Minutes - Santa Barbara County

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E m e r g e n c y P r e p a r e d n e s s M e ettiin
May 16th, 2013, 0900-1100
Agenda Items
1. Introductions:
2. Attendees: Kyle Fleher, Michelle Wehmer, Jackie Robles, Oscar Zeron,
Lou Dartanner, Michael Pointer, Suzette Chaffey, Sandy Mugg, Leslie
Kearney, Judy Blokdyk, Susanna Shaw, Ryan Burgess, Jose Silva,
Stephanie Coghlan, and Jim Goldsworthy
3. Santa Barbara County Disaster Healthcare Coalition
1. Review of the Disaster Healthcare Partners Coalition governance document
i. Document was reviewed and revised at partner meetings Jan-April.
Distributed electronically with a link to Survey Monkey for
comments. Comments were received.
ii. Final document will be circulated for partners signature
iii. Looking for best method to collect signatures from multiple
partners. Please forward suggestions!
2. Started a draft list of advisory committee members at the meeting.
4. Healthcare Surge Policy for County
1. MCI revision review. Multi Casualty Incident Plan and policy is being
revised by EMS and Fire agencies. Training and testing to follow.
2. Will also be part of EMS provider and hospital base station policies
5. Partner Emergency/Disaster Plans
1. Evacuation Template available for hospitals
2. Hospitals Report Current Status of Evacuation Plans
Discussion on the availability and use of structural engineers following an
earthquake to determine need to evacuate or ability to reenter building. See
further information below.
3. Outpatient --- Templates available
4. LTC/SNF—Evacuation/Shelter in Place templates available
5. Other: Home Health, Dialysis, Surgery center, Day Program, Other
6. Emergency Resources and Grant Purchases
1. Communications
2. Equipment Evacuation chairs were ordered for hospitals and SBNC.
Some chairs were lost in shipment. Kyle to follow up.
3. Supplies- Patient Wristbands for evacuations. See discussion below.
7. 2013 Healthcare Partners Disaster Trainings and Exercises
Suggestions for trainings from coalition members
SNF/dialysis Trainings- Were held March-April in SM, Lompoc, and SB. See below
Medical Shelter Training- Review Medical Shelter exercise was held May 15, 2012. See
CAHAN-quarterly drills, Radio and Satellite-monthly drills
Statewide Medical and Health-November 21-Foodborne Scenario See below.
8. 2013-14 Grant Guidelines
1. Will be released at the end of the month (June 1st)
2. Draft of grant objectives will be presented at next meeting
9. Roundtable: Participant Update on Current Activities & Needs see below
10. Hospital advisory group see below for discussion
1. Hospital DECON
2. Disaster inventory
3. Evacuation equipment training
11. Next Meeting: June 20th, 2013 Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital
Evaluating buildings after a disaster
A discussion was held on the availability of structural engineers
Each city and the county building departments should have a list of approved
structural engineers that could be called upon to assess buildings after a
disaster such as an earthquake. These engineers would be in addition to any
engineers on staff (such as those in building departments).
These lists are not distributed to hospitals or other agencies/facilities.
Facilities would be prioritized for assessment by engineers by the city or
county emergency operations centers (EOC’s).
For instance, hospitals and fire/police stations, shelter facilities might be given
first priority with clinics, AMR stations, and skilled nursing facilities being next
on the list.
Evacuation Procedures: Identification Wrist Bands for Long Term Care
The Public Health Department and the Emergency Medical Services Agency
evacuation guidelines for skilled and other long term care health facilities require
that wrist bands be used for patients during evacuations, with the following
Red: Allergies
Yellow: Fall Risk
Purple: DNR
Blue: Cognition
The Hospital Preparedness Grant will be used to purchase wrist bands with
“Jewels” in these colors that can be clipped on to the band.
These colors are consistent with hospital colors and will also be used in medical
shelters operated by the PHD.
Kyle Fleher will be contacting facilities to get a count of how many jewels &
bracelets they will need for their patients.
Medical Shelter exercise was held yesterday, May 15th at the UCSB
Thunderdome. Over 70 participants worked as staff, evaluators, and patients.
Thanks to everyone who participated. A great partnership with PHD, Direct
Relief, Medical Reserve Corps., UCSB CERT team, UCSB Student Health
Services, Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health, and American Red Cross.
SNF/Dialysis training and symposium were held in Lompoc April 24, Santa
Barbara April 25, Santa Maria April 30. Provided a great opportunity to link with
skilled nursing and dialysis disaster partners with their city and county partners.
EMS/PHD got good feedback to improve disaster and evacuation plans.
Participants practiced completing status and resource requests forms, identifying
their objectives after an earthquake, and discussed strategies for communication.
