Flow of Event

Flow of Event for View Report Card
Brief Description:
This use case allows a Student to view his/her report card for the previously
completed semester.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when a Student wishes to view his/her report card for the
previously completed semester.
1. The system retrieves and displays the grade information for each of the
course offerings the Student completed during the previous semester.
2. When the Student indicates that he/she is done viewing the grades, the use
case terminates.
(2) Alternative Flows: No Grade Information Available
If in the Basic Flow, the system cannot find any grade information from the
previous semester for the Student, a message is displayed. Once the Student
acknowledges the message, the use case terminates.
(3) Pre-Conditions
The student must be logged into the system before this use case begins.
(4) Post-Conditions
The system state is unchanged by this use case.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Login
Brief Description:
This use case describes how a user logs into the Course Registration System.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when the actor wishes to log into the Course Registration
1. The actor enters his/her name and password.
2. The system validates the entered name and password and logs the actor into
the system.
(2) Alternative Flows
If in the Basic Flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or password, the system
displays an error message. The actor can choose to either return to the beginning
of the Basic Flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends.
(3) Pre-Conditions
(4) Post-Conditions
If the user case was successful, the actor is logged into the system. If not, the
system state is unchanged.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Register for Course
Brief Description:
This use case allows a Student to register for Course which allows a Student to
add/remove Course.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when a Student wishes to change his/her Course,
1. The system gets and displays the Student information for the courses which he/she
has made before.
2. The Student can add/remove Course during this time.
3. When the Student indicates that he/she is done registering for Course, the use
case terminates.
(2) Alternative Flows:
If he/she has not register before, show introductions for registering.
(3) Pre-Conditions
The student must be logged into the system before this use case begins.
(4) Post-Conditions
The Student’s Course changed.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Sign Course to Teach
Brief Description:
This use case allows a Professor to choose the Courses which he/she is going to
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:,
1. The system gets and displays the course information from the course database.
2. The Professor choose courses to teach.
3. When the Professor indicates that he/she is done signing for Course, the use
case terminates.
(2) Alternative Flows:
(3) Pre-Conditions
The user must be logged into the system as a Professor at the begin.
(4) Post-Conditions
The Course’s teaching professor changed.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Set Grades
Brief Description:
This use case allows a Professor to set a Student’s grades.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when a Professor wishes to change his/her students’ grades,
1. The system gets and displays the course which the Professor has chosen to teach.
2. The Profesor selects the course.
3. System return the reporcards of all student who has registered the course.
4. The Professor enter student’s grades.
5. When the Professor indicates that he/she is done setting grades, the use case is
(2) Alternative Flows:
(3) Pre-Conditions
The Professor must logged into the system before this use case begins.
(4) Post-Conditions
The RecordCards of student’s changed.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Distribute
Brief Description:
This use case do the distribution for students.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when the registration office ask the system to distribution.
1. The office ask the system to do distribution for a course.
2. The system do the distribution then remove the students who is out form the course
from the course.
3. The use case ends after finished changing the students in course.
(2) Alternative Flows:
(3) Pre-Conditions
(4) Post-Conditions
Students can’t do register any more.
The Course’s student will be removed to a proper number.
(5) Extension Points
Flow of Event for Confirm Registration
Brief Description:
This use case count the credits and fee for student.
Flows of Events
(1) Basic Flow:
This use case starts when the registration office ask the system to confirm registration.
1. The office ask the system to confirm registration for a student
2. The system do the counting and send the fee to the bill system.
3. The use case ends after finished counting the fee and credits for the student.
(2) Alternative Flows:
(3) Pre-Conditions
(4) Post-Conditions
(5) Extension Points