Incentive Contracting and Value-Relevance of Earnings and Cash Flows Rajiv Banker* Rong Huang† Ram Natarajan** *Temple University †City University of New York- Baruch College ** The University of Texas at Dallas June 11, 2008 We thank seminar participants at Temple University, City University of New York—Baruch College, The University of Texas at Dallas, and the American Accounting Association 2006 Annual meeting for helpful comments and suggestions. Abstract Accounting performance measures such as earnings and cash flows are useful for both valuation and performance evaluation purposes. However, little evidence exists on whether there is any association between these two roles. In this study, we provide large sample empirical evidence that the value-relevance of earnings explains a significant amount of the cross-sectional variation in the pay-sensitivity of earnings and the incremental value-relevance of cash flows explains variation in the marginal paysensitivity of cash flows. We document that while both value-relevance and compensation weight on earnings decline from the sub period of 1993 to 1997 to the sub period of 1998 to 2003, both value-relevance and compensation weight on cash flows increase from the earlier sub period to the later sub period. Overall, our results provide additional evidence that value-relevance of a performance measure plays a significant role in its use for performance evaluation. Keywords: Incentive contracting, value-relevance, earnings, cash flows, executive compensation 2 I. Introduction This study examines the association between pay-sensitivity and value-relevance of earnings and cash flows. Accounting performance measures such as earnings and cash flows serve a variety of purposes in organizations and markets, including valuation and performance evaluation. While a number of prior studies have examined the valuation roles and incentive-contracting roles of accounting performance measures separately, very little evidence exists on whether there is any association between these two roles. Using CEO compensation and accounting data for a large number of U.S. firms, we examine the empirical association between value and incentive relevance of earnings and cash flows over an eleven year period from 1993 to 2003. The graph in Figure I shows that the relative compensation weight on cash flows versus earnings tracks remarkably closely to their relative valuation relevance for our sample period from 1993 to 2003. The correlation between the relative compensation weight and the relative valuation relevance is as high as 0.87. When we analyze the data more formally to control for other influential factors at the firm level, the results confirm that compensation weight on each of earnings and cash flows is higher for firms that exhibit high levels of valuerelevance for the performance measure. The evidence also indicates that both valuerelevance and compensation weight for earnings decline from the sub period of 19931997 to the sub period of 1998-2003, while both the value-relevance and the compensation weight for cash flows increase from the earlier sub period to the later sub period. Gjesdal (1981) puts forth the basic premise that the incentive-informativeness of performance measures that determines their compensation weights may be different from 3 their valuation-informativeness. He considers differential uses of accounting information in organizations and shows that the ranking of information systems for valuation purposes need not align with the ranking of those information systems for control purposes. Lambert (1993) expands on this issue by remarking that valuing the firm is not the same as evaluating the manager’s contribution to the value of the firm. The observations made by Gjesdal (1981) and Lambert (1993) are based on single-action, single-period settings where optimal compensation contracts assign lower (higher) weights on performance measures that have lower (higher) sensitivity-to-noise ratio (Banker and Datar 1989). The implication of the above observations for empirical accounting researchers is that the association between value-relevance and incentive-informativeness of performance measures is context-specific and varies across agencies. However, it appears that these implications may have been misunderstood as indicating instead that there is no association between value-relevance and incentive-informativeness. A notable exception is Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) who examine linkages between the weight placed on earnings in compensation contracts and the weight placed on earnings in stock price formation. They show that valuation earnings coefficients and compensation earnings coefficients are positively associated and point out that further theoretical and empirical investigation of this association remains an interesting challenge for future research.1 Our main motivation behind this study stems from a similar desire to provide evidence on the positive association between the valuation roles and incentive 1 In a related context, Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) find that the weight on earnings information in CEO turnover decisions is increasing in the timeliness of earnings where timeliness is measured as the contemporaneous association between earnings and stock returns. 4 contracting roles in settings where multiple accounting performance measures are used to evaluate top managers. We consider two primary accounting performance measures, earnings and cash flows, for the purposes of this study. We focus on these performance measures for several reasons. First, since cash flows is a component of earnings, the research setting lends itself to examining incremental value-relevance and marginal pay-performance sensitivity of cash flows when cash flows information is available in addition to earnings for valuation and performance evaluation purposes. Second, a number of studies have established that earnings and cash flows have differential implications for firm value (Rayburn 1986, Bowen, Burgstahler and Daley 1986, Ali 1994, Sloan 1996). Prior studies have also shown that the incremental value of cash flows over earnings varies cross-sectionally depending on factors such as the persistence of earnings and cash flows (Sloan 1996, Xie 2001, Richardson, Sloan, Soliman and Tuna 2005), the time interval over which performance is measured, the volatility of the firm’s working capital requirements, and the length of the firm’s operating cycle (Dechow 1994, Dechow, Kothari and Watts 1998). Third, studies examining the stewardship value of components of earnings have found that there is significant cross-sectional variation in the way cash flows and earnings are used in determining top management compensation (Natarajan 1996, Nwaeze, Yang and Yin 2006). Fourth, very limited empirical evidence exists on whether the incremental value-relevance and the marginal pay-performance sensitivity of cash flows have changed over time since cash flow information was first made available to shareholders in 1987 through SFAS 95. 5 To understand the structural factors influencing the context-specific nature of the above-mentioned association, we first derive pay-sensitivities and value-relevance measures using a highly stylized principal-agent setting characterized by two performance measures.2 The two performance measures are each modeled as consisting of a distinct managerial effort component, a common pay-off relevant noise term and a specific non value-relevant noise component. We show that the context-specific nature of the association between valuation weights and compensation weights is critically dependent on the cross-sectional differences in the variances of the pay-off relevant noise and idiosyncratic noise of the performance measures under consideration. The insights provided by our stylized model are used to generate empirical proxies of the variances of the relevant noise terms from the firm-specific variance-covariance matrix of earnings and cash flows and to explicitly quantify the co-movement of the theoretical, endogenously determined, valuation and compensation weights at various deciles of the cross-section of a large sample of Compustat firms. The analysis based on estimated values of the variances of the relevant noise terms suggests an expected positive association between compensation weights and valuation weights when earnings and cash flows are the performance measures under consideration. We formally test this prediction using actual compensation, valuation and performance measure data. We use a sample of 7,076 CEO-years spanning the period 1993 to 2003 in our empirical analysis. In the first stage of our analysis, we estimate value-relevance of earnings and incremental value-relevance of cash flows for each firmyear by using a time-series of 8 to 10 years of past data on earnings, cash flows, stock 2 As observed by Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006), any economic model that links pay-sensitivities and value-relevance measures should account for the fact that these constructs are endogenously determined. We pay particular attention to this issue in our model development. 6 prices and adapting the metrics suggested in prior literature (Ohlson 1995, Collins, Maydew and Weiss 1997, Barth, Beaver, Hand and Landsman 1999, Engel, Hayes and Wang 2003, Bushman, Chen, Engel and Smith 2003) to our context. In the second stage, we estimate cross-sectional yearly regressions that use CEO and firm level data on cash compensation, earnings, cash flows, value-relevance of earnings and cash flows, as well as a variety of control variables that have been identified in prior literature as determinants of cross-sectional variation in pay-performance sensitivity of earnings and cash flows. The regression coefficients from the second stage regression enable us to estimate the average magnitude of the association between value-relevance and payperformance sensitivity during our sample period for both earnings and cash flows. The empirical results support our predictions. The estimated association between pay-earnings sensitivity and the value-relevance is significantly positive for both earnings and cash flows. We evaluate the robustness of our findings by considering cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure, by using total compensation instead of cash compensation and by employing changes rather than levels in earnings and cash flows as performance measures. These results also support our predictions. Our study contributes to a stream of research that has examined the association between the valuation and performance evaluation roles of accounting performance measures. Two notable studies that belong to this stream are Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) and Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003). In contrast to Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) who empirically examine the association between the valuation and incentive contracting role of accounting earnings, we focus on a pair of correlated accounting 7 performance measures namely, accounting earnings and cash flows. Our empirical results confirm Bushman et al.’s (2006) findings that higher the value-relevance of earnings, higher the pay-sensitivity of earnings. More importantly, we also provide evidence that higher the incremental value-relevance of cash flows, higher the incremental pay-sensitivity of cash flows. Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) employ a research design somewhat similar to ours to examine the association between CEO turnover probability and accounting earnings. They predict that CEO turnover probability is decreasing in the timelines of earnings and find empirical evidence consistent with their predictions. “Timeliness” of earnings is measured through its association with contemporaneous stock returns. There are however, some significant differences between Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) and our study. Our study focuses on the compensation decision while Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) examine turnover decisions. The empirical model in Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) is similar to Sloan (1993) and Lambert and Larcker (1987) in that the primary focus is on the relative weights on accounting earnings and stock returns for performance evaluation. In contrast, we focus on the association between valuation and performance evaluation roles of two accounting performance measures e.g., earnings and cash flows. The empirical analysis in Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) is based on the predictions of a two-period model where current earnings, by construction, reflect only a portion of current period managerial effort, and which predicts that relative weight on earnings increases with timeliness of current period earnings. In contrast, our analytical characterization underlines the influence of cross-sectional differences in the variances of pay-off relevant noise and idiosyncratic noise of performance measures on the 8 association between compensation and valuation weights of performance measures and does not make any directional predictions for this association. To summarize, our study contributes in three ways to the existing literature on the use of accounting performance measures in valuation and performance evaluation. First, it confirms and quantifies the positive association between value-relevance and payperformance sensitivity for earnings and cash flows. Second, it quantifies the decline in value-relevance and pay-performance sensitivity of earnings and corresponding increase in value-relevance and pay-performance sensitivity of cash flows over the past decade. Third, it provides evidence that value–relevance of performance measures plays a significant role in the choice of accounting performance measures for performance evaluation in organizations. The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. Section II develops the main hypotheses. Section III discusses the research design and sample selection. Section IV presents the empirical results. Finally, section V concludes the paper. II. Theory Development Lambert’s (1993) remark that valuing the firm is not the same as evaluating the manager’s contribution to the value of the firm is intuitively appealing but provides limited guidance to empirical researchers on the similarities and differences in the way value-relevance measures and pay-sensitivities are influenced by the underlying agency and performance measure characteristics. Since both the pay-sensitivities and valuerelevance measures are endogenously determined and are functions of the characteristics that differ across the agencies in the cross-section, it is important to understand the 9 impact of the variation of the various characteristics on the association between these endogenous variables in the cross-section. Changes in some of the characteristics result in changes in valuation and contracting weights that are of the same sign while changes in other characteristics may have opposing effects on these weights. The stylized model that we develop in this section and the analysis of performance measure data to quantify the insights from the model are oriented towards understanding the dominant characteristics that drive the cross-sectional distribution of the set of agencies (firms) under consideration. We formally consider a simple, single period, two-action, two-signal principalagent setting based on the LEN (Linear contract, Negative exponential utility and Normally distributed random variables) framework to better understand the factors influencing the association between value-relevance measures and pay-sensitivities of performance measures. Complete details of the model are provided in the Appendix I and we briefly describe the setting here. The setting we consider involves a risk-averse manager who is in charge of two distinct productive activities. These productive activities along with factors beyond the control of the manager determine the unobservable outcome and generate two observable, contractible, performance measures. Each performance measure is driven by one of the productive activities while the outcome or value to the principal is influenced by both activities. The two performance measures also contain a common as well as a specific random component. From a valuation point of view, the performance measures are useful because the common component they contain is a key component of the outcome. Market participants, therefore, use these signals to update their beliefs about the outcome. 10 From a contracting point of view, the performance measures are useful because they are informative about the agent’s unobservable activities. Without loss of generality, we normalize the risk-aversion coefficient and the sensitivities of the performance measures to managerial actions to unity to focus on a minimal set of parameters that vary across agencies.3 While the setting we consider is highly stylized, it captures some necessary elements of a contracting environment where accounting performance measures such as earnings and cash flows are key determinants of executive compensation. The two performance measures have a positive correlation by construction which is representative of the empirically documented positive correlation between earnings and cash flows (Dechow 1994). Productive managerial activities which may differentially impact cash flows and earnings ultimately contribute to increases in firm value and this essential aspect is also captured in the way the unobservable outcome is modeled. Investor beliefs about firm value get updated on the release of information about realizations of earnings and cash flows (Rayburn 1986, Bowen, Burgstahler, and Daley 1986) and we operationalize this by modeling the random components of the performance measures as garbled versions of the random component of the outcome. Our simplified set up, however, does not capture the effect of prior period productive actions on current period earnings and cash flows as well as the effect of earnings management practices on reported accounting numbers. In this model, we can completely characterize the pay-sensitivities and valuerelevance metrics of the performance measures in terms of the elements of the variance- 3 As we show later, empirical proxies of these agency-specific parameters can be estimated from the sample variance-covariance matrix of the performance measures under consideration. 11 covariance matrix of the performance measures. The elements of the variance-covariance matrix are functions of two specific variances and a common variance.4 In our model, different agencies (firms) are characterized by different values for the three-component, positive-valued, variance vector. We show in the appendix that both the valuation and compensation weights decrease when the total variance of the performance measure increases due to an increase in the specific or idiosyncratic variance. However, if the source of the increase in the total variance of a performance measure is the common variance then the performance measure becomes more informative for valuation purposes but less informative for contracting purposes. We also characterize the exact magnitudes of the change in valuation and compensation weights in the neighborhood of a particular agency as functions of the levels and changes of the common and specific variances. We point out that if one is examining a set of agencies (or firms) where the variation across agencies is primarily driven by the variation in those characteristics that have similar directional influence on valuation and compensation weights, it is more likely that one would observe a positive association between these weights. If, on the other hand, the set of agencies primarily vary along those characteristics whose changes lead to opposing effects in changes in valuation and contracting weights the cross-sectional association will be, on average, negative. We estimate firm-specific values of the common variance, specific variance of earnings and specific variance of cash flows for a sample of 1,351 Compustat firms using time-series data of EPS and CFPS and use the decile values of the estimated variances to 4 The total variance of any of the performance measure is the sum of the common variance and the specific variance of that performance measure. The covariance between the two performance measures is equal to the common variance. 