Statewide 2013 Exercise
Info and training is coming to prepared all partners for this exercise that has a
food borne illness scenario. We will be providing training in disease outbreak
containment, epidemiology, staffing measures, and assessment/reporting.
Scenario is in progress.
Most documents are available on the website right now to review, with scenario
being broad enough for local agencies to customize.
http://www.californiamedicalhealthexercise.com/exercises.php or Google
Statewide Exercise California 2013
CAHAN - quarterly drills in progress. Let Kyle know if you need to be enrolled.
There are over 500 people in the system from Santa Barbara. The California
Department of Public Health and the local Public Health Department both use
this system to send out alerts that range from low to high via email and phone.
Radio and Satellite Phone Drills
SBCPHD conducts monthly radio and sat phone drills with hospitals, EMS, PHD,
Sansum, DRI, and PHD outpatient clinics. Participation is recorded and graded in
an after action report that is distributed to participants.
Airport Exercises
Santa Maria and Santa Barbara have airport exercises scheduled for the fall.
SBCH trauma dept is interested in participating in that drill, to have trauma
injuries and patient surge. The EMS Agency may be interested in testing the
revised Multi-Casualty Incident Plan during one or both of these exercises.
2013-2014 GRANT GUIDELINES for Public Health Preparedness, Pandemic
Preparedness, and Hospital Preparedness programs
State gives County 1 month to turn it around. New requirements continue: new
advisory committee and formal coalition structure will continue. Next meeting will
be looking for everyone's buy in and perspective. Will send out the draft grant
workplan ahead of the June coalition meeting to allow for input and review.
-Marian is in the process of re-organizing their emergency planning team and
disaster plan, including the city, medical clinics, etc. Coordinating w/ PG&E to
conduct radiation/DECON exercise in October
- Santa Barbara Dialysis - is focused on expansion of dialysis services.
Originally at 16, now at 20, but full plan is for 36.
- Vista Del Monte - Campus wide review of plan to make it user friendly for
residents. The fire alarm panels throughout facility are being replaced. Next
goal is to do a shelter in place drill with staff and all residents.
- Neighborhood clinics: Trying to involve more participants in drills.
Expanding training to assure that greater number of staff involved and trained.
- Visiting Nurses & Hospice: Martha Collins has taken on responsibility for the
Safety Committee from Debbie Wright. Debbie has looked over all the forms and
given feedback.
- ARES Radios: Samarkand and Valle Verde conducted a communication drill
on their own earlier this week. Both have self contained radio equipment. Would
like to extend it to get more facilities & their residents involved in ARES.
- Chumash: Tabletop Active shooter drill completed. In process of annual
evacuation drill. Trying to develop a location for an emergency shelter in Santa
Ynez for hotel guests and employees (approximately 200 people).
- Hillside House: working on evacuations drills for all 3 shifts & weekends when
all staff and residences will be home.
- Jackie: Grant work, AAR for Medical Shelter Exercise
- Michelle: Vulnerable populations disaster plan and status/resource forms with
dates on all of them & have them up/available on the website.
- UCSB Student Health: Emphasis on this school year has been active shooter
and violence in workplace. Just yesterday closed out the series with a counselor
speaking to staff on violent threat from within. Will be checking supplies & revise
forms as needed in their emergency cache. Would really like to be a big player in
the food borne drill in November. A new person, Holly Smith, RN, will be serving
in Safety Officer role alongside Stephanie and will be attending coalition
- Ryan with CHA: Conference September 23-25 geared towards hospital
emergency planners. Finalizing the agenda right now. 5.8% budget cut to the
CHA disaster specialist program. Services expected to remain the same, with
HICS, site visits, plan reviews. Significant cut backs in travel for meetings will
only be able to attend significant meetings (Statewide). Our monthly meetings will
not be a top priority.
- Susanna with SBCH: Working on staff education after Boston marathon
bombings, also for suspicious packages after ricin letters. Active shooter
planning with outside agencies (sheriff, city PD) in ongoing. External security risk
assessment done at beginning of May. Request for notification prior to large
events in community, after Deltopia & half marathon in Santa Ynez. Trauma dept.
want to use Airport exercise to conduct PT surge exercise
- Judy with SYVCH: Construction is still under way. Decontamination training
scheduled for the end of June. Inventory will be done at the same time because
right now cache items are spread out due to construction.
1. Hospital Decon
2. Disaster Inventory
3. Evacuation Equipment Training
Next Meeting is scheduled at GVCH on June 20th.
Bring your calendar of events - at least with some of the larger drills going on in
the area – airport, statewide trainings
* Stephanie would like copies of the job action sheets/org chart/214
form – she would like to have a shelter plan for UCSB if their clinic
were to be evacuated outside.