Course Instructor: - Fort Dodge Community School District

American History
Course Instructor:
Todd Constable
Room 21
Course Description:
American History emphasizes history from the end of the Civil War period (around
1877) to the present. The major themes include: The American People, the
development of American democracy, Industrialized America, American foreign
policy and recent American history.
Textbook- McDougal Littell, The Americans, 2003
You may stop by my room anytime of the day. I am here normally from 7:30-3:50.
However, coaching Football and Track take me out of the building earlier than 3:50
so you will have to take care of things in the morning before school.
Grading Criteria: Total points accumulated will determine grade. More
emphasis will be placed on quizzes and Exams. Participation will also be accounted
for when determining final grade.
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59--- F
Tardy Policy:
1st Tardy:
2nd Tardy:
30-minute detention. Parent notified.
3 Tardy:
30-minute detention. Referral to counselor.
4th Tardy:
Office referral. Two 30-minute detentions.
5 Tardy:
Office referral. Possible removal from class.
*Tardies start over each semester.
Classroom Expectations
Be on time
Come prepared daily
Always remember and practice the Golden Rule
No talking out of turn
When all else fails, read the directions.
Standard and Benchmark Goals
US8.1: Identifies the Industrial Revolution and its economic, political, and cultural
effects of American society.
US8.2: Describe impact of immigrants on American society after 1880.
US8.3: Compare and contrast the Populist and Progressive movements.
US8.4: Describe the causes that transformed America from an insular nation to an
imperial power.
US8.5: Identify causes and events leading to WWI and USA involvement in the war.
US8.6: Factors that led to the Great Depression and its impact on the USA.
US8.7: Describe the origins and effects of the involvement of the US in WWII.
US8.8: Describe the major events that shaped the development of USA foreign
policy since WWII.
US8.9: Identify the development of federal civil rights and voting rights and impact
of these events.
US8.10: Identify significant events and issues that have shaped domestic issues.
Units Covered
Unit 2: Bridge to the 20th Century
Unit 3: Modern America Emerges, Including World War I
Unit 4: The 1920’s and the Great Depression
Unit 5: World War II and Its Aftermath
Unit 6: Living with Great Turmoil
Unit 7: Passage to a New Century