12 construct representative firms that characterize the cross-sectional distribution of the firms. Table A1 in appendix provides the estimated variances as well as the estimated compensation and valuation weights for these firms. As expected, when the specific as well as common variances increase the compensation weights decline. What is interesting is that the value-relevance measures also decline when we go from lower deciles to higher deciles. It appears that from a valuation perspective, the reduction in the valuation weight triggered by the increase in specific variance dominates the increase triggered by the increase in the common variance leading to an overall decline. Overall, the empirical evidence based on the joint distribution of earnings and cash flows suggests a possible positive association between the valuation and compensation weights. It is possible that factors other than the specific and common variances of the performance measures can also play a role in determining the association between valuation and compensation weights. For instance, Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) and Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) describe alternative scenarios in which current earnings do not fully reflect multi-period effects of managerial actions on firm value that can result in compensation weights and valuation weights having a positive association. Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) also argue that a positive association between the two roles can arise in a world where the marginal product of effort and the sensitivity of earnings to managerial actions are positively correlated random variables. To summarize, our theoretical setup enables us to gain insights into the contextspecific association between valuation and contracting roles in case of the possible use of earnings and cash flows as performance measures. We analyze the performance measure 13 data using theoretical expressions for the change in compensation weight and change in valuation weight in firm-specific neighborhoods for representative firms at various deciles. The evidence is supportive of a positive association between the contracting and valuation roles of earnings and cash flows. We formally test this prediction in our subsequent empirical analysis using actual compensation and valuation data. Next, we discuss the research design that we use in the study to examine the above hypotheses and provide details on the sample used in the study. III. Research Design and Sample Selection A direct way to test our hypotheses developed in the previous section is to estimate pay-sensitivities and value-relevance measures on a firm-specific basis and examine the association between these measures in the cross-section. However, this approach suffers from a number of limitations especially in the estimation of firm-level pay-performance sensitivity measures. Issues such as short time-series of firm-specific compensation data, the unrealistic assumption of time-invariant pay-performance sensitivity, and CEO-turnover, lead to substantial noise in the estimated firm level payperformance sensitivities. To address these issues, we follow previous compensation studies in accounting (Sloan 1993, Baber, Janakiraman and Kang 1996, Baber, Kang and Kumar 1998, Nwaeze, Yang and Yin 2006) and adopt a cross-sectional approach to test our hypotheses. Typical cross-sectional pay-performance studies model annual CEO compensation as a function of the various performance measures as well as the performance measures interacted with firm-level control variables to capture the cross- 14 sectional variation in pay-performance sensitivities across firms. We include additional terms that interact the performance measures with their firm-specific value-relevance counterparts.5 Specifically, the cross-sectional relationship we examine is: Compensation f(earnings, cash flows, earnings*value-relevance of earnings, cash flows*incremental value-relevance of cash flows, valuerelevance of earnings, incremental value-relevance of cash flows, earnings*control, cash flows*control) We operationalize the above relationship in an OLS framework using annual CEO and firm-level data.6 Specifically, we estimate, on an annual basis log( COMPi ) 0 e ( ROAi ) c (CFOAi ) we (vei * ROAi ) wc (vci * CFOAi ) e vei c vci e vei c vci e Control * ROAi c Control * CFOAi u i where, for firm i, COMPi is CEO cash compensation (salary + bonus), ROAi = Net income before extraordinary items (#18)/average total assets (#6) CFOAi = Cash flows from operations (#308)/average total assets (#6) vei = Value-relevance of earnings vci = Incremental value-relevance of cash flows from operations, and, Controli = Decile rank values for various control variables. 5 While there is no economic theory to motivate the inclusion of main effects of value relevance measures, we include them in the empirical model for econometric reasons. Our results hold when we remove these main effects from the empirical model. We use a “level” specification similar to those employed in Core, Holthausen, and Larcker (1999) and Smith and Watts (1992). We also repeat our analysis with a “change” specification in a later section as a sensitivity check. 6 15 A significant positive value for we, the regression coefficient on vei* ROAi, is expected to provide support for the argument that the association between valuerelevance of earnings and pay-sensitivity of earnings is positive and, in a similar vein, a significant positive value for wc, provides support for the argument that the association between incremental value-relevance of cash flows and marginal pay-sensitivity of cash flows is positive. Variable Measurement We obtain measures for value-relevance of earnings and the incremental valuerelevance of cash flows from firm-year-specific estimation of the following time-series regressions using data from a 10-year rolling window. We require that each firm has data available for at least 8 years starting from 1980. Pi ,t 0 1 BPS i ,t eit (1) Pi ,t 0 1 EPS i ,t 2 BPS i ,t u it (2) Pi ,t 0 1 EPSi ,t 2 CPS i ,t 3 BPS i ,t it (3) Pit is price per share of firm i at the end of the third month after fiscal year-end t, EPSit is earnings per share of firm i during year t, CPSit is cash flows per share of firm i during year t and BPSit is book value per share of firm i during year t. The above models are derived from Ohlson (1995, 1999) valuation model and modified from Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997). CPS (cash flow per share) can be interpreted as pertaining to “other information” in Ohlson (1999) model. Following Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997), we first obtain coefficients of determination from equation (1), (2) and (3) denoted as R2bv , R2earnbv and R2total, respectively. Value-relevance of earnings (ve) is measured as 2 ( Rearnbv Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) and the incremental value-relevance of cash flows (vc) is 16 2 2 2 Rearnbv ) /(1 Rearnbv ) . By construction, both of these measures take measured as ( Rtotal values in the range 0 to 1. To accommodate the possibility that cash flows may be perceived as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure, we also modify equation (2) to obtain value-relevance of cash flows and incremental valuerelevance of earnings as follows: Pi ,t 0 1CPSi ,t 2 BPS i ,t u it (4) Denoting the coefficient of determination of equation (4) as R2cfobv, we measure value2 relevance of cash flows (vc) as ( Rcfobv Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) and the incremental value2 2 2 relevance of earnings (ve) as ( Rtotal Rcfobv ) /(1 Rcfobv ) for use in later analysis. By construction, once again, both of these measures take values in the range 0 to 1. Our R2 measures are related to the R2 measure used in Bushman, Chen, Engel and Smith (2004) (equation 2 on page 173) except that 1) we use a “level” specification of Ohlson (1995) model while Bushman, Chen, Engel and Smith (2004) adopt a “change specification of Ohlson (1995) model, 2) we add cash flows per share as the “other information” component in Ohlson (1999) since we are interested in the incremental value-relevance of cash flows over and above earnings, and 3) we do not include earnings level in our return valuation model to be consistent with the compensation specification and to link our R2 measure more directly to pay-sensitivities. An alternative R2 measure is used by Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) to examine the association between CEO turnover probability and earnings timeliness. Similar to Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003), our paper seeks to provide directional prediction of how a valuation-based R2 measure moderates the relation between the dependent variable and 17 performance measures. While the research designs in both Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) and our study are similar in the use of an interaction term involving accounting earnings and a valuation-based R2 measure, our paper significantly differs from Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) in the following ways: 1) We are interested in compensation decision while Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) are interested in turnover decisions. Therefore our dependent variable is compensation as contrasted to turnover in Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003). 2) Our value-relevance measure is different from the timeliness measure in Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003). 3) The empirical model in Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) is more related to Sloan (1993) and Lambert and Larcker (1987). They consider one accounting performance measure, earnings, and one market performance measure, market returns. Our empirical model is more closely related to Natarajan (1996) by considering two accounting performance measures, earnings and cash flows. 