Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner CURRICULUM VITAE DR VICTOR JOHN NELDNER September 2004 1 Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner NAME: DR VICTOR JOHN NELDNER ADDRESS: 143 Pallert Street, Middle Park Q 4074 TELPHONE: 07 3896 9322 (work), 07 3279 0587 (home), 0402 316 073 (mobile) EMAIL: CURRENT POSITION: Chief Scientist PO6 (4) PRESENT LOCATION: Biodiversity Sciences (Queensland Herbarium), Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha Road Toowong 4066 Ph. 07 3896 9322 (w) 07 3279 0587 (h) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours University of Queensland, Botany Department Doctor of Philosophy, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra. HONOURS THESIS: NELDNER, V.J. (1980). The Role Of Polyphenols In Ecosystem Development. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THESIS: NELDNER, V.J. (1996). Improving Vegetation Survey: Integrating The Use Of Geographic Information Systems And Species Modelling Techniques In Vegetation Survey. A case study using the Eucalypt dominated communities of Cape York Peninsula. MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS: Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from Flinders University graduated in March 2003). HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: Family activities, cycling, bushwalking, photography, church activities, camping. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY CHIEF SCIENTIST, Toowong (September 2002 – May 2008) Management and scientific leadership for 4 staff in Conservation Ecology section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Landscape Ecology section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Geographic Information Services section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Vegetation Ecology section ACTING DIRECTOR, Wildlife Ecology, Brisbane (October 2004 – November 2005) Management and scientific leadership for 4 staff in Conservation Ecology section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Landscape Ecology section September 2004 2 Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner Management and scientific leadership for 3 staff in WildNet team section Management and scientific leadership for 4 staff in Marine and Freshwater Ecology section Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from Flinders University graduated in March 2003 CHIEF SCIENTIST, Toowong (September 2002 – October 2004) Management and scientific leadership for 9 staff in Regional Ecosystem and Training section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Geographic Information Services section Management and scientific leadership for 7 staff in Vegetation Sciences section SENIOR PRINCIPAL BOTANIST , Toowong (14/10/1996 – September 2002) Managing a large team (initially 16, up to 45 people) of botanists, technicians and GIS technicians. Formerly 31 based in Brisbane, 5 in Mareeba, 7 in Townsville, 1 in Gladstone and 1 in Longreach. Total budgets for the unit in the 2000/01 and 2001/02 financial years amounted to $3M per year. Responsible for interviewing and employing new staff, supervising staff activities and development, performance planning and review of staff, planning and approving expenditure, preparing project proposals and budgets, managing and planning projects. Responsible for the standards and methodology for the vegetation survey and mapping activities, and developing policy in relation to vegetation management and ecological issues. 27/09/1996 Awarded Doctor of Philosophy at The Australian National University SENIOR OFFICER GRADE C, Canberra (29/01/1996 – 7/10/1996) Secondment to Forest Biodiversity Directorate, Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA), Canberra Provide expert advice to the Commonwealth on vegetation survey and mapping techniques Negotiate and manage vegetation mapping projects for the Comprehensive Resource Assessments in Tasmania and Western Australia Critically examine and evaluate Ecological Vegetation Class mapping in Victoria Write and research position and scientific papers 05/01/1995 – 05/01/1996 SARAS Commenced full-time study at The Australian National University 05/01/1993 Enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy at The Australian National University PRINCIPAL BOTANIST and SENIOR BOTANIST, Mareeba (18/11/1988 - 05/01/1995) Conduct and manage vegetation survey and mapping project for Cape York Peninsula Produce best practice vegetation mapping coverages at 1:100 000 scale Write up scientific papers and reports Negotiate and liase with Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy officials 3/10/1987 – 3/10/1988 TRAVEL LEAVE. Travelled extensively in Australia and Papua New Guinea. BOTANIST and SENIOR BOTANIST, Indooroopilly (1/12/1980 - 3/10/1987) September 2004 3 Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner Conduct vegetation survey and mapping projects for South Central Queensland, Central Western Queensland and Brian Pastures Research Station. Write up scientific papers REFEREES Dr Gordon Guymer, Director, Biodiversity Sciences, Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha Road Toowong 4066 Ph. (07) 3896 9325 Fax (07) 3896 9624 email Gordon has been my supervisor for the last 10 years, and work colleague for the last 25 years. Dr Bill McDonald, Principal Botanist, Biodiversity Sciences, Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha Road Toowong 4066 Ph. (07) 3896 9365 Fax (07) 3896 9624 email I have been supervising Bill for the last 10 years, and he has been a work colleague for the last 25 years. Ms Eda Addicott, Principal Botanist, Biodiversity Sciences, Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 1054, Mareeba Q 4880. Ph. (07) 4092 8526 email I have been supervising Eda for the last 5 years up until 2003. September 2004 4 Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner SELECTED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS NELDNER, V.J. (1984). South Central Queensland. Vegetation Survey of Queensland. Queensland Botany Bulletin No. 3. Queensland Department of Primary Industries. NELDNER, V.J. (1991). Central Western Queensland. Vegetation Survey of Queensland. Queensland Botany Bulletin No. 9. Queensland Department of Primary Industries. NELDNER, V.J. AND HOWITT, C.J. (1991). Comparison of an intuitive mapping classification and numerical classifications of vegetation in south-east Queensland. Vegetatio 94:141 - 152. NELDNER, V.J. (1992). Vascular Plants of Western Queensland. Queensland Botany Bulletin No. 11. Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage. NELDNER, V.J. (1993). Vegetation Survey and Mapping in Queensland. Its relevance, and future and the contribution of the Queensland Herbarium. Queensland Botany Bulletin No. 12. Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage. NELDNER, V.J. and CLARKSON, J.R. (1995). Vegetation Survey and Mapping of Cape York Peninsula. Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy, Office of the Co-ordinator General and Department of Environment and Heritage, Government of Queensland, Brisbane. NELDNER, V.J., CROSSLEY, D.C. and COFINAS, M. (1995). Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the adequacy of sampling in vegetation surveys. Biological Conservation 73:1-17. NELDNER, V.J., FENSHAM, R.J., CLARKSON, J.R. and STANTON, J.P. (1997). The natural grasslands of Cape York Peninsula. Description, distribution and conservation status. Biological Conservation 81: 121-136. SUN, D., HNATIUK, R.J. and NELDNER, V.J. (1997). Review of vegetation classification and mapping systems undertaken by major forested land management agencies in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 45: 929-948. BEAN, A.R., SPARSHOTT, K.M., McDONALD, W.J.F. and NELDNER, V.J. (1998). (eds). Forest Ecosystem Mapping And Analysis Of South-Eastern Queensland Biogeographic Region. A. Vegetation Survey And Mapping. Report for Queensland CRA/RFA Steering Committee. Queensland Herbarium and Environment Australia, Brisbane ( NELDNER, V.J. (1999). Cape York Peninsula. In P.S. Sattler and R.D. Williams (eds). The Conservation Status of Queensland’s Bioregional Ecosystems. Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane, pp. 3/ 1 – 3/ 85. NELDNER, V.J., THOMPSON, E.J., BEAN, A.R and DILLEWAARD H.A. (1999) Methodology for Survey And Mapping of Vegetation Communities and Regional Ecosystems in Queensland. Queensland Herbarium, Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane (unpublished manuscript). LYNCH, A. J. J. and NELDNER, V. J. (2000). The problems of placing boundaries on ecological continua - options for a workable national rainforest definition in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 48: 511-530. BATIANOFF, G.N., NELDNER, V.J. and SINGH, S. (2000). Vascular plant census and floristic analysis of serpentine landscapes in central Queensland. Proceedings of Royal Society of Queensland 109:1-30. ACCAD, A, NELDNER, V.J, WILSON, B. A. and NIEHUS, R.E. (2001). Remnant Vegetation in Queensland: Analysis of Pre-clearing, Remnant 1997-1999 Regional Ecosystem Information. Brisbane: Queensland Herbarium, Environmental Protection Agency. FOX, I.D., NELDNER, V.J., BANNINK, P.J. and WILSON, G.W. (2001). Vegetation of Northern Australia. Brisbane: Queensland Herbarium, Environmental Protection Agency. September 2004 5 Curriculum Vitae Dr V.J. Neldner NELDNER, V. J. and LYNCH, A. J. J. (2001). In defence of a workable national rainforest definition in Australia: response to Bowman (2001). Australian Journal of Botany 49: 789790. WILSON, B. A., NELDNER, V.J. and ACCAD, A. (2002). The extent and status of remnant vegetation in Queensland and its implications for statewide vegetation management and legislation. The Rangeland Journal 24:6-35. THOMPSON, E.J., NELDNER, V.J., CUMMING, R.J., THOMAS, M. B. & WANNAN, B. (2003). The flora and vegetation of the White Mountains, Queensland. White Mountains Scientific Study Report, Geography Monograph Series No.9, The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Inc, Brisbane, pp. 85-115. NELDNER, V.J., KIRKWOOD, A.B. & COLLYER, B.S. (2004). Optimum time for sampling floristic diversity in tropical eucalypt woodlands of northern Queensland. The Rangeland Journal NELDNER, V.J., WILSON, B.A., THOMPSON, E.J. & DILLEWAARD H.A. (2005) Methodology for Survey And Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Version 3.1. Queensland Herbarium, Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane. ACCAD, A., NELDNER, V.J., WILSON, B. A. & NIEHUS, R.E. (2006). Remnant Vegetation in Queensland: Analysis of Remnant Vegetation 1997-1999-2000-2001 -2003, including Regional Ecosystem Information. Brisbane: Queensland Herbarium, Environmental Protection Agency. EYRE, T.J., KELLY, A.L., & NELDNER, V.J. (2006). BioCondition: A Terrestrial Vegetation Condition Assessment Tool for Biodiversity in Queensland Field Assessment Manual. Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane. NELDNER, John (2006). Why is vegetation condition important to government? A case study from Queensland. Ecological Management and Restoration 7: S5-S7 WILSON, B.A. & NELDNER, V.J. (2006). How much vegetation is left in the Brigalow Belt in Queensland? Is there enough? In A. Exelby and A. Melzer (eds), Remnant Vegetation in the Brigalow Belt Management and Conservation. Centre for Environmental Management, Central Queensland University, pp. 3-11. September 2004 6