Statute of the World Academy of Art and Science

WAAS – Statutes 2000
Statute of the World Academy of Art and Science
February 2000
Article I
The World Academy of Art and Science is a nonprofit organization incorporated under
Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code.
Article II
The objectives of the World Academy are:
1. To contribute to the progress of global civilization, the enhancement of world order
and the realization of human dignity through transnational studies, operational projects,
appraisals and recommendations made in an objective manner and from a global point of view;
2. To function as a transnational forum for interdisciplinary discussion of art and science
and the social consequences and policy implications of knowledge.
3. To achieve these ends, the World Academy may:
a. develop and maintain contact with organizations active in science, art,
culture and governance, whose work is directed toward human welfare and
development on a global scale;
b. cooperate with other organizations which share the Academy's objects
and purposes;
c. encourage and initiate timely studies of subjects of concern to it;
d. hold such regional and international conferences as it should deem
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e. secure the publication and dissemination of information pertinent to its
objects and purposes;
f. establish and maintain working groups, project offices, regional
divisions and other operational subunits to address problems associated with
human welfare, governance and development from a global point of view;
g. organize lectures, meetings, programs, symposia and conferences, and
organize, conduct and disseminate studies, which further the aims of the World
h. promote and administer honors, awards, grants and fellowships which
encourage institutions and individuals to advance the aims of the World
i. promote the establishment of chairs, faculties and schools furthering the
aims of the World Academy.
Article III
1. Fellowship in the World Academy is open to persons whose work manifests a
commitment to the objectives of the World Academy and a contribution to the common interests
of the world community.
2. Fellowship in the World Academy is awarded by the Admissions Committee and the
Executive Committee in accord with procedures established in the By-laws.
3. Given the international character of the World Academy, all Fellows shall seek to
ensure that the Fellowship reflects diverse national, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds with a
view toward obtaining the broadest possible vision of the human condition.
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4. Fellowship in the World Academy is for life. Fellows may withdraw from the
Academy by delivering a written resignation to the President or the Board of Trustees.
5. The Board of Trustees may by two-thirds majority vote remove a Fellow from the
membership rolls for behavior incompatible with the objectives of the World Academy.
Absentee votes from members of the Board of Trustees may be cast by telephone, e-mail or other
means approved by the Secretary-General, in which case they will be considered present for
purposes of determining the total number voting.
6. If the Secretary-General determines that, after a period of three years, he/she has been
unable to locate the current address of a Fellow, the Executive Committee may by a simple
majority vote place that Fellow in an “inactive” status.
6. The maximum number of Fellows on the active membership rolls of the World
Academy shall be determined by the Board of Trustees and set forth in the By-laws.
Article IV
The administrative office of the Academy shall be located at the office of the President, or
in such other place as he or she designates. The Executive Committee may establish such other
offices, regional divisions and other operational subunits as it deems appropriate, and may
empower these subunits to maintain separate financial accounts, subject to annual review by the
Treasurer and the Board of Trustees.
Article V
The organs of the World Academy are the Presidency, the Plenum, the Executive
Committee, and the Board of Trustees. The Officers of the World Academy are the President,
the Secretary-General and the Treasurer. In addition, the Executive Committee may create
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working groups, joint task forces, project offices, regional divisions, standing or temporary
committees, and such other subunits as it deems appropriate.
Article VI
1. The President is the chief executive officer of the Academy.
2. Subject to the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, the President shall
direct the policy and management of the World Academy. He/she shall ensure that the programs
decided on by the Plenum, the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee are implemented
by the Officers and by the committees. He/she shall present a summary report on the condition
of the World Academy to the Fellows at the time of the meeting of the Plenum, and to the Board
of Trustees at its annual meeting. He/she shall perform such other duties as may be determined
by the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees. The President shall act as chairman at
all meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and Plenum. In the absence of the
President, the Secretary-general shall preside.
3. The President shall serve for a term of four years.
4. The President may delegate some of his/her functions to other members of the
Executive Committee, with the explicit permission of the Executive Committee.
5. In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the Executive Committee
shall begin, on an accelerated basis, the search and nomination procedure for a new President, as
provided in the By-laws. The Secretary-general shall discharge the functions of the President
until a new President is elected.
