of the Club after 19.00 hours unless accompanied by an adult, except at a social function organised for them or at
Junior club night.
Children, whether Junior members or not, under 9 years of age must be supervised by an adult in all parts of the Clubhouse and grounds at all times. In the interests of safety, no such children may remain on the viewing gallery of the squash courts at any time. The parents of children using the Club, whether Junior members or not, shall be fully responsible and accountable for their children's actions and safety.
Junior guests may only be introduced by a member of the Club; the responsibilities of the introducing member are as per Bye-Law 30. Exceptions to this may only be made at social functions at the discretion of the Directors or the Junior Committee and in any case no more than one guest per Junior member will be allowed to attend. No guests are allowed on
Junior club night.
Non-playing members of the Club may use the facilities of the Club with the exception of the tennis and squash courts.
Non-playing members shall be bound by the Bye-Laws of the Club.
Non-playing members shall not have a vote at a General or Extraordinary meeting of the
Guests (Playing)
A member may introduce one guest at any one time to play either tennis or squash on payment of the appropriate guest fee as determined by the Board from time to time.
Members introducing a guest are entirely responsible for the behaviour of the guest. A member may only introduce three of such guests to the Club in any calendar year.
Prior to commencement of play, the introducing member must enter the guest's name in
Guest Book and ensure that the appropriate fee is paid. Payment of the fee is the responsibility of the member.
No guest may play at the Club more than three times in any calendar year unless he, or she, is on the waiting list. This may then be increased to six times in any calendar year.
The Directors shall determine from time to time the hours during which the bar may be open for the supply of intoxicating liquor and shall cause details of such opening hours to be displayed on the notice board.
Members of the teams of other clubs visiting the Club, and competitors in tournaments organised by the Club ('Visitors'), shall be entitled to use the premises and all the facilities of the Club and may purchase intoxicating liquor at the bar of the Club.
Guests, other than playing guests as defined under Bye-Laws 30 - 32 inclusive, visiting the
Club for one day, or less, may use all the facilities of the Club. No member may take to the
Club on any one occasion more than two of such persons; Bye-Laws 36 and 38 shall apply to
such guests. No guests shall be allowed to purchase intoxicating liquor at the bar of the
All guests to the Club shall be signed in as guests by one or more members of the Club.
No person under the age of 16 years shall be supplied with intoxicating liquor.
Persons of 16 and 17 years may consume beer, cider or wine but only if bought for them by a member aged 21 years or over.
A Bar committee of not less than four members shall be elected at every Annual General
Meeting of the Club to supervise the running of the Bar. One of these members shall be a
Director of the Company and he, or she, shall be the Chairman of the Bar committee.
Another of the members so elected to the Bar committee shall be the Bar Secretary.
The Chairman of the Tennis Committee or such other member of this Committee as shall be delegated by the Chairman will have the power to close any tennis court at his discretion and will notify the closure of a tennis court by taking down the net and/or putting up a notice that the court(s) in question is/are "out of play".
No member of the Club shall put up a net and/or play on a court which has been closed without the consent of the Chairman of the Tennis Committee or such delegated member as the case may be.
When on court proper tennis clothes and shoes must be worn. Trainers and ridged soled shoes are unacceptable because they can damage the court surface. Shoes with nonmarking soles only are permitted.
As a courtesy to players on the courts next to the footpath leading from the car park to the
Clubhouse, members are requested not to walk along the footpath when play is in progress.
The area adjacent to the squash courts shall not be used as a tennis practice area.
Overriding priority of use of courts shall be given to Senior Club Nights, Matches against other Clubs, Matches during Club Competitions, Matches in External Competitions approved by the Tennis Committee, events or Tournaments organised by the Tennis Committee,
Junior Club nights, the Audrey Hughes Tournament and any other special event specifically so designated by the Tennis Committee.
Wednesdays from 6.30pm and Fridays from 8pm are Senior Club Nights, when doubles shall be played. Members shall vacate the Court after completing a set and if other members are available for play the players shall mix. When members are waiting to play all sets shall be short being of seven games.
No Junior matches are to be arranged on Saturday or Sunday mornings unless expressly authorised by the Tennis Committee. There exists no prior right to any court with the exception of the above or any other circumstance given in these Bye-Laws.
Subject as mentioned in Bye-Laws 24, 25 and 45 above and as qualified below, Junior members may play at any time except on Senior Club Nights.
When all courts are in use Juniors shall have priority on one court (a Junior Court) designated from time to time by the Tennis Committee. If there is a match in progress
Juniors shall have priority on one court until 18.30 hours. Juniors shall also have priority on three courts, as designated by the Tennis Committee, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons between 16.00 and 19.00 hours. The coaches shall not have priority on any court during these times.
With the exception of Wednesday Evenings, Sunday Mornings and Saturday and Sunday
Evenings between 16.00 and 19.00 hours, coaching shall have priority at all times on one court ("the Coaching Court"), except on Saturday until 12pm whereby coaching shall have priority on three courts, (including the “Coaching Court”) as designated from time to time by the Tennis Committee.
Adult members may play on the Junior Courts when not required by Juniors and on the
Coaching Courts when not required for coaching.
If all courts are in use and other members are waiting to play, members shall vacate the court after completing a set. Such sets shall play a tie break at six games all.
Friday afternoons, or one afternoon as designated by the Tennis Committee, will be set aside for Junior Club Night whereby Junior members shall have priority on all courts until
Courts 2, 3, 4 and 5 are bookable on line from 3.30 pm. Courts may not be booked more than two weeks in advance and no player may book more than one session for any one evening. Juniors may not book floodlit courts in advance. Courts must be vacated at the allotted time. Floodlights cannot be used at any time on a Sunday.
Courts 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be booked on line for Club or other approved match, or tournament.
Members must give advance notice on the Clubhouse Notice board. Players must vacate the required court(s) once they have been reasonably requested to do so by the team/tournament player.
Seniors shall have priority over Juniors on courts 2, 3, 4 and 5 other than as bye-laws 49 and
Bookings shall be for three quarter hour periods.
Booking costs shall be at a rate determined by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Squash Committee from time to time, and as displayed on the
Squash Notice Board.
Courts can only be used in accordance with the rules of the online booking system. A court session may not be booked more than fourteen days in advance and every session of court play must be paid for before play commences using the online booking system.
Credit on the Online Booking System can be purchased by cash or cheque from the Club Bar or by post to the Club Administrator. The minimum amount of credit that can be purchased is £30 for cheques and no limit for cash.
After 18.00 hours Monday to Friday, Juniors may play other Juniors on Court C only. After
18.00 hours Monday to Friday, Juniors may play with a Senior on Courts A and B using the senior Online Booking rate.
Club evening shall be as determined by the Squash Committee and displayed on the Notice
Appropriate squash clothing must be worn. Black soled shoes and ridged soled shoes are not permitted under any circumstances.
Guest fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
SRA approved balls only shall be used unless otherwise agreed.
By Order of the Board
19 March 2014