C Coou un nttyy ooff S Sa an ntta aB Ba arrbba arra a P Pu ubblliicc H Heeaalltth hD Deep paarrttm meen ntt D Diissaasstteerr H Heeaalltth hccaarree C Cooaalliittiioon n E m e r g e n c y P r e p a r e d n e s s M e e E m e r g e n c y P r e p a r e d n e s s M e ettiin ngg June 19, 2014, 10:30-12:00 Marian Medical Center Teleconference #: 866-810-5874 Participant #: 3128677 Minutes 1) Introductions 2) Review and Accept Minutes from April 17th Meeting 3) LTC Training Recap a) Report from participants b) Tabletop exercise c) Evacuation and Transportation Planning, after action from Miguelito Fire Recapped the LTC Workshop. Passed out evacuation transportation planning and surge worksheets to facilities that were unable to attend workshop. Quick after action of the Miguelito Fire. 4) Facility/Agency Role in Each Hazard a) Final Draft of Roles & Responsibilities Matrix was sent out for review b) Report on gaps identified c) Integrating Roles & Responsibilities into Governance Document Passed around roles and responsibilities matrix. Partners should submit any changes by June 30, 2014. Matrix will then be re-formatted and included in the Partnership governance document. Agreement to Participate will be signed annually by administrator/CEO. 5) Santa Barbara County Disaster Healthcare Coalition a) Prioritized work groups: 1) Oxygen during Emergencies 2) Hospital DECON, 3) County Medical Surge Plan 4) Home Healthcare / Home Care 6) Oxygen During Emergencies a) Activity: Identifying Problems, Solutions & Partners b) Next Steps c) Timeline Partners discussed the injuries and issues that occurred during the 2013 power outage. They then filled in a problems and solutions tree identifying how a power outage can impact their facilities/agencies when others are looking to utilize resources such as power, oxygen, durable medical goods etc. See attached table for solutions and next steps. 7) Statewide Medical and Health Exercise- November 21, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm a) Emerging Infectious Disease- MERS b) Trainings in October for partners Partners will be invited to participate in trainings and exercise. More information will be provided at a later date. 8) Partner Emergency/Disaster Plans a) EMS/PHD available to review plans to assure alignment with County plans b) Templates for LTC and Outpatients are revised c) Be sure to include evacuation warning/order issued via telephone, AND reporting status and requesting assistance from PHD/EMS in your checklists. Time 1030 1040 1045 1050 1100 1100 1130 1135 9) Emergency Resources and Grant Purchases a) Communications - CAHAN b) Disaster Cots Disaster Cots and Special Needs cots will continue to be sent out to those that ordered them. c) Patient evacuation wristbands and instruction sheet for SNF and LTC Country Oaks picked up their evacuation wristbands and the wristbands were demonstrated to the partners. Other SNF’s in Santa Maria will need to attend the coalition meeting to pick up their kit. Public Health will work with LTCO on providing evacuation wristbands to clients. 10) Opportunities for Training a) Hospital Disaster Management Training- Los Angeles Discussed this worthwhile training in a shuttered hospital in LA. A group may go together from SB County. Public Health will send out dates and more information on this training. 11) Calendar of events: 2014 a) Outpatient Provider Disaster Workshop July Santa Maria & Santa Barbara: TBD End of July/August identified as a good time for Outpatient Providers Workshop on emergency plans. One in Santa Barbara and one in Santa Maria. Will send out more information when training times and locations are identified. b) Marian HICS training and Active Shooter exercise- Postponed until September c) Proposed ARES exercise with Santa Barbara SNF’s 12) Roundtable: Participant Update on Current Activities and Needs Cottage Santa Barbara- HICS 5, IV Shooting after action- making changes in emergency plan, conference room will be moved- revise plans and test in the fall Cottage Santa Ynez- Update Facility plans, DECON disaster drill UCSB- Update emergency medical supply, OSHA infection control skills day September Chumash- still working on plan presented to tribal government LTCO- Disaster preparedness packets and training Solvang Friendship House- staff training Country Oaks- educate staff American Red Cross- general population shelter at Lompoc for Miguelito Fire: 27 people, # of other people that stopped by. Lessons learned- work on communication and information being disseminated about where shelter is located. Home Health/Marian- Active Shooter planned in September Samsun Clinic- brand new surgery center being opened, continue to work on disaster preparedness Lompoc Valley Medical Center- DECON training- work to do training with Santa Ynez 13) Adjourn till Next Meeting: July 17, 9:00 am, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital 1140 1150 1150 1150 1200 Healthcare Coalition Advisory Committee Agenda June 19, 2014 10:00-10:30am Marian Medical Center Conference Center 1. Introductions On Phone: Richard Abrams, Leslie Kearney 2. Review Final Draft of prioritized hazards and Roles & Responsibilities Matrix a. Integration into the Governance Document i. Matrix? Appendix? 3. Annual signing of the Commitment to Participate. a. Review of Governance Document, Roles & Responsibilities b. Annual update of emergency contact information c. July? August? Roles and Responsibilities will be reviewed- any revisions will be submitted by June 30, 2014. They will then be formatted into a matrix and included in the Governance Document, which will be reviewed and the Agreement to participate signed by the end of September. 4. Webpage for the coalition a. Uses- Status Report, Resource Request, Contact Information, Inventory b. Pros & Cons c. Do you think this would be beneficial? Utilized? We will move forward to develop the coalition website and provide a demonstration of it at the next meeting. 5. Executive Committee Annual Presentation of Goals and Objectives of Coalition a. The meeting will be composed of COO’s and VPs of organizations b. Possibly in September c. One hour –may need to teleconference to gain participation. d. SB Cottage offered a site with teleconferencing. e. Topics: Statewide exercise, roles & responsibilities, hazard & vulnerability assessment, focus areas for the year and demonstrating the website 6. Oxygen During Emergencies a. Brainstorming Activity during meeting b. Other Workgroup Topics: i. 2) Hospital DECON, 3) County Medical Surge Plan 4) Home Healthcare / Home Care Planning 7. Wrap Up and Next Steps