Article VII
1. The Plenum comprises all Fellows of the World Academy of Art and Science.
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2. The Plenum may make recommendations on all matters concerning the World
Academy of Art and Science.
3. Decisions by the Plenum are by simple majority vote. The votes of Fellows are taken
orally on the call of the President during a meeting of the Plenum or by written proxy sent to the
Secretary-general. Notice of a request for a vote must be given by the Executive Committee to
all Fellows at least 30 days before a vote is to be taken.
4. The Plenum shall meet at least once every five years at a time and place to be
determined by the Executive Committee. At least three months notice shall be given to the
Fellowship as to time and place. Twenty Fellows present in person at the meeting shall
constitute a quorum.
5. The Plenum may invite nonmembers of the World Academy to participate in its
meetings without voting privileges.
Article VIII
1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Secretary-General, the
Treasurer, and such other members as shall be elected to it.
2. The Executive Committee is authorized to conduct all day-to-day business of the
Academy, to appoint interim officers in the event of a vacancy, to elect Fellows as provided in
the By-laws, to review budgets and to authorize expenditures and legal commitments on behalf
of the Academy.
3. The Executive Committee shall also have the power:
a. to prepare the agenda for meetings of the Plenum and Board of
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b. to establish working groups, joint task forces, project offices, regional
divisions and other operational subunits of the Academy, and to determine the
general programs of such bodies;
c. to appoint the leaders and members of such operational subunits;
d. to coordinate the operation of such operational subunits;
e. to make financial and other arrangements to further the objectives of
the World Academy;
f. to originate and distribute newsletters through any appropriate medium
of communications;
g. to solicit the views of the Fellowship on the general policies of the
World Academy;
h. to prepare proposals on new directions for the World Academy for
discussion by the Plenum and Board of Trustees;
i. to do such other things as are, in its judgment, necessary for the proper
functioning of the World Academy.
4. The Executive Committee shall submit a report of its activities to the Plenum when it
meets and shall submit a statement summarizing all financial accounts.
5. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time and place as
determined by its members, but thirty days’ advance notice of any in-person meeting at a
geographic site shall be communicated to each member by the President or the SecretaryGeneral. The Executive Committee may invite nonmembers to participate without voting
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6. The Executive Committee may also conduct its meetings by telephone conference call,
e-mail or other appropriate means, with votes to be counted as specified in the By-laws and
decisions to be reported to the Fellows and to the Board of Trustees as specified in the By-laws.
7. Minutes of each meeting of the Executive Committee shall be kept by the SecretaryGeneral and distributed to all Executive Committee members for their additions and deletions
within thirty days after an Executive Committee meeting. The President shall call for a reading
of the minutes of the last meeting to begin an Executive Committee meeting. Any Fellow may
obtain a copy of a particular Executive Committee meeting by a request in writing to the
8. Minutes of each meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be kept by the SecretaryGeneral and distributed to all members of the Board of Trustees for their additions and deletions
within thirty days after a meeting of the Board of Trustees. The President shall call for a reading
of the minutes of the last meeting to begin a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Any Fellow may
obtain a copy of a particular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a request in writing to the
9. The Board of Trustees shall elect Officers of the Academy and members of the
Executive Committee as specified in the By-laws. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any
office other than the Presidency before the end of a term of office, the Executive Committee may
appoint a person to serve in that office on an interim basis until the expiration of the term.
10. The duties of the members of the Executive Committee as set forth in the By-laws
may be modified by a two-thirds majority vote of the Plenum.
11. Any honoraria, salaries, or other forms of financial compensation to Fellows or
Officers of the Academy in connection with Academy activities shall be approved by the
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Executive Committee and reported to the Board of Trustees. With the approval of the Executive
Committee and within the approved budget, expenses incurred by Fellows or Officers for their
attendance at meetings and other World Academy activities may be reimbursed by the Treasurer.
Article IX
1. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the President; the President-elect (if
he/she has been designated); the Secretary-General; the Treasurer; Presidents Emeritus;
Chairpersons of standing committees; members of the Executive Committee; and one or more
elected Trustees.
2. Standing committees are designated as such by the Executive Committee, and may
include Admissions, Awards, Fellowship, Funding, and Finance. Chairpersons of standing
committees are to be appointed by the President, and the appointment shall specify the term of
appointment, not to exceed four years. No Fellow shall serve more than two consecutive terms
four-year terms (or their equivalent) in an appointed chairmanship.