4) In their setup where earnings and returns are performance measures, Engel, Hayes and Wang (2003) predict that relative weight on earnings increases with timeliness. However in our setup the compensation weight on accounting performance measures can increase or decrease with their value-relevance depending on the context. The control variables that we include in our empirical specification are taken from prior studies that have examined sensitivity of CEO pay to accounting performance measures in the cross-section. We include proxies for investment opportunity sets (IOS), leverage, performance measure noise, trading cycle, and performance measure persistence. Growth opportunities reduce the pay-for-performance sensitivities of accounting performance measures (Smith and Watts 1992, Gaver and Gaver 1993). Leverage is expected to reduce the pay-sensitivity of earnings and increase the 18 incremental pay-sensitivity of cash flows (Natarajan 1996). Longer trading cycles decrease the incremental stewardship value of cash flows (Dechow 1994, Natarajan 1996). Performance measure noise (Banker and Datar 1989, Lambert and Larcker 1987, Sloan 1993) leads to a reduction in the compensation weights on performance measures. Earnings persistence is shown to be positively related to the reliance of CEO compensation on earnings (Baber, Kang and Kumar 1998). Finally, we include size and stock returns as additional control variables and expect the level of CEO pay to be positively associated with size and stock returns (Smith and Watts 1992, Core, Holthausen and Larcker 1999). Sample Selection We obtain data from Compustat 2004, CRSP 2004 and ExecuComp 2004. We impose the following restrictions on the sample: (1) No CEO change during the year, (2) CEO served in the same company for at least two consecutive years, and (3) book value and total assets are positive. The final sample contains 7,076 CEO-year observations from 1993 to 2003. The number of observations varies from 410 in 1993 to 690 in 1999. IV. Empirical results Table 1 shows descriptive statistics of sample characteristics. The mean and median values of EPS (1.201 and 1.096) are close to those reported in Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997). CPS is higher than EPS, indicating that on average accruals are income-decreasing. The empirical distributions of the control variables appear to be similar to those documented in other executive compensation studies. Our sample is 19 biased towards large, profitable firms similar to many studies that have used ExecuComp data. Value-relevance of earnings and cash flows We first obtain value-relevance measure of earnings and incremental valuerelevance measure of cash flows. Panel A of table 2 presents descriptive statistics of pricing coefficients, coefficient of determination and value-relevance measures. Similar to the results in Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997), we observe that the pricing coefficient on EPS ( 1 ) is higher than the pricing coefficient on BPS ( 2 ) in firmspecific regressions of stock price on earnings and book value. The mean and median coefficients on EPS are 4.265 and 2.107, comparable to the pooled cross-sectional timeseries coefficient of 3.41 on EPS reported in Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997). The mean and median coefficients of determination for the earnings and book value regressions are 0.568 and 0.598, comparable to the coefficient of determination of 0.536 in Collins, Maydew and Weiss (1997). The pricing coefficients and coefficients of determination from estimating the regression of stock price on earnings, cash flows and book value are comparable to Barth, Beaver, Hand and Landsman (1999), although we use different estimation methods and focus on a different sample period. Combining the coefficients of determination from the three different regression specifications, we estimate the value-relevance of earnings (mean=0.262, median=0.198), and the incremental value-relevance of cash flows (mean=0.195, median=0.115). We also present descriptive statistics of pricing coefficients, coefficients of determination and value-relevance measures using cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure in panel B of table 2. 20 The distribution of pricing coefficients, coefficients of determination, and consequently the value-relevance measures is similar to those reported in panel A of table 2. The mean and median values of value-relevance of cash flows are 0.195 and 0.117, respectively. The mean and median values of incremental value-relevance of earnings are 0.258 and 0.186, respectively. Cash compensation weight and value-relevance of earnings and cash flows To examine the linkage between compensation weight and value-relevance for earnings and cash flows, we run the analysis in a cross-sectional setting using logarithm of cash compensation (salary plus bonus) as the dependent variable. We focus our analysis on cash compensation following prior studies that have focused on paysensitivities of accounting performance measures (Lambert and Larcker 1987, Gaver and Gaver 1993, Sloan 1993, Natarajan 1996). Cash compensation is more closely tied to accounting performance measures than total compensation. Moreover, Core, Guay and Verrecchia (2003) find that results from cash compensation support predictions from standard agency models while results from total compensation do not seem to be consistent with the predictions. We repeat our analysis using total compensation as a robustness check. When estimating the model, we removed influential observations with Studentized residuals greater than three or Cook’s D statistic greater than one (Belsley, Kuh and Welsch 1980). We performed White’s (1980) test for heteroskedasticity and found that heteroskedasticity was not a problem for our models. We tested for multicollinearity using the Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980) diagnostics. The condition indices for all the interested explanatory variables were less than 10, well below the suggested cutoff. 21 Table 3 shows the average association between pay-sensitivity and valuerelevance of earnings and that between the marginal pay-sensitivity of cash flows and the incremental value-relevance of cash flows. We use earnings deflated by average total assets and cash flow from operations deflated by average total assets as our performance measures (Antle and Smith 1986, Sloan 1993). We use year-by-year regressions and report the average regression coefficients and associated t-statistics. Our specification also includes industry dummies defined at the one-digit SIC level to partially control for differences in benchmarks for the performance measures across different industries (Antle and Smith 1986, Janakiraman, Lambert and Larcker 1992). The mean coefficient on ve* ROA is positive and significant after we control for other factors that may influence the pay-for-performance sensitivities of earnings in the cross-section. The yearly mean coefficient on ve* ROA is 2.146 (Fama-MacBeth t statistic = 2.79). This result indicates that the compensation weight on earnings is increasing in value-relevance of earnings. Similarly, the mean coefficient on vc*CFOA is positive and significant (coefficient = 1.533, Fama-MacBeth t-statistic= 2.31). This is in support of the conjecture that the marginal compensation weight on cash flows is positively related to the incremental value-relevance of cash flows. Using information from table 2 and table 3, we calculate the total pay-sensitivity on ROA for a representative median firm in our sample to be 1.487. The incremental pay-for-performance sensitivity on CFOA for a representative median firm is –0.319. The net effect of the two is the total pay-sensitivity on cash flows. This means that for a representative median firm, the total pay-sensitivity on cash flows is 1.168. The results indicate that 13% of the pay-sensitivity of accruals of a representative median firm can be attributed to the value-relevance of earnings and 10% 22 of the total pay-sensitivity of cash flows can be explained by the contribution of the incremental value-relevance of cash flows. The above results are based on value-relevance measures calculated under the assumption that earnings is the primary performance measure and cash flows is the supplementary performance measure. We also present results using cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure. Our results in the third and fourth columns of panel A of table 3 provide support for the positive association between pay-sensitivity and value-relevance of performance measures. The yearly mean coefficient on vc* CFOA is 1.655 (Fama-MacBeth t statistic = 1.97). This result indicates that the compensation weight on cash flows is increasing in value-relevance of cash flows. Similarly, the mean coefficient on ve*ROA is positive and significant (coefficient = 2.347, Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 5.09). This is in support of the notion that the marginal compensation weight on earnings is positively related to the incremental value-relevance of earnings. Overall, the results in panel A of table 3 confirm a positive association between pay-sensitivity and value-relevance for both earnings and cash flows independent of which one of these is designated as the primary performance measure. Total compensation weight and value-relevance of earnings and cash flows Core, Guay and Verrecchia (2003) indicate that predictions from standard agency theory find support when CEO cash compensation is used, but not when total compensation is used. To address this concern, we repeat our analysis using total compensation. Panel B of table 3 shows the average association between pay-forperformance sensitivities and value-relevance using logarithm of total compensation as 23 the dependent variable. We include additional control variables that have been shown to influence equity incentives (Yermack 1995, Core and Guay 1999) in our specification. Firms that have lower free cash flows and higher net operating loss carry-forwards use more stock options as a substitute for cash pay (Yermack 1995, Matsunaga 1995, Dechow, Hutton, and Sloan 1996). We measure the degree of cash flow shortfall as the three-year average of [(common and preferred dividends + cash flows from investingcash flows from operations)/total assets]. Net operating loss is an indicator variable equal to one if firm has net operating loss carry-forwards in any of the three previous years. The use of stock options is more when a firm faces earnings constraints and has limited ability to pay dividends. We categorize a firm as dividend-constrained if (retained earnings at year-end + cash dividends and stock repurchases during the year)/the prior year's cash dividends and stock repurchases, is less than two in any of the previous three years. If the denominator is zero for all three previous years, we also categorize the firm as dividend constrained (Dechow, Hutton, and Sloan 1996). We