VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: Adds to Victor DINCULESCU PHP 10-STT-DESA-424273-R-NEW YORK (G) Other short-term employments not listed along with regular activity in PHP: 1) Since 01-2009 to present - Project coordinator, ROSCORD – Research project (500K euro) – on the way ( 30 months) “Analysis of correlations between the costs of research and development and economic performance of major enterprises” – ongoing project. Contractor: NSI Training Center (NSITC) , Ms. Mariana Pietreanu, Director, 2) 02-2009 to 02-2009 - Statistical Expert, Further support to Statistical Office of Kosovo - EuropeAid/122482/D/SER/KOSPopulation census methodology and organization, contractor: NSI Training Center (NSITC) , Ms. Mariana Pietreanu, Director, 3) Since 09-2003 to present – Permanent Trainer - Training courses on:web design, web programming, Php, MySql, Ajax, Graphics Design, SAS,. Contractor: NSI Training Center (NSITC) , Ms. Mariana Pietreanu, Director, 4) 03-2008 to 06-2008, Project coordinator, IPUMS-Europe project on Census microdata for 50% sampling 1977, 1992, 2002 of the elderly population. Use of census microdata to study population characteristics of the elderly such as household structure, living arrangements and socioeconomic situation. Responsible for project management, over-sampling, harmonization of census variables and classifications for 1977, 1992 and 2002 censuses, and frequencies and sample analysis. Contractor: Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota & NSITC Mariana Pietreanu, 5) 01-2008 to 01-2008, Project coordinator, Small census in urban area. Geographical Information System project for in-depth analysis of census data at municipality’s level and for the main cities, on household characteristics and education level. Contractor: Mapinfo France & NSITC, Mariana Pietreanu, 6) 11-2007 to 11-2007, Census consultant, “Multiple Discrimination in Romania”. Research project sourced on census data, sampling, tabulation and analysis. Disadvantage among ethnic-minorities groups, religious groups, gender, sexual behaviours, age, disabilities; discrimination in schools, in relations with public services, on labor market; Contractor: National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection, & NSITC, Mariana Pietreanu, 7) 06-2007 to 06-2007, Consultant, Labor Market Reform and Workforce Development (statistics) - EAR FW Contract: E0761C: Quality management assessment of the Montenegrin Institute of Statistics (MONSTAT), Proposals for future EU funded interventions in this field to further modernize the institute. Contractor: EAR/ WYG International Ltd., Keith Cook, +4401623684500, 8) 04-2007 to 05-2007, Statistical Expert, TA for Reform of Montenegrin Statistical System - EAR 2005, Lot-11, Project: 09 GTAF: Legal frame (Statistical Law), National Accounts, Business Statistics, Assessment of organization, Proposals for new organization diagram, Short-term plan of actions for capacity building, Standard Project Fiche – IPA centralized programs and preparation of the entailing Terms of Reference, in accordance with EC/PRAG procedures. Assessment of MONSTAT’s ICT and proposals for HW&SW infrastructure. Assessment and redesign of Census Division, draft the organizational scheme, staff requirements, proposal of a short-plan of actions for reinforcement of Division and preparing for the next pilot census. Contractor: EAR/ ECO Be, Dragan Radanovic, 9) 07-2006 to 07-2006, Key Expert, EuropeAid/117579/C/SER/TR TA for the improvement of the ICT system at the State Institute of Statistics, Turkey, Component 5: Setting up Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Tasks: TA to the development and implementation of the new GIS, ArcIMS, maps on web. GIS architecture design: presentation tier, business logic tier, management and data tier; Assessment of administrative structure for geo-reference of census data; Integration of SAS and ORACLE (Pop census and regional indicators) databases into the GIS system. Budget evaluation and proposals for various options, hardware and software. Contractor: EAR/Icon Institute 10) 06-2004 to 06-2004, Statistical Expert, Bulgaria, Technical Assistance for Development of the National Statistics System EuropeAid/112207/D/SV/BG: Population and housing census overview (including public awareness and communication), Implementation of UNECE/Eurostat Recommendations, Methodology and Technology, Publication Program, Dissemination. Contractor: EAR/Icon Institute 11) 10-2004 to 10-2004, Team leader, Moldova, Moldavian Population and Housing Census of October 2004. Led a team of expert to monitor the registration process, interviewers’ work and geographical coverage. Monitoring of interviews on ethnic-groups and mixed families, assessment of manuals and questionnaires in minorities languages. Contractor: Council of Europe, 12) 02-2005 to 07-2005; 08-2006 to 10-2006, USA, Romania, Statistical and Census Expert, IPUMS-Europe project, Census microdata, samples, data recovery. Building a web data base with 10% historical census microdata, 1977,1992, 2002, harmonization of variables over the years and participating countries, classifications, metadata, documentation. Contractor: University of Minnesota Prof. Robert McCaa, , NSITC, Mariana Pietreanu, 13) 10-2004 to 06-2005 , Lecturer, Master program on Demography: Census Data sources, Data quality, International standards, Demographic data analysis through GIS and digital maps. Contractor: University of Bucharest Prof. Vasile Ghetau VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: Adds to Victor DINCULESCU PHP 10-STT-DESA-424273-R-NEW YORK (G) 14) 06-2003 to 06-2003, Statistical and Census Expert, Population Census for Moldavian Statistics, data processing and classifications, building of master sample for HBS, and Awareness raising, TA delivered in Romania for Moldavian experts. Contractor: CESD Communautaire asbl, Luxembourg ( not longer active). 15) 2000, Project coordinator, Romania, “Social trends” – Publication sourced by population census data. Contractor: UNICEF. 16) 2000, Program Director, Romania, “Women and Men in Romania” Project on gender disparities; publication. Contractor: UNDP. 17) 1997-2000, PO- National Coordinator, PHARE RO9703-“Statistics” (6 M€) ; Implementation of new surveys in various areas: Enterprise Structural Survey, Business Register, Classifications. NSI Romania. 18) 1995-1996, 1998-2000, Consultant, TG-RER-5-02C "National Human Development Report". Contractor: UNDP 19) 1996-1997, Consultant, ROM/95/001 Project - "Surveys in distributive trade, transports and newly created enterprises" -11 months – ICT tasks. Contractor: UNDP. 20) 1996, Consultant, "Reproduction Health Survey in Romania". Contractor: CDC Atlanta, UNICEF, USAID. 21) 02-1996 to 02-1996, Trainer, Germany, "Workshop on Data Processing for Population Census". Contractor: ECE-UN,