3. The President, Secretary-General and Treasurer shall report annually to the Board of
4. Chairpersons of all standing committees, special committees, and operational subunits
shall report annually to the Board of Trustees.
5. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to elect and remove Officers of the
Academy, Trustees, and Executive Committee Members.
6. In the case of absence or inability to act of any Officer of the World Academy, or for
any other reason that the Board of Trustees may deem sufficient, the Board of Trustees may
delegate all or any of the power of such Officer to any other Officer or to any member of the
Executive Committee until the disability passes or the Officer is replaced.
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Article X
1. A working group is an association of Fellows formed to initiate or evaluate ideas or
activities in a specified subject area.
2. A joint task force is a panel consisting partly of the Fellows of the World Academy
and partly of members of organizations which have joined with the World Academy to initiate or
evaluate ideas or activities in a specified subject area.
3. A project office is an office charged with the administration of an ongoing World
Academy activity.
4. Working groups, joint task forces, and project offices are established by the Executive
Committee for a specific period of time and for a specific purpose.
5. A regional center/office is an operational subunit of the Academy concerned with
activities in a continent or other specified geographic area.
5. Regional divisions may be established by the Executive Committee for an unlimited
period of time.
4. Financial arrangements for working groups, joint task forces, project offices, regional
coordinators and other operational subunits must be approved by the Executive Committee.
Their budgets are subject to ongoing supervision by the Treasurer and annual review by the
Board of Trustees. Any support from outside sources for working groups, joint task forces,
project offices, regional coordinators and other operational subunits must be approved by the
Executive Committee. Approaches to outside sources must be approved by the Executive
Committee before they are undertaken.
5. Reports or publications of working groups, joint task forces, project offices, regional
coordinators and other operational subunits must indicate their affiliation with the World
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Academy, but may not represent themselves as expressing the views of the World Academy
without the express written permission of the Executive Committee.
6. Such reports or publications may not be used for commercial purposes without the
express permission of the Executive Committee, which shall consult the Treasurer and Legal
Advisor before deciding such issues.
Article XI
1. The financial affairs of the World Academy shall be decided and implemented by the
Executive Committee. In the preparation of a budget, consolidated balance sheet, investment
plan or other financial report or document, the Executive Committee may be assisted by a
Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer. Such a Finance Committee may include persons
who are not Fellows of the World Academy.
2. Working groups, joint task forces, project offices, regional divisions and other
operational subunits may be authorized to maintain their own financial accounts, subject to the
general supervision of the Treasurer and the Board of Trustees in accordance with the provisions
of the By-laws.
3. The Executive Committee and other subunits of the Academy may accept donations
and legacies. However, if any real or personal property is offered to the World Academy subject
to conditions, the Executive Committee shall exercise sole jurisdiction over the question of its
acceptance or rejection.
4. The financial year of the World Academy shall be the calendar year.
Article XII
1. The Statute of the World Academy may be amended by the Board of Trustees.
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2. Proposals for amendment may be made by the Executive Committee at the regular
meeting of the Board of Trustees or by any five Fellows who may propose an amendment by
written notice to the Secretary-general no less than six months before the next regular meeting of
the Board of Trustees.
3. When a proposal for amendment has been made, it shall be published to the Fellows of
the World Academy through the World Wide Web, newsletter and/or other means, with an
invitation to all Fellows to express a view on it within the following three months by sending a
statement to the Secretary-general of the Academy. The views shall be organized by the
Secretary-general in appropriate form and conveyed to the members of the Board of Trustees at
least one month before the next meeting of the Board.
4. The Board of Trustees shall vote upon the proposed amendment at the next regular
meeting. Any resolution on amendments to the Statute shall be taken by a two-thirds majority
vote of the members present. Absent members of the Board may convey their votes in writing or
by other means acceptable to the Secretary-general, in which case they will be considered present
and voting.
5. If the amendment is adopted, it shall be considered in effect as of the date of adoption,
and shall be communicated to the Fellows through the World Wide Web, newsletter and/or other
Adopted by a General Assembly of members in the Canton of Geneva on 24th December 1960.
Amended in February, 2000