Treasurer - Mayo Clinic Physical Therapy Alumni Association

Job Description
Position Description: The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining and managing: financial
reports, receipts, bank account, deposits/withdrawals. Additionally is responsible for paying
MCPTAA bills, maintaining a record or income and expenditures, and collects dues from the
alumni association. The treasurer is also responsible for bonds, tax forms, and award bond
Term of the office: The office of Treasurer is an elected office of the Executive Board. The
term of office is two years with election held on even numbered years. Duties are assumed
following election at the annual meeting (September of odd numbered years). There is no limit
to the number of consecutive terms served.
Responsibilities of the Treasurer:
1) Maintain file of financial reports and receipts
2) The bank account are currently maintained at US Bank for the Executive Committee under
the name of Mayo Clinic Physical Therapy Alumni Association
a) Checking account number 1 410 2000 1137 must maintain a $1,000.00 balance
b) Deposit all incoming funds into the checking account promptly
c) Arrange to have signature cards changed on the accounts each term as necessary
3) All deposits and withdrawals must be recorded in the Quickbook’s accounting software
(check ledger) and the current balance indicated. All deposits and withdrawals must be
itemized in the check ledger so as to properly code for the financial statements.
a) Indicate the date, source and purpose of the expense or income
4) Pay the MCPTAA’s bills and reimburse the officers and chairpersons for expenditures upon
approval of the Executive Committee.
a) Bill paid only upon receipts of statement
b) Note name and address of the person making the request and the office or
committee against which the request is charged and describes the items and the
c) Use travel reimbursement form for all board travel and lodging for board meetings.
 Mileage is reimbursed at the current allowable amount as per the internal
revenue service
d) Reimbursements should be accompanied by a cover letter stating the amount and
the purpose of the check.
5) Maintain a record of income and expenditures:
a) Reconcile the checking account statements monthly for accuracy of the balance in
Quickbooks accounting software
b) Maintain a record of the income and expenditures
Income column includes membership dues, meeting registrations fees, social
hour receipts, donations, interest on the checking account, refunds, etc.
Expenditure columns must include items such as program expenses,
newsletter expenses, postage, telephone, office expenses, board meeting
expenses, and miscellaneous
6) Collect dues for the Alumni Association
a) Deposit dues in the MCPTAA checking account
b) Send each active a receipt for their membership stating the length of membership
and their name
c) Maintain a list of active members and give a copy to:
Chairman of the Nominating Committee
Carol Cooper, the Physical Therapy School’s secretary, so she can update
the computer files and update the Mayo Foundation
d) Compile and update a listing of each alumnus and the years they have paid dues
and their current status.
e) Organize a form regarding alumni dues that can be included in the Newsletter. It
should include the following information:
Maiden name
Year of graduation
Amount of the dues
To whom the dues should be sent
VIII. To whom the check should be made payable to: MCPTAA
f) Each board member is to pay their dues each year. Make every attempt to collect at
the Spring Board meeting.
g) Send all address changes to the current public relations chairperson.
7) Purchase three (3) $100.00 Savings Bond (actual amount paid is $50.00 per bond) to be
presented to the Beer’s Award, Outstanding Clinician, and the Branes Award recipients at
graduation. Allow 3-4 weeks prior to graduation to accomplish this.
a) The treasurer must have the recipient’s name, social security number and a
permanent address for the purchase of the Savings bonds.
b) Carol Cooper, secretary for Mayo School of Physical Therapy will provide a
confidential list of the recipients of the award.
c) The three (3) plaques to be ordered for the Beer’s Award, Outstanding Clinician and
the Branes Award can be ordered from Gillespies Sporting Goods, 609 N. Broadway,
Rochester, MN 55906 (507-288-0772). Gillespies has a copy of the awards on file.
Place order by April 15th in preparation for late May graduation.
You will need the recipients name and year of graduation for each plaque
Gillespies will bill MCPTAA for these awards
8) Maintain a United States Government post office box at the Rochester Downtown post office
(BOX 325)
a) Rental is due every six months and notification is sent by the post office in the box.
b) Mail is to be collected at least quarterly and distributed to the proper persons or
committees. In the event of an out of town treasurer, someone living in or around
Rochester should be appointed to take on this responsibility
9) Order Outstanding Alumni Plaque from Gillespies or Mayo Graphics (507-266-8512). You
will need to have the name from the Vice-President.
Duties connected with legal functions:
a) A fidelity bond for $10,000.00 is in the name of the MCPTAA through the C.O. Brown
Agency in Rochester. The cost of renewal is $100.00 and a bill will be sent to you in
May. (Sue Johnson is our contact person)
b) Arrange to file the proper annual tax forms with the IRS at the end of the fiscal
year(December 31) by compiling the information for the Mayo Health Sciences
Alumni Association.
I. Our tax-exempt number is 23-7428584.
II. Tax statements are prepared by Mayo Clinic Health Sciences Alumni
Association attention Deborah Oscarson
III. When the total receipts are under $25,000.00, no tax forms need to be filled
out. If the IRS sends forms, mark the box that says “<$25,000”
IV. Send a copy of all changes in the bylaws affecting the treasurer’s position to
the firm handling the fidelity bond (C.O. Brown)
V. Two internal audits should be done biannually (before the spring and the fall
board meetings)
VI. An external audit is not recommended by McGaldrey & Puller since the cost
would not justify the small number of checks written. If an external audit
is requested by the MCPTAA Board, contact McGaldrey & Puller
Prepare sufficient copies (15) of the Annual Report containing an account of
activities covering the term of the reporting period.
Prepare a year end financial statement to be presented to the MCPTAA Board at the
Spring board meeting. This report should include the previous year’s financial
statement for comparison. The dates of the report should be Jan 1- Dec 31.
This report will appear in the annual Newsletter
Prepare a semiannual financial statement to be presented to the MCPTAA Board at
the Fall meeting. This report should include the previous year’s semiannual financial
statement for comparison. The dates of the report should be Jan 1- June 30.
Prepare and investment summary report currently with Edward Jones
Review and update the job description of the Treasurer two months prior to the end
of the term and provide a copy to the Vice-President and the Nominating Committee
Maintain a list of registrants for the Fall and Spring Continuing Education Meeting
a) Include in this information the following information
Town and State of residence
Year of graduation
Category (student, non-alumni, alumni)
Fee charged and method of payment (paypal, check, cash etc.) for each
b) Three (3) copies of the registrants are to be prepared and distributed to the Program
Chairperson, one for the Treasurer’s manual and an additional one for the IRS if
c) Current Board members do not pay to attend the Fall or Spring Continuing Education
course. This is an incentive to serve on the Board.
1. Member in good standing in the MCPTAA
2. Preferably has knowledge of MCPTAA and treasury duties
3. Has sufficient knowledge of MCPTAA, and Mayo Clinic DPT program
4. Commitment consistent with the MCPTAA Strategic Plan and goals
5. Has good planning and organizational skills.
6. Has effective written and oral communication skills
7. Has strong leadership skills
MCPTAA Meeting Attendance Requirements
1. Spring and Fall Executive Board Meetings
2. Spring and Fall Conferences
3. Any appropriate MCPTAA leadership meetings
4. Annual Meeting of the MCPTAA
MCPTAA meeting frequency
MCPTAA Meetings twice/year during Spring and Fall Conference. Due to diversity in the board
all other meetings are done informally through email or via Conference Call.
Submit a resignation in writing to the MCPTAA President and Vice President.