Alumni Center 1030 West Tennessee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304-7719 To All 2014 Parade Participants: Thank you for choosing to be a part of the 2014 Homecoming Parade! We are so excited to celebrate another year of Florida State’s history, and in order for you to join the celebration, we ask that the following requirements be satisfied: Fill out and return the Parade Registration form including a copy of the valid driver’s license and insurance card for the individual that will be driving your vehicle. Read all Safety Rules and Regulations and sign the Statement of Understanding on the registration form. IMPORTANT DATES TO KEEP IN MIND: Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Oct. 27 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Funding request form due to the Alumni Association by 5 pm Parade Registration due by 5 pm to the Alumni Association Funding Meeting at 8 pm at the Student Groups Meeting Parade Receipts and/or left over money is due by 8 pm at the Student Groups Meeting* Confirmation packets will be sent out to parade participants PARADE at 2 pm (Floats must arrive early: time is TBA)** *If an organization is receiving funding from the Student Alumni Association, the receipts for purchased float items and any remaining cash must be turned into the Alumni Association by 5 pm. ** SAA will ask each float to arrive early to the parade. The necessary arrival time will depend on your spot in the parade and you will be notified closer to the date. Once the teams are informed of their expected time of arrival, they will be held accountable to being punctual. If the team does not arrive on time, then that team may potentially not be allowed to participate in the parade. If you are competing in the Homecoming events, please be sure to refer to the Homecoming Participation Packet for the complete list of rules, or you can visit the Homecoming website at Once you have completed your registration, please return it to the Alumni Center, 1030 W. Tennessee St. All registrations must be turned in no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 1st. No exceptions will be made to the registration deadline. If you have any questions or concerns about the registration, please do not hesitate to contact Nikki Bhavsar or Shaye Newman. In Seminole Pride, Nikki Bhavsar Student Alumni Association Director of Homecoming Parade and Chief &Princess (407) 963-0866 SAA office: (850) 644-1484 Shaye Newman Student Alumni Association Associate Director of Homecoming Parade and Chief & Princess (904) 228-9263 FSU Homecoming Parade 2014 Friday, November 7th, 2014 COMPLETED APPLICATION DUE BY: 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 1st No Exceptions Will Be Made Entry type & fee (please circle or highlight): Registered Student Organization (RSO): No Charge Approved Business/ Corporation $50 Non-profit or Civic Organization: No Charge (Must provide copy of non-profit license) Leon County public schools: No Charge Type of Parade Entry: (Mark all that apply) _____ Floats # of ________ _____ Horse # of ________ _____ Walking Unit # of ________ _____ Vehicles # of ________ _____ Other Parade Entry Name: _______________________________________________________ Have you registered with the overall SGA Homecoming Executive Council (On Campus Only): ___ Yes ___ No Float/Vehicle dimensions: __________________________________________________________ Sponsored By: ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: _________ Zip: _________________ Daytime Phone #: _____________________ Parade Float Vehicle Driver Information: Make: _________________________ Model: __________________ Year: _________ 1. Tow vehicle driver’s name: _____________________________________________________ 2. Driver’s license # (include a copy of the license with application): ______________________ 3. Please provide a copy of the insurance card with application. Non-FSU Entities Due to the popularity of the FSU Homecoming Parade, only the following FSU related organizations are approved to participate in the Parade: Registered student organizations (RSO’s) Corporate partners of the Alumni Association Leon County public schools FSU entities, departments, and Colleges If you are unsure if your entry qualifies, please feel free to contact Meagan Flint, 850.644.1484, or TV Commentary & Entry Description Please provide a brief typed / electronic description of the parade entry, sponsoring organization, and any interesting facts about the entry/organization. If adequate information is not provided, application will be returned for more detailed information. Keep in mind that this is what the announcer will read verbatim to the crowd as your parade entry passes. Please keep all commentary less than 100 words, or the Parade chairs will alter. You must submit a typed copy of your description as well as, email with ‘Parade Commentary’ in subject line, for your application to be considered complete. Parade Rules 1. Floats may not depict the following Florida State University icons on their float: Seminole Tribe members (including Osceola) The Integration Statue Past and present University Presidents FSU coaches 2. The float shall be no taller than 12’ from the ground and no more than 10’ wide. This is the maximum maneuverable width and height due to parade route and overhead clearance. Consideration should be given to overall length, making it possible to negotiate ordinary street intersections. 