full time students 01. ANCELL MARJORIE For The Hyper-Urban In response to the themes of hyperdensity and hypermobility, the project investigates a hybridised urban morphology. The new urban morphology is a movement network and navigation matrix for lifestyle activities. The objective is to ease the choreography of lifestyle patterns by blurring the distinction between transportation network and building system. 02. CHAN JACKY 10 minute Hyperdensity Under the hyper-dense situation, this design framework hopes to deliver a highly efficient and comfortable living environment. The circulation system is developed as a computer matrix, under which every location of the project lies within a “10 minute radius”. Secondarily, the design of the urban form is concerned with the issue of urban sustainability, namely developing the essence of hyperdensity without negating the habitability of the project. 03. GARWOLINSKI NICHOLAS Urban Landscape Why should we live separately from nature? What if nature grew back into our cities? The encroachment of nature back into our urban lives, filling the voids, cracks and walls of our city creates a new urbanism. The melding of built form and nature redefines the meaning of urban landscape. The use of Hong Kong’s volcanic geology operates towards the development of a new low-rise urbanism. 04. GKOIMISIS VASILEIOS SO(CIA)LID CITY This scheme is a paradigm for an open yet coherent society. Initially establishing a rigid fortress, it subsequently tries to deny it by penetrating it, making a mockery of it. Initiating a virus that will eventually “contaminate” / “complicate” the whole of the city towards an unpredictable post-modern entity. Furthermore, the scenography of the urban environment, resembling the aura of a movie, functions as a point of departure towards an alternate reality, a culture of escapism, an urbanism of dreaming. 05. GOEL NISHANT Hyperdensity: an urban matrix of fragmented layers within time-space “There is always more to a thing than the contents of our thoughts about it.” Defining a generative system of urban planning by exploring ‘time-space’ and ‘mixed-use development’ with ‘randomness’ as the underlying characteristic, contrary to the orthodox planning system of deterministic zoning of physical space. The sequential set of coded responsive instructions form a genetic language which when applied to a particular design brief and context has the ability of producing a variety of results and combinations. 06. HORN PAZ Hyperdensity Speculations Hyperdensity emerges at the interface of three elements: complexity, evolution and the extreme. The project speculates upon these, exploring the motivations for their processes, notions and characteristics. Starting with simple codes, overlaid and used in parallel to generate different spatial outcomes, the aim is to challenge urban form under extreme conditions and thus provoke hyperdensity. 07. KAKLIDAKI EVANGELIA - 08. LAMETTI CRAIG City of Scaled Relations The project uses a second order (regulatory) approach to design in order to develop a radical, yet implementable, 3-Dimension urban environment. In doing so, it hopes to mitigate the effect high densities have on public space and to restore the hierarchy of space which has traditionally existed in Chinese cities. 09. LEUNG AMY The Urban Nexus The Urban Nexus is a reaction to the absurdity of existing arrangements for the vital infrastructural networks and mechanisms of any urban structure. It introduces the hypothesis that new technologies are the way forward to improving the support systems of our cities. It proposes a decentralised distribution system that has a multitude of intelligent technologies embedded within its skin, one which actively engages as part of the inhabitable urban fabric, as physical structure as well as the hard and soft infrastructures. 10. LIN ELSA Sponge City Just like a permeable live sponge that allows water to pass through its body, the city is a shell, which contains the constant flux of people and activities. The relationship between water and sponge represents the intense urban activities penetrating and filtering within the void, eventually developing the spatial attributes of the city. The city can be densified three dimensionally by infilling the negative spaces (void) to facilitate urban operatives under a hyperdense condition. 11. MALLIKAMARL PROWPANNARAI - 12. ROBINSON JAMIE - 13. SOBUWA KANYISHA - 14. SOMCHEVITA PANITAT - - 15. TAN KIAJOON Cybernetic City Hyperdensity conditions the urban fabric to constant changes, requiring adaptability to navigate permutations and demographic shifts, both in terms of intensified spatial occupation and information transfer processes. The West Kowloon site manifests as a cybernetic implant within a burgeoning Pearl River Delta Region, establishing as a global node within a transfer system of universal container scale. A cybernetic syntax of hierarchy, control and distribution is proposed on a macro global scale and a micro site scale. 16. TEXIER GWENN (self-)reflecting city When wrapping together a physical and a psychological structure in a densified situation, interaction is obliged to occur. The search for the most intense critical point of balance became the motivator for the rest of this work. The emphasis of the design lies on the provision of intensified urban scenarios as emotional narrators of urban possibilities, that embody the non-imposing guidelines of a (self-) reflecting urban realm. Namely, the whole intentional ground of creating a reflecting city lies within the subliminal of impressionistic subtlety. 17. VASSILOPOULOS VASSILIS - - part time students 18. AMBROSE JASON - 19. FARRELL MATT - 20. GARNER HAROLD - 21. PLOUMI AVRA - 22. SHIMIZU KUMIKO Neo-Utopia (Never Never Land) Prometheus stole the Fire. Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Apple. The result was the expulsion from the garden of Eden. Man no longer belonged to Nature in the same way that wild animals did. We are meant to live vertical freeing the ground to wild animals since endangering them means jeopardising Man’s future. The only way to ensure Earth’s sustainability is to segregate human from Nature, engineering a system of Nature solely for humans. 23. WALKER RICHARD - -