also control for the potential relation between total CEO compensation and firm performance by including current year and prior year stock returns (Baber, Janakiraman and Kang 1996, Core and Guay 1999). Our results in panel B of table 3 once again support the argument that a positive association exists between pay-sensitivities on earnings and value-relevance of earnings. The mean value of yearly regression coefficients on ve * ROA is positive and significant after we add control variables (coefficient = 1.772; Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 2.13). We also find a positive linkage between the incremental pay-sensitivity of cash flows and the incremental value-relevance of cash flows (coefficient = 2.699; Fama-MacBeth t- 24 statistic = 2.16). As before, these associations are not sensitive to designating earnings rather than cash flows as the primary performance measure. Value-relevance of change in earnings and change in cash flows So far, our analysis considered the levels of earnings and cash flows as the relevant performance measures. Several compensation studies have focused on change in accounting performance measures based on the argument that the correct benchmark for performance is immediate past performance (Lambert 1987, Sloan 1993, Baber, Janakirman and Kang 1996, Core, Guay and Verrecchia 2003). Next, we test our hypotheses assuming that change in earnings and change in cash flows are the appropriate performance measures. Accordingly, we use an alternative model in the first stage of our analysis where market-adjusted stock returns are regressed on change in earnings and change in cash flows to calibrate the value-relevance of change in earnings and the incremental value-relevance of change in cash flows (Bernard and Stober 1989, Jennings 1990, Ali 1994). We construct the value-relevance measures of change in earnings and change in cash flows from the following firm-specific regressions using a 10-year rolling window estimation method. We require that each firm has data available for at least 8 years starting from 1980. R2earn is obtained from Ri ,t 0 1 EARN i ,t eit R2 total is obtained from: Ri ,t 0 1 EARN i ,t 2 CFOi ,t it (5) (6) 2 Value-relevance measure of earnings ( ve ) is Rearn and incremental value-relevance 2 2 2 Rearn ) /(1 Rearn ) . We also obtain R2cfo from measure of cash flows ( vc) is ( Rtotal Ri ,t 0 1 CFOi ,t eit (7) 25 2 and estimate value-relevance measure of cash flows ( vc ) as Rcfo and incremental value- 2 2 2 relevance measure of earnings ( ve) as ( Rtotal Rcfo ) /(1 Rcfo ) for the case where cash flows is designated as the primary performance measure. Table 4 reports descriptive statistics of variables and estimation coefficients from firm-specific time-series regressions. Panel A shows results using earnings as the primary performance measure and cash flows as the supplementary performance measure. A positive ve implies that earnings information is value-relevant to the investors. A positive vc implies that the market attaches incremental value to cash flows over and above earnings. The mean and median values of ve (0.232 and 0.158) and the mean and median values of vc (0.168 and 0.095) are lower in magnitude compared to their counterparts estimated using levels. Panel B provides the descriptive statistics for the value relevance of change in cash flows and the incremental value relevance of earnings Pay-sensitivity and value-relevance of change in earnings and change in cash flows Table 5 shows the results for year-by-year regressions of change in logarithm of cash compensation on change in earnings, change in cash flows, value-relevance of earnings, incremental value-relevance of cash flows and other control variables. We obtain value-relevance measures from the analysis presented in table 4. Pane A presents results using change in logarithm of cash compensation as the dependent variable. This change specification focuses on innovation in earnings and cash flows that affects payfor-performance sensitivities (Baber, Janakiraman and Kang 1996). The mean coefficients of ve*∆ROA (2.157) is positive and significant (Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 2.43). This supports the conjecture that pay-sensitivity for change in earnings is increasing in the value-relevance of change in earnings. The mean coefficient on 26 vc*∆CFOA (1.667) is positive and significant (Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 2.20). We find support for the notion that the incremental pay-sensitivity of change in cash flows is increasing in the incremental value-relevance of change in cash flows. The results are qualitatively the same when we use change in cash flows as the primary performance measure and change in earnings as the supplementary performance measure. Panel B of table 5 presents results of the analysis using change in logarithm of total compensation as the dependent variable. Again, we find evidence in support of the conjecture that pay-sensitivity is positively associated with value-relevance of change in earnings (coefficient of ve*∆ROA = 3.865; Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 1.97) and that incremental pay-sensitivity is increasing in incremental value-relevance of change in cash flows (coefficient of vc*∆CFOA = 1.621; Fama-MacBeth t-statistic = 1.77). The results when using change in cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance are slightly weaker. Industry-specific estimation of value-relevance and pay-sensitivity As an additional robustness check, we also carry out industry-specific estimation of regressions with market-adjusted stock returns and change in logarithm of cash compensation as dependent variables and change in earnings and change in cash flows scaled by market value of equity as common independent variables (Bushman, Engel and Smith 2006). Further, we split the sample into two sub periods: 1993 to 1997 and 1998 to 2003 and let the regression coefficients vary across these sub periods. Specifically, we estimate Ri ,t Ve * EARN i ,t Ve * EARN 2 i ,t Vc * CFOi ,t Vc * CFO2 i ,t i ,t (8) and 27 log( CASHCOMPi ,t ) We * EARN i ,t We * EARN 2 i ,t Wc * CFOi ,t Wc * CFO2 i ,t Wr * RETi ,t Wr * RET 2 i ,t i ,t EARN i ,t Where EARN 2 i ,t 0 CFOi ,t CFO2 i ,t 0 RETi ,t RET 2 i ,t 0 (9) if t 1997 otherwise if t 1997 otherwise if t 1997 otherwise We estimate the valuation equation (8) for each 2-digit SIC industry and report the descriptive statistics of coefficient estimates in panel A of table 6. We require at least 20 observations for each industry-subperiod combination. Panel A of table 6 shows that the valuation coefficients of earnings have declined from sub period 1 (1993 to 1997) to sub period 2 (1998 to 2003). The mean and median coefficients for ∆Ve are -0.297 and 0.207, respectively, and the aggregate Z-statistic across the 29 industry groups is -2.83 (p<0.01). On the other hand, the incremental valuation coefficients of cash flows have increased from sub period 1 to sub period 2. The mean and median coefficients for ∆Vc are 0.156 and 0.148, respectively and the aggregate Z-statistic is 2.71 (p<0.01). We then estimate the compensation equation (9) for each 2-digit SIC industry and report the descriptive statistics of coefficient estimates in panel B of table 6. Consistent with the temporal change in valuation coefficients, we find that the compensation weights on earnings have declined from the earlier sub period to the later sub period (mean = 0.349, median = -0.231 and z-statistic = -3.88 with a two-sided p-value less than 0.01). We also find that the incremental compensation weights on cash flows have increased between the two sub periods (mean = 0.146, median = 0.062, and z-statistic = 2.30 with a 28 two-sided p-value of 0.02). We further examine the correlation between ∆Ve / Ve and ∆We /We as well as the correlation between ∆Vc / Vc and ∆Wc /Wc . Both these correlations are significantly positive, once again, supporting our main hypotheses. V. Conclusions and Implications Accounting performance measures such as earnings and cash flows seek to serve multiple purposes in organizations. Prior studies have investigated their usefulness for valuation and incentive contracting purposes separately. However, except for a recent study by Bushman, Engel and Smith (2006) which examines the association between the valuation and incentive-contracting roles of accounting earnings, little evidence exists on the linkage between these two roles. In this study, we examine the association between pay-sensitivities and value-relevance of earnings and cash flows. We derive measures of pay-sensitivities and value-relevance using a stylized principal-agent setting characterized by two performance measures. Application of the insights from the model to earnings and cash flows data of a large sample of Compustat firms leads to the conjecture that a positive association exists between value-relevance and payperformance sensitivity of earnings and cash flows. Using CEO compensation and accounting data for a large number of U.S. firms over an eleven year period from 1993 to 2003, we find that pay-sensitivity of earnings is higher for firms that exhibit high value-relevance of earnings. We also find that marginal pay-sensitivity of cash flows is positively associated with the incremental value-relevance of cash flows. 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Journal of Financial Economics 39: 237-269. 34 Appendix I A two-action, two-signal principal-agent model to investigate the association between valuation-relevance and compensation weight on signals We consider a special case of the basic model described in Feltham and Xie (1994) to investigate the association between compensation weights and value-relevance measures. The principal is risk neutral and the outcome x of value to her takes the form: x a1 a2 1 1 ~ N (0, 12 ) While x is not contractible, the two actions a1 and a2 also generate two performance measures, y and z which are observable and available for contracting7: y a1 1 2 2 ~ N (0, 22 ) z a2 1 3 3 ~ N (0, 32 ) All noise terms are independently distributed. We denote 12 as the common variance stemming from the stochastic term 1 in the expressions for x, y and z, 22 as the specific variance of 2 in the expression for y and 32 as the specific variance of 3 in the expression for z. The total variance of y is 12 + 22 and that of z is 12 + 32 . The covariance between y and z is 12 . The agent is risk averse and incurs direct personal costs C (a) 1 2 (a1 a 22 ) . The 2 agent’s preferences are represented by a negative exponential utility function characterized by unit absolute risk aversion, i.e., U ( Z ) e Z where Z W C (a ) is his net wealth. Following Feltham and Xie (1994), we consider a compensation contract that 7 We normalize the marginal product of effort as well as the sensitivities of the two performance measures to the respective effort components to unity. This is done for notational simplicity and helps us focus on a parsimonious set of exogenous parameters. is linear in the signals, i.e., W w y y wz z . We refer to wy and wz as the compensation weights on y and z, respectively, in the discussion that follows. The optimal compensation weights for this agency problem can be completely characterized by the three-parameter vector 12 , 22 , 32 . Applying Feltham and Xie’s solution (1994, p. 433) to our setting, we can derive the optimal compensation weights wy (1 32 ) D and wz (1 22 ) D where D 1 12 22 1 12 32 14 Our main objective is to analyze how these compensation weights are associated with the informativeness of these performance measures about the outcome to the principal. We designate y as the primary signal and z as the supplementary signal. We follow Collins et al. (1997) and define value-relevance of a signal in terms of its informativeness. Accordingly, we specify R1 as the informativeness (value-relevance) of signal y, and R2 as the incremental informativeness (incremental value-relevance) of signal z over and above y. The conditional variance of the outcome x given the realization of y is var x y 12 22 ( 12 22 ) and the conditional variance given the realizations of both y and z is var x y, z 12 22 32 ( 12 22 22 32 12 32 ) . These expressions for the conditional variances imply that, R1 1 var( x y ) 2 1 1 2 2 1 22 ( ) 1 12 1 22 2 1 2 2 and 2 2 2 ( 2 2 2 2 12 32 ) R2 1 var( x y, z ) var x y 1 1 2 3 2 12 2 2 2 32 1 2 ( 1 2 ) (A1) 1 32 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 (A2) 36 The value-relevance measures R1 and R2 are scaled measures of the precisions of specific performance measures. The association between compensation weight and value-relevance measures Since agencies are completely characterized by the three-parameter vector { 12 , 22 , 32 }, we describe below the distinct and opposing effects the variance of the payoffrelevant term ( 12 ) and the variance of the idiosyncratic noise terms ( 22 , 32 ) have on the association between valuation and incentive-contracting roles. We first derive the partial derivatives that capture the change in compensation weights with respect to changes in the variances of the noise terms. The partial derivatives w y1 , w y 2 , w y 3 , wz1 , wz 2 , w31 (where wy1 = wy 12 and so on) and their respective signs are: wy1 = - (1+ 32 )(2+ 22 32 )/D2 < 0 (A3) wy2 = - (1+ 32 )(1+ 12 32 )/D2 < 0 (A4) wy3 = 12 (1+ 22 )/D2 > 0 (A5) wz1 = - (1+ 22 )(2+ 22 32 )/D2 < 0 (A6) wz2 = 12 (1+ 32 )/D2 > 0 (A7) wz3 = - (1+ 22 )(1+ 12 22 )/D2 < 0 (A8) Similarly, we also derive the partial derivatives that capture the change in valuerelevance measures with respect to changes in the variances of noise terms. The partial derivatives R11, R12, R13, R21, R22, R23 (where R11 = R1 12 and so on) and their respective signs are: 37 R11 = (1- R1)/( 12 22 ) > 0 (A9) R12 = -R1/( 12 22 ) < 0 (A10) R13 = 0 (A11) R21 = R22 32 / 14 > 0 (A12) R22 = R22 32 / 24 > 0 (A13) R23 = - R22( 12 22 )/ 12 22 < 0 (A14) The own derivatives of compensation weights with respect to the corresponding idiosyncratic noise variances (wy2 and wz3) and the own derivatives of value-relevance measures with respect to the idiosyncratic noise variances (R12 and R23) are both negative. This confirms that both valuation and compensation weights decrease when performance measure noise increases due to an increase in the volatility of the non-value relevant stochastic term. However, the derivatives of compensation weights with respect to the payoff-relevant noise variance (wy1 and wz1) are both negative while the derivatives of value-relevance measures with respect to the payoff-relevant noise variance (R11 and R21) are both positive. This indicates that an increase in the variance of the value-relevant noise term makes the performance measures more informative for valuation purposes but less informative for contracting purposes8. More generally, the changes in compensation weights ( wy and wz ) and valuation weights (R1 and R2) with respect to small changes in the common variance ( 12 ) and 8 We present the results for the more general case of a two-action, two-signal model to highlight different managerial actions that may have different implications for earnings and cash flows. The sensitivities of compensation and value-relevance measures to underlying agency parameters and the insights derived from the model in understanding the context-specific nature of association between the valuation and incentivecontracting roles of accounting performance measures are qualitatively similar if we use a single-action, two-signal setup. 38 idiosyncratic variances ( 22 and 32 ) in the neighborhood of an agency characterized by the triple { 12 , 22 , 32 } are: Wy 12 wy1 22 wy 2 32 wy 3 (A15) W z 12 wz1 22 wz 2 32 wz 3 (A16) R1 12 R11 22 R12 32 R13 (A17) R2 12 R21 22 R22 32 R23 (A18) The sign of W y R1 as well as that of Wz can be positive or negative depending R2 on the relative magnitudes of the various variances 12 , 22 and 32 and the relative magnitudes of the change in these variances i.e., 12 , 22 and 32 . In other words, the association between the valuation and compensation weights is dependent on the distribution of 12 , 22 and 32 in the observed cross-section of firms. To understand how cross-sections with different 12 , 22 and 32 distributional characteristics can exhibit different associations between the valuation and contracting roles consider the following scenarios. Assume that, for example, the cross-section of firms is characterized by equal changes in the firm characteristics in the neighborhood of any firm i.e., 12 22 32 . Further assume that the idiosyncratic variances of the performance measures are equal i.e., 22 32 for every firm in this cross-section. For this group of firms, the sign of the association between valuation and contracting is dependent entirely on whether the payoff variance 12 is greater or less than the idiosyncratic variance 22 (or 32 ) . If it is 39 greater, then the association is always positive and negative otherwise. This is because the reduction in valuation weight triggered by an increase in idiosyncratic variance is greater in magnitude than the increase in valuation weight triggered by an increase in the pay-off variance for the firms with 12 > 22 . As a consequence, both valuation and compensation weights decline for these firms when there is an increase in the variance vector. The opposite scenario happens and valuation weight increases and compensation weight decreases when 12 < 22 . Next consider a different cross-section of firms with the property that all firms in this group have identical pay-off variance i.e., these agencies are characterized by no variation in 12 (i.e., 12 0 ). Further assume that the variances of the idiosyncratic error terms of the two signals are equal in magnitude and variation (i.e., 22 32 and 22 32 ). This particular set of agencies exhibits the property that the changes in valuation and compensation weights triggered by changes in the idiosyncratic error term variances always have the same sign in the neighborhood of any agency in the set. Finally, consider the case when the cross-section of the agencies is characterized by no variation in 22 and 32 ( 22 0 , 32 0 ). The difference between two agencies is entirely due to the difference in 12 . For this particular group of agencies as W y R1 as well Wz are always negative in the neighborhood of any agency in the set. R2 The various cases described above highlight the context-specific association between valuation and compensation weights for a correlated two performance measure setup. The interesting question is whether the actual cross-sectional distribution of the 40 performance measure variance characteristics is conducive to a predominantly positive or negative association between the valuation and contracting roles for the sample firms under consideration. Our stylized two performance measure setup provides a simple and effective way to answer this question through the estimation of firm-specific values of the triple { 12 , 22 , 32 } from the variance-covariance structure of the two performance measures .9 Further the change in compensation weight as well as the change in valuation weight namely can be estimated in the neighborhood of any representative firm in the cross-sectional distribution. We apply the above insights to estimate compensation weights and valuation weights when the accounting performance measures under consideration are y = earnings-per-share (EPS) and z = cash-flows-per-share (CFPS). To obtain stable measures of variance and covariance matrix, we require each firm to have a minimum of 10 years of EPS and CFPS data during the period 1980-2004. We also remove firms for which any of the estimates of 12 , 22 , and 32 is negative. For a final sample of 1,351 firms, we estimate the triple { 12 , 22 , 32 } and use the decile values of the estimated variances to construct nine representative firms that characterize the cross-sectional distribution of the firms. The table below provides the values of 12 , 22 , and 32 , the theoretical compensation and valuation weights Wy, R1, Wz and R2 as well as the sign of 9 Note that var(y) = 1 + 2 , var(z) = 1 + 3 and cov(y,z) = 1 . This implies that 1 = cov(y,z), 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 = Var(y) - cov(y,z) and 32 = var(z) - cov(y,z) can be estimated from the sample variance-covariance matrix of y and z. 41 the ratios of change in compensation weight and the change in valuation weight ( Wy / R1 and Wz / R2 ) in the neighborhood of these representative firms.10 Table A1 Estimated Variances, Compensation Weights and Valuation Weights for Representative Firms Decile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 22 0.036 0.070 0.115 0.171 0.237 0.345 0.510 0.894 1.973 0.027 0.058 0.102 0.170 0.256 0.410 0.658 1.141 2.610 32 0.055 0.124 0.208 0.329 0.510 0.839 1.381 2.655 5.413 Wy 0.910 0.837 0.757 0.670 0.592 0.495 0.396 0.281 0.149 R1 0.571 0.547 0.528 0.501 0.481 0.458 0.437 0.439 0.431 Wz 0.886 0.788 0.690 0.590 0.492 0.379 0.276 0.165 0.084 R2 0.221 0.204 0.206 0.206 0.194 0.182 0.172 0.159 0.172 Wy / R1 Wz / R2 + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + The cross-sectional analysis based on the performance-measure characteristics reveals that the compensation weights and valuation weights are high (low) at low (high) levels of variances of the pay-off relevant stochastic term and the idiosyncratic error terms. Further, an increase in the variance vector { 12 , 22 , 32 }in the neighborhood of representative agencies results in a decline in both valuation as well as compensation weights for 7 out of 9 agencies for earnings and 8 out of 9 agencies for cash flows suggesting that, in general, the association between the two is positive. 10 The change in the various variance measures i.e., 1 , 2 or 3 ,as the case may be, is estimated as 2 2 2 1% of the inter-quartile range of the corresponding variance measures in the estimation of Wy , Wz , R1 and R2 . 42 Figure I Relative weights on earnings and cash flows for valuation and compensation purposes Relative weight of cash flows vs earnings Relative weight 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Calendar year Relative valuation weight of cash flows vs earnings Relative compensation weight of cash flows vs earnings Notes: The above figure shows relative valuation and compensation weights of earnings and cash flows over the year 1993 to 2003. We obtain valuation weights on earnings ( 1 ) and cash flows ( 2 ) from the year-byyear cross-sectional regression of the following model: Pi ,t 0 1 EPS i ,t 2 CPS i ,t 3 BPS i ,t it Pit is price per share of firm i at the end of the third month after fiscal year-end t. EPSit is earnings per share of firm i during year t, defined as earnings before extraordinary items (Compustat annual #18) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. CPS it is cash flows per share of firm i during year t, defined as cash flows from operation (#308 if the firm-year observation is after 1988, and #110 - #4 + #1 + #5 – #34 if the firm-year observation is before 1988) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. BPS it is book value per share of firm i during year t, defined as book value of common equity (#60) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. We obtain compensation weights on earnings ( 1 ) and cash flows ( 2 ) from the year-by-year crosssectional regression of the following model: log( CASHCOMP ) i ,t 0 1 EPS i ,t 2 CPS i ,t it CASHCOMPit is CEO’s total cash compensation (salary + bonus) for firm i in year t. The relative valuation weight of cash flows versus earnings is defined as compensation weight of cash flows versus earnings is defined as 2 / 1 . The relative 2 / 1 . 43 Table 1 Descriptive statistics of sample characteristics MEAN STD Q1 MEDIAN Q3 log( CASHCOMPit ) 6.617 0.736 6.096 6.576 7.099 log( CASHCOMPit ) -1.630 1.332 -2.371 -1.567 -0.794 log( TOTALCOMPit ) 7.356 1.054 6.590 7.284 8.049 log( TOTALCOMPit ) -1.126 1.469 -1.931 -1.058 -0.182 EPSit 1.201 1.929 0.508 1.096 1.794 ROAit 0.052 0.067 0.025 0.053 0.086 ROA it -0.016 0.427 -0.038 0.000 0.029 CPSit 2.720 3.184 1.018 2.052 3.667 CFOAit 0.104 0.071 0.061 0.100 0.145 CFOAit -0.006 0.477 -0.070 0.000 0.067 BPS it 11.486 10.991 5.603 9.133 14.419 IOSi,t -0.056 0.244 -0.201 -0.130 -0.002 Leveragei,t 0.377 0.658 0.045 0.182 0.462 Trade_Cyclei,t 79.559 115.285 30.932 67.727 111.813 EARN_Noisei,t 0.089 0.132 0.026 0.048 0.095 EARN_Persistencei,t 0.756 0.459 0.441 0.786 1.075 CFO_Noisei,t 0.137 0.146 0.057 0.092 0.166 CFO_Persistencei,t 0.505 0.384 0.177 0.505 0.748 Variable definition: CASHCOMPit is total cash compensation (salary + bonus) in year t. TOTALCOMPit is CEO’s total compensation in year t, comprised of salary, bonus, other annual, total value of restricted stock granted, total value of stock options granted (using Black-Scholes), long-term incentive payouts, and all other total. EPSit is earnings per share defined as earnings before extraordinary items (Compustat annual #18) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. CPSit is cash flows per share defined as cash flows from operation (#308 if the firm-year observation is after 1988, and #110-#4 + #1 + #5 – #34 if the firm-year observation is before 1988) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. BPS it is book value of common equity (#60) scaled by number of common shares outstanding adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. ROAit is earnings before extraordinary items (#18) scaled by average book value of assets (#6). CFOAit is cash flows from operation (#308 if the firm-year observation is after 1988, and #110-#4 + #1 + #5 – #34 if the firm-year observation is before 1988) scaled by average book value of assets (#6). 44 Table 1 Continued IOSi,t is a proxy for investment opportunity set from factor analysis of the following: the ratio of market to book value of equity, the ratio of the market value of equity plus book value of debt to the book value of assets, the ratio of market value of equity plus book value of debt to gross plant, property and equipment. Leveragei,t is the ratio of long-term debt to year-end market value of equity. Trade_Cyclei,t = ARi ,t ARi ,t 1 / 2 INVi ,t INVi ,t 1 / 2 APi ,t APi ,t 1 / 2 Purchases / 360 Sales / 360 COGS / 360 EARN_Noisei,t is the time-series standard deviation of ROAit for each firm starting from 1980. CFO_Noisei, is the time-series standard deviation of CFOAit for each firm starting from 1980. EARN_Persistencei,t is the estimate of (1 ), computed from an IMA (1,1) earnings process starting from 1980: EARN i ,t EARN i ,t 1 UE( EARN i ,t ) UE( EARN i ,t 1 ) CFO_Persistencei,t is the estimate of (1 ), computed from an IMA (1,1) cash from operations process starting from 1980: CFOi ,t CFOi ,t 1 UE(CFOi ,t ) UE(CFOi ,t 1 ) Δ denotes change from year t-1 to year t. 45 Table 2 Value-relevance of primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of supplementary performance measure Panel A Value-relevance of earnings and incremental value-relevance of cash flows We obtain the value-relevance of earnings and of cash flows from firm-specific regression of the following equations using a 10-year rolling window estimation method. We require each firm to have at least 8 years of data available starting from 1980. We designate earnings as the primary performance measure and cash flows as the supplementary performance measure. R2bv is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1 BPS i ,t eit (1) R2earnbv is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1 EPS i ,t 2 BPS i ,t u it (2) R2total is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1 EPS i ,t 2 CPS i ,t 3 BPS i ,t it (3) 2 Value-relevance of earnings ( ve ) is ( Rearnbv Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) , and incremental value-relevance of cash 2 2 2 flows ( vc) is ( Rtotal Rearnbv ) /(1 Rearnbv ). Mean STD Q1 Median Q3 1 1.824 3.394 0.343 1.321 2.684 1 4.265 14.783 0.175 2.107 5.877 2 1.162 4.219 -0.132 0.800 2.087 1 3.872 16.389 -0.087 1.917 5.895 2 0.713 10.185 -1.187 0.201 2.095 3 1.088 4.321 -0.251 0.730 2.046 R2bv 0.402 0.305 0.109 0.368 0.671 R2earnbv 0.568 0.265 0.360 0.598 0.794 R2 total 0.652 0.239 0.486 0.698 0.852 2 Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) ] ve =[ ( Rearnbv 0.262 0.237 0.053 0.198 0.423 2 2 2 Rearnbv ) /(1 Rearnbv )] vc =[ ( Rtotal 0.195 0.210 0.027 0.115 0.301 Table 2 Panel B Continued Value-relevance of cash flows and incremental value-relevance of earnings We obtain the value-relevance of earnings and of cash flows from firm-specific regression of the following equations using a 10-year rolling window estimation method. We require each firm to have at least 8 years of data available starting from 1980. We designate cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure. R2bv is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1 BPS i ,t eit (1) R2cfobv is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1CPSi ,t 2 BPS i ,t uit (4) R2total is obtained from: Pi ,t 0 1CPSi ,t 2 EPSi ,t 3 BPS i ,t it (3) 2 Value-relevance of cash flows ( vc ) is ( Rcfobv Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) , and incremental value-relevance of earnings 2 2 2 ( ve) is ( Rtotal Rcfobv ) /(1 Rcfobv ). Mean STD Q1 Median Q3 1 1.824 3.394 0.343 1.321 2.684 1 1.498 8.522 -0.690 0.515 2.652 2 1.535 3.655 0.120 1.098 2.437 1 0.713 10.185 -1.187 0.201 2.095 2 3.872 16.389 -0.087 1.917 5.895 3 1.088 4.321 -0.251 0.730 2.046 R2bv 0.402 0.305 0.109 0.368 0.671 R2cfobv 0.521 0.282 0.279 0.538 0.768 R2total 0.652 0.239 0.486 0.698 0.852 0.195 0.208 0.028 0.117 0.302 0.258 0.242 0.047 0.186 0.419 2 vc =[ ( Rcfobv Rbv2 ) /(1 Rbv2 ) ] 2 total ve =[ ( R R 2 cfobv ) /(1 R 2 cfobv )] Variables are defined in table 1. 