3. DANCE and Twirl GROUPS: You are not to stop and preform along the route or Judges stand. 4. Individuals are not allowed to sit atop any moving vehicle during the parade. 5. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the Homecoming Parade, in vehicles or in the hands of participants on foot in the parade or on the float. This includes the Parade Staging area before and after the Parade has concluded. 6. To insure safety, items (candy, toys, etc.) must not be thrown from floats/vehicles to parade spectators. Parade entries violating this rule will be asked to leave the parade. Items MAY be passed out curbside by walkers accompanying the parade entry. Items other than candy must be approved by the SAA Homecoming Parade Directors prior to the parade. 7. No fireworks or flame producing equipment shall be used. 8. Once your spot is assigned in the parade, it cannot be changed. 9. If you are riding in a vehicle in the parade, you must remain in that vehicle the entire length of the parade. 10. Each float can only hold four students; this does not include students walking alongside the float. Unfortunately weather plays a huge role in the success of the parade. In order to produce a quality parade, many expenses are obligated “rain or shine.” For this reason if the parade is cancelled due to weather, we will not be able to refund entry fees. FSU Safety Regulations - Governing Homecoming Parade Please read and understand all of these rules completely. When you sign the Parade application you are adhering to these safety regulations. Due to the hills in the Tallahassee parade routes, it is especially necessary that all floats abide by established safety requirements. Each vehicle shall have adequate pulling and braking power and each float must be safely constructed so as not to endanger occupants or spectators. All entries will be subject to a final safety inspection and those that do not pass will be disqualified. The designated Float Chairperson of each organization participating in the parade shall be responsible for adherence to all safety regulations during construction and operation of the parade entry. The Float Chairperson must remain with the float parade day. A float trailer or similarly drawn vehicle must be equipped with a reliable hitch, safety tow chains and a tractor or vehicle, in good repair, adequate to control the drawn load. All Float drivers are required to have a valid driver’s license. In the event that a vehicle weighs more than 26,000 pounds or more than 15 passengers are being transported, then an additional evaluation will have to be conducted. The tank of each vehicle must be filled to an estimated level of five (5) gallons before being attached to a float; oil and water must be checked also. Trailers to be used must have sturdy beds and be free of holes to prevent stepping or breaking through the bed structure. Superstructure and bracing must be securely fastened to prevent shaking apart and toppling. The covering of the superstructure must be made of inherently safe material such as fire resistant or other slow to burn material. A sturdy means of support, to be constructed of wood or metal must be provided for each person riding on the float. No riders will be allowed on hoods, fenders, roofs of any vehicles, or on the side rails of pickups. Due to the large amount of combustible material involved, smoking will not be allowed on or near any float or in the cab during construction or while in the parade. Safeguards should be taken during construction and at the close of the parade to make sure that a float entry is not accidentally or intentionally burned. All entries should be properly dismantled and residue disposed of, as appropriate, as soon as possible after the event is terminated. The University has no way of insuring participants, but it is recommended that each group investigate possible needs for short-term liability insurance coverage. