ohsrm PART B School of Molecular Bioscience. HAZARDOUS PROCEDURE: UV LIGHT SOURCES (TRANSILLUMINATOR, BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINET, LAMINAR FLOW HOOD, CROSSLINKER, & HAND HELD UV LAMP). Step 3. Assess the risk Ref. # 1 Description of the hazard or hazardous job Priority Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure to eyes can cause pain and inflammation after brief exposure, and blindness after long exposure. Identification Date 31/3/10 UV damage can occur after only a few seconds, but onset of symptoms may be delayed for several hours post-exposure. 4 2 UV light can cause burns to skin after only a few minutes exposure. 5 31/3/10 3 UV light can cause cancer after repeated exposure. 5 31/3/10 4 Heat generated by UV lamps can cause burns on contact 5 Heat generated by UV lamps can start fires. 31/3/10 5 5 31/3/10 What makes it hazardous? Consult with the workers to find out which factors are relevant: The nature of the hazard itself The individual(s) involved UV light is used to surface-sterilize workstations and equipment, to visualise nucleic acids, to ‘fix’ nucleic acids to nitrocellulose membranes, and to visualise fluorescing proteins in biological samples or systems. Failure to observe safety measures exposes the user, and potentially other work colleagues, to significant risk of physical injury. Requires specific training by authorised staff in the safe use of UV sources. Record the names of those consulted when assessing the risk Date Nick Coleman, Peter Kerr, Joe Dimauro, Jenny Phuyal, Zia Ahmad, Angela Nikolic, Robert Czolij. 31/03/2010 Step 4. Control the risk(s) Control the risks(s) by addressing the risk factors found in Step 3. Consider the hierarchy of hazard control and record what controls will be used in the short term and longer term. Who is responsible Describe the risk control(s) Due by date for implementation ALWAYS wear personal protective equipment (PPE), including: long sleeve lab Individual user and coat, nitrile gloves (overlapping sleeve), and UV-certified perspex face shield (for their supervisor 21/04/2010 ‘naked’ UV sources) Individual user and MINIMISE the time spent working with UV light sources to minimise exposure. their supervisor 21/04/2010 Individual user and NEVER use ‘naked’ UV transilluminators without a protective shield in place. their supervisor 21/04/2010 NEVER use enclosed UV transilluminator (eg BIORAD’s GelDoc or KODAK’s Individual user and GelLogic) or crosslinker equipment when the door safety interlock is not working their supervisor 21/04/2010 properly. NEVER attempt to override safety interlock. ALWAYS check that UV lights are OFF before opening Biological Safety Cabinets Individual user and and Laminar Flow hoods. their supervisor 21/04/2010 ALWAYS use hand held UV lamps in an enclosed area to prevent accidental Individual user and exposure to colleagues, ALWAYS direct the UV light away from your body. their supervisor 21/04/2010 Individual user and ALWAYS turn off the UV light source as soon as you have finished using it. their supervisor 21/04/2010 Do NOT touch recently used UV lamps in Biological Safety Cabinets, laminar flow Individual user and hoods, or in hand-held UV equipment. They become very hot during use and retain their supervisor 21/04/2010 the heat for a long period after the device has been switched off. KEEP hand-held UV lamp clear of combustible or flammable material, and allow to Individual user and 21/04/2010 cool BEFORE packing away. their supervisor SMB Safety POST warning signs next to UV sources to alert staff and students of hazard. Committee 21/04/2010 Supervisor of Proper training of staff and students is essential prior to using UV equipment. researcher / student 21/04/2010 SMB Safety Development and updating of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Committee 21/04/2010 Consult SOP before using UV light sources, and observe all risk control Individual user and recommendations. their supervisor. 21/04/2010 Record the names of those consulted when deciding on risk control measures Nick Coleman, Peter Kerr, Joe Dimauro, Jenny Phuyal, Zia Ahmad, Angela Nikolic, Robert Czolij. PART B completed by: Craig JACKSON Date: 31/032010 31/03/2010