2007 Club award nominations – From Bob Shoberg, President Bob Scott – handling the Flylines for two years Dave Kerbyson – Database and mailing Flylines Victor Inouye – flytying and seminars Bob Davis – Life membership Bob Meacham – life membership Jim Cramer – Editors Award Phillip Kim Keicki Aoyagi From Bob Scott - Some thoughts on awards.. Jim Cramer because ever month he gives me 4 or 5 columns. David Kerbyson because he always deals with my (non) schedule. He is always there to mail the Flylines no matter how late I am. Mike Lovejoy - always takes a nap - - not really something that makes him a strong contender for the Broken Paddle. He has the capability to get asleep quickly, day or night. I do have 'classic' photos of him napping on the Trinity River, on the beach at Pyramid Lake, perhaps a couple others. The day after Thanksgiving we were at the Fore bay, he goes in and naps while Val catches three stripers (one 4+ lb was the wake up call to Mike) and I caught one. Frankie's Awards (408) 377-6883 Bob Scott - In appreciation for all your effort and dedication as Flylines Editor Dave Kerbyson – In appreciation of all your work with the club database and Flylines. Bob Davis – Lifetime Membership Bob Meacham - Lifetime Membership Jim Cramer – Editor’s award. In recognition of you continued support of Flycasters through monthly Flylines articles and support with tying classes Victor Inouye – In recognition of your continuing support of Flycaster’s through seminars, fly-tying Phillip Kim - In recognition of the fantastic job done over the last two years handling the Flycaster’s Advertising and Raffles. Keichi Aoyagi – In recognition of the fantastic job done over the last two years handling Flycaster’s Advertising and Raffles Flycaster’s Camp Cook awards - . One group that has been ignored over the years are out Flycaster ‘Camp Cooks’ So, to recognize the efforts of a number of our members and their efforts to feed members on fishouts I’m initiating a new award, the ‘Camp Cook Award’ recognizing the various Flycasters "Camp Cooks" Rene Blanquies – Camp Cook Breakfast Award - goes to Rene for his "Saturday Morning Special Breakfast" consisting of hot, black coffee, burnt yet undercooked pancakes often served with frozen blueberries, and chared ham slices served during the Kings River Fishout. "Just the thing a sleepy fly fisherman wants when he crawls out of his sleeping bag on a cold damp March morning." Mike Lovejoy - Camp Cook, Holding a Table Award - for his almost super-human ability to hold an entire table for the Flycasters at the Trinity River Inn restaurant during the December fishout regardless of how many other people are waiting for tables. Matt Zawacki - Camp Cook, Most improved Appetizers" In 2006 at the San Luis Forebay fishout Matt served an extra large Bag of Rolled Gold Pretzels with something that the fishout attendees think remotely resembled an old cheese dip". In 2007 he pulled out all the stops, spared no expense and served the group a Cosco Extra large bag of potato chips with a large jar Salsa… I didn’t say that he provided gormet appetizers, just most improved… Jo Hood – Camp Cook, Picnic Specialist – Jo has been running the Flycaster’s annual picnic since before I joined the club. I have attended most of the picnics over the last 7-8 years and although the food has been great I have never seen Jo cook. She always brings food that she has purchased at Safeway, Nob Hill, etc. But I have never seen her cook. Jo delegates this activity to folks like Bob Davis, Keith Nelson, and others BUT for her excellent job delegating and directing I would like to award Jo with a Camp Cook, Picnic Specialist award. Bob Davis - Camp Cook of the Year - as the Flycaster’s Fishmaster Bob was very involved in most of the fishouts through the year. And at several of the 2007 fishouts due to no one stepping forward to run them, Bob took over and also did the bulk of the cooking. Bob is being recognized for his "Spaghetti with Ragu Sauce, Garlic Bread and Greens Salad: at the Eagle Lake Fishout. His ability to make a "killer dinner reservation" at the Golden Slipper Casino in Sparks during the Pyramid Lake Fishout. But mostly for his "Marinated Pork served with a Mixed Medley of Vegetables in a Wine Sauce and a Green Salad" at the Manzanita Lake Fishout. For his combined culinary delights, his ability to get everything needed stuffed into his Volvo Station Wagon and carry it to the sites and his ever friendly face encouraging members at Fishouts to "eat more, we got plenty", this coveted new award is presented to Bob Davis, Flycaster’s Camp cook of the year...." Get an old fly vest and combine (sew) it with an apron and fill some of the front pockets with salt, pepper, other spices, attach a couple of utensils (spatula, large spoon and tongs) and on a zinger attach a hand towel for him to wipe his hands while cooking. Maybe a wool drying patch with a few big flies would dress it up some along with a Flycasters patch. Bob Meacham, Official camp director and chief tester - And to a perennial fishout attendee who although he does not cook, willingly supervises, provides work direction, constructive criticism without ever lifting a finger, He also provides entertainment, harassment, friendly jibes and is one of our best eaters… Bob Meacham, Official camp director and chief tester.