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety, through its representatives/inspectors retains the right to prohibit any float from the parade that does not meet the safety guidelines herein. Additionally they may prohibit any practice, usage of material, or use of vehicles, which, in their professional judgment is unsafe or detrimental to FSU, participants or the general public. Florida State University Homecoming Parade Judging Criteria for Student Groups Judging Criteria Use of Theme/FSU Spirit 50 points 0-25 points: Average depiction of theme 26-50 points: Excellent/unique representation of theme/FSU Evident Effort put Forth 50 points 0-25 points: Minimal time and effort put forth 26-50 points: Extensive time and effort put forth Overall Appearance 50 points 0-25 points: Float appears rushed but is well put together 26-50 points: Float appears very well thought out and is aesthetically pleasing Creativity and Originality 50 points 0-25 points: Shows some attempt at creativity/originality 26-50 points: Float is shows an exceptionally strong emphasis on creativity/originality Float Checks* ** 15 points 0 points: Did not meet requirements for either float check 7.5 points: Successful completion of one float check 15 points: Successful completion of both float checks Completion of Deadlines* 10 points 0-5 points: Completion of some deadlines 6-10 points: Completion of most-all deadlines Sustainability* ** 25 points 5 points: At least 10% of the float is made of sustainable materials 10 points: It is apparent that a portion of the float is made from sustainable materials 10 points: Shows innovation and originality with use of sustainable materials Total 250 points *These judging categories will be awarded by points by the Student Alumni Association, during float checks and meeting deadlines. **See next pages for further clarification. Criteria for Float Checks This year, float check points will be awarded by pictures of the float being sent to the FSU SAA Homecoming Gmail account. Each team representative should send pictures of the items listed below before 5PM on the designated date to Please note that once 5 PM has passed on that date, no points will be received. Also note that for full points to be received, the team representative must send pictures of ALL items! There are no exceptions. First Float Check (October 24, 2014) -Must have a picture of the trailer/ order for trailer -Must have a picture of majority of the supplies that will be used for the float -Must have a picture of the framework for the float -Must have a picture showing construction of the float has begun -Must have a picture of some recyclable material that will be used for float Second Float Check (November 3, 2014) -Must have a picture of majority of the pomp completed, and some on the float -Most have a picture of objects (all props should be well underway in construction) Examples for Usage of Sustainable Materials Understanding Creative Reuse -Creative reuse, also known as upcycling or repurposing, is the process of taking materials or products that are unwanted for their original function and through creativity, transforming them into pieces of art, home decoration, or other useful items. Recyclable Materials -Plastic bottles -Plastic cans -Boxes -Water jugs -Newspaper -Reused wood (ex: pallets) -CDs -Plastic cups/plates -Plastic spoons/forks -Plastic and paper bags Non-Recyclable Materials -Bubble wrap -Styrofoam cups/plates -Wrappers -Used materials -Wood -Cloth Please Note You Cannot Use -Beer Bottles THE GREENEST FLOAT AWARD: -The team with the greenest float will be recognized this year at the Homecoming Parade! By showing an enormous usage of sustainable material, along with notions of innovation the winning team will be announced within the parade commentary. Along with this, the float will receive a giant green ribbon to proudly put on the truck driving it. The Greenest Float Award will be determined by FSU Sustainability Office. Statement of Understanding By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and will abide by the Parade Safety Rules. I have also provided a copy of the safety rules to the rest of my unit’s participants. The FSU Alumni Association reserves the exclusive right to accept or reject any parade unit’s application and may make last minute adjustments in the placement of all units in the parade lineup order. A parade unit that violates any applicable rule will be disqualified and removed from the FSU Homecoming Parade. Authorized Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________ Please Include: • Completed application and signed general statement of understanding • All drivers in motorized groups must include copies of driver’s license & insurance card. • Copy of liability insurance policy. • Sketch or picture of the unit. • Typed/Emailed Commentary & entry description. Entry deadline: 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 1st, all information listed above must be included. No late entries will be collected. Please return this form to: ATTN: Nikki Bhavsar Alumni Center 1030 West Tennessee Street Tallahassee, FL 32304-7719 Phone: (850) 644-1484 Fax: (850) 644-8847 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Parade Number: Sent Conf. Forms: Sent Parade Maps: Sent Parking Info: