Modules are in Bold and GC I, or GC II Lectures are in regular font 1. Introduction (approach, goals and systems thinking) principles (2) and systems (3-11) -BP/DA/TG a. Introduction to Concepts i. "Challenges we face" -Article & Discussion 2. Life system (time, building blocks/soils, complex life, speciation, evolution, ecosystem) biological principles -DA a. Scientific Principles i. Natural Selection and Mutation: The Case of the Peppered Moth Modeling with STELLA GC I Lecture Soils, Weathering and Nutrients (Allan) – Maybe this should move to Kling? Fits with nutrient cycling. Emergence of Complex Life; The Fossil Record; Punctuated Equilibrium (Allan) The Process of Speciation (Allan) Evolution and Natural Selection (Allan) 3. Biodiversity (trophic systems, biological productivity, global inventory) -DA a. Scientific Principles i. Biological Productivity and Trophic Systems -Modeling with STELLA b. State of the World i. Protecting Biodiversity -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Biodiversity Threats -Article & Discussion GC I Lecture The Flow of Energy: Primary Production (Kling) – Move to Allan? The Flow of Energy: Higher Trophic Levels (Kling) – Move to Allan? Ecological Communities: Networks of Interacting Species (Allan) Competition and Resource Scarcity (Allan) Trophic Links: Predation and Parasitism (Allan) GC II Lecture Threats to Biodiversity (Allan) Global Deforestation (Allan) Desertification (Allan) Coastal Environments (Allan) World Fisheries: Declines, Potential and Human Reliance (Allan) Parks and Protected Areas (Allan) 4. Human evolution and environmental justice (origins, agricultural practices, resources and repression)-RF a. Scientific Principles i. The Environmental Consequences of Over-hunting Modeling with STELLA ii. Population Dynamics: Predator-Prey Interactions b. State of the World i. Global Water and Agricultural Resources -ArcView c. Societal Choices ii. Environmental Justice -Article & Discussion GC II Lecture In the Beginning: Hominids and Environmental Change (Ford) The Cultural Transformation of the Environment I (Ford) The Cultural Transformation of the Environment II (Ford) Cultural Adaptation, Maladaptation and Global Change (Ford) Environmental Justice (Ford) 5. Human population (demographic transition, economic drivers, trends)-GN a. Scientific Principles i. Exploring Population Growth (J vs. S-shaped Curves) -Modeling with STELLA b. State of the World i. Population and Economy (Distribution and Growth) -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Population Growth and Global Society -Film, Article & Discussion GC II Lecture Population Growth over Human History (Allan) Demographic Transition: An Historical Sociological Perspective (Allan) Human Appropriation of the World's Food Supply (Allan) Human Appropriation of the World's Water Supply (Allan) Emergence of Infectious Diseases (Allan) 6. Restless Earth: natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, landslides, mitigation)-BP a. Scientific Principles i. Geophysical Data: Plates and Topography - Excel b. State of the World i. Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes -Societal Impacts -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Averting Natural Disasters -Article & Discussion GC I Lecture Put these here or in Energy? In the Beginning - Evolution of the Universe, Radiation Laws and Big Bang (Ben) Evolution of the Solar System and the Planets? (Ben) Evolution of Stars, Origin of the Elements? (Ben) Clocks in Rocks: Isotopes and Age of Earth (Ben) – Drop this? Continents and Oceans: Topography and Isostasy Earth's Untamed Energy: Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Part I and Part II Evolving Earth: Plate Tectonics 7. Energy and our world (fusion, electromagnetic radiation, radiative equilibrium, fuel sources)-BP a. Scientific Principles i. Earth's Energy Balance Model - Modeling with STELLA b. State of the World i. Global Energy Resources - Population and Consumption -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Making Better Energy Choices -Article & Discussion GC I Lecture In the Beginning - Evolution of the