GSCA Board Minutes Conference Call August 9, 2009 As published in the 671 September 2009 issue of the Gordon Setter News Meeting called to order by Amy Johnson-Edwards at 7:02 p.m. CT. Present: Amy Johnson-Edwards, Denise Paquette, Rosanne Schwiegerath, Barbara Burns, Jane Matteson, Kristi Boehm, Peggy DaValt, Nance Skoglund. Absent: Barbara Gaffney (working), Anne Boyd (medical emergency), Janie Bristow, Randy Young (family reasons), Alison Rosskamp (medical leave), Mary-Jo Hyldahl. National Specialty Standing Committee: Jane Matteson and Barbara Burns have been contacting people to serve on the new National Specialty Standing Committee. Volunteers are still needed. 2009 National Specialty Awards Banquet: Jane Matteson was thinking of moving the awards banquet from the National Specialty to the National Championships. It seems inappropriate to have the awards banquet during the week prior to the National. Amy Johnson-Edwards will present the idea to Cindy Finley and Pat Sanborn. It is also possible to mail the conformation, obedience and agility awards, while presenting the field awards at the National Field Trial Championships. Another option is to combine the annual meeting and awards reception. The combination could be in conjunction with the National Specialty on the Friday, 60 minutes after Veteran sweeps in the grooming area, at the convention center. (See opposite page of this issue—Awards will be presented at NC&FT Judges’ banquet in Branched Oak, NE—Ed.) 2009 National Specialty Meetings: The GSCA Board meeting will be held on the Thursday 60 minutes after breed judging in the hospitality suite at the Westin. The Westin is 1½ blocks away from the Convention Center. The annual meeting will be held on Friday, December 11, 60 minutes after Veteran’s sweeps in the grooming area, at the Convention Center. 2009 National Trophy donations are at about $500. Pictorial: Amy Johnson-Edwards has spoken to Sarah Armstrong; Sarah is just over half finished with the scanning. If Sarah’s portion of the work on the Pictorial can’t be completed and to the printer by August 15th, it can be packaged and shipped to Rosanne Schwiegerath or Peggy DaValt. If that is not possible, Mary-Jo Hyldahl has kindly offered to go pick up the materials. New England Field Trial Committee: This committee has asked the GSCA Board to open a bank account. Amy Johnson-Edwards will respond to their inquiry. Barbara Burns made a Motion, #09-021, to let the New England Field Trial Committee open a checking account as long as 1) there is one person designated as Treasurer, 2) Jane Matteson will be put on the account as co-signer, 3) Jane will receive quarterly bank statements and 4) P&L event reports will be sent to Jane within 60 days after an event. Rosanne Schwiegerath seconded, All in favor: Amy Johnson-Edwards, Denise Paquette, Jane Matteson, Kristi Boehm, Peggy DaValt, Nance Skoglund. Motion passes. H & G Committee: Kristi Boehm gave us a look at the restructuring of the Health & Genetics Committee. Brenda Hayward and Rosanne Schwiegerath are heading the Registry and Kristi Boehm has moved Debbie Novak from Registry to Research since Debbie was willing to work in that area and no members stepped forward to assist. Dr. Larry Occhipinti is expressing interest in being on the Committee. Mary-Jo Hyldahl will serve as the GSCA liaison to an all-breed group called “Bloat Busters.” Rabies Challenge Fund Donation: Barbara Burns made a Motion, #09-022, to donate $500 to the Rabies Challenge Fund, with a possibility of making another donation at the end of the year. Motion seconded by Kristi Boehm. All in favor: Amy Johnson-Edwards, Denise Paquette, Rosanne Schwiegerath, Jane Matteson, Peggy DaValt, Nance Skoglund. Motion passes. Kristi Boehm will write a paragraph for the newsletter. Sportsmanship Award: Nance has received one nomination for the Sportsmanship Award. We are hoping she will receive more submissions before the deadline. Webpage: Karen Becker will put a link on our webpage to the AKC Legislation section. Denise Paquette will send example letters than can be put into PDF format. There would be several letters available: Mandatory Spay & Neuter, Crop and Dock, etc. Raffle: Sue Drum would like to raffle a painting to raise funds for an expensive surgery for a Gordon puppy that is being owner surrendered back to the breeder. Excess funds raised would go to the Rosie Fund. Names of donors will be entered into a hat and one will be chosen. The Board feels it might be better to advertise this raffle with individual emails and webpages rather than to use the GSCA newsletter. Peggy DaValt will talk to Sue Drum about this. Judges Education: The Waukesha Kennel Club show Judges Education was held by Barbara Burns. Meeting was adjourned at 8: 27 p.m. CT. —Submitted by Denise Paquette, Recording Secretary