47 Table 3 Association between pay-sensitivity and value-relevance of primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of supplementary performance measure We estimate year-by-year regressions of the following equation from 1993 to 2003. We obtain valuerelevance of primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of supplementary performance measure from the estimated equations in table 2. log( COMPi ) 0 e ( ROA i ) c (CFOAi ) we (v ei * ROA i ) wc (v ci * CFOAi ) e Controli * ROA i c Controli * CFOAi u i Panel A Variable Cash compensation and value-relevance of performance measures Earnings as the primary Cash flows as the primary performance measure performance measure Mean (FamaMean (FamaPredict Coefficient MacBeth Coefficient MacBeth t-statistic) t-statistic) Intercept 5.714 (126.71) 6.063 (154.85) ROAit 2.190 (4.72) 1.955 (5.28) CFOAit -0.981 (-2.39) -0.841 (-2.62) ve ROAit + 2.146 (2.79) 2.347 (5.09) vc CFOAit + 1.533 (2.31) 1.655 (1.97) ve -0.037 (-0.47) -0.082 (-2.19) vc -0.118 (-1.90) -0.152 (-1.03) IOSi,t* ROAit -0.543 (-0.61) -0.794 (-1.22) Leveragei,t* ROAit 0.325 (0.55) -0.085 (-0.15) EARN_Noisei,t* ROAit -0.759 (-2.50) -0.659 (-2.17) EARN_Persistencei,t* ROAit -0.627 (-1.41) -0.290 (-0.79) Trade_Cyclei,t* ROAit -0.903 (-2.33) -0.127 (-0.27) IOSi,t* CFOAit 1.041 (1.78) 0.946 (2.01) Leveragei,t* CFOAit -0.606 (-1.43) 0.189 (0.67) CFO_Noisei,t* CFOAit 1.422 (6.53) 1.230 (5.66) CFO_Persistencei,t* CFOAit -0.988 (-4.58) -0.799 (-3.43) Trade_Cyclei,t* CFOAit 0.210 (1.13) -0.733 (-3.25) Returnit 0.268 (7.76) 0.263 (10.58) Log(Total Assets) 1.461 (48.19) 1.569 (106.28) Mean Adj. R2 41.8% 40.7% N 6,976 6,955 48 Table 3 Panel B Continued Total compensation and value-relevance of performance measures Variable Earnings as the primary Cash flows as the primary performance measure performance measure Mean (FamaMean (FamaPredict Coefficient MacBeth Coefficient MacBeth t-statistic) t-statistic) Intercept 5.990 (63.96) 6.111 (49.27) ROAit -0.679 (-0.59) -0.974 (-1.09) CFOAit -1.956 (-2.59) -0.820 (-1.43) ve ROA it + 1.772 (2.13) 1.785 (2.46) vc CFOAit + 2.699 (2.16) 1.984 (2.34) ve 0.062 (0.67) -0.008 (-0.14) vc -0.155 (-1.01) -0.075 (-0.66) IOSi,t* ROAit -0.229 (-0.19) -0.854 (-0.85) Leveragei,t* ROAit 1.890 (1.59) 1.546 (1.92) EARN_Noisei,t* ROAit 0.705 (1.03) 0.355 (0.57) EARN_Persistencei,t* ROAit -2.558 (-3.94) -1.661 (-3.34) Trade_Cyclei,t* ROAit 0.446 (0.61) 1.597 (1.86) IOSi,t* CFOAit 3.407 (5.56) 3.265 (4.87) Leveragei,t* CFOAit -2.211 (-4.89) -1.662 (-4.92) CFO_Noisei,t* CFOAit 1.779 (4.20) 0.937 (2.80) CFO_Persistencei,t* CFOAit -0.519 (-2.47) -0.583 (-2.61) Trade_Cyclei,t* CFOAit 0.315 (0.87) -1.456 (-3.26) Cashflow Shortfalli,t -0.165 (-2.23) -0.093 (-1.58) Net Operating Lossi,t -0.174 (-2.09) -0.048 (-0.65) Dividend ConstraintI,t 0.406 (6.64) 0.446 (9.43) Stock Returni,t-1 0.276 (2.99) 0.361 (4.30) Stock Returni,t 0.355 (3.62) 0.369 (4.57) Log(Total Assets) 2.098 (30.10) 2.276 (26.97) Mean Adj. R2 42.5% 42.8% N 6,891 6,950 49 Table 3 Continued Variable definition: Cash flow shortfall is the three-year average of [(common and preferred dividends + cash flow from investing-cash flow from operations)/total assets]. Net operating loss is an indicator variable equal to one if firm has net operating loss carry-forwards in any of the three previous years. Dividend constraint is an indicator equal to one if the firm is dividend constrained in any of the three previous years. We categorize a firm as dividend constrained if [(retained earnings at year-end + cash dividends and stock repurchases during the year)/the prior year's cash dividends and stock repurchases], is less than two. If the denominator is zero for all three years, we also categorize the firm as dividend constrained. Stock return is the cumulative return for firm i over the 12 month period of the fiscal year. Other variables are defined in table 1. Industry dummies based on 2-digit SIC code are included. 50 Table 4 Value-relevance of change in primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of change in supplementary performance measure Panel A Value-relevance of change in earnings and incremental value-relevance of change in cash flows We obtain the value-relevance of earnings and of cash flows from firm-specific regression of the following equations using a 10-year rolling window estimation method. We require each firm to have at least 8 years of data available starting from 1980. We designate earnings as the primary performance measure and cash flows as the supplementary performance measure. R2earn is obtained from: Ri ,t 0 1 EARN i ,t eit R2total is obtained from: Ri ,t 0 1 EARN i ,t 2 CFOi ,t it (5) (6) 2 Value-relevance of change in earnings ( ve ) is Rearn , and incremental value-relevance of change in cash 2 2 2 flows ( vc) is ( Rtotal Rearn ) /(1 Rearn ). Mean STD Q1 Median Q3 1 2.885 8.255 0.204 1.388 3.818 1 2.820 9.550 0.087 1.369 4.037 2 0.432 6.742 -0.610 0.121 1.118 R2earn 0.232 0.226 0.041 0.158 0.370 R2 total 0.361 0.242 0.155 0.328 0.541 2 ve [ Rearn ] 0.232 0.226 0.041 0.158 0.370 2 2 2 Rearn ) /(1 Rearn )] vc [ ( Rtotal 0.168 0.190 0.022 0.095 0.251 51 Table 4 Continued Panel B Value-relevance of change in cash flows and incremental value-relevance of change in earnings We obtain the value-relevance of earnings and of cash flows from firm-specific regression of the following equations using a 10-year rolling window estimation method. We require each firm to have at least 8 years of data available starting from 1980. We designate cash flows as the primary performance measure and earnings as the supplementary performance measure. R2cfo is obtained from: Ri ,t 0 1CFOi ,t eit (7) R2 total is obtained from: Ri ,t 0 1CFOi ,t 2EARN i ,t it (6) 2 Value-relevance of change in cash flows ( vc ) is Rcfo , and incremental value-relevance of change in 2 2 2 earnings ( ve) is ( Rtotal Rcfo ) /(1 Rcfo ). Mean STD Q1 Median Q3 1 0.843 5.035 -0.318 0.289 1.395 1 0.432 6.742 -0.610 0.121 1.118 2 2.820 9.550 0.087 1.369 4.037 R2cfo 0.166 0.189 0.022 0.094 0.248 R2 total 0.361 0.242 0.155 0.328 0.541 0.166 0.189 0.022 0.094 0.248 0.233 0.228 0.040 0.158 0.373 2 vc [ Rcfo ] 2 total ve [ ( R R ) /(1 R ) ] 2 cfo 2 cfo Variable definition: Ri,t is the cumulative market-adjusted return for firm i over the 12 month period of the fiscal year. EARN it is change in earnings before extraordinary items (#18) from year t-1 to year t, scaled by beginningof-year market value of equity. CFOit is change in cash flows from operation (#308 if the firm-year observation is after 1988, and #110-#4 + #1 + #5 – #34 if the firm-year observation is before 1988), scaled by beginning-of-year market value of equity. 52 Table 5 Association between pay-sensitivity and value-relevance of change in primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of change in supplementary performance measure We estimate year-by-year regressions of the following equation from 1993 to 2003. We obtain valuerelevance of primary performance measure and incremental value-relevance of supplementary performance measure from the estimated equations in table 4. log( COMPi ) 0 e (ROA i ) c (CFOAi ) we (v ei * ROA i ) wc (v ci * CFOAi ) e Controli * ROA i c Controli * CFOAi u i Panel A Variable Cash compensation and value-relevance of change in performance measures Earnings as the primary Cash flows as the primary performance measure performance measure Mean (FamaMean (FamaPredict Coefficient MacBeth Coefficient MacBeth t-statistic) t-statistic) Intercept 0.100 (1.60) 0.095 (1.49) ROAit 1.284 (2.74) 1.255 (3.27) CFOAit 0.229 (0.38) 0.135 (0.29) ve ROAit + 2.157 (2.43) 2.816 (2.25) vc CFOAit + 1.667 (2.20) 1.433 (2.93) ve -0.044 (-2.72) -0.043 (-1.97) vc -0.002 (-0.05) -0.011 (-0.25) IOSi,t* ROAit -0.982 (-3.51) -1.148 (-3.78) Leveragei,t* ROAit 0.523 (1.33) 0.559 (1.43) EARN_Noisei,t* ROAit -0.623 (-1.98) -0.868 (-2.68) EARN_Persistencei,t* ROAit 1.071 (2.38) 0.973 (2.57) Trade_Cyclei,t* ROAit -0.144 (-0.52) -0.002 (-0.01) IOSi,t* CFOAit -0.097 (-0.36) -0.013 (-0.06) Leveragei,t* CFOAit 0.204 (0.94) 0.072 (0.34) CFO_Noisei,t* CFOAit -0.730 (-3.47) -0.489 (-3.08) CFO_Persistencei,t* CFOAit 0.195 (0.87) 0.269 (1.31) Trade_Cyclei,t* CFOAit 3.595 (1.12) 3.455 (1.41) Returnit 0.140 (8.25) 0.142 (8.49) Adj. R2 16.6% 16.2% N 5,764 5,766 53 Table 5 Panel B Continued Total compensation and value-relevance of change in performance measures Variable Earnings as the primary Cash flows as the primary performance measure performance measure Mean (FamaMean (FamaPredict Coefficient MacBeth Coefficient MacBeth t-statistic) t-statistic) Intercept 0.167 (1.55) 0.231 (1.20) ROAit 0.427 (0.90) 0.454 (1.22) CFOAit 0.184 (0.60) 0.307 (0.97) ve ROAit + 3.865 (1.97) 4.531 (1.95) vc CFOAit + 1.621 (1.77) 0.147 (0.09) ve -0.145 (-1.69) -0.084 (-1.14) vc -0.013 (-0.15) -0.106 (-0.94) IOSi,t* ROAit -0.009 (-0.01) 0.083 (0.08) Leveragei,t* ROAit 0.260 (0.98) 0.355 (1.14) EARN_Noisei,t* ROAit -1.442 (-1.14) -1.302 (-0.89) EARN_Persistencei,t* ROAit 0.610 (1.47) 0.677 (1.71) Trade_Cyclei,t* ROAit -0.004 (-2.02) -0.005 (-2.27) IOSi,t* CFOAit -0.897 (-0.89) -0.646 (-0.76) Leveragei,t* CFOAit 0.390 (1.08) 0.434 (1.25) CFO_Noisei,t* CFOAit -1.272 (-1.27) -1.131 (-1.17) CFO_Persistencei,t* CFOAit -0.788 (-1.81) -0.879 (-2.08) Trade_Cyclei,t* CFOAit 0.001 (0.48) 0.001 (0.33) Cashflow Shortfalli,t 0.294 (3.84) 0.309 (4.51) Net Operating Lossi,t -0.030 (-1.04) -0.030 (-1.05) Dividend ConstraintI,t -0.010 (-1.04) -0.004 (-0.34) Stock Returni,t-1 -0.002 (-0.05) -0.001 (-0.02) Stock Returni,t 0.110 (2.29) 0.117 (2.53) Included Included Mean Adj. R2 9.2% 9.2% N 5,054 5,064 Industry Dummies Variable definitions: EARN_Noisei,t is the time-series standard deviation of ROAit for each firm starting from 1980. CFO_Noisei, is the time-series standard deviation of CFOAit for each firm starting from 1980. 54 Table 6 Industry-specific estimation of value-relevance and pay-sensitivity for change in earnings and change in cash flows over 1993-1997 and 1998-2003 Panel A Industry-by-industry coefficient estimates from regressing market-adjusted return on change in earnings and change in cash flows in two subperiods 1993-1997 and 1998-2003 Ri ,t Ve EARN i ,t Ve EARN 2 i ,t Vc CFOi ,t Vc CFO2 i ,t i ,t Ve ΔVe Vc ΔVc Mean 0.544 -0.297 0.009 0.156 Median 0.365 -0.207 -0.029 0.148 Std Dev. 0.515 0.512 0.367 0.358 Z-stat 5.91 -2.83 0.33 2.71 (p-value) (<0.01) (<0.01) (0.76) (<0.01) Mean Adj. R2 32.1% N 29 Panel B Industry-by-industry coefficient estimates from regressing change in cash compensation on change in earnings and change in cash flows in two subperiods 1993-1997 and 1998-2003 log( CASHCOMPi ,t ) We EARN i ,t We EARN 2 i ,t Wc CFOi ,t Wc CFO2 i ,t Wr RETi ,t Wr RET 2 i ,t i ,t We ΔWe Wc ΔWc Wr ΔWr Mean 0.592 -0.349 -0.015 0.146 0.039 -0.039 Median 0.494 -0.231 -0.033 0.062 0.044 -0.036 Std Dev. 0.520 0.521 0.272 0.308 0.134 0.177 Z-stat 6.40 -3.88 0.17 2.30 1.89 -2.21 (p-value) (<0.01) (<0.01) (0.87) (0.02) (0.06) (0.03) Mean Adj. R2 16.7% N 29 55 Table 6 Continued Variable definitions: EARN i ,t EARN 2 i ,t 0 if t 1997 CFOi ,t CFO2 i ,t 0 RETi ,t RET 2 i ,t 0 if t 1997 otherwise otherwise if t 1997 otherwise where RET is cumulative return for firm i over the 12 month period of the fiscal year. We define industries at 2-digit SIC level. We require at least 20 observations for each industry-subperiod combination. Aggregate z-statistics are computed from t-statistics in the industry-subperiod regressions, assuming cross-sectional independence among industries: Z 1 N tj N j 1 kj (k j 2) where t j is the t-statistic for industry j, k j is the degree of freedom in regression for industry j, and N is the number of industries in the sample. The Z-statistic is distributed asymptotically as standard normal. Pvalue is based on two-tailed Z-statistics. 56