Universe, Radiation Laws and Big Bang (Ben) Evolution of the Solar System and the Planets? (Ben) Evolution of Stars, Origin of the Elements? (Ben) Clocks in Rocks: Isotopes and Age of Earth (Ben) – Drop this? Energy Balance of the Surface of Early Planets, Radiative Equilibrium? Temperature, and Natural Greenhouse Gases (Sampson)- Does this go with Ben’s Energy Module? GC II Lecture Energy 1: Today (Ben) Energy 2: Tomorrow (Ben) Energy 3: Systems and Policy (Ben) 8. Climate: Atmosphere and Ocean (circulation, climate zones, greenhouse effect, future scenarios)-TK a. Scientific Principles i. Analysis of Vostok Ice Core Data - Excel Exercise b. State of the World i. Carbon Dioxide Emissions -ArcView c. Societal Choices Exercise i. Climate Negotiations Role Play & Discussion GC I Lecture The Earth System - Feedback Mechanisms in Climate (Sampson) Energy Balance of the Surface of Early Planets, Radiative Equilibrium? Temperature, and Natural Greenhouse Gases (Sampson)- This should go with Ben’s Energy Module Earth's Early Years: Differentiation, Water and Early Atmosphere (Sampson) Evolution of the Atmosphere: Composition, Structure and Energy (Sampson) Climate Patterns Past and Present (Sampson) Global Warming Potential of Greenhouse Gases and the Energy (Im)Balance of Our Current Atmosphere. (Sampson) Climate Models & Predictions for the Future (Sampson) The Blue Planet: Salinity, Circulation, and the Conveyor Belt (Sampson) Future Weather (Sampson) GC II Lecture Global Climate Change (Ben) Mechanisms and Scenarios of Climate Forecasting (Ben) Potential Impacts and Mitigation Strategies (Ben) Forecasting the Future – Models (Allan) 9. Ecosystems and elemental cycles-GK a. Scientific Principles i. Creation of a Global Hydrologic Cycle Model -Modeling with STELLA b. State of the World i. Alteration of the Global Carbon Cycle -Modeling with STELLA c. Societal Choices i. Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry -Exercise and Discussion GC I Lecture Soils, Weathering and Nutrients (Allan) – Maybe this should move to Kling? Fits with nutrient cycling. Microbes: Transformers of Matter and Materials (Kling) The Concept of the Ecosystem (Kling) The Global Water and Nitrogen Cycles - the Case of Acid Rain (Kling) The Global Carbon Cycle (Kling) Climate Change in Great Lakes Region (Kling) – Drop? Using Ecosystem Science to Solve Problems: The Case of the Killer Lakes of Cameroon (Kling) The Flow of Energy: Primary Production (Kling) – Move to Allan? The Flow of Energy: Higher Trophic Levels (Kling) – Move to Allan? The Tropical Rain Forest (Kling) 10. Development and pollution (air and fresh water pollution, urbanization and poverty)-VA a. Scientific Principles i. Air and Water Pollution - Modeling with STELLA b. State of the World i. Population Growth and Urbanization -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Urbanization and Pollution -Article & Discussion GC I Ozone: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (Sampson) Dust in the Wind (Sampson) GC II Economic Growth and How We Measure It (Abreu) Developed and Less Developed Countries (Abreu) Development, Poverty, and the Environment (Abreu) Urbanization (Abreu) Urbanization and Pollution (Abreu) Environmental Economics and Pollution Control (Abreu) Sustainable Development (in relation to urbanization) - (Abreu) 11. Environmental economics and Inequity (broadly defined) TG a. Scientific Principles i. Systems Thinking Workshop – The Coming Anarchy Systems Thinking Workshop b. State of the World i. Inequity and Civil Liberties -ArcView c. Societal Choices i. Ecological Footprint -Activity, Article & Discussion GC II Connecting Human Health Patterns with Environmental and Social Change (Gladwin) Trends in, and Consequences of, Global Inequality (Gladwin) Assessing the Spread of Democracy and Human Rights (Gladwin) The Global Communications Revolution & Rise of Civil Society (Gladwin) Appraising the Consequences of Economic Globalization (Gladwin) Human Conflict and Security (Gladwin) Mind Futures: Confronting the Challenges of Global and Long-Term Thinking (Gladwin) 12. Closing chapter (sustainability scenarios; to be decided)