Commitments of Neonatology Fellows:

Fellow-Mentor Agreement
Commitments of Neonatology Fellows:
I acknowledge that I have the primary responsibility for the successful completion of my Neonatology
Fellowship. I will be committed to my graduate education and I will demonstrate this by my efforts
during clinical rotations, in my own learning, and in the research laboratory. I will maintain a high-level
of professionalism, integrity, self-motivation, engagement, and thirst for knowledge.
I will meet regularly with my research mentor and provide him/her with updates on my experimental
progress and results.
I will work with my research mentor to develop a research project. This will include establishing a
timeline for each phase of my work. I will strive to meet the established deadlines.
I will work with my research mentor to select a scholarship oversight committee. I will meet with this
committee at least once every six months and I will be responsive to their advice and criticism.
I will attend all laboratory meetings, seminars and journal clubs that are part of my educational
program and pertinent to my research.
I will be a good lab citizen. I will maintain a safe and clean laboratory space, share in laboratory duties,
be respectful, tolerant of and work collegially with all laboratory personnel.
I will discuss policies on work hours, sick leave and vacation with my research mentor. I will notify my
mentor or fellow lab members of any absences.
I will maintain a detailed, organized, and accurate laboratory notebook. I am aware that my original
notebooks and all tangible research data are the property of my university but that I am able to take a
copy of my notebooks with me after I complete my dissertation.
I will utilize laboratory resources carefully and frugally.
I will be knowledgeable of departmental, fellowship and university policies and requirements. I will
commit to meeting these requirements.
I will discuss policies on authorship and meeting attendance with my research mentor. I will work
with my mentor to submit my research results for publication in a timely manner prior to my
I will participate in my institution’s Ethical Conduct of Research Training and practice those guidelines
in conducting my thesis research.
I acknowledge that it is primarily my responsibility to develop my career following the completion of
my fellowship. I will look to my research mentor, career counseling, career seminars, and all other
resources for advice on career plans.
Commitments of Research Mentors:
I will be committed to my Fellow’s education and training as a future member of the medical and
scientific community.
I will be committed to my Fellow’s research project. I will help to plan my Fellow’s own project, set
reasonable and attainable goals, and establish a timeline for completion of the project.
I will be committed to meeting with my Fellow one-on-one on a regular basis.
I will be committed to providing financial resources for my Fellow as appropriate or according to my
institution’s guidelines, in order for him/her to conduct thesis research.
I will be committed to helping my Fellowselect a scholarship oversight committee. I will assure that
this committee meets at least twice every year to review my Fellow’s progress and to re-examine
his/her future experimental goals.
I will guide my Fellow through the requirements and deadlines of his/her Fellowship program, as well
as those of the university. I will commit to help train my Fellow in complementary skills needed to be a
successful scientist such as oral and written communication skills, grant writing, lab management, and
the ethical conduct of research.
I will not ask my Fellow to perform tasks that are unrelated to his/her training program.
I will discuss authorship policies regarding papers with my Fellow. I will acknowledge my Fellow’s
scientific contributions to the work in my laboratory and I will work with my Fellow to publish his/her
work in a timely manner.
I will discuss intellectual policy issues with my Fellow with regard to disclosure, patent rights and
publishing such discoveries.
I will send my Fellow to national meetings to present his/her work on a regular basis.
I will provide career advice and help in finding a position for my Fellow following his/her graduation. I
will provide letters of recommendation for his/her next phase of professional development. I will also
be accessible to give advice and feedback on career goals.
I will provide a safe, harassment-free, and equitable research environment for my Fellow.
Throughout my Fellow’s time in my laboratory, I will be supportive, accessible, encouraging,
respectful, and strive to provide an intellectually stimulating environment. I will foster professional
confidence in my Fellow and encourage thinking and creativity.
Fellow: Print, then sign name
Mentor: Print, then sign name